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Author Topic: Pokémon Succession Fortress of Redgem The Blue-Gem (OVERSEERS WANTED!)  (Read 26235 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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It's all cool, we can wait! I don't mind the waiting, just as long as you make sure to look after yourself.

Same for you Opuntia, I hope you get your juice back!

Paddywagon Man

  • Bay Watcher
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Well, shit.

Here I am again. Paddywagon Man - once Baroness of Pocketball, once Baroness of Goldsilver. I've been a mayor, I've been a Princess. Hell, after I accidentally sent my big sister Astesh to die releasing a flood of demons, and both my parents died in the same demon horde (which is a great way to take power, in all honesty, but I swear it was an accident) I'm pretty sure I'm rightfully queen. Queen! I should be drowning in riches, sipping sweet wine and feeding the choicest meats to the Royal Gulpin.

But here I am, following around the same band of commoner dorks to a third doomed fortress. And even after I explained my lineage and stature to RedMageCole, the highest position I've managed to scrape my way to is broker.

That's right, I'm that greasy gal in every fort, trying to trick yokel elves into trading their Ambipoms for gabbro scepters or some shit. This is a damn disgrace. And this new fort, RedBlueGem or whatever, has some crappy storytellers I tell you. This shit's boring.

Honestly, I'm just about ready to pack it in and head back to Goldsilver. Sure, I've had some good times with these guys - barricading MCreeper in those caverns, building a bracelet-based dictatorship, non-functioning demon slaying devices - but I don't think I can take another day of being some nobody trader.

But then, just as I'm about to pack, something changes my mind.

Right there in the tavern, some human skank stands up outta nowhere and demands the Royalty Discount on her next meal. Who does she think she is? She won't shut about it either! Damn long-legged hussie doesn't even know the meaning of nobility - sit down, you cow! Sit -

Wait a second. Maybe she's on to something. I won my first Barony by spearpoint - it's not the royalty that counts after all! It's being a stubborn jerkass! And nobody is a stubborner jerkass than Paddywagon Man!

Armed with this new realization, I pay Cole another visit. And this time I'm not taking no for an answer. By the power of spear and Incineroar, I dub myself overseer of Redgem!

First priority - taking stock. Lets' see what kind of a dungheap I've bullied my way to the top of, shall we?

The most glaring problem is the low population, and the injuries crippling our miners. People are feeding them, but literally nobody here has any idea how to treat injuries - we don't even have a chief medical dwarf! So without some action on my part, these chumps will get the rest of their lives to laze about in bed. Not on my watch, you slobs! That's my job!

Though I've hogged basically every other title and position, I give Surgeon General to RedMageCole because I think it's icky. That's why I use spears. They keep some distance between my tender, fragrant hands and all those gross things like blood, phlegm, and Maximum Spin.

Ooh, these nightmares! Brings back memories. Used to be like music, dwarf spines pop-pop-poppin down in the caverns. But the cavern layout here is much safer, and I don't believe they have any way to get at us.

Having taken the manager position, I order the fires of industry lit, putting in numerous work orders. I've focused on expanding our meager metalworking operations, and recruited more miners. We've got something here in Redgem we didn't have in either of our other forts - all the requisite ores and stones for steel production! It used to be if you needed steel, you had to saw a spike off of Beirus' Steelix while he was asleep. This'll be way easier!

The workload is lightened by the arrival of some migrants, bringing with them a Wynaut and Grotle.

Besides these dudes were four or five largely useless ones. But the first is a lifesaver. Cole had no freaking clue what he was doing as Chief Medical Dwarf, and was largely working on his detailed understanding of Mimikyu anatomy. The little stick tail in Meng's butt was cute but not helpful.

The second guy is drafted into the militia along with some of his useless pals, bringing it up to a squad of five, led by the recovered Opuntia. Good to have some hardened veterans to straighten out the rabble.

Here they are, drilling it up. Those monster slayers are bloody frauds though. Haven't seen them do a damn thing yet

The first real threat of my reign! A Mismagius! Shame, they're one of my favorite pokemon, but it doesn't look like we'll be catching this one. It mangles a Serperior and agonizingly tortures a Bayleef, spooking the heck out of anybody outside.

Except our new arrival Mistem, of course. Mistem ain't fraid of no ghost - as he publicly declares to anybody in earshot.

The Bayleef and Mistem finish it off. Serperior ain't looking too hot though.

Other than that, the only incursion onto our soil are two kobolds.

