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Author Topic: Refit and Repair, Nemorland, Spring, 1890, Production & Deployment Phase.  (Read 22055 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Refit and Repair, Nemorland, Summer, 1890, Design Phase.
« Reply #150 on: September 14, 2019, 02:13:49 pm »

Allrighty, time to post my Big Bumper Fun List Of Designs, Revisions, Purchases, and Crying.


Quote from: Observation Balloon
A small, one main balloon, with the man being in a harness affixed to the lifting ring. Purpose is for light observation, the "pilot" being equipped with binoculars, drawing tablet, and signal flags, along with a number of descender cylinders to pass down messages.
 The balloon, built of waxed silk, is filled with hydrogen gas, and is intended to allow accents to heights of some 5000 ft above sea level. This will allow for a theoretical observational range of some 86.6 Miles. In practical use, it is intended for accents of a maximum of 1000 ft, the length of the cable between it and the ground station. This still allows for observing targets at some 37 miles distant.

Quote from: Observation Ship
The Observation Balloon writ large, the Observation Ship has a crew of three in a similar setup to the observation balloon, including hight of accents, equipment, and all.

Quote from: Observation Kite Balloon
It has been noted that passing air over suitably shaped objects creates lift. To this end, a two man balloon, designed to be towed at 10-20 knots from a suitably equipped vessel, has been developed. Equipment is the same as with the basic observation balloon.

Quote from: Powered Balloon
A significantly larger craft than thusfar attempted, this semi-rigid design(having a central keel to which the envelope, containing some five baloonlets, is attached). A crew of no less than two are required to maintain the two flat twin four-stroke engines equipped with rotary valves and a float-fed carburetor(of the same type as Edward Butler has used on their Butler Petrol Cycle but producing atleast 5hp each powering the vessel, trimming the craft, and all else. With a disposable payload(not counting the emergency fuel stowage(sufficient for two hours of operation at full power)) of some one ton, the craft is intended for long range* independent** scouting on the battlefield or at sea***
 *estimated speed of 80 mph puts, with a fuel load for four hours(not counting emergency stocks), range at some 320 miles
 **Support elements required for recovery
 ***Do not operate at sea except in calm weather. Do not operate in rough weather. Do not operate in weather. Do not operate under fire. Do not operate over fire. Just... Only operate in perfect conditions.

Quote from: Hans & McCreed 1.5"/30-3 QF
Based upon(But not copied, we have documents to prove it and it doesn't matter anyways since Hotchkiss is not producing anything in our lands and thus cannot hold any patents on said things) the ubiquitous Hotchkiss revolving cannon, this weapon is a rotary cannon firing common shells developed for shipboard use. Differing from most other systems, the weapon is powered not by a hand crank but by an electric motor rigged to provide a rate of fire of some 150 rounds per minute.
 Feed is via en-block clips of 10 rounds, fed into a hopper.
 Mountings are available in the form of pedestal mounts or on a box-trail field mount featuring a gun shield.

Quote from: Hans & McCreed Maxim-Nordenfelt 1.5" RF
The Maxim machinegun has been taking the world by storm, as has its larger cousin the Maxim-Nordenfelt. So when local armaments firm Hans&McCreed had the chance to become sole licensed importer of the Maxim-Nordenfelt they lept at it, clearly expecting it to become a household good. Which, given the weapon is over 400 pounds and 6ft in length without mount or ammunition, was a somewhat strange notion on their part...
 Some changes have been made, such as moving to the rimless 1.5x3.75" shell, but otherwise, it is a direct, licensed(!) Maxim-Nordenfelt.
 Available mountings are a pedestal with a gun shield.

Quote from: Hans & McCreed Eggbert-McCreed 1.5"/30-2 ERF
Based on a system inspired by our 6"/45 QF guns by one Edward J. Eggbert, the "extreme rapid fire" Eggbert/McCreed is a twin-barreled weapon fed from two belts of common shells. On firing of one gun, the recoiling of the barrel causes the action of the second barrel to be worked, loading it. When the first barrel returns to battery, the second barrel fires, working the breach of the first barrel.
 Being a new concept, rate of fire is largely theoretical, but according to McCreed the issue is not the weapon firing too slowly, but instead it firing too quickly. That said, a rate of fire of some 1500 rounds per minute.
 To feed this rate of fire, the belts feeding the weapon hold some 100 rounds of common shells, are made of metal, and are able to be linked together on the fly.
 Mounting is via pedestal mount with gun shield.

