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Author Topic: Gods of New Eras IC  (Read 3630 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Gods of New Eras IC
« on: May 15, 2019, 04:36:22 pm »

Spring of Year One

The Old World is gone. At least, the world we all once knew. Fire, famine, and fury led the world down a dark path, and only the few bastions of light remained to stand resolute against the darkness. Yet, this is not their story. This is the tale of those who had the good sense, the means, and the divine favor to escape from nigh certain doom. Across the sea these people carried themselves, their knowledge, their wares, and their gods. Will they take root in this foreign land, or are the last orange embers, cast from the fire only to quietly burn away to ash elsewhere? Only time will tell.

Mother Forest
The journey was not long in the view of the young dryads, no more than a turning of the heavens, but it's truly had to say, as the stars here are foreign and seem to change when you look away for even a moment. The wind is wild here, out on the open ocean, tearing and blowing at the leaves of the near blind Orcwort and whistling through the Needlefolk's bristles. It was the dryads who first smelled it, the lush hint of dark earth on the wind. A few days later the others could sense it as well, and knew they approached the land. They were eager to feel the earth beneath them once more, a ship is no place for a plant and has generally been uncomfortable for all involved. Yet as they drew closer to the shore, a wind from the south blew a storm upon the fleet. You had weathered a half dozen storms in the journey, and this one was not even a contender for the worst. But unknown to all but the dryads, something foul lurked inside that storm. The rain, which should have nourished, poisoned. Half of the dryads and a third of Needlefolk fell ill with what would be called Storm Sickness. Oddly enough, the Orcwort and their Wortlings were entirely unaffected. It appears as a blight, forming dark hard patches on the skin. After a few hours, tendrils of disease begin to spread. In those who's heads are affected, strange visions and disassociation occurred. If left untreated, it could infect other members of the crew, and the long term effects are unknown.

Your ship has come to rest on a beach, ahead is a thick and tropical jungle. It is particularly warm here, even more so than your homeland, though perhaps some of that is humidity. The plants here are strong and wild.

When the cataclysm struck, your people were quick to flee. Many had bought ship tickets and were travelling to various festivals, as is tradition at this time of year. Yet, those ships never reached their intended destinations, as these ships are those who decided to flee with their families, rather than join their ancestors this holiday. The journey was difficult as it took much longer than expected. Supplies had begun to run low in the first month, but by the third, a few fishercats had taught their trade to most of the passengers. Most were poor fishercats, but through sheer numbers, food was caught and life was sustained. One night, a terrible storm could be seen from the north, it's lighting and waves clearly visible for hours before it would wash over your ships. Your people prepared themselves for the possibility that this could be the end of their journey. They were correct. The storm raged for hours, and several ships were capsized. Others, were not so fortunate. They were bashed against rocks as the storm pushed them into land.

When your people awoke, they were spread across the wild coast. A temperate forest and grassland covered all they could see. Those ships which remained in tact, arrived at a cresent shaped bay, it's steep walls bowing outwards to form a large bowl, a quarter of which had been lost into the ocean, likely due to a collision with one of your ships. The water here was deep and clear, with a small waterfall pouring in from the cliffs above. Only a third of your people arrived here safely, the fate of the other's and their ship's cargo is, for now, unknown. However, strange crates seem to have washed into your cove here, unlike any your civilization would produce. Perhaps you are not the only ones to have arrived on these shores.

When the fires began to rage across the Old World, the human race, which at the time was splintered and divided across vast areas, reacted in a variety of ways. Some joined the dwarves under the earth, others shored up their walls, and others charged headfirst, sword in hand, into the darkness. Yet there were others who fled. Among them was a fleet of ships predestined for the New World. Many commoners, peasants, and even a few criminals were leaving to start a new life. The winds of destruction only served as extra winds in their sails as they continued on as planned. The journey was hard for many. It was a long journey, full of quiet moments and the morbid realization that this trip would be their last.

Several months into the journey, a terrible storm crashed into your ship! Lightning and thunder broke through the swirling winds and choppy seas. Several ships were capsized, and many members of your faction were thrown overboard, along with much of the supplies. A day later when the sky cleared, many of your people dredged themselves up onto dry land. The found themselves on a long beach looking in towards plains and forest beyond the sandy shores. For miles up and down the coast, bodies, survivors, supplies, and ship debris littered the shore. About a third of your survivors grouped together on the beach, unsure of what to do. Yet among them, strangers were found wandering the shores. Strange cat-like beings your people had known in the Old World, though never closely. And even odder yet were the gremlins, who seemed to lurk near the edges of society. They seemed equally as lost and confused as your humans.

