Sniper Ammo, New Types: Explosive, Impact, Piercing, Incendiary.
While our gear is important, so is the type of ammo we can use. This proposal is for new types of sniper ammo for the Imperator Sniper Rifle.
Explosive: A bullet that uses nanites as the primer for the explosion, and it's explosive material within. When the bullet hits, it hits with the force of a concentrated grenade, damaging the immediate area around the target. Meant for taking down Aircraft in their routes or damaging the wheels/ delicate important parts on vehicles. Do to the concentration of the explosion, not well suited for single human targets that can dodge or use a shield, the explosion doesn't reach that far.
Impact: A bullet that uses nanites as the primer for an explosion, this explosion generates a shockwave forward on impact to wash past the target. This shockwave is strong enough to kill anyone not behind cover, and even those close behind the impact point of the bullet. Doesn't deal any other type of damage to the area, besides the shockwave and the normal part of a piece of metal striking at high speeds. May cause rocksides/avalanches, due to being a vibration.
Piercing: Long used by humans. A Bullet designed to pierce through layers of armor and bulletproof glass to reach the target inside. Standard for Sniping single targets.
Incendiary: Long used by humans. This type of bullet is designed to start fires on/in whatever it hits. Acts like a normal bullet for the most part. Makes treatment difficult as it cauterizes the wounds, but that same property makes it unsuited to anything other than sabotage, given others are better for killing.