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Author Topic: X-piratez succession game  (Read 79492 times)


  • Bay Watcher
  • Urist McAngry
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Re: X-piratez succession game
« Reply #330 on: September 09, 2019, 07:35:31 pm »

May Week 3

The Scarab has been attacking a small shipping, after getting hit the cowards still managed to use superior speed and ran away, disappearing who know where to the noticable frustration of the Lokks

Fortunately a new bounty hunt popped up on the mission board, mutant traitors selling mutant alliance secrets, it looks like people never learn and that needs some killing according to the mutant alliance.
Lots of money is in the balance and that means we have to do that ! Let's go Gals !

The traitors couldn't put much of a fight and their highwaymen escort didn't stood a chance because we were ready to deliver the message.

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All is well, money and no new sick bay patient.

The Lokks noticed a megapol ship flying around and decided to shoot it down, giving us more work for the clean up

Maybe i should think of getting to use the night ops armor at least for spotting (amazing 20 tile range) when it's night, i always forget about them and always end with full chainmail everyone, despite the nght ops night view range is much greater than the chainmail one

There were a bunch of wolfmen still alive, not for very long after the fury of the chainmail squad went through them (they should'nt have wounded our dog)
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We got a nice bonus out of our pillaging, we discovered how to
Contact Eurosyndicate
Opening up some (very) expensive laser weapon (laspistol and markslaser) in the black market , we could then research the deal to unlock more of their laser weaponry (the rifle is good with triple shots) but are we really ready for the inconvenience (missions being crazy hard , even more in ironman, and big hit to the score if not done) ?
I'll let the decision to someone else.

A hitman thought he was smart to tell us about
Precision Laser
But we were smarter and the sharks got less hungry.

Some of the Gals are talking about sea adventures after some drunk guy at a tavern told us about some sea wreck, probably thinking about old piratey tales.
Never done a sea mission in xpiratez so to avoid screwing everything up by not getting the correct equipment, i'll pass.

A Guild Medic tried to tell us to smarten up by mentionning the threat of
We taught her the threat of the sharks.
She was quickly joined by the bandit boss we finished to interrogate , not before he spilled the bean about
Optronic Smuggling

We also did a Claim Freak Gal thing too that attracted a freaking gal to our 2nd base.

Some blood hounds were spotted in the other side of the world, we decided to launch a hunting mission on those things.
For some reason it inspired a kinky brainer to design a
Vibro Blade

For some reason there's a ninja gal on the blood hound hunting ground ? maybe she had the same idea as us, not a chance we'll let them play our game.

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In the end it appears there was no blood hounds, only ninja gals , could the sky ninjas designed a trap for us ? the boss said it changed nothing, we won and that's all there is to it.

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Though we had some wounded as unlike the Gals and their chainmail those pesky ninja gals had excellent night camo and had excellent view range, 2 things we didn't had (i really should remember we have lot of night ops armor), but to be honest the plan was to land on day, we landed on night because our ship is terribly slow so we missed daylight for a couple of seconds.

There are some rats to kill in a cellar, maybe some good training opportunity.
But a bounty hunt just called for a redirection, money is better.

We also understood a bit better the
It just needs killing.
While the
Slave Taskmaster
Needs only more taskmastering.

We never understood much of the red barn collateral thing, but we threw explosives at it under our boss order anyways, at least she was happy.
The red barn being broken and punching (a bit too much strength as he died from said simple punch) a guy coming around a corner did the job apparently., not sure what was the trigger to the mission end.
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Way too much Uber Wheat was given , filling our few small vaults a lot, so we sent it to base 2 with its large empty vault, not sure what's the point of it, but there are such large empty vault, it needs filling.

It looks like the sickbay is going to have some improvement, as we discovered the plan of about
Surgery Room
I would build it instead of the sick bay , but we need the Gals to recover quick, can't afford the long building time (and it's expensive too) that would lower the recovery rate.

I guess our "interrogation" specialist will feel at home there.
Some say that this discovery actually came from a
Slave Witch
That barely understandable rambling was for once understood
The Brainers were busy studying the
Ship Engine
Probably they have some idea about making ships.

A boot camp for the Sirius fanatics was detected not too far from our 2nd base, this will not stand and we'll crush them.
The Looks notice a bandit ship very close and destroy it before we even take off for the mission.
I guess that's changing the plan as we go to get what's left on the ground.

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And it took only a few turns to take down the surviving bandits.

Once the fun is over, time to get back at destroying the fanatics, it's night in the jungle, wish i would have taken the night ops armor for a field test but i thought we were going to land in daylight , another miscalculation.
Our flagship isn't far from being discovered but really the sooner we get it the better to get back to decent transport speed.