Of all the species to flee the coming destruction of the Old World, few gave little thought to the slimes. None expected them to foresee destruction, or have the forethought to avoid it. So when their slippery ships slithered onto the salty sea, some were surely shocked. Yet onto the ocean the slimes sailed, one of the first races to abandon the dying world in search of greener pastures. The journey for the slimes was in some ways, instant, and in other ways, eternal. For many slimes, time is but a slow and drawn out singular moment, and this period were they were crossing the sea neither bothered nor concerned them. For other types of slimes, generations passed where the ocean view was all they knew, and all they would ever know. By the time the slimes arrived on new lands, they had grown more homogeneous, returning to a state perhaps similar to the first slimes. They were for the most part translucent blue and somewhat rounded, a shape and color influenced by their long time at sea. They arrived on the new lands a blank slate, ready to adapt to whatever conditions awaited them. A select few, particularly those with longer life spans, retained much of their previous characteristics. Among them was a King Blue Slime, who lorded over the lesser slimes, as well as two princely red slimes and a yellow ooze, all of which displayed above average intelligence and capability, at least by slime standards.

Their ship sailed up a river delta, meandering into a marshy swampland. This seemed like a prime habitat for slimes, being rich in nutrients and muck. But unfortunately, this prime real estate was already occupied. A few miles inland, your ship is besieged by some sort of lizard people who are beginning to scale the sides of your ship brandishing crude bone weapons and leather armor!

The Muranid have always been an undaunted race. Long accustomed to ship travel, especially on ships that do not belong to them, they in general were not bothered by sea travel. In fact, many of those who left on this journey were sailors belonging to one of the merchant barons who oversaw and funded this journey. Others were merchants themselves, or craftsmen who supplied goods and services to said merchants. For those accustomed to the long journeys from port to port, the months aboard the ships were no different than the lives they once knew. After several months under unfamiliar stars and across strange seas, the Muranid fleet arrived on distant shores with little in the way of hardship. Food and water was running low, as the journey was delayed a few days by a large storm, but most agree avoiding the monsoon was the safest route, despite the doldrums which followed. Ahead of them, rocky shores which rise up a long craigey incline to vast plains of grasses interspaced with the occasional tree or bit of brush. However, once land was in sight, the merchant barons began to grumble with eachother.  Francesco Debatio, Lord Merchant of Debatio Shipping declaired he and his deserved more of the supplies, for it was his ships that had carried them here. Whereas Matteo Ganari, CEO of Ganari Goods and Supplies, declared that the remaining supplies were his, as they were ultimately the property of his company, and that he be reimbursed for those consumed over the course of the journey. And to make matters worse, Lady Gabriele Giusepi, the self proclaimed Queen of Armaments has totally commandeered several ships at musket point, for she provided the guns and much of the crew for the fleet. And she demands the remaining food supplies and ammunition, and will hold her ships with force if necessary! Indeed, the three are so unwilling to reach an agreement, that not a soul has stepped ashore!

The Great Wrench
The Gremlins were always a race that was looked down upon by the taller races. Though, unlike kobalds or even some of their gnomish cousins, this never bothered the gremlins. There is an old gremlin saying, "An adversary which underestimates a gremlin, is no true adversary at all." It is this philosophy which ultimately led to the gremlins to the new world. Many sought their technological skill and believed they could build the ships necessary to carry their people to salvation, and those fools were correct. The gremlins could, and did build glorious (if not somewhat hazardous) ships which could make the journey, though those ships never were delivered to those who had acquired the services of the gremlins. Instead, the gremlins left on those ships, laughing in the dead of night at those who believed they could leave the gremlins behind to perish on this dying continent. Among the gremlins which boarded these ships was a great number of mages and magical craftsmen. Among them, even a few of the brightest minds of gremlin kind. Though gremlins have no true nobles or kings, the name Alveros Brightglimmer and Celphine Bentsteel either strike fear or reverence into the hearts of the wiser members of the race. Alveros, an accomplished mage had garnered a reputation even among the larger races as a shrewd sorcerer and a dangerous businessman. Whereas Bentsteel was an artificer, who had managed to maintain a rather wholesome business of crafting magical devices, and had both fortune and favoritism on her side.

As your ships crossed the sea, steely and pouring smoke from their roaring engines, the journey was made in two thirds the time that a wind powered ship could achieve. Yet this came at a high price: fuel. As the final weeks of the journey drew near, it became clear that there would not be enough fuel to reach the shores of this whispered land across the ocean. The gremlins dealt with this problem, as they do with all their problems, with unbridled experimentation regardless of consequences. Strange schemes and outlandish propositions were attempted, varying from cannibalizing cargo, to strange rituals. In the end, one mage managed to summon forth a terrible storm, which would propel them the final few days towards shore. However, it went horribly wrong and several of the ships were torn asunder and cast into the depths. A few days later, much of the gremlins, and large chunks of their ships, washed up on the craggy coast of their destination. Only a third or so of the gremlins arrived in this location, and a great deal of supplies and souls either washed up elsewhere or were lost to sea. Yet, even stranger, a few humans were discovered on the beaches, gathering bits of their own broken ship to build small fires and keep warm. Even a few of the curious catfolk could be seen, some dead some alive, on the shores.

