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Author Topic: The Doom of Doomhollow - Year 10 - [Finished]  (Read 53838 times)

Travis Bickle

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Re: The Tale of Doomhollow - Year 8 - (!!OVERSEERS NEEDED!!)
« Reply #240 on: February 23, 2020, 03:55:52 pm »

From the Private Papers of Doc
Dated: 5 Granite, 507

Kubrik seems to be more aware of the danger stress poses to the fort than the previous overseers have been. With his support, the medical department has drawn up plans for a large sanatorium deep beneath the fortress proper. This facility has been designed with the goal of rehabilitating the section of our population most at risk of falling into insanity and dragging the fortress down with them. Construction has only recently begun, but once it is complete we will finally have some top-notch health facilities fit for our nation's new capital.

It seems that, although he has not been marked out as particularly at risk of declining mental health, His Majesty the king has been under stress lately. I suspect that the recent death of his daughter at the hands of a tantruming dwarf has had something to do with his mood. Hopefully the plans to improve fortress morale will have a salubrious effect on His Majesty, for a stable monarch is key to a stable and secure civilization.
Cum his qui oderunt pacem eram pacificus.


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Re: The Tale of Doomhollow - Year 8 - (!!OVERSEERS NEEDED!!)
« Reply #241 on: February 24, 2020, 03:28:26 am »

The Transport - 12th Granite

Kubrik sighed. 'Where’s the food? Where’s the rest of the patients? Where is the door? It’s been a week!'
Sigmund Shrugged. Kubrik didn’t seem to be smiling anymore.

Furniture was slowly being delivered. 4 high risk dwarves out of the expected 8 sat patiently in the corner of the room. With no door and staggering levels of stress both Kubrik and Sigmund worried they would soon begin to leave their station.

It wasn’t until the 14th of Granite the door arrived. But the miners breached Bay 1 too early (mistake) so a new set of doors needed to be ordered. Speargrave Lokkumondul bored of waiting threw down his waterskin and marched out the room as Dumateggut Legendary Crossbowman strolled through another.

Duma looked around, through a veil of depression his instincts told him exactly what was happening but his discipline held him to his post. 11 patients remain in the general population. Kubrik made the call and they locked the door. Transport 1 was re organized to exclude those who had already arrived. Shortly after Bay 2 and 3 had been built the second transport was made active and ordered to Bay 2 along with the second group of very unhappy dwarves. Almost all eventually arrived, and with all the doors in place it became much simpler. The doors between Bay 1 and Bay 2 were opened combining the population to share new supplies that had been brought in during the construction of Bay 2.

Inside the bays - 18th Granite

It was at that moment Avuz Itongitnuk broke. He sat down, light going from his eyes and began to quietly weep. Soon panic followed.

Cog Gusilgeshed, the communist roared.

And began to charge the weeping Avuz with all his proletarian fury. Avuz, by instinct dodges and rolled until briefly clipped in the leg came down. Limping mildly the evasion continued until the former hunter Shorast Inethisan came between them, shielding Avuz from Cog’s wailing blows.

Cog, in dreadful self realization stopped, exhausted, his fists hanging impotently at his side. Avuz scrambled away into a corner to find some form of safety. The hunter Shorast stood up stiffly and turned to look at Cog. He walked over and grabbed him tightly. 'It’s ok. It’s ok, I think they’re going to help us'. It was at that moment something shifted in all of them, it was if the world had been pushed 5 degrees off center, they did not fully know if it was for good or bad but something had indeed changed. Erin Quill established a small hospital in the dormitory and brought Avuz to a bed.


