only coated contaminants can apply syndromes. It's this weird things where only a liquid, dust can effect via contact. Liquid can enter blood, gas can be inhaled. And solid and liquids ingested.
So sadly without some DFHack scripting improvements to an item cannot apply syndromes (Unless Toady changes that whenever the next release is)
This thread is a repost of a question asked and open-ended answered by me in the
0.44.x GENERAL MODDING QUESTIONS THREAD - NOW IN ALLCAPS EDITION] (*fixed the link)thread, so i don't really see why the OP is asking it again louder unless they are just really eager to find out if there's a way.
Since i hadn't gotten back to replying to that, i haven't tried it because i'd been too busy at the moment and im a little technically rusty on the steps that'd be required with syndromes to make a start. The assumption is on the basis that if a
material on touch can apply a effect, then the material change to glazing a applicable object could create a contact effect which is suitable for weapons.
No transferral of the syndrome splatter/source itself, though reactions could be applied to generalise it towards simplified poisoned glazes so that it recieves poison in its manufacture appropriate to the kind of the effect of the glaze at the kiln with material classes.
Here's the transcript i found with the syndrome tree being discussed pulled from discord, I rattled around my brains and searched it up.
can I attach a syndrome to a tree's [USE_MATERIAL_TEMPLATE:WOOD:WOOD_TEMPLATE] tag?
just stick it right below
what if things are made out of that wood?
would it still cause the syndrome?
they will have that syndrome
that's hilarious
Wait, but what would that do? If I touch a wooden barrel with that wood the syndrome will affect me?
SOunds like a nice way to make cursed woods or elven protection
Your dorfs embark on elf territory and the trees hurt your dwarves
I guess it would depend on the syndrome
If your dwarves wore gloves (not hard to do, not sure if mittens count though) then they wouldnt notice but things hitting shields made out of that material would.
Hogweed tree...
make toys out of it and sell it to the merchants
pretty evil
are elves immune to poison or something?
I'm trying to test a [SYN_INHALED] syndrome, but nothing is happening
it does say I'm caught in a cloud, but I'm not seeing the syndrome effects
INHALED is highly unreliable
I see
ah yeah, now it worked
just had to be exposed to more of it
B ☼ A ☼ Beder12/23/2018
Is body size a factor?
only with SIZE_DILUTES