The Incilatro and Sciro were a race well accustomed to new lands. It seemed for much of their history, they had been journeying from one land to another, always seeking to return to their homeland, a distant place known as the Troon. Though much of that history had been lost to the long march of time. This particular journey was spearheaded by the Artificers Guild, a loose collection of magical device craftsmen who, while not nearly as wealthy as many of the merchant barons they competed with, could produce fantastical devices. Among them were some of the few musket makers of the Old World as well as several mages of moderate renown. Of them, Sir Rivulet Blastone, a sciro, was well regarded as the best gunsmith in the Old World, but his age and health had seen to a decline in his abilities. However, two up and coming Incilatro mages, Ak Windcrown and Sallif Longfeather, had reputations which proceeded them.

The Artificers traveled upon modified ships, outfitted with both sails and small engines. These ships seemed totally immune to the long doldrums of stillness that permeated swaths of the journey. As a result, they made it in good time to the New World. They happened upon a large river and, seeing as the nearby shore was rather marshy and unsuitable for agriculture or construction, they decided to journey up river. Using their engines, this was of little consequence. However, a few miles inland, the engines began to gum up. Some sort of marsh sludge had made their way into the mechanics, and caused irreparable damage. A few of the engines sputtered and drowned in the muck, but others died in a fiery explosion! As soon as one caught flame, that fire ignited flammable marsh gas. In a matter of an hour, the fleet was stranded without engines, for those engines which survived to this point, could not be turned on for fear of losing them as well. Whats more, fires have begun to spread across the water and onto sections of your fleet!

The Hand of Thal
The Hand of Thal had always been a whispered organization. While they were not constricted to the shadows, like some similar religious groups, they were not spoken of openly in public places either. This was known to the members of the Hand. Some people's hearts and minds were just so closed that they could neither see the beauty and oneness that was the Hand of Thal. These poor souls would look on the improvements of the Heels and the glory of the Palms and shudder before the clear signs of divinity that they exhibit. This is simply the shallowness of a soul which cannot see the true path. This is known. It is in this light that onlookers watched the Red Fleet sail towards the new world. A small armada of red tinted wooden ships flying the flag of the Hand of Thal. Some looked on with awe, others with questions, and even more with panic as they sought their own way to escape the horrors of this dying land. That was of little concern for the Hand members, for they knew, they would rebuild the world as it was truly meant to be, and thus these paltry feelings of non-believers did not weigh heavily on their hearts as they sailed into the warm glow of the setting sun.

The journey was long, but it was not unpleasant. The members of the Hand were less concerned with the close quarters and long silent moments than most unenlightened would be. The gospels of Thal were preached regularly, and many hymnals rang out over the choppy waters of unfamiliar seas. In fact, a great number of good sermonic points were made on the journey. One such point was whether Thal had visited or perhaps dwelled on their unknown destination. Perhaps even aspects of him rested there, hidden from them. Discussing points such as these brought the followers closer to their god in some ways. Among the members of the congregation, there were three palms of particular interest. The oldest member of this particular church, Gadreel Humstone was often looked towards for his wisdom. He was wise, spoke his mind, but never forcefully, and was well respect for his poise. He had shown many here the light of Thal. Yet, it was his voice which was most opposed to this journey, for he feared there were section's of Thal still undiscovered in the old world and that by abandoning it, meant abandoning their purpose. The second of interest was the youngest, or perhaps freshest of the palms, Morael Jorlight. Jorlight was a heel mere weeks ago, but the prospect of the dying world forced him to redouble his faith and turn towards his god for guidance. He found that guidance, and he believed it led him to the new world. The final palm of special interest was Xanth Sarbrooke. Xanth was particularly gifted in the ceremonies and had taken to channeling the power of the Hand of Thal more easily than almost any before him. It appeared to all that he was perhaps naturally gifted, or even blessed by god. Though he was rather old now, his wisdom and carefree ease of accepting Thal inspired several generations which followed and studied under him. It was through his lighthearted jesting that many would come not to fear leaving, but to be exhilarated by it. Even Gadreel could not resist his charms.