Outside the entrances to the Bays 19th Granite

Kubrik and Sigmund were very aware that 2 of the highest risk remained in the population. They were Cpt of the Glazes of worth, Nil Abanluslem 40,000 stress & Ralostuk Macelord 56,000 stress. Several days later, 2 figures walked slowly down the corridor. The two towering giants of Doomhollow stopped and stood over Kubrik and Sigmund by the entrance to Bay 3. Sigmunds’ knees began to go weak and he muttered something comforting to himself, his eyes glued to the floor. Kubrik smiled at them. Nil and Ralostuk hard eyes softened. Was their march at an end? They had stored their weapons before coming but both men could still easily crush these men and escape. Kubrik opened the door. Nil, former cpt of the glazes of worth spoke softly ‘I’ve fixed the security breaches. The fort is now secure’. There was a moment of silence, then both Captains walked in to Bay 3 and Nil closed the door behind him.

In reality the transport took until the 28th of Granite. 23 days. The overlook would be completed soon and healing could begin.

'An interesting fact', Sigmund said nervously, to try and put this logistical failure in context. 'The total stress we’ve transported is approximately half a million units. As you know , stress has mass so naturally it would take some time to move'. Kubrik stared at him and smiled. This time however, Sigmund for some reason did not feel re-assured.


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Re: The Tale of Doomhollow - Year 8 - (!!OVERSEERS NEEDED!!)
« Reply #242 on: February 25, 2020, 04:00:22 am »

It seems that, although he has not been marked out as particularly at risk of declining mental health, His Majesty the king has been under stress lately. I suspect that the recent death of his daughter at the hands of a tantruming dwarf has had something to do with his mood. Hopefully the plans to improve fortress morale will have a salubrious effect on His Majesty, for a stable monarch is key to a stable and secure civilization.

Private notes of Kubrik Pagensnarled – 14th Slate

I am happy to say that several ‘at risk’ Dwarves who had rising levels of stress have stabilized and can safely remain in the general population. The leading example of our success being King Notonkivish. After a regimen of light crafts and engraving he has gone from 800 stress to Stress level 0. I wish we could say we have made significant progress throughout the population or with its most vulnerable but this would simply not be true. In the Bays, whilst kindness still prevails so does violence. I no longer know if what we are doing is right.

The statue of Erinquill has been covered lovingly in an old coat

An Elvish Caravan arrived, and we attempted to trade with them but without Quill were unable for a long time. Our replacement broker ignored the request, and when I enabled all to trade, the population did the same. Whether from dis-approval or distraction I do not know. The dabbling comedians have little of worth anyway.

Nobody praises the dwarf that builds the door, they only criticize the one that does not. Unfortunately, there is no way to know how many deaths we have prevented, and so I fear a turning tide of sentiment around what we hope to achieve. That said the choice to keep them separate from the main population weighs heavily on me. More so that they now exist in less than ideal conditions. The Underlook’s construction has not gone as quickly as anticipated. The food and booze stockpiled to help our patients survive is now almost completely exhausted. Though they constructed mason’s, craft-shops and began to smooth their quarters to improve mood, the distraction is not enough to fulfill their basic needs. They need food and water and are slowly starving to death.

We now have limited options:
1.)   Return them to the general population – abandon our folly but save their lives (introducing untold danger to our community).
2.)   Dig a secondary well for them so they can at least have access to water.
3.)   Attempt to move them into one of the bays so additional food and booze can be brought in – Our food haulers are slow, I doubt enough could be brought in time.

There is a fourth option, but it carries risks.

At the next assembly Kubrik stood in front of the gathered Dwarves. “I need a volunteer”


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Re: The Tale of Doomhollow - Year 8 - (!!OVERSEERS NEEDED!!)
« Reply #243 on: February 26, 2020, 05:47:21 am »

15h Slate

Food was brought down in the corridor outside of the bay. The wider population was assigned food hauling to speed the process but it was not going quickly enough. What little they had brought would only last a few days at most.

It was then Limul Lashtwinkled stepped forward, pick in hand.

The corridor to the bays was locked and the doors to the bays opened. As the starving dwarves flooded past him to grab at the food barrels he went to work. If he could be exfiltrated in time he would be, if not he would be resigned to the Bays with the rest but he knew this, and continued anyway. It was a few hours later that Limul then breached the caverns second floor.