They denounce the evils of speech and clothes! They'll extend their hands into our treasure trove!
Thludus! Kagankin!
They steal your shit and skulk out of sight! Send squads out now, but they refuse to fight!

Well, that was a bust. Not much to say about our new Team Kobold rivals. The elves sent a caravan though!

Not much to be had from such a small caravan, but there's an Ambipom and a Treecko on offer.

They leave decked out in some crappy rock trinkets I made while I was bored in the pub. They're apparently "fascinated by our more ethical works". Stupid elves, you know that demon infestation razing forest after forest, spreading a path of destruction from the ruins of Old Pocketball? We unleashed that. By mining rocks. Ethical my ass.

After that, Spring passes and Summer begins fairly uneventfully. One mason gets possessed, and gathers the esoteric ingredients that will give shape to the forbidden secrets revealed to him by this spirit from beyond the Distortion World.

...apparently all he wants is two rocks. I tried offering him gems and shit - we have so much Icy Rock, I have no clue what we'll do with it all - but he just spurted blood from his eyes and chanted in long-forgotten tongues, making the torches flicker and the shadows of the cave dance with wild abandon.


Yup, it's a floodgate with some crappy spikes. I flip the delibird to the possessing spirit as it rips itself from his unhinged jaw and flies shrieking back into the stygian depths of madness that spawned it. Seriously, what a loser.
« Last Edit: July 11, 2019, 12:17:45 am by Paddywagon Man »


  • Bay Watcher
  • My sole interest is uncovering the truth!
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looks at bottle of rubbing alcohol

Maybe if they drink this, they'll feel better... I'm a genius Chief Medical Dwarf!

(Also, this update was such a delight to read... but how the heck do we keep ending up with nobility in our forts? Seriously?)

Paddywagon Man

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I was writing the update just now - I was most of the way done, actually. Then I accidentally hit some hotkey or other and left the page, and lost it all. I know I should get right back to writing but it's honestly so discouraging, I think I'm taking a break - I should have it up by tonight though. Sorry

EDIT: Actually, sorry, time got away from me there, I'll have it up tomorrow. The turn's done though, if somebody wants the save.
« Last Edit: July 13, 2019, 08:19:13 pm by Paddywagon Man »

Paddywagon Man

  • Bay Watcher
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Summer marks the return of the same deadly plague that harried us from Pocketball to Goldsilver to Redgem. Eelektrik.

The moment the word Eelektrik is mentioned I'm in full panic mode. I thought we were safe! I thought that just for once, for one lousy little fort, we could peacefully fish the caverns without these jerks busting heads dwarf heads like little electrically-conductive underwater pinatas. One fort!

Looks like it's just the one worthless fishery grunt in the firing line at the moment, so we should be alright...

aaaaaaand Mottled Petrel's clinging for dear life to the slippery cave walls as Eelektrik snap and hiss beneath him.

And hearing Petrel's cries for help, a hero is born in Redgem.

"Don't go out there, daddy! The demon eels are back!" cry the children of the Nakuthtun clan. They've had a hard life since their mother died, but Avuz Nakuthtun is a good man. He's always kept food on their table.

"I know, darlings. But this is my fight too. And this... this might require an answer. Don't be frightened, my sweet children. I'll be back in no time. I promise."

And then this hero, this paragon of stoic dwarvenly virtue, straps on his armor and strides out to meet the foe.

Works great! The momentary distraction allows Petrel to escape, and all we lose is some fishery chump! Truly, a great day for Redgem.

And now, the most difficult, most dangerous part of the battle begins.

The part where they're in a cage and I feed them prickly berries. I might not make it out alive, but I hold my head high, knowing that I am the bravest of all dwarves.

Oh, and a human caravan arrived at some point during all this, but there isn't much to say about it, the only pokemon they brought was one Marshtomp. I also bought a bunch of leather off them, though. I'm a creative spirit, I can't spend all my time braving the horrors of the depths - so I've started my own fashion line of handbags! Very chic, they're all the rage back in the mountainhome.


The Mismagius infestation around here is getting me down. That Ambipom was like the only thing of any value the elves brought us!

And on an unrelated note... I keep thinking I smell a Skuntank in the Combusken pen, it's weird. I know we don't have one or I would have claimed it. It's truly a mystery, like where my Blade Weed keeps disappearing to.

I have at least one suspect on the disappearing Blade Weed, though - this jerk over here. Asmel Amalast, the "performer". Like that's a real job!