It also looks like there are a lot of their guys running around outside of the camp ? (in fact there was 0 people in the actual big camp, they were all in the jungle around our ship), they must really like nightly training in that jungle, but it didn't protected them from tons of punching and falling unconscious
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We even spotted a Church Reverend, so there's a big guy there, we tried to capture him but unfortunately couldn't get his shield down (and he wounded our Gals in return between our attempts) so we shotgunned him to death as the shield never went down (or maybe it went down when the killing last shotgun shot hit)
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What the screenshots do not show is that this mission was near to be a complete disaster.
Not because of the enemies actually as we rather quickly found them all in that big jungle (out of the reverend we spent a few turn trying to destroy shield and knockout) but because there was something i completely overlook (i should always pay attention to the turn screen instead of reading things while the turn is done) :
the "scorching heat" , yeah that damned scorching heat.
Because of that, most of the Gals had fallen unconscious, i think only 2 were not unconscious when we managed to find the last damned neophyte running somewhere in the jungle and destroy him with shotguns.

A couple of turns more and the mission despite being easy in term of enemies would have been a horrible fail, wasting the best Gals and the ship.

And that was the end of that week, i can't believe how super close to a disaster this last mission was , very stressfull when i noticed the "scorching heat" message when the first Gal fell inconscious in only a few turns.
Lesson to learn, always read what's wrote on the next turn screen instead of browsing the net when it happens :D

I think i'll take it more easy in the coming week so there will be enough time to heal all the Gals for the next month, the score should be good enough to stay positive anyways after all those successfull missions.

Rince Wind

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: X-piratez succession game
« Reply #331 on: September 10, 2019, 03:37:08 am »

Hint: The Boot Camps are always in the jungle, so at least packing a fan or more beer is advised.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Urist McAngry
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Re: X-piratez succession game
« Reply #332 on: September 10, 2019, 06:08:07 am »

What didn't prepare me for that is that on my save i did that mission a couple of time without such problem.
In the same i had all the Gals in swimsuit all the time (for the TU bonus) instead of chainmail like i do there (swimsuit only take half the damage of heat , while chainmail takes double the damage :D )

Rince Wind

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: X-piratez succession game
« Reply #333 on: September 10, 2019, 06:19:25 am »

Have you ever tried heavy suits, or guardian/defender in heat? The first gals startet dropping about 3 turns in. :D


  • Bay Watcher
  • Urist McAngry
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Re: X-piratez succession game
« Reply #334 on: September 10, 2019, 06:21:41 am »

Lucky we aren't at that stage in that succession game, with my aim to use the most protective stuff i would surely have lost that mission badly :D


  • Bay Watcher
  • Urist McAngry
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Re: X-piratez succession game
« Reply #335 on: September 10, 2019, 08:41:49 pm »

May Week 4

With the last mission horrible mistakes (running in chainmail in the worst possible hot place was such a good idea) it's a miracle we have not yet overthrown the boss.
A Runt told us that in fact we just have to wait, the boss is very likely going to self destruct soon like she already did in the past, you can't call a fanatic of "explosion" a stable Gal.

To calm themselves the Brainers designed an
Aqua Trident
Very powerfull in the hand of a Gal that likes to dive in the ocean with great strength and great throwing.

We tried it on an Academy Engineer that tried to run away after telling us about their
And indeed it works really great, so much that it seems to give us some
Powers of Seduction
Yeah, seduction by trident impaling the heart.

A Ratmen Cache was detected somewhere in Red Revolution, smelling money potential our not so wise leader ordered for a mission, how disapointed she was when the radar showed that those caves were only accessible for people the size of Lokks, and we don't have enough of them.

Damn, there are words about a Ghoul Town (Organ Grinder) somewhere in Ghostgates (north of India), yeah but no, we still did go (as apparently ignoring targets can be a score problems) but we took off as soon as we landed, as even without ghouls everywhere it's a nasty place to be and waste of Gal life on acid rain and various chemical killing effects.

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Modern Personal Armor
was found in the shark pool , no idea how it went there.

The boss was wanting to read a Pillow Book that was telling #017 tales about dragon you can ride but that will ride you. Maybe it was reference to
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that was reported immediately

While excited by the news, the Brainers put the final touch to their
Interceptor Assembly
researches that open us to the Hunter-Killer fighter and more importantly triggered the Brainers into a frenzy , not of sexual nature this time, but on trying to design the best plan possible for the Bonaventura, several of them are working on it, let's hope we'll finally see our flagship getting finalized in the coming months

Anyways, we miss the night for a second ! damn, the night ops gals were so happy to feel the darkness and get some advantage but it was all for nothing that damn slow transport ship screwed up our pogrom interception planning.
Oh well, at least the firing bonus should help.