A warm gust of wind, rich with spores, then floated up the hallway. The patients would have clear water, and access to a rich slew of naturally grown food, they would be safe once more. It was then the hair on Limul’s arms spiked. There was something here, something un-natural. He did not know why at first but he turned and ran. As he scrambled up the granite stairs it was then he remembered stories of the Doomhollow vampire.

‘It comes!’


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Re: The Tale of Doomhollow - Year 8 - (!!OVERSEERS NEEDED!!)
« Reply #244 on: February 26, 2020, 09:05:16 am »

What? Zefol the vampire is still alive after all these years? She must have killed all the other monsters down there...

...or she's acting in collusion with them and there will be a train of FBs and other nasties coming in shortly. Monster knows a monster.
Kasmko Taldequihu, Human Criminal corrupted zombie is visiting.
Mong Todsporro, Human Criminal death zombie is visiting.

Uhhh... welcome?


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Re: The Tale of Doomhollow - Year 8 - (!!OVERSEERS NEEDED!!)
« Reply #245 on: February 27, 2020, 03:03:12 am »

16th Slate

Meanwhile In the Bays...
Cog, communist, had found a pile of low grade crafts to stand on. The effect of the elevation was minimal but he felt it gave him the extra gravitas. He began to speak: ‘It is I, Cog, King puncher and destroyer of Monarchies! ‘The oppressors have deprived us of our rights and all but killed us. Now they expect us to scavenge and grow our own food!?

'Whilst no good Communist shies away from honest labour it makes me angry and it should make you angry too! Whilst the ruling class drink Ale from Goblets we are forced to crawl and slurp from underground lakes like dogs!’. He stamped his foot and the craft pile wobbled a bit. ‘The fools have made a mistake. We have found an axe! They mean us to chop wood for buckets and beds but I say we charge the mountainhold! Join me comrades and we will break our servitude!’ He waited for the applause but found his only audience to be the figure of Meng in bed unusually still.

The forts unhappiest dwarf finally at peace

It was then, at the end of his private monologue, Cog saw a new face standing in the corner of the room. They seemed to show none of the signs of confinement the others had endured. Cog moved closer to get a better look.

'You’re a new face Comrade. Would you be interested in joining the Union?'

Spoiler (click to show/hide)


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Re: The Tale of Doomhollow - Year 8 - (!!OVERSEERS NEEDED!!)
« Reply #246 on: February 27, 2020, 03:18:47 am »

I'm guessing that meant she wasn't interested?

Also, I don't think Cog the communist had any time to appreciate the irony of the original Karl Marx metaphor of capitalist as a vampire preying on working class becoming flesh and uh, blood in such a concrete manner.
« Last Edit: February 27, 2020, 03:46:54 am by Staalo »
Kasmko Taldequihu, Human Criminal corrupted zombie is visiting.
Mong Todsporro, Human Criminal death zombie is visiting.

Uhhh... welcome?


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Re: The Tale of Doomhollow - Year 8 - (!!OVERSEERS NEEDED!!)
« Reply #247 on: February 27, 2020, 03:43:27 am »

I'm guessing that meant she wasn't interested?

Also, I don't think Cog the communist had any time to appreciate the irony of the original Karl Marx metaphor of the capitalist as a vampire preying on working class becoming flesh and uh, blood in such concrete manner.

Can’t like this comment enough.


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Re: The Tale of Doomhollow - Year 8 - (!!OVERSEERS NEEDED!!)
« Reply #248 on: February 27, 2020, 11:44:26 pm »

In the Depths of Doomhollow: Unknown Date

Ryukan was walking through the mines, lost in thought, thinking of new ways to utilize glass and convince the Overseer to let him conscript more people into the workforce. So lost in thought was he that he did not notice the shadow figure step out in front of him until it was too late, and Ryukan ran right into them.

"Ow, watch it please, I'm thinking here"

The figure let out a laugh, "Well forgive me sir, but I think you have more important matters to attend to?"