Though the lighthearted journey did not last, in the dead of night, a strange terror befell several of the crew and congregation. Strange terrors licked at the corners of their consciousness, and darted around them only partially outside their field of vision. Their screams and unnatural terror was unusual for those as disciplined as members of the Hand of Thal, especially the Palms who were afflicted. When confusion was at it's peak, the source of the madness became clear. An inky darkness, not seperate from the water, but rather embodied by it, rose up like a still wave and looked down upon the ships. This entity, or rather, this force, slowly opened a maw which did not exist a moment before, and in a single slow smooth movement, swallowed several ships into the void within. The screaming of those being devoured was a stark contrast to the beast which produced no sounds, not even a disturbance in the waves. Their noise fell to silence, and the creature sank back into the depths as light broke over the horizon. Your followers looked on, lost and confused, as a third of your fleet and followers had disappeared without a trace. For many, it felt like a terrifying nightmare, to surreal to exist and much harder to accept. It became even harder when the church members realized, Xanth was not among the survivors. Gadreel's heart hardened, as did his face as he stared at the young Morael, so too did many others follow this example, and many who did not, could follow no example at all, but for the first time, felt as though they were adrift on a sea they could never return from, or perhaps, survive.

A few solemn weeks later, your ships spotted land. A rocky outcropping which seemed unnatural in scope and size, protruding from the footlands of a small mountain range. To the south, wide temperate plains only partially broken by the occasional tree or bit of brush, and to the north snowcapped mountains which ran further than one could see. Yet there, among those hills, perhaps there was something built by mortal hands.
« Last Edit: May 19, 2019, 07:17:37 pm by Roboson »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Gods of New Eras IC
« Reply #1 on: May 15, 2019, 04:36:40 pm »

Player Inventories

Mother Forest (Demonic Spoon)
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Nyagic (TricMagic)
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Iyiania (Tiri)
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Grel'Chak (Tube Wizard)
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Juramanus (Taricus)
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The Great Wrench (Weirdsound)
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Acter (Glass)
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The Hand of Thal (Wyrdbird)
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« Last Edit: May 17, 2019, 07:24:29 pm by Roboson »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Gods of New Eras IC
« Reply #2 on: May 15, 2019, 09:06:33 pm »

Juramanus looked towards the new world, and was pleased. A new land to rebuild and expand him imperium in, as his gaze swept across to his followers he-

Why weren't they leaving the ships?

Juramanus sighed, seeing the friction between leaders hold up the effort all had put in in surviving the cataclysm, before searching for one of his priests onboard the ships, or at least someone more devoted than usual to serve as a speaker for him...

When he had found but a lone priest on the fleet, Juramanus looked upon them with hope, with that he may break the deadlock which persisted.

Spoiler: The Muranic Pope (click to show/hide)

And through the prophet, he did speak. This deadlock has gone on for too long. By divine authority, this situation will end and it will end today. Now, a crux of the current issue is the lack of supplies, which I can solve, but I will not provide them unless you make landfall."
« Last Edit: May 16, 2019, 07:11:56 pm by Taricus »
Quote from: evictedSaint
We sided with the holocaust for a fucking +1 roll


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Gods of New Eras IC
« Reply #3 on: May 15, 2019, 10:47:34 pm »

You weren't supposed to... there's an entire coast. You could have just said "yeah, let's try someplace else". That's what I wanted you to do.
Let's get to work.

Acter first put out all the fires - given they were being fueled by the swamp's gas, it was unlikely that any simpler smothering methods would actually remove the danger.

Then, he set out to get someone to act as his intermediary with the populace. Someone trustworthy, of course, and who wouldn't take his words and twist them to empower himself more than is simply earned by being a prophet. Someone who had embodied Acter's ideals, who had brought themselves higher than they started through ingenuity and forethought. Someone with a teacher's sort of presence, perhaps. Yes, that should work. Reasonable and worthy of attention and respect, but willing and able to be strict when necessary, and without losing that respect.
And once he had identified one such person among the populace of his exodus, Acter bestowed upon their soul the mark of a prophet, and spoke to them:

I cannot say that I had ever intended for my people to sail into a swamp, but I know how you can extract yourselves from it. You have carpenters, and plenty of trees around you; send out some woodcutters to acquire lumber suitable for the creation of rods long enough to reach the riverbeds, and use the rods to push your vessels back out to sea. Once there, you will be able to set a course along the shoreline to find a more suitable landing location. Perhaps do not stray too far from the swamp's borders, however; given its gasses are flammable, they may be suitable as a new source of fuel.
And yes, as you may have been wondering, you are now to be my prophet. I do not require terribly much from you; merely act as a good example to your fellows, and relay my words when I deliver them to you. When I next require your assistance, I will make myself known.
Ah, and. It is likely a good idea to work on making sure that you know both which trees are safe to harvest from, and which will actually be suitable for the desired purpose. I'm afraid I cannot help you there at the moment, though, so you - that's collective, the exodus as a whole - will need to do research into that.