Quote from: 3.5"/40 QF gun
A scaled down version of our 6"/45 weighing in at about 1500lb and able to throw its shells(of the same types as our 6"/45) some 12000 yards, sighted in the same manner, and available in the same sort of shipboard turret or on a box-trail field mount featuring a gun shield.

 -Something something 12" guns of same mass as current 10"(hurrah for metallurgy improvements)


Quote from: GLCS Mk1
The Gun Laying Control System is a series of improvements to our weapons for firing in local control. Many of these are based on two systems: Gyroscopic angle measures for both pitch and roll, and an Electronic Firing System. Used in combination, the gunner lays on their weapon on target and chooses the pitch and roll angles(or ranges) to fire on/within. When they then depress the firing plunger, the system delays actual firing until pitch and roll are at marked locations(or within selected tolerances). In this manner, accurately firing weapons will be greatly eased in even moderate seas.

Quote from: RF&FC Mk1
The Range Finding& Fire Control system is properly a trio of systems, designed to be mounted in a gyro-stabilized mount on a ships mast. The first system is the Stereoscopic rangefinder, measuring some 6ft across and allowing the fire control officer to accurately lay on a target. The second system is contained within the mount; as the rangefinder ranges on and tracks a target, the measure of both range and angle are displaded, whereupon the rate of change may be calculated, noted, and then relayed for use by the third system. This system, extending far beyond the tops, reaches each mount selected by the system, repeating the range and angle for use by gun captains.

Quote from: RF&FC Mk2
The Mk2 version of the Range Finding & Fire Control system has one major change: Instead of the fire control officer having to calculate rate of change for angle and range, a mechanical computer does this automatically. Further, this information is then converted for the guns selected, showing the angle of fire required before repeating the information to the ships turrets.

 -Something something superfiring guns

 -Purchase GP90 and Schmidt–Rubin 1889 from the Swiss
 -Purchase the Madsen M1888 Forsøgsrekylgevær from the Danes
 -Purchase Maxims from Maxim
 -Purchase Maxim-Nordenfelts from Maxim-Nordenfelt
« Last Edit: September 14, 2019, 02:16:58 pm by Aseaheru »
Highly Opinionated Fool
Warning, nearly incapable of expressing tone in text


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Re: Refit and Repair, Nemorland, Summer, 1890, Design Phase.
« Reply #151 on: September 14, 2019, 02:18:03 pm »

Deep Seas Services

Nothing more than a Spy Network meant to gather information, they ply their trade as a merchant company as their cover. Making Coin, and getting an in on Southweg's production and actions at home. In this manner, we can slowly infiltrate them, and learn of what projects they are working on ahead of time.

To this manner, they will need to disguise themselves as being from another nation, but some paperwork should serve there. Trade is ever prosperous, and once they have the basics set up, they should be able to get an in.

By that same manner however, is the other half. Pirates who will plunder the trade of other merchants seeking the same. In this manner, we simply need to contract out to those looking to make a quicker coin than what is normal, privateers who can use the info we gather to strike at those bringing in needed metals and other supplies, which can then be traded back to further boost Deep Seas Services' reputation.

Gain insight on what they've been doing and made during their phase on the next phase. Design Phase, we learn on the Revision Phase. Revision Phase action, we learn on the Production & Deployment Phase. Production and deployment, we learn on the next Design Phase.
Success may vary, mind you. It also only let's us see things from the civilian point of view, and the trade list of what they need to gain insight.

The other half is the potential to gain influence in Southweg, eventually allowing us to mess with them later on. And being able to undermine them with the pirates(privateers) taking needed stuff from their merchant ships. We can slip them a few Naval techs to help out, outdated stuff.


Anyway, spies. Merchant Spies. And hiring Privateers to make use of that info to steal stuff from incoming merchants to Southweg, which we can then take some of, letting the Privateers keep the rest since they earned it, and sell to them through Deep Seas Services.
« Last Edit: September 14, 2019, 02:24:59 pm by TricMagic »


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Re: Refit and Repair, Nemorland, Summer, 1890, Design Phase.
« Reply #152 on: September 14, 2019, 03:23:22 pm »

Revisions to things that are somewhat broken:

Quote from: NNASNE Fixes
Entrance, Exit, and Examination Alteration
In order to help the poor and also sift through our citizenry for more intelligent people, the School of Nautical Engineering's entrance exam is altered to be about being capable of applying known ideas, while a bracket system based on wealth is instituted. The poor can attend the school for free, but the wealthier classes must be capable of passing the exams AND paying for their education. This reduces the cost burden while also letting more of the poor into the school, as the majority of the scholarship money is available for those who could otherwise never have a shot at this.