"What? Oh the plan, yes yes, I know. I'm stuck at the moment however."

"You are behind schedule Ryukan, do you know how displeased THEY are? I can't guarantee your safety for much longer."

Ryukan's face went white at the figure's words. He tried to form a response, but words failed him.

The figure began to drift away, "Your time is running up Ryukan. Hurry, lest the Doom befall you."

The figure vanished and Ryukan was left in the Mines, lost in thought yet again. For several hours he stood there, pondering. Until he finally shook himself and made his way back up to the Fortress proper. He had work to do.
The Tale of Runlance - A Succession Fort in a Dying World

While the drink stocks run low and violence is rampant, the narcissistic tyrant demands a monument to his name


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Re: The Tale of Doomhollow - Year 8 - (!!OVERSEERS NEEDED!!)
« Reply #249 on: February 28, 2020, 03:56:44 am »

An interview with a vampire – 12th Felsite

In the comfort of Bay 3, Kubrik sat opposite the Vampire Zefol. She appeared to be picking her teeth with a small finger bone.

“It must have been unpleasant living in the caverns for so long. Its amazing you’ve survived and with such little stress in isolation”.

This Dwarf appears to be smiling, does he have no concept that I could turn his head into a hat? Thought Zefol.

“I have a proposition for you which I think will benefit us both” spoke Kubrik. “I’ve set up quarters for you, with fine furniture and your own masterwork bed. Several levers may also be available to you, and when needed I would request that you pull them.”

This languorous meat-sack was beginning to tire her.

“In exchange I can offer you a regular supply of blood”

Zefol’s ears pricked up.

“Continue..” she said.

Private notes of Kubrik pagesnarled – 1st Hematite

I am delivering a few stray animals to Zefol, whilst I imagine she hoped for something else I feel I’m honoring our agreement. On a side note, a previous overseer Ryukan requested we restart the Glassforges, again. I’ve assigned some Dwarves to this and requested the construction of Windows and other such things. It seems a harmless enough request. Perhaps Ryukan thinks we could use them to turn Blue-turtles underground farm into a greenhouse? Yes, that must be it.



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Re: The Tale of Doomhollow - Year 8 - (!!OVERSEERS NEEDED!!)
« Reply #250 on: February 28, 2020, 04:44:33 am »

Diary of Kaag, Animal caretaker of no great note, 16th Slate

First the pit of Blueturtle, now an underground Asylum. Yes, "Comrade" Cog insists we call it a "medical institute". Armok off! It's a bloody asylum.

And I keep hearing rumours...dark rumours...that the vampire is somehow involved. The vampire we took great pains to lock safely away in the depths. I am doubly concerned because Nil, hero of the goblin siege, has been sent there. If they harm Armok's yellowed toenails, I'll make them pay. Somehow.

I should have kept the bloody rutile hat...they've all gone mad I tell you diary. At least the boat's still safe. My beautiful blue boat.

Well...I hope it is!
« Last Edit: February 28, 2020, 04:51:31 am by KickAssAndGiggle »
The humble lever: responsible for more dead fortresses than megabeasts, goblins and elves combined!


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Re: The Tale of Doomhollow - Year 8 - (Overseers Wanted)
« Reply #251 on: February 29, 2020, 10:28:35 am »

Private pages of Sigmund, not chief medical dwarf – 7th Hematite

Kubrik has setup quarters for myself and my Partner, Dr Cattekin within the Underlook. Whilst I can’t question his logic that medical care should be on hand to effectively treat, this is not the grand promotion Kubrik and Doc had implied.

Sigmund heard the rumble of water above, drips of water falling onto his desk.

They are likely breaching the water layer to bring water down into the systems.


It will flow down into the fort and be divided into clear water and water for showers.

Should everything go smoothly the Underlook should be open for business tomorrow.

The Tour

Main Floor: Hospitals for standard care and Underlook care. Food, supplies input and outputs guarded by doors and gates. Work and dining rooms, shower rooms.

Southern quarter: Rooms and all purpose temple.