I caught her sleeping in my bedroom a while back, as if the flea-ridden dormitories weren't good enough for her. Who does she think she is? What has she done to deserve my luxurious quarters? It's shocking how entitled some people can be. And now she's randomly beating up on Swinub, which between you and me, says a lot about her bed-stealing character.

A couple days after the swinub beating incident, I'm awoken from my slumber by the sound of tormented wailing from the stoneworking area. My Incineroar genuflects madly towards the tortured sounds, chanting in an unfamiliar voice through its slavering jaws.

Great - this asshole again.

I storm down to the stoneworks, and follow a trail of scorched footsteps and dead insects to the new jewelers' workshop, where Onget is contorted over some new macabre creation. Wanting to come across firmly in order to get this situation resolved as quickly as possible, I slap Onget across the face with all the strength I can muster. It's a bad move, and my hand comes away coated in some sort of putrid ichor, but I manage to keep my composure.

"Alright demon, I don't know what art school macaroni painting shit you've got planned for us today, and I don't care! I've got masons working on a clock here, and you're a wrench in the works I do not feel like dealing with! So how about you go possess some deadbeat herbalist, make some flower arrangements of the highest quality, and let Onget get back to making some god. damn. LIMESTONE BLOCKS?"

At this, Onget's head twists backwards and his mouth starts jerking like some deranged puppet. A voice that is definitely not Onget's echoes from the floor and walls.

"Hey man, that floodgate was my first possession, ok? It's hard to get up here and put yourself out like this, and your negativity is just not helping anybody. If you want to see somebody's best work, you need to provide a nurturing environment for them. I poured my heart into that floodgate and you really hurt my feelings. But you should like this one, you were the one that wanted gems."

With that, the spirit again rips itself from the screaming frame of its unwilling host.

"Don't come back!" I shout as it slowly fades. "My masons are behind schedule already, and - oh, that reminds me Onget, this possession business put you behind quota, so you'd better get working if you don't want your food privileges revoked. Now what was I saying..."

By the time I recompose myself, the demon is gone. It's a little unsatisfying. But the artifact left behind impresses me despite myself - it's nothing short of magnificent.

It's a whole bed made ingeniously from a single lump of Mimikium Z! Just perfect for a certain somebody I've got in mind. Somebody who basically built all three of our forts, who brought out the best in us, helped make us the Dwarvemon masters we are today. The most knowledgeable, helpful and kind dwarf in Redgem, who deserves more than anybody to sleep on a bed of Mimikyu dreams.

That's right, it's me.

As the masons clean up the demon's mess I get Cole to install the bed in my room, then finally finish my beauty rest.


  • Bay Watcher
  • My sole interest is uncovering the truth!
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Hey, this update was really great! All we need is someone to take over! But this update was!...


twitch twitch

twitch twitch twitch


twitch twitch twitch twitch

draws up plans to release half-wild Eelektrik on Paddywagon Man while she sleeps

Paddywagon Man

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One more update coming, should be in a few hours

Paddywagon Man

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The bed is just heavenly, I've never been more comfortable! I'd probably appreciate it more if I liked Mimikyu, of course.

When I wake up, the sky is awash with colour. Mottled Petrel and I hang out for a bit, basking in the chitinous beauty of the Vivillon flock.

A little ways below us, SQman gets to meet exotic pokemon too!

I hate to lose a metalsmith! Still, the accident did highlight the importance of a sizeable ore stockpile near the furnaces. Our metalworkers shouldn't be trekking into the deeps to fetch ore! We have wastes of space glazers and useless shit-haulers cheese makers (very fine people, I have a lot of respect for them) to do that. On the bright side, the beast is captured and trained! Give nickname to the captured Noivern?

Ok, so good news and bad news. The good news is the fortress Name Rater chose Rainhawk for our Noivern - a flipping awesome name, if you don't mind my saying.

That bad news is that Rainhawk threw a tantrum on his way to the pasture and gotten beaten into pulp by the fortress militia.

Oh well, Noivern leather is a nice colour for a handbag. And we've got a real shortage of butcherables around, I can tell you - to get the hospital up to regulations I'll need tallow for soap, and I always need leather for the trendy line of cloaks I've been selling. But it seems like everything in this fort is somebody's beloved pet!

Well, almost everything...

It's fitting, really. These guys lure us into the depths with fish, then kill us. We lure them into the fort with prickle berries and the promise of a new family, then kill them. It's the circle of the life of the dwarf that's fighting the brutal guerrilla war with the population of demon eels. Or something.