The alteration to the exam is based on experience. The academy has been running for some time now, and so an analysis can be conducted of the sorts of things poor citizens can be expected to know, and the sorts of things they could conceivably be taught in a short amount of time. Thus, prospective students can be taught some important concepts, then examined over those concepts as well as what they should already know, before being sorted into appropriate programs.

Namely, those programs are the standard NNASNE program and the "washout" program. As noticed, lots of students fail the rigorous classes and expectations of our academy, but are perfectly fine themselves. Thus, a more standardized program more efficiently funnels these students into other training programs for lower-level engineering positions across the Navy and design department, meaning that none of our money spent on these perfectly adequate students is wasted. Students who can't quite make the entrance exam, especially because of their background education or lack thereof, can thus be smoothly funneled into other training programs to make use of their intelligence.

Intensive Nautical Training School Reformat
First off, only essential personnel are to be within the 500-meter exclusion zone of the damage-control drydocks. Any politicians, ships' cooks (who are for some incomprehensibly, unfathomably idiotic reason NOT part of the damage control or medical teams during battle), or other ne'er-do-wells found within that zone will be shot, imprisoned, and sent to the Marines' Front. With only essential personnel onboard, 90% of the problems are removed. If the ship is undergoing gunnery practice, well, any other crew can be doing whatever down in the ship. They're already getting trained anyway. While the lower levels of the ship are repaired and emptied of water and thus damage control crews can't do much more than practice clearing a jammed rudder, gunnery crews and everybody else take their turn. At all other times (except during nighttime gunnery practice), the damage control teams practice around the clock to become the best they can be.

Removing the present completely useless armor plating from the monitors and using it for scrap iron since it literally can't be actual steel of any description that can be considered "armor", actual steel plates are fitted with are MORE than capable of resisting impacts from detonator-less cap-less light naval gunfire.

Our political ally the ex-admiral has been placed in charge of this program since he's got the political pull to make it happen in our wonderfully corrupt government, and also because he's an old navy type and knows how to run a proper ship.

6"/45 QF M1890b
An analysis of ejected versus failed-to-eject shells has allowed us to lightly redesign the breech and shells to ensure that jamming almost never happens, while also adding features to the casing that allow for much easier removal of any jammed shells. This is obviously not a very time-intensive process so the optical aids are improved so that the gunner can much more easily acquire an independent range and lead solution for accurate fire.

4"/45 QF M1890
Based on the very successful pattern of the 6"/45 QF M1890, the 4"/45 is basically the same gun reduced by two thirds. It is intended to replace present 4" guns on the Spear while also providing a carriage-based heavy weapon with a heavy-duty gun shield for Marine units deployed against fortified positions, and anything else that is big enough to irritates them but hasn't yet been demolished by naval fire support.

Republican Rotary Works Turbine Mark 1
The TTWAWO project was the naval design division's crash program to produce a powerplant that would allow the Nemorlandian navy to leap ahead to a world power. Our dockyards still restrict us, but our advanced technology will aid us in our quest to be a superpower. Indeed, the project went so fast that the only thing that took less time was deciding on the name, mostly because we didn't decide on the name, we rather foolishly told an intern to give it a grand and worthy name. We, as the design division, don't really have the resources to mass-produce turbine engines, not being a heavy-machinery company.

We're not alone, however. Aiding our navy is our nation's fine assembly of civilian construction firms capable of producing naval equipment. One of them, RRW, is a noted producer of propellers and engines for civilian shipping, and has in the past been contracted for some naval work. We've reached out to them to have the TTWAWO program produced for both civilian vessels and naval vessels, at much reduced costs and far more efficiently than we can produce it ourselves. In addition, RRW have managed to reduce the prices through both reengineering some unnecessarily expensive parts we didn't notice, and also by contract. They give us a discount on engines because of the money they're making selling much more efficient turbine powerplants to our many civilian shipping lines.

All five of these, plus something else if we want it.

9"/45 M1890 'Gungnir'
The Niflung's dated 9" guns need an upgrade before we go to war, and so this project adds the 6"/45's upgrades, yet again, to those 9" guns as much as possible. These guns are a 50% increase in size over the 6"/45 guns and so some more work is expected to be necessary to apply most of the upgrades to them. We expect to end up with quite a powerful and a much faster-firing gun when we finish, though, well worth the effort invested. We do of course apply the results to our Niflungs if the project is successful, as well as fixing the issue with shell ejection as per the 6" /45 upgrade also planned.

