Comforter class Repair Buggy.
The comforter class is a modified tormentor, replacing the mounted phantom with a much larger Repair tool derivative. By increasing the size of the Repair tool and The number of nanites it has available for repair, the Comfoter is capable of bypassing the normal repair tools overheating problems increasing the RoR. With the newly increased RoR, the Comforter acts as a Mobile repair bay for task forces it is deployed with, rapidly repairing damage to VTOL aircraft, Tormentor Buggies, and Newly acquired Defenses.
Additionally, due to its Mounted nature, the Comforter is fully capable of repairing vehicles while on the move, allowing our vehicles to stay on deployment with minimum needed downtime for repair.
Anvil Class repair tool.
The current repair tool is faulty, its nanites overheat too quickly and it repairs at a rate comparable to a snail. On bad days that can be downgraded to a frozen snail. AS such the first priority for any Combat engineer deployment is a new and improved Repair gun, which the anvil is here to supply. The first step to improving the Repair tool is to increase the amount of nanite it has to work with. This is done by Increasing the size of the repair tool. What was formerly a pistol sized Tool capable of repairing at a snails pace is now a Rifle sized tool capable of repairing its target much, much faster just due to an increase in Nanites available for the job. Instead of having them take a break to cool down, they are now able to work in rapid shifts, enduring that the temperature never reaches the point of needing a full cooldown cycle.
On top of the greatly increased repair speed, The Anvil is designed to increase Operating range, enabling a Combat engineer to repair a vehicle from a distance or even from behind better cover, Thus preventing the need to expose ones self to enemy fire in order to keep our mechnical creations up and running.
The HardLight Plasma Anti-Vehicle is a gun designed to be used by heavy assault troopers. By drawing on the Wielders Power systems normally reserved for Overshield, The HLPAV is capable of creating a devastating projectile. The draw is not such that the system will require the normal 2 minute recharge, but it is not thought to be viable to use the overshield system and the HLPAV at the same time.
The trade-off for the heavy assaults loss of their special capabilities is a Devastating weapon.
By compressing plasma nearly as hot as the sun into a fist-sized oval before launching it at high speeds, we create a weapon that should be more than capable of punching through even heavily armored vehicles, along with most forms of light cover. To keep the Plasma Charge from diffusing too much during flight, a Hardlight shell is created from the heavy assaults overshield system. When the Charge hits a target, the projectile will either have its nose shattered, releasing a concentrated jet of plasma straight into the armour of the target, or the overshield will penetrate and the plasma charge will go off [Italics] Inside [/Italics] the target if said target has the misfortune of being to lightly armored to stop the HLPAV's shot.