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Oh it looks like we have Spartans, well it's not that we aimed to make any friends.
Plenty of explosion in that town, there were lot of gas pipelines all around the town so it was expected and for once not of our doing.
Sad news is that those very numerous explosions are killing people, very likely mutant civilians (and we hope some spartans too) and we can't do anything about that, bad publicity for us, but at least the survivors are helping us.
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Our machinegunners did a good job, i guess it was worth giving them night ops armor for the +10 firing.

But between the pipelines explosion everywhere due to civilians and spartan shooting without a care, and some surprising highly damaging weapons in the hands of those damned spartan we lost a few gals.
At some point one of the Gal had enough of the hide and seek game of this convulated town and switched her weapon to a Mortar (the boss on the radio was so happy of this turn of event) and rain shell on suspected spartan hiding places.
It worked greatly, maybe we got a couple of mutant civilians, but that's their fault for getting there.

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A particular spartan, a commando, had a hand pistol that was something powerfull, dropped 2 of our Gals with it (Dancin Iduno most notably died from this).
Salad E.Albright managed to subdue the guy for later interrogation .
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All in all we lost 3 hands and the dog :/
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And the amount of dead civilians (damned pipelines all over the town) really hurt the score badly, but that's still better than the 1000 points of malus in score if we skipped the pogrom.

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When we came back we had the surprise to see "Shibari Iduno" in the sick bay, apparently the reincarnation machine integrated in the sick bay does wonders.

2 of the Rolan7 got a promotion from that mission
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That was sad but dying in mission is about
Pirate Tradition
that bonus in score overcame our pogrom loss

An Hyperwave Decoder finally got up in the 2nd base, we can now not only have a large detection array in but we can decode all the hyper wave transmissions !

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Ok, some Gals were out of the sickbay after spending the month in it, so time to get to that bounty hunting, money and score Gals , go !
Even the boss finally decided to get out of the healing beds and replace one of the fallen gal, maybe the smell of money was too big on those archeological digs, apparently we have Tomb Runners trying to get our money first
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Not really rewarding, but at least it wasn't a long boring mission and no Gal got hurt.

The Lokks in the Scarab did a sortie to explode a bandit small ship, but as they did it on their own, the boss gave them no rewards.
They also tried to shoot down a Megapol small cruiser but had to retreat out of ammo, while our brainers were busy reading the
Red Mage Tedious Researches
That got us
Customer: Wiz Biz
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Basically some bounty hunting points for people that think they're Larry Poster or whatever was the name in the ancient legends of old Earth

More importantly we got some extremely good news : the Bonaventura, we finally got a good design plan for it, one of the Brainer was so proud to have her design selected that she puked all over the lab.
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All that's left is to build the thing and we'll have "the cutest variant of its class" whatever it means, it requires helerium for fuel.
Unfortunately we can't build it yet as apparently we're missing a cloaking device (would it mean we get through radar detection from enemy base ? ) so we ordered one from the black market, hopefully they'll deliver it soon.

So happy the Brainers were that they decided flying is a good idea, and we can understand now
Flying Armors

The end of the month is coming, and we have .. another damned Pogrom ! Right near the Queen Teuta base !
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And it's full of humanists , we also noticed a Young Uber running around shooting at humanist
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The battle wasn't going badly, until i noticed that i forgot to check the encoumbrement of our Mortar gal, explaining why she didn't had enough TU to shoot, there was such a perfect location with 3 humanists close but i couldn't so she took the shot elsewhere and killed only 2
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We met a humanist leader, he was far and despite our best effort we couldn't knock him out as our Gals had sprinted to him and was now out of stamina (i always forget to get stamina items), so i took a simple shotgun snap shot, unfortunately Hitler wannabee died on the spot :/

It went surprisingly well.
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We also got the cloacking device arriving on the last day of that month, so the next in line will be able to start building the Bonaventura !
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Optronic Computing
Was just a bonus we got with the end of the month positive score.
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As an additional reward for all the Gals, Expandable Robsoie was finally demoted , we have learned our lesson and will never let her convince everyone it's a great idea to have her as the leader.

On this, i am retiring from this succession game as time become to be an issue for me, if someone reading this thread and willing to join wants to replace me it would be great.
Good luck for the next months, it was plenty of fun, quite stressfull with the ironman rule but fun , i learned a lot as i am not as far in my own saves :D

Save file available there :

EDIT : i finished that saved game on J16 , i didn't updated to J17 for fear of possible bugs
« Last Edit: September 10, 2019, 08:45:23 pm by Robsoie »


  • Bay Watcher
  • Lord of Norderland - Lv 20 SKOOKUM ROC
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Re: X-piratez succession game
« Reply #336 on: September 10, 2019, 09:31:44 pm »

Are we continuing on J16?