And then, out of essence but with time left to work, Acter scryed the lands along the shoreline, looking for suitable locations to send his followers as well as anything else of interest, other people especially. He also recalled some others from the homeland setting off...
Quote from: FallacyOfUrist (on Discord, 11/15/21)
Glass is, as usual, correct.
Yep, as ever, I bestow upon Glass the expected +1
I'm gonna say we go with whatever Glass's idea is.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Gods of New Eras IC
« Reply #4 on: May 16, 2019, 01:53:18 am »

The Great Wrench was in a small mood. It had been since the cataclysm. It did not care about the death and destruction. It was merely jealousy that somebody or something else had caused the mayhem. The storm had been a nice surprise, but it wasn't enough. Not really. It had seen Armageddon. Surely all lesser forms of chaos would lose their luster in comparision. Life had lost mea... Wait. Were those humans? And catfolk? Stripped of their supply and vulnerable? This was going to be fun!

First order of busniess would be finding a place for his people to live. Gremlins did not build, they squatted. The current crop of neighbors have nothing, however. They will not be making towns or cities anytime soon. Not without a push anyway.


The Great Wrench turns to the wrecked Gremlin Ships, and begins combining and reworking their parts with generous amounts of divine magic! It forms a great machine that moves on metal treads, and is capable of digging up rock, sand, and trees alike. This new machine is fueled by a magical reactor capable of burning sand and other low quality common minerals and belching out clouds of toxic black smoke thick enough to be seen for miles (hopefully drawing in more people who have been scattered across the beach). The machine's main controls are designed to be worked by a taller being, like a human or cat person. The machine, however, contains several secret compartments large enough to comfortably house a tiny gremlin or two, and each of these chambers has its own control panel, to be employed if the foreigners try to steal it or turn it against its true monsters. The Machine shall be called the Earth Reaver!

The Great Wrench presents the Earth Reaver to the merchant-mage Alveros Brightglimmer, and offers him direction.
"Take this my plaything! Lease it to the silly big folk, so that they may build the sort of places where Gremlins might live happily, and owe you great debts!"

The Great Wrench whispers instructions to the artificer Celphine Bentsteel.
"A beach is no place for Gemlins! Build tools and vehicles to explore! Perhaps some people in these lands already have cities, and we need just find them! OOoooooh! Imagine if they have never heard of your kind! They could be easy to exploit in the beginning, before they learn to distrust us! This is a great opportunity!"
« Last Edit: May 16, 2019, 01:55:45 am by Weirdsound »

Demonic Spoon

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Re: Gods of New Eras IC
« Reply #5 on: May 16, 2019, 02:23:29 am »

Action 1:  Mother Forest saw a small seedling growing in rich, fertile soil. With the pleasing conditions it should have been sprouting vigorously, but it's leaves were covered with a strange blight, it's bark peeling away due to patches of blackness, it's roots warped. Mother Forest wept.

A rain of blue petals falls upon the diseased, curing many of the Storm Sickness and preventing further infections or deaths from it. [3E for moderate blessing on group]

Action 2: Mother Forest saw glittering green sparks like stars in the sky, and her leaves whispered to them. In their dreams the Treegrowers saw themselves quarantining the diseased, perhaps with some Orcwort and Wortlings joining them in the quarantine to care for them if their immunity to the sickness continues to hold. [Use Dreams to instruct my people to quarantine the infected]

Action 3: Mother Forest shaded the wisest healers and mages among her people, trying to guide them in the study of the sickness and it's effects both short and long-term, and curing it. Perhaps the quality that makes the Wortfolk immune could be studied, or since the disease seems partly based on vision, blindfolds or blinding curses could be attempted. [Inspire study of Storm Sickness]
« Last Edit: May 16, 2019, 02:26:14 am by Demonic Spoon »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Gods of New Eras IC
« Reply #6 on: May 16, 2019, 09:58:06 am »

Nyan... Hmm, let's see..

Action 1: Change the Biome to something a bit better toward attracting fish. Create a coral reef along the bottom and edges of the cliff to attract many fish and sealife. 2E.

That will do it for food. Now, let's see about finding everyone.

Action 2: Teach 1 of the Cait Sith Scouting I. 1E.
"Nyan.. Teach others how to Scout, so that you may find the others quickly."

Action 3: Inspire them to learning Waterproofing Magic, so they can go swimming without needing to worry about being wet.
Being able to keep from getting yourself wet, that means you can go diving.


Tube Wizard

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Re: Gods of New Eras IC
« Reply #7 on: May 16, 2019, 10:43:09 am »

Since the first acidic puddle shimmered with any more than mindless corrosion, Grel’chak had been there, watching, guiding, and nurturing his children. The slimes were never the grandest, boldest, or even the most dangerous of monstrous races, but in the deepest, dankest sewers and darkest holes, their god held sway. Over the centuries he labored to better his children, and it is said by seers immersed in the theology of the depths that of all the dark gods, the love he held for his followers was perhaps the greatest, and that it was matched only by his slow, seething hate for those who dare to deny the supremacy of quivering jellies, and his relentless urge to see them reduced to the primordial ooze from whence they came.