Though purchasing a small anti-torpedo-boat gun would be more advisable, in case our enemy has decided to play some dirty Jeune Ecole style tricks on us with MTBs.
« Last Edit: September 19, 2019, 08:07:24 pm by Madman198237 »
We shall make the highest quality of quality quantities of soldiers with quantities of quality.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Refit and Repair, Nemorland, Summer, 1890, Design Phase.
« Reply #153 on: September 15, 2019, 04:14:14 pm »

After some conflab, here is our latest version of the flag, courtesy of Vostok for the initial design.

Spoiler: Naval Jack (click to show/hide)

Quote from: Flag vote
(1) Vostok Star : Kashyyk


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Refit and Repair, Nemorland, Summer, 1890, Design Phase.
« Reply #154 on: September 15, 2019, 04:20:35 pm »

Yup, let's finish this vote finally.

Quote from: Flag vote
(2) Vostok Star : Kashyyk, Jilladilla

Glory to United Forenia!

If you see a 'Nemonole' on the internet elsewhere, it's probably me


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Refit and Repair, Nemorland, Summer, 1890, Design Phase.
« Reply #155 on: September 15, 2019, 04:25:39 pm »

Quote from: Flag vote
(2) Vostok Star and Naval Jack: Kashyyk, Jilladilla, Madman

Pardon my assumption that we all want to formally use the naval jack.
We shall make the highest quality of quality quantities of soldiers with quantities of quality.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Refit and Repair, Nemorland, Summer, 1890, Design Phase.
« Reply #156 on: September 15, 2019, 04:42:41 pm »

Quote from: Flag vote
(4) Vostok Star and Naval Jack: Kashyyk, Jilladilla, Madman, AseaHeru

Quote from: Production Block
Ships (4 Dice Each)

Projects (3 Dice Each)
Observation Balloon | () |
Observation Ship | () |
Observation Kite Balloon | () |
Powered Balloon | () |
Hans & McCreed Eggbert-McCreed 1.5"/30/2 ERF | () |
GLCS Mk1 Gunlaying System | (1) | AseaHeru
RF&FC Mk1 Gun Fire Control System | () |
Deep Seas Services | () |

Revisions/Purchases (1 Die Each)
Hans& McCreed 1.8" QF(Hotchkiss revolving cannon import) | () |
Hans&McCreed Maxim-Nordenfelt 1.5" RF(Maxim-Nordenfelt Import+Rechamber) | () |
3.5"/40 QF Gun | () |
Schmidt-Rubin 1889 with GP90 (Infantry rifle with modern ammunition) | () |
Madsen M1888 Forsøgsrekylgevær (Semi-auto rifle/protoLMG) | () |
Maxim Machinegun | () |
NNASNE Fixes | (1) | AseaHeru
INTS Reformating | (1) | AseaHeru
6"/45 QF M1890b | () |
4"/45 QF M1890 | () |
Republican Rotary Works Turbine Mk1 | (1) | AseaHeru
9"/45 M1890 'Gungnir' | () |

Code: (Number Vote) [Select]
One Ship, Two Revisions/Purchases      | (0) |
One Ship, One Revisions/Purchases      | (0) |
One Ship, No Revisions/Purchases       | (0) |
Two Projects                           | (0) |
One Project, Three Revisions/Purchases | (1) | AseaHeru
One Project, Two Revisions/Purchases   | (0) |
One Project, One Revisions/Purchases   | (0) |
One Project, No Revisions/Purchases    | (0) |
Six Revisions/Purchases                | (0) |
Five Revisions/Purchases               | (0) |
Four Revisions/Purchases               | (0) |
Three Revisions/Purchases              | (0) |
Two Revisions/Purchases                | (0) |
One Revisions/Purchases                | (0) |
No Actions This Turn                   | (0) |
« Last Edit: September 15, 2019, 06:38:15 pm by Aseaheru »
Highly Opinionated Fool
Warning, nearly incapable of expressing tone in text


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Refit and Repair, Nemorland, Summer, 1890, Design Phase.
« Reply #157 on: September 15, 2019, 07:00:41 pm »

Quote from: Production Block
Ships (4 Dice Each)

Projects (3 Dice Each)
Observation Balloon | () |
Observation Ship | () |
Observation Kite Balloon | () |
Powered Balloon | () |
Hans & McCreed Eggbert-McCreed 1.5"/30/2 ERF | () |
GLCS Mk1 Gunlaying System | (1) | AseaHeru
RF&FC Mk1 Gun Fire Control System | () |
Deep Seas Services | () |