No Outpost Liason, which is a shame! I'd hoped to ask for another barony. Still, as manager-for-life, I can always ask next year. Last time I got a dictatorship running, Maximum Spin overthrew me with a mob coup, the jerk! But I've got no rivals here, so I can't think of any circumstances that would cause me to step down. Paddywagon Man is a fact of life, babies!

Still, the merchants bring more leather, and a couple of nice pokemon. They're all on offer, though if nobody else calls dibs on the Gabite I'm so there.

It's a shame though, I was so hoping to get a pet Noivern. They're such a cool pokemon! Oh well, if we're lucky we'll meet some new exotic pokemon soon.


The ground rumbles as a great roar of challenge echoes through the fort. Frantically, I turn to RedMageCole.

"Cole! What was that? Oh Arceus, what was that roaring?"

Cole, trembling with fear, stutters out the answer.

"That's... that's a Zygarde. They're avengers and guardians of nature. And judging by your charcoal consumption habits and stripmining addiction, I'd say you've -"

He doesn't need to say anything more, and I don't give the chance to. I've already pieced it together.

"It's an EEEEEEEEEEELF!" I scream, picking up a spear and rushing at the gate. Thankfully, Opuntia and Mottled Petrel jump on me and manage to restrain me while the lever is pulled to shut the gates. Cole jumps too, only he jumps on Petrel. Seems like he was trying to get them off of me so I could charge the Zygarde, for some reason or other. I guess he's got faith in my ability to take it down! Thanks, Cole. It means a lot.

Anyways, we managed to get all the dwarves inside, thankfully. Still, we're under siege.

A couple of our grass pokemon were outside grazing when the walls went up, and are brutally murdered.

I mean... go missing! They're just missing. I'm sure they'll turn up.

Damn I hate dealing with the bereaved. Great guardian of nature though, real nice. Leaves the dwarves in peace and butchers a peaceful tree turtle as it grazes. Smooth.

Still, with the gates shut, we should be safe.

Although, ehehehe, I may have, well, hehe...

I was going to make a bunker for the marksdwarves? And then I forgot about it? And it's sort of a... hole in the roof? Zygarde hasn't seemed to notice yet, though, so I manage to catch a little more sleep, worn out by the excitement.

When I awake, it is to the most horrendous sound I've ever heard. Worse than the chanting of the possessed masons, worse than the roar of the Zygarde. Worse than the hordes of the undead that claimed my husband or the demonic hosts that overran Pocketball.

The foooooort is aliiiiive, with the sound of muuuuusic - and the sound of NO WORK being done despite my VERY CLEAR INSTRUCTIONS!

I grab Obok the Metalcrafter as he dances by in a party hat. I rear my hand back to slap him, but manage to restrain myself, and opt to suplex him down a flight of stairs instead.

"What's gotten into this fort? It's my blade weed, isn't it! I'll kill that Asmel! I'll kill this whole fort if that's what it takes! EVERYBODY GET BACK TO MAKING CHARCOAL!" I scream, mildly hysteric. I hurl a limestone throne at the nearest cluster of dancers to punctuate the point, then lay back into Obok. "Listen to this music! Listen to my fists, Redgem! AAAAH!"

Opuntia taps me on the shoulder, then manages to duck my windmilling arms for long enough to explain the situation.

"We ran out of wood in the stockpile, boss. And charcoal. And we can't get more with the fort besieged, so... we thought we'd... take the day off?"

Well shit.

See that? We've got whole tunnels full of gold to be smelted. We've got tunnels of copper, silver, and iron waiting to be turned into riches, vicious weapons and heavy armour. And we've still got my tomb to pave, you know how much pine that'll take. We can't afford to be held up by a lack of forests to rape! That - that Zygarde tricked us! This was his plan all along!

"Ah yes, the day off. That's a great idea Opuntia. Now armour up."

Opuntia blows his war horn, and I wring my hands with glee. Let nature throw everything it has at me! I'll weather its every storm! With the axes that chop, the picks that bite, my soldiers at my side, I shall stand atop the

ashes and scream my name to a shattered world! For I am - wait, what?

We caught it? In a... just in a regular cage?

Well, I'll admit. I'm glad that's over. Still seems a little... too easy. Like it was just a distraction, almost. Like the real mastermind... is still out there.

Oh nooooooo!

Curse you, Team Kobold!