In the old world, slimes were a race of bottom feeders, carcass scavengers, and the rare cave infestation to be stamped out. No more than pests and parasites, a scholar’s curiosity and sewer’s salvation, and no less. Without his guidance they would’ve remained nothing but an occasional bother, and indeed they were content in their place, but Grel’chak was not willing to see his glorious, gorgeous globs reduced to the bottom of the ecosystem, and so he fought. Unfortunately for the overslime, their worship was never quite enough to match the more mindful, less contemplative races and for the most part, he was condemned to the status of a lesser god, forced to cooperate with the idols he found repugnant simply to spite the surface dwellers. Granted, once or twice he managed to usher in an all-consuming, torrential flood of slimes but against the efforts of the momentarily unified pantheon, these apocalyptic events were never more than a petty kingdom or three’s end.

If he had enough depth for introspection he might’ve been depressed by the realization his dream of a liquid reality was impossible, but he did not and continued after each defeat with renewed vigor. When the darkness came, where the other gods lamented the loss of their solid works, their trite temples and posh palaces, Grel’chak gurgled in pleasure, for in the midst of the coming end the slimes lost nothing but their lives, and on another continent far, far away, those could begin anew. When the murky, filthy swamps became visible if the god had a face he would’ve grinned ear-to-ear, for the discovery was all but a confirmation of a new golden age. As soon as the local solids were rendered into nutrients, that is.

Action 1: Grel’chak spends 3E to bless the King Slime with a ludicrous affinity for generating and manipulating corrosive pools, splashes, and sludges.
Action 2: Grel’chak commands his children to surge forth and annihilate those who would dare defy their dissolution in a magnificent (if predictable) flood!
Action 3: Grel’chak tasks the Yellow Ooze with leading the common slimes into battle, and the Red Slimes with protecting the King Slime while he puts his blessings to use providing fire support.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Gods of New Eras IC
« Reply #8 on: May 16, 2019, 08:05:01 pm »

And through the prophet, he did speak. This deadlock has gone on for too long. By divine authority, this situation will end and it will end today. Now, a crux of the current issue is the lack of supplies, which I can solve, but I will not provide them unless you make landfall."

The three quarreling merchant lords did not take notice when a short Muranid entered their chambers. He was blacker than soot, and wore robes which were neither ornate, nor were they simple. They were a priest's robes, white with tasteful golden trim and red accent colors. It took several minutes for him to be noticed, but he was a patient muranid. When he finally was noticed, Francesco Debatio was the first to do so. "Excuse me priest, but this is a closed discussion. I mean no disrespect, but this is a private matter. Lady Gabriele Giusepi butted in, as she is known to do, Disrespect? Disrespect has already been visited upon us! Why are you apologizing to him? He is the one who snuck in unannounced to a meeting he has no business eavesdropping on. He is the one who should be apologizing to us! It is at this moment that the prophet spoke thus: This deadlock has gone on for too long. By divine authority, this situation will end and it will end today. Now, a crux of the current issue is the lack of supplies, which I can solve, but I will not provide them unless you make landfall." The three merchants looked at one another. Debatio looked confused and apologetic, while Lady Giusepi laughed openly. Ha! I will have none of this nonsense. A simple minded priest cannot simply make supplies appear. What we brought with us, is all we have. And it belongs to me, as a matter of fact. Unless... you have truly abandoned your god and intend to use magic. Is that it priest? Are you truly just a heretic fleeing the oppression of your own god? she bemused arrogantly. The third baron, Matteo Ganari simply watched quietly with pompous interest at the scene unfolding before him.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Gods of New Eras IC
« Reply #9 on: May 16, 2019, 08:12:27 pm »

"To clarify a little matter, this IS your god speaking, using this priest as a mouthpiece. However, given the effects of this discussion, it is hardly just a private matter given that it is preventing the entire fleet from landing. Now, if the pedantry is out of the way, this situation is relatively clear in my mind; Ganari is the owner of the supplies still left onboard the fleet. However, both Debatio and Giusepi need compensation for providing the ships and crew respectively, and so in lieu of any actual currency being used, this payment will be in the form of supplies.

Would that be agreeable as a base of negotiations?"
« Last Edit: May 16, 2019, 08:32:34 pm by Taricus »
Quote from: evictedSaint
We sided with the holocaust for a fucking +1 roll


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Re: Gods of New Eras IC
« Reply #10 on: May 16, 2019, 10:33:25 pm »

"To clarify a little matter, this IS your god speaking, using this priest as a mouthpiece. However, given the effects of this discussion, it is hardly just a private matter given that it is preventing the entire fleet from landing. Now, if the pedantry is out of the way, this situation is relatively clear in my mind; Ganari is the owner of the supplies still left onboard the fleet. However, both Debatio and Giusepi need compensation for providing the ships and crew respectively, and so in lieu of any actual currency being used, this payment will be in the form of supplies.

