z is up and down horizontially while Y is vertical distance right?
Z is north/south, specifically. The savanna I found was to the south around Z=1500, across an ocean.
I think I also saw one in the west, near the desert with the cactus base. That one's much closer to First Hearth.
Yeah that is probably the one I visited, I think, again, there is sign of my digging for dirt if you go to the right area. and there is a dessert even further south of it
I will be doing more once I finish my project
PTW. Currently playing on the server, I've setup a colony down the coast from first hearth, named Portsmouth!
Portsmouth looks really nice. All the buildings are really well made way better than anything I could do. I've been using the small spare house you built for the past few days and just last night built my own nearby (after two creepers exploded on me and I decided that if they were going to do the basement excavation for me, well why not). Do you still play? I've wanted to expand the wall out a bit maybe build some other houses but I don't want to step on your toes.
Well i don't know who made the bulk of Portsmouth I don't think they would mind if you help make new stuff like your own house, one guy (carn) has been working on Portsmouth but not entirely sure what he has been focusing his efforts on.
Honestly anything you want to do would be okay as long as it doesn't disrupt or directly ruin or obstruct others project. I settled super far away for my project so it wouldn't really disrupt any one else. Mind you due to my horrible envirmentalist management I kind of done a few resource gathering that wasn't very eco friendly
started an open pit mine near my place, then one in the desert south of Heorot
and did a form of strip digging in the land between the desert and Heorot.
As I mention before I will be most likely focusing my effort on cartography after my project is done, effectively working on a maps on all zoome level
I hope to see you around in the game some time! I am also willing to help ship resources around if people want it or need it
Fairy's ferry at your service, we fly you and your good but with boats!!