Only update for tonight is that I transferred the Scarab to Ching Shih 2nd and started work on the Bonaventura.  It should take about half a month to complete.

Also, I found some prepper boxes to empty, so one runt is taking care of that.  Probably nothing very useful for us these days.

Once something completes researching, we can research Tactical Armor.  It's a nice upgrade from Tactical Vests, as we don't have to be so anal about facing the enemy.

Rince Wind

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: X-piratez succession game
« Reply #337 on: September 11, 2019, 02:58:36 am »

There is a bugfic versin of j17 out.

And no, the cloaking device doesn't protect us from detection by enemy bases, it just allows us to fly around the glove with impunity.

Sad to see you go!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: X-piratez succession game
« Reply #338 on: September 11, 2019, 09:26:18 am »

Catching up:

I would actually recommend against using Aqua Plastic, which is a finite resource, on Tac-Vests that we can purchase for credits/money, a somewhat infinite resource.  To put it another way: Temple raid loot and hostages equals several Tac-Vests, or we could fight enemies with armor and lose gals for the same Tac-Vests.  Keep the Aqua Plastic for the Tac-Suits, which we should be aiming to research soonish (haven't read updates yet, my apologies if we already got that).

1) We can (and probably should) just buy tac vests.
2) We've got chainmail. Tac Armor is nice, but less protection. If we need the stamina, it isn't enough better to justify the extra work.

We got a nice bonus out of our pillaging, we discovered how to
Contact Eurosyndicate
Opening up some (very) expensive laser weapon (laspistol and markslaser) in the black market , we could then research the deal to unlock more of their laser weaponry (the rifle is good with triple shots) but are we really ready for the inconvenience (missions being crazy hard , even more in ironman, and big hit to the score if not done) ?
I'll let the decision to someone else.

We've gotten a few months' worth of effective stat training, and haven't processed enough people into research to deal with the Eurosyndicate yet. To be fair, if we were doing well, we really wouldn't need them.

We never understood much of the red barn collateral thing, but we threw explosives at it under our boss order anyways, at least she was happy.
The red barn being broken and punching (a bit too much strength as he died from said simple punch) a guy coming around a corner did the job apparently., not sure what was the trigger to the mission end.
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Way too much Uber Wheat was given , filling our few small vaults a lot, so we sent it to base 2 with its large empty vault, not sure what's the point of it, but there are such large empty vault, it needs filling.

Electro lassos, chainsaws, and hammers take out the walls quickly. I also send out one gal with the largest explosive we have - barrel bomb, crate of violence, satchel charge, etc. to get things started (make sure to stay far enough away to be safe). Fire is too slow to accomplish enough in 5 turns. It's the only decent way to get goblin zaxx tokens from a level D bounty. And yes, hitting the farmer ends the mission early (and gets you nothing you wouldn't have gotten anyway). The farmer sees well in the dark, so go during the day.

We even spotted a Church Reverend, so there's a big guy there, we tried to capture him but unfortunately couldn't get his shield down (and he wounded our Gals in return between our attempts) so we shotgunned him to death as the shield never went down (or maybe it went down when the killing last shotgun shot hit)
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What the screenshots do not show is that this mission was near to be a complete disaster.
Not because of the enemies actually as we rather quickly found them all in that big jungle (out of the reverend we spent a few turn trying to destroy shield and knockout) but because there was something i completely overlook (i should always pay attention to the turn screen instead of reading things while the turn is done) :
the "scorching heat" , yeah that damned scorching heat.

Crap, we could have used that reverend. Also, why not just carry fans or radiator shirts in the backpack? They don't weigh enough to matter, and they're useful when you need them. Also, carrying beer and/or Stimm (harder to replace). I think having 2 fans in your backpack means you take less heat stun than wearing a bikini (and not having a backpack), but it's close.

Oh it looks like we have Spartans, well it's not that we aimed to make any friends.
Plenty of explosion in that town, there were lot of gas pipelines all around the town so it was expected and for once not of our doing.
Sad news is that those very numerous explosions are killing people, very likely mutant civilians (and we hope some spartans too) and we can't do anything about that, bad publicity for us, but at least the survivors are helping us.
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Our machinegunners did a good job, i guess it was worth giving them night ops armor for the +10 firing.