Would that be agreeable as a base of negotiations?"

Giusepi moved to speak again, but for the first time since the priest entered, Matteo Ganari spoke. His voice was remarkably deep for a muranid. I don't know about you, but I am entertained by this so called mouthpiece of god. So lets make it interesting. I bet my claim to any and all supplies, both carried here and that spontaneously appear, that this priest can do as he says. What do you say? Are you wealthy enough to make such a wager? This comment seemed to almost physically strike Giusepi, who had clawed buck-tooth and nail to get herself out of poverty and into the position she now holds. From the glint in Ganari's eye, you could see he believed every word you had said. He was old money, born into a very wealthy family, he owned a few rather lucrative churches devoted to you. He had caught on, and was playing Guisepi for being a realist and a pragmatist. I'll take no part in such a wager Ganari, you know I am no betting rat, and I have my men to think of, said Francesco. Guisepi glared at the priest, then at Matteo. Unlike some of us, I know what work is. When to do it, and when to not. But this? This is charity. I will gladly take such a wager. If we all agree, we will land and I then Debatio and I will be negotiating how we will be feeding and arming our rodents. With that, the four of them left the room, and the ships swiftly made landfall.


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Re: Gods of New Eras IC
« Reply #11 on: May 16, 2019, 10:55:59 pm »

As the Muranids made landfall, Juramanus makes good on his deal, ensuring that a sizeable stockpile of supplies and resources are ready and waiting for them. [2E on creating assorted supplies (Food, raw materials etc.) at the landing site]

Then, Juramanus surveys the surrounding region, looking for a good source of lumber his people could exploit [Scrying close-by areas for forests and other sources of timber]
Quote from: evictedSaint
We sided with the holocaust for a fucking +1 roll


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Re: Gods of New Eras IC
« Reply #12 on: May 17, 2019, 01:56:03 am »

Iyiania--who had, probably, tragically lost the "F" next to her name--noticed first the curiosity amongst her people. The cat-folk and gremlins were among them, and at a precariously close distance. This, she sought to explain.

1st action: All 3E, spend on blessing the all-the-humans (since I guess this means a group in an area) and those who devote themselves to her fully amongst the humanoids, to be better hunters--basically heightened mental/perceptual acuity, which may individually and abstractedly lead to better perception, memory, or accuracy (e.g. which can be used for ranged weapons, or being able to perceive the lands and their qualities, etc)

2nd/3rd action: Talk. Just talk--if this isn't enough for an action, then inspire (e.g. tech, confidence, devotion, etc.) to everyone. Inspire some tech by teaching. (The bits about the gremlins are to her chosen organizers and trusted honorable folk)

Iyiania spoke to those who could read and write, and to those who could not, and to those gremlins or cat-folk around.
She bade them to rally and gather, but addressed the humans questions' with confidentiality first towards the presence of others.
"I am watcher and protector, the storm was no natural one given the unseen devastation--the matter that there are others present in many numbers means there are others who have decided as we, towards the darkness. Support me and I shall ensure you thrive. For one day, amongst our children and kin, for the future generations, we will return and help our fellowmen. We need to stand before doing so, and we need to stand firmly. To these, we work as one--treat any others you know or do not know with respect, caution, and trust. Integrate those who choose to follow and earn their keep by aiding the community, that we learn from each others' cultures and shared knowledges; help those who wish to return to theirs by scouting the lands and finding them home. Learn and adapt, form ways as if you did not have the blessing I have given--use it to create, and find those who are lost among the coasts and lands, which will be difficult, but will become foundations for better future action."

Regarding the gremlins, as she was assured of her knowledge about them, she spoke in confidence. "Our people have upheld the values of respect and diversity--respect others, help others, but trust is a cornerstone you do into action. Many may not trust because of beliefs, as in reasoning these are cycles to how they act onto others; beliefs are unseen but guide action into the future by their intent and act. If these are stowaways, then we would have found others among our ranks well before any logistics issues appeared. We help these gremlins, we must make decisions, and you must communicate. Be wary about intent, for them and all others; it is impossible for others among us to be here in such numbers as stowaways. I seek caution, because of these hidden agendas being present--but many do not know, by position, rank, experience, or knowledge, and they are vulnerable--these also depend on their beliefs, as no race or person is to be treated at present by the harms we have seen or suffered by superficial looks and appearances. Communicate well with them and anyone else either way. Use my blessing well, as it can be used in various forms, from scouting to hunting to perceiving the quality of the lands and logistics, to distance measuring to sighting the stars and weather, to creativity and innovation, to noticing the patterns and seeing the depths of the oceans, to seeing what animals are around and the fauna that can help or harm by their appearance. Hunt for other humans, and bring them back--the journey will be long, and people must never travel alone at these times.

