With the spell BOoc still active I look around to see it there are any letters to absorb near my position, if there are absorb them.
name: Billy Bob
totem: A beat up old book
specialization: Necromancy
weakness: Fire magic
Ice Cream
food preparation tools
book of recipes
you get letters from things or from actions. Like, let's say you climbed up to the first landing on the stairwell and jumped off over the railing to the ground. You could get a letter from the word "Jump" or from the word "fall" or "hurt."
or, you could go up to the wall, and attempt to absorb a letter from Wall. It takes few minutes to get a letter in most circumstances, but from magical items or actions it happens much quicker, and in combat it can happen quicker too, though I wouldn't advise attempting to absorb a letter from Wall while in combat.
(3) Aside from stealing letters from your fellow spellers, you could get words from the building before you, the vines climbing it, or some things inside. Go pick an item and call it by name, pressing your totem against it. Speaking of stealing from fellow scavengers: a swarm of flies suddenly swamps you. well, not a 'swarm' really, but they are distracting. You feel your wallet being tugged at while you swat flies.
Go to the third story on the west side of the building, following the eeee noise
the eeee gets louder. (3) the door opens on a short hallway that ends in what looks to be an artificial cave - like on a movie set or soemthing. the sounds of livng things increases. you wander to the cave and look out on a narrow path thorugh some tropical looking trees and bushes. a loud CaW from just above and behind you makes you jump and squeak, heart racing. The eeee is further in, off to the right.
name: Fiery
totem: Bunch of wooden cubes
specialization: Climate
weakness: plants
Letters: DwRxjxlXCMGdaRppHInCLgHzsHLUZF
Go towards the stonehenge-like thing
(2) you get to the foot of the hill and cannot move forward. It's like something is resisting you, pushing back as you push forward.
Look around this arena, see if there's any keys or anything anywhere.
name: Nix
totem: Meditation beads
specialization: Self-enhancement
weakness: Fire spells
Letters left: JKHjkkIeMQbBgvJTrOkQKkriHjdMAr
You walk around hte fence and find a broken part through which you step easily. You are behind those large concrete tubes now. You hear a clang up in the building just haead. second or third floor form the sound. There are plywood floors at least on teh second floor, and it looks like there are walkways on the third.
One letter from a 4? Hell. Should have made extra money fleecing gamblers and rigging bets instead. I'd probably be able to buy more than one random letter from that action.
Use a part, not all, of my ill-gained money to rent - rent, not buy - a red leather suit until my Exhibition is over.
Try to convince the trader that since neither of us has any idea how long it will take me to succeed, I should only pay for two turns ahead and give him the rest if I dilly-dally.
I'll need that suit to supplement my spell with the skepticism-sundering power of pop-culture references, the foremost force more potent than the power of adaptive alliteration.
But since this game might not work like that, I guessed it wouldn't be as expensive as something that will definitely give me an edge.
Also, trade qxQQJ for another vowel. That's a free action, right?
current letters: VqcxAyltbgbOZwrDCBdEQQARJPcrqa
turns left: 4
name: Willard
totem: Deck of Marked Cards
specialization: Illusions
weakness: Scrying
It's not a perfect system. after this set of missions I'll open the floor for discussion of improvements, should any be interested in continuing.
I'm probably gonna extend your time before your exhibition. Let's say you have roughly as long as it's gonna take the others to do what they are doing, so go ahead and put your turn counter at 9 for now. You rent a red suit. Here are your two vowels: yU
Feel free to ask about game mechanics or if certain things have a chance of working or not. You could, for instance "ponder whether alliteration has an effect on audience attention" and I'd say "that sounds reasonable." or ask "do pop references make a difference?" and I'll respond: "if used creatively, probably. but yo might need to remind me that I said so."
Flies, distract the people around while I try to steal their wallets
name: Gorge
totem: Scroll
specialization: Summoning
weakness: Metal
(6) all your flies go swarm Billy Bob. You go to steal his wallet while he is swatting at flies and jumping around: (3) you get your hand in his pocket and start lifting his wallet before he notices.