Revisions/Purchases (1 Die Each)
Hans& McCreed 1.8" QF(Hotchkiss revolving cannon import) | () |
Hans&McCreed Maxim-Nordenfelt 1.5" RF(Maxim-Nordenfelt Import+Rechamber) | () |
3.5"/40 QF Gun | () |
Schmidt-Rubin 1889 with GP90 (Infantry rifle with modern ammunition) | () |
Madsen M1888 Forsøgsrekylgevær (Semi-auto rifle/protoLMG) | () |
Maxim Machinegun | () |
NNASNE Fixes | (2) | AseaHeru, Madman
INTS Reformating | (2) | AseaHeru, Madman
6"/45 QF M1890b | (1) | Madman
4"/45 QF M1890 | (1) | Madman
Republican Rotary Works Turbine Mk1 | (2) | AseaHeru, Madman
9"/45 M1890 'Gungnir' | (1) | Madman

Code: (Number Vote) [Select]
One Ship, Two Revisions/Purchases      | (0) |
One Ship, One Revisions/Purchases      | (0) |
One Ship, No Revisions/Purchases       | (0) |
Two Projects                           | (0) |
One Project, Three Revisions/Purchases | (1) | AseaHeru
One Project, Two Revisions/Purchases   | (0) |
One Project, One Revisions/Purchases   | (0) |
One Project, No Revisions/Purchases    | (0) |
Six Revisions/Purchases                | (1) | Madman
Five Revisions/Purchases               | (0) |
Four Revisions/Purchases               | (0) |
Three Revisions/Purchases              | (0) |
Two Revisions/Purchases                | (0) |
One Revisions/Purchases                | (0) |
No Actions This Turn                   | (0) |
We shall make the highest quality of quality quantities of soldiers with quantities of quality.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Refit and Repair, Nemorland, Summer, 1890, Design Phase.
« Reply #158 on: September 16, 2019, 07:21:08 am »

Quote from: Production Block
Ships (4 Dice Each)

Projects (3 Dice Each)
Observation Balloon | () |
Observation Ship | () |
Observation Kite Balloon | () |
Powered Balloon | () |
Hans & McCreed Eggbert-McCreed 1.5"/30/2 ERF | () |
GLCS Mk1 Gunlaying System | (1) | AseaHeru
RF&FC Mk1 Gun Fire Control System | () |
Deep Seas Services | (1) | TricMagic

Revisions/Purchases (1 Die Each)
Hans& McCreed 1.8" QF(Hotchkiss revolving cannon import) | () |
Hans&McCreed Maxim-Nordenfelt 1.5" RF(Maxim-Nordenfelt Import+Rechamber) | () |
3.5"/40 QF Gun | () |
Schmidt-Rubin 1889 with GP90 (Infantry rifle with modern ammunition) | () |
Madsen M1888 Forsøgsrekylgevær (Semi-auto rifle/protoLMG) | () |
Maxim Machinegun | () |
NNASNE Fixes | (2) | AseaHeru, Madman
INTS Reformating | (2) | AseaHeru, Madman
6"/45 QF M1890b | (1) | Madman
4"/45 QF M1890 | (1) | Madman
Republican Rotary Works Turbine Mk1 | (2) | AseaHeru, Madman
9"/45 M1890 'Gungnir' | (1) | Madman

Code: (Number Vote) [Select]
One Ship, Two Revisions/Purchases      | (0) |
One Ship, One Revisions/Purchases      | (0) |
One Ship, No Revisions/Purchases       | (0) |
Two Projects                           | (0) |
One Project, Three Revisions/Purchases | (2) | AseaHeru, TricMagic
One Project, Two Revisions/Purchases   | (1) | TricMagic
One Project, One Revisions/Purchases   | (1) | TricMagic
One Project, No Revisions/Purchases    | (1) | TricMagic
Six Revisions/Purchases                | (1) | Madman
Five Revisions/Purchases               | (0) |
Four Revisions/Purchases               | (0) |
Three Revisions/Purchases              | (0) |
Two Revisions/Purchases                | (0) |
One Revisions/Purchases                | (0) |
No Actions This Turn                   | (0) |

I have little clue what goes on in the bottom half of the box.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Refit and Repair, Nemorland, Summer, 1890, Design Phase.
« Reply #159 on: September 16, 2019, 07:39:31 am »

@Tric: The second section of the vote block is so we can agree on what types of actions to perform this turn. So, if you're happy with doing a single project and then an indeterminate number of revisions, then you're votes there are fine imo.

Anyway, whislt there are some decent design proposals there, (I actually quite like the Deep Sea Services idea, assuming PJ is happy for us to do that)  I think we should fix and modernise the stuff we've already got first.