Paddywagon Man

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There will actually be one more after this as well, just since I ended up writing so much :P

Wanted to split it up a bit, last should be tomorrow morning

Paddywagon Man

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Glad you liked it! And looking forward to the artwork! I can hold off the update for a while (I'm feeling a bit lazy this morning anyways, so win-win)


  • Bay Watcher
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Just made an account and glad to say that I'm having a good laugh so far watching this
Think I'm a bit too much of a noob to take a turn as overseer (even after 6 forts I'm disappointed to say I still haven't managed to make a drowning chamber yet for those annoying nobles even if my other achievements such as managing to breed a pair of rocs were harder)
That said I wouldn't mind a dorfing if that's ok? Profession, mechanic/militadorf. preferably with a mace or flail. Hopefully I can get some dark or dragon type dwarfmons.
Though I wouldn't be surprised if that went horribly wrong
Urist McRecon cancels make exploding booze: Interrupted by bad idea
Urist McRecon cancels bad idea: missing raw files
Urist McRecon cancels add raw files: Interrupted by fortress mode
Urist McRecon cancels play fortress mode: Needs exploding booze
Urist McRecon cancels acquire exploding booze: No materials


  • Bay Watcher
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Cole jumps too, only he jumps on Petrel. Seems like he was trying to get them off of me so I could charge the Zygarde, for some reason or other. I guess he's got faith in my ability to take it down! Thanks, Cole. It means a lot.

Damn it, I was so close... just a few more nails and I would have been able to get the bed in time...

I mean, uh... I don't think Pocketball or Goldsilver actually captured a freaking legendary. Score one for Redgem the Blue-Gem. Now all we need is a few more of those cells and cores and boom we got ourselves a super fighting robot

Also, in fairness Recon, when I played this it has been quite some time since I played a fort, so I made a ton of mistakes. I think you'd be fine :P Either way, in a year it's not your problem anymore, right?


  • Bay Watcher
  • My sole interest is uncovering the truth!
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God dammit, why do you keep making me look so cute? I shouldn't want to give myself a hug for crying!

And double god dammit, why do you keep making Paddywagon Man look so cute? How am I supposed to hate her for stealing the bed that should be rightfully mine when she looks like that!?

Paddywagon Man

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Finally. The siege is over.

I order the caged legendary hauled back into the fort, and work resumes. I tell the trainers to begin taming it, but to keep it locked up for the time being. I don't want a repeat of the Rainhawk incident.

It's a good feeling though! Our ingenuity won out. I stood tall against all Nature had to throw at me, and I

The next few things happen in a bit of a blur, and I'm not really around for all of them, so I'll piece it together as best I can. I'm overseeing the hauling operations outside, as more pine trees are chopped for my tomb and the wood is hauled into the fort. It's slow work, but eminently important. Cole is a little ways away, taming one mean-looking Gabite. She keeps pointing to me as she trains it - that sweetie, I think she's getting me a pet for my birthday! And my hated, bedroom-crashing nemesis Asmel is stripping the branches from felled pines near the edge of the woods.

Suddenly I hear another roar. It sounds a bit like the Zygarde we just caught, and a bit like an Arcanine. I turn to ask Cole what it is, but... it's fast. And it's already on top of us.

Or should I say, on top of Asmel! Ha ha! This nature's wrath thing ain't so bad after all!

"Serves her right! Nothing worse than a bed thief. Go Zygarde!" I shout to Cole, laughing with glee as we flee towards the safety of the fort. She nods in agreement. It's nice we understand each other so well, we're totally in sync.

Then she trips me.

I pick myself off the ground, cursing Cole's clumsiness, then turn. The Zygarde is coming after me like a blur. The militia is on its way, but they don't have this Zygarde's speed.

But what's this thing got that I haven't beaten already? Cole said it was Ground/Dragon - well I killed a Garchomp back in Goldsilver. And come on. I've faced down Eelektrik. What's one little doggy?

"You don't scare me - AAAH! AAAAAAAH!" I scream, going down seconds later with a mangled arm and leg. I slowly fade, smelling smoke, and notice the beast has spewed a gust of flame towards the charging militia. The grass - and the heaps of dry wood left by my deforestation drive - are alight, and the fire is spreading quick.

deja vu, I think as I black out.

When I next wake up, it's in the hospital. Our mason turned medical dwarf is stitching up my wounds, and those of a fair number of other injured dwarves besides me. Rainbowdashfanboi84's got a couple new scars, and one of our Hammerdwarves - Thob - got a hand ripped clean off. But I'm alive, and that's what matters. Seems the dwarves were able to get all the wounded inside just ahead of the blaze after Rainbowdashfanboi brought down the Zygarde.

Unfortunately, we did lose 5 dwarves, a Serperior, a Marshtomp, and a Wynaut.