Drainage and water tank one z below the institute to supply the well.

I am told there are several Dwarves who require professional treatment (cuts, bruises, dizziness etc). On the positive I get to work on my suturing but that one bright spot is mildly patronized by the fact I have now been assigned to make clothes. Whilst again I do get the logic that suturing is equally applicable to the clothier as it is to the Surgeon I have the distinct sense that I am being punished. That said my responsibilities are still clear. Here is the most recent health and happiness report:

Things seem to be moving in the right direction.



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Re: The Tale of Doomhollow - Year 8 - (Overseers Wanted)
« Reply #252 on: February 29, 2020, 10:29:53 am »

8th Galena
There were murmurs throughout the fort of what was going on down below. The Underlook had been operational for some time. Kubrik’s name was mentioned often and now not always favourably. ‘What he did to Nil’s not right, he’s an Ero, and one of us you know’. ‘Ay, we take care of our own, said one, knocking a colleague into a wall.

‘And you hear that schiszt about a vampire?’ Not right I tell you. And and whats worst we have a child in charge’, he gestured across the room.

Cpt Sodel, newly appointed captain, sat at the end of his bed in the barracks while the rest of the ‘Glazes of Worth’ trained away, speaking as if he didn’t exist. He knew his father to be a good man but they didn’t see eye to eye on everything, especially not this. It was then they all heard the sound of Drums.


‘To Arms Grunts! He yelled as a vile force of darkness began to swarm the surface.



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Re: The Tale of Doomhollow - Year 8 - (Overseers Wanted)
« Reply #253 on: February 29, 2020, 05:56:05 pm »

What? Are those goblins and... kobolds?


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Re: The Tale of Doomhollow - Year 8 - (Overseers Wanted)
« Reply #254 on: March 01, 2020, 03:15:53 am »

The Battle of Sawblade 9th Hematite 507

Tim the Kobold Thief had chosen a bad day to visit Doomhollow. Boyant on his recent escapades, he ran blindly into the encroaching warband.

...and was quickly mutilated.

What? Are those goblins and... kobolds?
The flame who had been hauling wood (I removed the outdoor stockpiles) reported back as to their numbers:

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Doomhollows forces gathered below waiting in anticipation. ‘Why are we not charging them?’ whispered one of the soldiers.

'Shh', hushed Sodel. My father prepared a surprise for them.

A newly constructed, but incomplete, trap corridor.

The assembled Militias heard screams and the sound of hyper charged metal above. 'Welcome to Doomhollow' sodel spoke under his breath.

The swarm continued in. The Militia would wait for them to come further underground. Once a good number of them had entered, the gate would be closed. The army would dispatch them and then the gates would be reopened. Kubrik had forbidden any outside labours, hauling and mechanics jobs so they should be able to focus. The goblins rounded the corner and the battle began.

The opening salvo

Sodel strikes

The brutality of our attacks cause them to falter

The order was given to close the gate, the lever was pulled. And nothing happened. For ffs. 'CHARGE'.

All units pushed forward leaving a trail of blood in their wake.

Everything devolved into Chaos

Exhausted and pulled far across the surface our Dwarves began to tire.

Though some did not. To clear his honour or his fathers he was unsure, Sodel tore through several in a quick and fluid motion. Our forces martial prowess was almost unstoppable.

Almost. A moments focus in battle can cost your life. It was then, as the battle was closing, Nangsareb, Elite marksdwarf had exited his martial trance. He had fought well, he would be celebrating soon.

Nangasereb Elitemarksdwarf was struck down, killed almost instantly.

The battle was over. As our forces began returning to the burrow a call came from an outrider.

Wagons through the gore

Sodel greeted the Traders as they came past. He was almost too tired to wave but it was the polite thing to do. The facial expression of the traders was quite something. Sodel stood looking over the landscape, checking off each dwarf as they went past and went back to their barracks. He received some grunts and nods of acknowledgment, perhaps there would be less grumbling now though he doubted it.
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