Quote from: Production Block
Ships (4 Dice Each)

Projects (3 Dice Each)
Observation Balloon | () |
Observation Ship | () |
Observation Kite Balloon | () |
Powered Balloon | () |
Hans & McCreed Eggbert-McCreed 1.5"/30/2 ERF | () |
GLCS Mk1 Gunlaying System | (1) | AseaHeru
RF&FC Mk1 Gun Fire Control System | () |
Deep Seas Services | (1) | TricMagic

Revisions/Purchases (1 Die Each)
Hans& McCreed 1.8" QF(Hotchkiss revolving cannon import) | (1) | Kashyyk
Hans&McCreed Maxim-Nordenfelt 1.5" RF(Maxim-Nordenfelt Import+Rechamber) | () |
3.5"/40 QF Gun | () |
Schmidt-Rubin 1889 with GP90 (Infantry rifle with modern ammunition) | () |
Madsen M1888 Forsøgsrekylgevær (Semi-auto rifle/protoLMG) | () |
Maxim Machinegun | () |
NNASNE Fixes | (2) | AseaHeru, Madman
INTS Reformating | (3) | AseaHeru, Madman, Kashyyk
6"/45 QF M1890b | (2) | Madman, Kashyyk
4"/45 QF M1890 | (2) | Madman, Kashyyk
Republican Rotary Works Turbine Mk1 | (3) | AseaHeru, Madman, Kashyyk
9"/45 M1890 'Gungnir' | (2) | Madman, Kashyyk

Code: (Number Vote) [Select]
One Ship, Two Revisions/Purchases      | (0) |
One Ship, One Revisions/Purchases      | (0) |
One Ship, No Revisions/Purchases       | (0) |
Two Projects                           | (0) |
One Project, Three Revisions/Purchases | (2) | AseaHeru, TricMagic
One Project, Two Revisions/Purchases   | (1) | TricMagic
One Project, One Revisions/Purchases   | (1) | TricMagic
One Project, No Revisions/Purchases    | (1) | TricMagic
Six Revisions/Purchases                | (2) | Madman, Kashyyk
Five Revisions/Purchases               | (0) |
Four Revisions/Purchases               | (0) |
Three Revisions/Purchases              | (0) |
Two Revisions/Purchases                | (0) |
One Revisions/Purchases                | (0) |
No Actions This Turn                   | (0) |


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Refit and Repair, Nemorland, Summer, 1890, Design Phase.
« Reply #160 on: September 16, 2019, 12:05:33 pm »

Quote from: Production Block
Ships (4 Dice Each)

Projects (3 Dice Each)
Observation Balloon | () |
Observation Ship | () |
Observation Kite Balloon | () |
Powered Balloon | () |
Hans & McCreed Eggbert-McCreed 1.5"/30/2 ERF | () |
GLCS Mk1 Gunlaying System | (2) | AseaHeru, Vostok
RF&FC Mk1 Gun Fire Control System | () |
Deep Seas Services | (1) | TricMagic

Revisions/Purchases (1 Die Each)
Hans& McCreed 1.8" QF(Hotchkiss revolving cannon import) | (1) | Kashyyk
Hans&McCreed Maxim-Nordenfelt 1.5" RF(Maxim-Nordenfelt Import+Rechamber) | () |
3.5"/40 QF Gun | () |
Schmidt-Rubin 1889 with GP90 (Infantry rifle with modern ammunition) | () |
Madsen M1888 Forsøgsrekylgevær (Semi-auto rifle/protoLMG) | () |
Maxim Machinegun | () |
NNASNE Fixes | (2) | AseaHeru, Madman
INTS Reformating | (3) | AseaHeru, Madman, Kashyyk
6"/45 QF M1890b | (3) | Madman, Kashyyk, Vostok
4"/45 QF M1890 | (2) | Madman, Kashyyk
Republican Rotary Works Turbine Mk1 | (4) | AseaHeru, Madman, Kashyyk, Vostok
9"/45 M1890 'Gungnir' | (3) | Madman, Kashyyk, Vostok

Code: (Number Vote) [Select]
One Ship, Two Revisions/Purchases      | (0) |
One Ship, One Revisions/Purchases      | (0) |
One Ship, No Revisions/Purchases       | (0) |
Two Projects                           | (0) |
One Project, Three Revisions/Purchases | (3) | AseaHeru, TricMagic, Vostok
One Project, Two Revisions/Purchases   | (1) | TricMagic
One Project, One Revisions/Purchases   | (1) | TricMagic
One Project, No Revisions/Purchases    | (1) | TricMagic
Six Revisions/Purchases                | (2) | Madman, Kashyyk
Five Revisions/Purchases               | (0) |
Four Revisions/Purchases               | (0) |
Three Revisions/Purchases              | (0) |
Two Revisions/Purchases                | (0) |
One Revisions/Purchases                | (0) |
No Actions This Turn                   | (0) |