And the forest is fully on fire, which seems like even worse nature guarding than we got out of the first Zygarde! Seriously.

A couple dwarves are trapped outside as the fire spreads, but manage to get to safety on top of the stone roof of the fortress. They should be fine, and we can recover them when the blaze dies down. One's even decided to catch some sleep on the very edge of the roof, which strikes me as... dumb.

The real loss is all the wood, though. We were short enough already. And now a whole season's worth of tree growth, not to mention all the uncollected wood that was outside, has gone up in flames! And just when I thought I might have my tomb done this year.

A little dejectedly, I leave the hospital, dragging myself back to my opulent quarters with a splintery crutch. The year is just about over. And I hate to start my second year as manager-for-life in such a state. Hoping some sleep will calm my nerves, I flop out in my luxurious Mimikyu bed and shut my eyes.

A second later they snap open again. I'm in an unfamiliar place. It looks like Redgem, but somehow I know it isn't - whether from the silence or the odd mist that fills my room. Where... is everybody?

Trying to find another soul in this odd limbo, or at least the exit, I pace the halls, calling the names of my friends. Cole - MCreeper - Opuntia - Mottled Petrel. It's silent, except for the echoes. I'm alone.

Then I notice something odd. I've arrived at my leather working bench, even though I was heading for the exit. I turn down another corridor and there it is in front of me again. I run back the way I came, desperate to get back in bed and end this nightmare, but all I find is the same familiar workshop behind every door. And this time there's somebody there.

"Hey, Paddywagon Man! How's it hanging?" the spirit enquires, blood oozing from the walls at the sound of its blasphemous voice. It stands before me in all its fell glory, its dark power no longer constrained by stolen dwarf flesh.

This guy again? Really?

"Smooth. Real smooth." I grumble, annoyed to be missing sleep. "You brought me to your trashy house. What, run out of masons to pester? You want to hang now? Well, what did you make me this time, a chalk hatch cover with an aesthetically pleasing carving of soft cheese? No, no, let me guess - pit tail earring with pig tail and, hmmm, pig tail."

He grins. "I'm not sure you quite understand what this is, Paddy."

I've just about had it with this dude. "No, I think I've got a pretty good idea. You wasted another mason's time to make some lame gift, and now you've dressed up in your Sunday best and brought me back to your dingy den to give it to me. Let me tell you, you're embarrassing yourself, kiddo. This princess is out of your Pokemon League. Now send me back, I'm done here."

I cross my arms and wait for him to dismiss me. Instead he just laughs, long and terrible.

"Oh no, Paddywagon. No more masons! You told me to possess somebody worthless, and I took your advice. Always did want to try my hand at leatherworking."



A few moments later my consciousness starts to fade. My leatherworking bench is in front of me, my hands are being worked like a puppet's. Still, it could be worse. Unlike Onget, I don't need to worry about losing my food privileges. And while I might be out of commission for a couple weeks, I just know the fort will welcome me back as leader with open arms.
« Last Edit: July 19, 2019, 02:50:37 am by Paddywagon Man »


  • Bay Watcher
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I was hauling stone this morning when I heard Overseer Paddy arguing with somebody in her room (again) this time however I couldn't hear who she was responding to. I looked through the Mimikyu shaped keyhole and saw she was aimlessly wandering about her room before suddenly bolting to the door as fast as her crutch would let her. Went straight through it as I moved away, not even bothering to open it before heading down into the leatherworker's place ranting and raving about skins, what constitutes a useless dwarf and Pig tails.

Seems like whatever fairy type from the distortion world got to him has an excellent sense of humour. It also seems that it doesn't quite get that door handles are there for a reason.

Still if Paddy is to be er...indisposed currently then perhaps its time we relieved her of her current position as overseer so that we don't get angry legendary pokemon trying to murder us.

Multiple times.

Perhaps a protected tree farm might spare her further retribution and provide us a protected bit of lumber once Zygarde stops bothering us. It will take a while though sighs What an undwarfy to suggest but given the choice I'd rather that than watching everything burn.
At the very least, I can provide some protection for the fort if my trap managed to snare a 50% Zygarde. I must experiment further with my mechanisms...
Urist McRecon cancels make exploding booze: Interrupted by bad idea
Urist McRecon cancels bad idea: missing raw files
Urist McRecon cancels add raw files: Interrupted by fortress mode
Urist McRecon cancels play fortress mode: Needs exploding booze
Urist McRecon cancels acquire exploding booze: No materials
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