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Author Topic: Re: AIAR-The Fraternal Order of the Silver Moon-Cold Season 1921-Event Phase  (Read 12387 times)

King Zultan

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Re: AIAR - The Fraternal Order of the Silver Moon - 1920 - Turn 1-ABC Phase
« Reply #30 on: August 16, 2019, 02:04:28 am »

I forgot about that, lets give them all farm carts.
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Re: AIAR - The Fraternal Order of the Silver Moon - 1920 - Turn 1-ABC Phase
« Reply #31 on: August 16, 2019, 04:07:00 pm »

 Howmany units of farm carts would you like each to have?

 As a note, a unit is not limited to eight pieces of equipment, each piece of equipment has eight levels of existing, discounting "nonexistant".
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King Zultan

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Re: AIAR - The Fraternal Order of the Silver Moon - 1920 - Turn 1-ABC Phase
« Reply #32 on: August 17, 2019, 03:15:38 am »

Lets give each army three farm carts.

Sense I can give more than eight things I think I should give the guys with the CSRG 1915 & 1917's a handgun.
FOotSM Army 1: 7 M1917, 1 CSRG 1915, 1 Rast & Gasser M1898
FOotSM Army 2: 3 P14, 4 Mannlicher M1893, 1 CSRG 1915, 1 Rast & Gasser M1898
FOotSM Army 3: 5 Mannlicher M1893, 2 Type 30 rifle, and 1 CSRG 1915, 1 Rast & Gasser M1898
FOotSM Army 5: 7 Type 30 rifle, 1 CSRG 1915, 1 Rast & Gasser M1898
FOotSM Army 6: 7 Mannlicher–Schönauer, 1 CSRG 1917, 1 Rast & Gasser M1898
FOotSM Army 7: 7 Mannlicher–Schönauer, 1 CSRG 1917, 1 Rast & Gasser M1898
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Re: AIAR - The Fraternal Order of the Silver Moon - 1920 - Turn 1-ABC Phase
« Reply #33 on: August 17, 2019, 11:56:49 am »

 So, fer total stuff:

FOotSM Army 1: 7 M1917, 1 CSRG 1915, 1 Rast & Gasser M1898
FOotSM Army 2: 3 P14, 4 Mannlicher M1893, 1 CSRG 1915, 1 Rast & Gasser M1898
FOotSM Army 3: 5 Mannlicher M1893, 2 Type 30 rifle, and 1 CSRG 1915, 1 Rast & Gasser M1898
FOotSM Army 5: 7 Type 30 rifle, 1 CSRG 1915, 1 Rast & Gasser M1898
FOotSM Army 6: 7 Mannlicher–Schönauer, 1 CSRG 1917, 1 Rast & Gasser M1898
FOotSM Army 7: 7 Mannlicher–Schönauer, 1 CSRG 1917, 1 Rast & Gasser M1898

7 M1917's and 1 CSRG 1915.
All armies have three wagons
Forts in: Neu Salsburg in the west around the workshop and more fortification at the port, and one at Pecs north where the third army is.
Slipways working on unarmed drifters, workshops on Rast&Gasser M1898s.
6 tokens for revise-revision
 CSRG 1917
 Schwarzlose machine gun
 M. 14 Feldhaubitze two-part
 SK L/35
 M15 Stielhandgranate

Am I missing anything?
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King Zultan

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Re: AIAR - The Fraternal Order of the Silver Moon - 1920 - Turn 1-ABC Phase
« Reply #34 on: August 18, 2019, 01:31:04 am »

Looks good for me, sorry if I'm holding things up.
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Quote from: Leodanny
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Re: AIAR - The Fraternal Order of the Silver Moon - 1920 - Turn 1-ABC Phase
« Reply #35 on: August 18, 2019, 01:06:56 pm »

 Slipway #2 is tooshort to construct drifters. Would you like to construct trawlers instead?

 Also, nah, you aint holding things up. Yet.
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Re: AIAR - The Fraternal Order of the Silver Moon - 1920 - Turn 1-ABC Phase
« Reply #36 on: August 18, 2019, 06:48:02 pm »

I'll throw my hat into the ring for this frat. Hopefully there's beer pong on weekends.

Anywho, I'm not *quite* sure if I understand equipment assignments. Does 1 "unit" of a weapon mean that it is equipped, as put in the Logistics spoiler in the core thread, on the divisional level? Meaning, there are very, very few in each army? Would it also follow that 8 "units" of a weapon in an army means it is standard issue? Then, to go one step further, would that mean that assigning only 7 "units" of a weapon means that the weapon is only available on the Fireteam Level? If that's the case, we may need to assign an extra unit of rifles so that it's available to every rifleman in each army.

Also, I would suggest we get serious about improving our logistical capabilities so that we can get our stocks of light and medium mgs out into the field without fear of going over our supply limit. Perhaps some sort of expedition into the old world for automobile parts/examples in order to get a head start in vehicles is in order? Otherwise, we could just pump out more carts so that we can make our armies a bit beefier.