  • Bay Watcher
  • Most Sleep Deprived
    • View Profile
Re: Refit and Repair, Nemorland, Summer, 1890, Design Phase.
« Reply #161 on: September 16, 2019, 12:32:27 pm »

Personally? I'm still leaning towards 5 revisions, banking a die. But alas, no one else seems to share the same sentiment.

Quote from: Production Block
Ships (4 Dice Each)

Projects (3 Dice Each)
Observation Balloon | () |
Observation Ship | () |
Observation Kite Balloon | () |
Powered Balloon | () |
Hans & McCreed Eggbert-McCreed 1.5"/30/2 ERF | () |
GLCS Mk1 Gunlaying System | (2) | AseaHeru, Vostok
RF&FC Mk1 Gun Fire Control System | () |
Deep Seas Services | (1) | TricMagic

Revisions/Purchases (1 Die Each)
Hans& McCreed 1.8" QF(Hotchkiss revolving cannon import) | (1) | Kashyyk
Hans&McCreed Maxim-Nordenfelt 1.5" RF(Maxim-Nordenfelt Import+Rechamber) | () |
3.5"/40 QF Gun | () |
Schmidt-Rubin 1889 with GP90 (Infantry rifle with modern ammunition) | () |
Madsen M1888 Forsøgsrekylgevær (Semi-auto rifle/protoLMG) | () |
Maxim Machinegun | () |
NNASNE Fixes | (2) | AseaHeru, Madman
INTS Reformating | (4) | AseaHeru, Madman, Kashyyk, Jilladilla
6"/45 QF M1890b | (4) | Madman, Kashyyk, Vostok, Jilladilla
4"/45 QF M1890 | (3) | Madman, Kashyyk, Jilladilla
Republican Rotary Works Turbine Mk1 | (5) | AseaHeru, Madman, Kashyyk, Vostok, Jilladilla
9"/45 M1890 'Gungnir' | (4) | Madman, Kashyyk, Vostok, Jilladilla

Code: (Number Vote) [Select]
One Ship, Two Revisions/Purchases      | (0) |
One Ship, One Revisions/Purchases      | (0) |
One Ship, No Revisions/Purchases       | (0) |
Two Projects                           | (0) |
One Project, Three Revisions/Purchases | (3) | AseaHeru, TricMagic, Vostok
One Project, Two Revisions/Purchases   | (1) | TricMagic
One Project, One Revisions/Purchases   | (1) | TricMagic
One Project, No Revisions/Purchases    | (1) | TricMagic
Six Revisions/Purchases                | (3) | Madman, Kashyyk, Jilladilla
Five Revisions/Purchases               | (0) |
Four Revisions/Purchases               | (0) |
Three Revisions/Purchases              | (0) |
Two Revisions/Purchases                | (0) |
One Revisions/Purchases                | (0) |
No Actions This Turn                   | (0) |

Glory to United Forenia!

If you see a 'Nemonole' on the internet elsewhere, it's probably me


  • Bay Watcher
    • View Profile
Re: Refit and Repair, Nemorland, Summer, 1890, Design Phase.
« Reply #162 on: September 20, 2019, 04:40:51 pm »

Quote from: Production Block
Ships (4 Dice Each)

Projects (3 Dice Each)
GLCS Mk1 Gunlaying System | (1) | AseaHeru
Deep Seas Services | (1) | TricMagic

Revisions/Purchases (1 Die Each)
Hans& McCreed 1.8" QF(Hotchkiss revolving cannon import) | (2) | Kashyyk, Vostok
NNASNE Fixes | (2) | AseaHeru, Madman
INTS Reformating | (4) | AseaHeru, Madman, Kashyyk, Jilladilla
6"/45 QF M1890b | (4) | Madman, Kashyyk, Vostok, Jilladilla
4"/45 QF M1890 | (4) | Madman, Kashyyk, Jilladilla, Vostok
Republican Rotary Works Turbine Mk1 | (5) | AseaHeru, Madman, Kashyyk, Vostok, Jilladilla
9"/45 M1890 'Gungnir' | (4) | Madman, Kashyyk, Vostok, Jilladilla