But between the pipelines explosion everywhere due to civilians and spartan shooting without a care, and some surprising highly damaging weapons in the hands of those damned spartan we lost a few gals.
At some point one of the Gal had enough of the hide and seek game of this convulated town and switched her weapon to a Mortar (the boss on the radio was so happy of this turn of event) and rain shell on suspected spartan hiding places.
It worked greatly, maybe we got a couple of mutant civilians, but that's their fault for getting there.

Pogroms are a terrible place for explosives and autofire to start with. Around explosive pipes don't want to do that.

Ok, some Gals were out of the sickbay after spending the month in it, so time to get to that bounty hunting, money and score Gals , go !
Even the boss finally decided to get out of the healing beds and replace one of the fallen gal, maybe the smell of money was too big on those archeological digs, apparently we have Tomb Runners trying to get our money first

Which mission is that? I don't research all of the mission types, and haven't seen that one.

Good month, even if I died. Almost 10k score. Learning new things is why I like succession games.

Rince Wind

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: X-piratez succession game
« Reply #339 on: September 11, 2019, 10:20:23 am »

That mission is a bounty mission for Zaxx, I think C-level?
It can have other enemies as well, but I think it is the only place where you can meet tomb runners, so it is a good idea to catch at least one.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Urist McAngry
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Re: X-piratez succession game
« Reply #340 on: September 11, 2019, 11:48:27 am »

Forgot to mention it, i manufactured a few more chainmails and sent them to the 2nd base in case of another attack so we can have some very armored gals.
I replaced all the dogs by blood hounds, not sure if they're more efficient for base defense, but considering how more dangerous they have been in our encounters than enemy dogs, i supposed it was a good replacement


  • Bay Watcher
  • Lord of Norderland - Lv 20 SKOOKUM ROC
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Re: X-piratez succession game
« Reply #341 on: September 11, 2019, 04:16:01 pm »

So I was tinkering with the research browser, and we have lots of Slave Soldier armor that we could research.  The question is whether it is worth it, as the best use for the Slave Soldiers would be as garrison forces.  Regardless, I'm considering the recruitment of 6-8 slave soldiers, sending them out on the milk run missions to hopefully get a couple stat increases, then transferring them to Ching Shih 2nd for a permanent garrison.

Once we have the Bonaventura, we'll have excess dropship capacity, so I guess I could risk them on slightly harder missions.

Rince Wind

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: X-piratez succession game
« Reply #342 on: September 11, 2019, 04:54:55 pm »

It is good to train at least a good dozen of them for missions that can't be undertaken by gals (properly). And unlike that peasant only bounty mission, which doesn't give anything we can't get elsewhere (I think) Terminal Terror unlocks a new mission (that I haven't seen yet).
While they are not gals Slave Soldiers can become very decent troops.

Speaking of Terminal Terror: How do you put your gals in chains? I can't seem to produce them, unless they are under another name, there is not an unlimited amount of them, and even sending a gal in naked puts her in a box.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: X-piratez succession game
« Reply #343 on: September 11, 2019, 09:25:56 pm »

I think the red light villa missions give a set of chains or two.  I'm not sure other than that.

Still skeptical of slave soldiers but not in a concrete way.  They certainly start stronger and have... interesting armor choices.  I stand by using peasants instead, who are certainly cheaper and do have some decent midgame armor, but it's complicated.

I am curious as to how J17 might have change the voodoo situation, since my understanding was that peasants and slave soldiers had more voodoo potential than gals.
No justice: no peace.
Quote from: Fallen London, one Unthinkable Hope
This one didn't want to be who they was. On the Surface – it was a dull, unconsidered sadness. But everything changed. Which implied everything could change.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: X-piratez succession game
« Reply #344 on: September 11, 2019, 10:58:30 pm »

Chains are Manacles in the store.

I think the red light villa missions give a set of chains or two.  I'm not sure other than that.

Still skeptical of slave soldiers but not in a concrete way.  They certainly start stronger and have... interesting armor choices.  I stand by using peasants instead, who are certainly cheaper and do have some decent midgame armor, but it's complicated.

I am curious as to how J17 might have change the voodoo situation, since my understanding was that peasants and slave soldiers had more voodoo potential than gals.

Unless something has changed, Max power is 60 for gals, 64 for lunatics, 69 for peasants, 70 for Slave Soldiers, and 75 for Bugeyes. Slave Soldiers have 60 max skill, bugeyes have 75. Power*Skill is used for calculations, so Bugeyes are ~33% better than Slave Soldiers at VooDoo. They also definitely have +VooDoo armor.

Edit: Why did nobody yell at me about that terrible link?
« Last Edit: September 12, 2019, 08:17:40 am by Iduno »
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