Also, as a sidenote, might I suggest a reformatting of the Deployment and Knowledge spoiler to be a bit more readable? Such as this way:

I know it's much longer, but it's also much more easily readable, in my opinion at least. Entirely up to you



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Re: AIAR - The Fraternal Order of the Silver Moon - 1920 - Turn 1-ABC Phase
« Reply #37 on: August 18, 2019, 07:16:33 pm »

 One unit of equipment means it is added to one level, yes. So seven does indeed make it fireteam equipment. There is no penalty for not having an item issued to all troops, it simply means there is a x7 modifier to the item instead of a x8.

 I am indeed going to steal that deployment and knowledge setup.
Highly Opinionated Fool
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Re: AIAR - The Fraternal Order of the Silver Moon - 1921 - Turn 1- DR Phase
« Reply #38 on: August 18, 2019, 07:38:06 pm »

Summer, 1921, ABC Phase

 Work has begun to further the Order's goals. Fortification efforts have started and resources have been allocated towards improving our equipment. Army 4 has been selected for an expedition, with the former SMS Aspern detailed to support them.
 In Neu Salsburg, fortification efforts have resulted in what are described as level 2 fortifications, with a projected construction end early in winter.
 The port fortifications have been upset by issues, mostly at the planning stage. Scarcly more than improved field fortifications, the labor forces assigned have reported that any future work on them would "have bonus dice assigned".
 In Pecs, fortifications are expected to complete in early winter. Unfortunately, they are of the same level of quality as the fortifications in the capital, i.e. scarcely better than improved field works.
 A lack of wagons means that Army 7 only has wagons at a divisional level, not battalion.

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Spoiler: Logistics & Designs (click to show/hide)

« Last Edit: August 20, 2019, 07:50:21 pm by Aseaheru »
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Re: AIAR - The Fraternal Order of the Silver Moon - 1921 - Turn 1- DR Phase
« Reply #39 on: August 18, 2019, 08:30:04 pm »

Alrighty then. First and foremost, we need a rifle cartridge that isn't shitty blackpowder, and ideally a rifle that was designed after 1900. I think the Springfield M1917, and it's 30-06 cartridge, would suit our needs perfectly, at least for the time being. The 30-06 cartridge is a pretty solid cartridge, and we can use it in many future small arms designs, not just rifles. Also, a machinegun would do wonders, but the only real examples of machineguns we have are a little eh. How about we design our own, preferably also using 30-06?

I propose we:

-Reverse engineer the M1917 for our own production.
-Reverse engineer the 30-06 cartridge for our own production.
-Reverse engineer the 15 cm SK L/35 for our own naval production.
-Begin designing a medium machinegun, using the 30-06 cartridge.

Spoiler: Machinegun Proposal (click to show/hide)

Also, I'm putting these two flags up to vote on. I, of course, won't vote for my own flags so I'll wait for others to comment.

Spoiler: Flag 1 (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Flag 2 (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: August 19, 2019, 11:17:20 pm by coleslaw35 »

King Zultan

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Re: AIAR - The Fraternal Order of the Silver Moon - 1921 - Turn 1- DR Phase
« Reply #40 on: August 19, 2019, 04:13:46 am »

I was thinking of making some kind of body armour for our first design, but the machinegun sounds better especially sense the ones we have available right now kind of suck.

Also shouldn't we use the last token to reverse engineer the ammunition for the 15cm SK L/35.
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Re: AIAR - The Fraternal Order of the Silver Moon - 1921 - Turn 1- DR Phase
« Reply #41 on: August 19, 2019, 04:39:09 am »

I was thinking of making some kind of body armour for our first design, but the machinegun sounds better especially sense the ones we have available right now kind of suck.

Also shouldn't we use the last token to reverse engineer the ammunition for the 15cm SK L/35.

I don’t see why not. I think it’s simply a matter of whether we want to tie the horses to the cart or the cart to the horses, so to speak. If you’d rather do that first, I’d vote for it.

King Zultan

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Re: AIAR - The Fraternal Order of the Silver Moon - 1921 - Turn 1- DR Phase
« Reply #42 on: August 19, 2019, 04:48:24 am »

Lets go with the machinegun first sense you've already got the thing for it written down.

Also I don't know if our troops get helmets with their uniforms or not.
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Re: AIAR - The Fraternal Order of the Silver Moon - 1921 - Turn 1- DR Phase
« Reply #43 on: August 19, 2019, 10:33:51 am »

Lets go with the machinegun first sense you've already got the thing for it written down.

Also I don't know if our troops get helmets with their uniforms or not.

Ah, I thought you meant revising the ammunition in place of the 15 cm SK L/35.

And I don't think they do. Joy! We get to design a helmet after this! Might I suggest we design one with proper mounting for helmet webbing/camouflaging, when we get around to it?

At this point in time, I figure any body armor we design is going to be overall unimpactful on the battlefield compared to much else. During WW1, great powers experimented with heavy, steel vests to little success. They could stop very small calibers at longer ranges and sometimes helped against shrapnel, but that's about it. Still, this is just a forum game, and maybe our scenario is one in which it *would* be useful, but I'd think we'd need some kind of relic or ritual to make GOOD body armor. Helmets should do for now, at the very least.


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Re: AIAR - The Fraternal Order of the Silver Moon - 1921 - Turn 1- DR Phase
« Reply #44 on: August 19, 2019, 03:12:16 pm »

 Uniform consists of civilian clothes with an armband.
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