Code: (Number Vote) [Select]
One Ship, Two Revisions/Purchases      | (0) |
One Ship, One Revisions/Purchases      | (0) |
One Ship, No Revisions/Purchases       | (0) |
Two Projects                           | (0) |
One Project, Three Revisions/Purchases | (2) | AseaHeru, TricMagic
One Project, Two Revisions/Purchases   | (1) | TricMagic
One Project, One Revisions/Purchases   | (1) | TricMagic
One Project, No Revisions/Purchases    | (1) | TricMagic
Six Revisions/Purchases                | (4) | Madman, Kashyyk, Jilladilla,
Five Revisions/Purchases               | (0) |
Four Revisions/Purchases               | (0) |
Three Revisions/Purchases              | (0) |
Two Revisions/Purchases                | (0) |
One Revisions/Purchases                | (0) |
No Actions This Turn                   | (0) |


  • Bay Watcher
  • Cursed by the Elves with a title.
    • View Profile
Re: Refit and Repair, Nemorland, Summer, 1890, Design Phase.
« Reply #163 on: September 20, 2019, 04:52:19 pm »

No. You do not get to remove all my work. Also, you screwed up even then.
And you created another tie. Good job.

Quote from: Production Block
Ships (4 Dice Each)

Projects (3 Dice Each)
Observation Balloon | () |
Observation Ship | () |
Observation Kite Balloon | () |
Powered Balloon | () |
Hans & McCreed Eggbert-McCreed 1.5"/30/2 ERF | () |
GLCS Mk1 Gunlaying System | (1) | AseaHeru
RF&FC Mk1 Gun Fire Control System | () |
Deep Seas Services | (1) | TricMagic

Revisions/Purchases (1 Die Each)
Hans& McCreed 1.8" QF(Hotchkiss revolving cannon import) | (2) | Kashyyk, Vostok
Hans&McCreed Maxim-Nordenfelt 1.5" RF(Maxim-Nordenfelt Import+Rechamber) | () |
3.5"/40 QF Gun | () |
Schmidt-Rubin 1889 with GP90 (Infantry rifle with modern ammunition) | () |
Madsen M1888 Forsøgsrekylgevær (Semi-auto rifle/protoLMG) | () |
Maxim Machinegun | () |
NNASNE Fixes | (2) | AseaHeru, Madman
INTS Reformating | (4) | AseaHeru, Madman, Kashyyk, Jilladilla
6"/45 QF M1890b | (4) | Madman, Kashyyk, Vostok, Jilladilla
4"/45 QF M1890 | (4) | Madman, Kashyyk, Jilladilla, Vostok
Republican Rotary Works Turbine Mk1 | (5) | AseaHeru, Madman, Kashyyk, Vostok, Jilladilla
9"/45 M1890 'Gungnir' | (4) | Madman, Kashyyk, Vostok, Jilladilla

Code: (Number Vote) [Select]
One Ship, Two Revisions/Purchases      | (0) |
One Ship, One Revisions/Purchases      | (0) |
One Ship, No Revisions/Purchases       | (0) |
Two Projects                           | (0) |
One Project, Three Revisions/Purchases | (2) | AseaHeru, TricMagic
One Project, Two Revisions/Purchases   | (1) | TricMagic
One Project, One Revisions/Purchases   | (1) | TricMagic
One Project, No Revisions/Purchases    | (1) | TricMagic
Six Revisions/Purchases                | (4) | Madman, Kashyyk, Jilladilla, Vostok
Five Revisions/Purchases               | (0) |
Four Revisions/Purchases               | (0) |
Three Revisions/Purchases              | (0) |
Two Revisions/Purchases                | (0) |
One Revisions/Purchases                | (0) |
No Actions This Turn                   | (0) |
Highly Opinionated Fool
Warning, nearly incapable of expressing tone in text


  • Bay Watcher
    • View Profile
Re: Refit and Repair, Nemorland, Summer, 1890, Design Phase.
« Reply #164 on: September 20, 2019, 05:27:20 pm »

No. You do not get to remove all my work. Also, you screwed up even then.
And you created another tie. Good job.
1. Artificially inflating post length (and therefore page length) by creating a massive, homogeneous wall of text one must wade through to place a vote is atrocious user interface design even by votebox standards. Make one index post and use that if you feel there is a need to track individual line items so we aren't spamming massive walls of text each time we vote.
2. I did not bother with the massive code block because that was mostly its own thing and I'm a lazy bastard. Everything that was actually voted on was listed.
3. Well yes, thank you.
« Last Edit: September 20, 2019, 05:29:03 pm by Vostok »
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