"We hold no currency or value as much as important as that which unites you in solidarity--your trust onto others, and your manners of dealing with what you can. As for now, work with the resources you have, establish a system of information, and ask me what is most needed when I return. The beaches can become as stable as any mountain, but require hard work in them. Move your people to locations more desirable if need be, for I have given you sight through your minds for your hands and senses that you may see like hawks--provided you work together to do so. Gather the dead and ensure they are given funerary rites--to not only them, but to those of us lost in the darkness, which we shall one day overcome, and in order to do so, must ensure there is a haven for us to begin with. Let our actions absolve any old grievances, any grudges and misgivings, but acknowledge what we had done to each other freely, for we are all survivors and the hope for ourselves and those to come. We can move forward, while acknowledging our past. We begin anew."

She coordinated her people with words in mind and visions or imageries--to inspire their potential for technology, but to work upon a stable foundation for future inspiration to come forth. They were confused--they needed a structure of trust formed into leadership, and a manner of information and trust, and so she taught how to lead justly, with mercy, and with insight and hind/foresight (...better than aristocracy hopefully?), and showed them possible futures where these would lead to prosperity and fulfillment. This coastline had the opportunity to become a stable and well-rounded port, given its terrain and its geographic nature. The plains are to be used for farmlands and protection, for overwatch on the surrounding lands and establishment of our colony, alongside the forest for raising our animals and safekeeping our supplies--of our lumber and our resources to not just be used but to grow; she promised to teach better use of resources in the future, if the people would act to mark leaders who was humble, resourceful, insightful, and wise in their dealings with everyone else in the next few months, and those among them would select one they would follow in turn, for they would become their champion.

She pointed to the ships and the shoreline--their blessing would aid in searching for all who had gone astray, and to use the ships (or repurpose them into better, swifter ones for the shallow oceans, and to help detect any issues before they become made) to scout the lands for knowledge and information; many must have initially been lost just like them, and it would do much merit to make expedience in doing so before they were lost. They were to leave one ship, as it was a marker for themselves--and for further study in order to build more. They had the knowledge of woodworking and stoneworking; even if their starts will be rudimentary, it will become better with her guidance in time. She mentioned as an aside that they could build crossbows if they found the right materials. To the common man be power--every great work was built upon the free labor coming from the living person who decided upon helping out in doing so.
« Last Edit: May 17, 2019, 06:32:19 am by Tiruin »


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Re: Gods of New Eras IC
« Reply #13 on: May 18, 2019, 07:15:56 am »

In this time of uncertainty, of indecision, of fear, the Hand spoke, filling the follower’s minds with a voice much like their own.

“Many souls were lost today, souls that were not yet reunited with Thal. In their memory, we must both pray for their swift reunion with the Living Earth, and resolve to save this land. The Hand of Thal is the Hand that shall rebuild the world, through both the old ways and the new.

Gadreel, you must tame the hills. Bring forth what has been hidden, and, should any stop and wonder, let them listen, and teach them of our way.  This New Earth has long since been dormant, but all lands hold the Blood of Thal.
Morael, restore what was once unshattered.  The beings that walked these hills hold new secrets, ones that may yet bind to our current knowledge. As Thal embraces those who understand, so too, will the past and present be reunited.  A boon of the new world is waiting for you.  Fulfill yourself."

Having guided the indecisive, the Hand's attention turned to the  land itself. The Cult of the Red Hand  are industrious, but some  things cannot be  done by mortal works alone.
Stretching out towards the  border of the plains and hills, the Hand scraped underneath the long-dormant soil, searching for a remnant of the Old World.   Eventually, it found one such fragment, and, in a surge of power, brought it forth once more.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

 The Hand gingerly placed the tablet in Moreal's hand,  impressing upon him the knowledge of this first New Fragment.

« Last Edit: May 18, 2019, 11:02:00 pm by WyrdByrd »


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Re: Gods of New Eras IC
« Reply #14 on: May 19, 2019, 04:36:28 pm »

Summer of Year One

Mother Forest
Over the long summer months, a great many things became clear. Shortly after the storm sickness befell your people, you cast over them a flurry of blue petals. For many of those only mildly affected by the storm sickness, their symptoms mostly disappeared. The blight on these individuals hardened and fell off in the coming weeks, and not a single case of remission occurred. Many of these Storm Scabs were collected by your healers and those skilled in nature magic, in order to study and learn more of their origin and perhaps, find a cure. For those who were greatest affected, the disease was not entirely cured, but the symptoms were greatly mitigated. Orcwork and their wortlings quarantined the blighted on one of the ships, bringing them supplies and constantly attempting to understand this strange disease.

As time progressed, it appeared as if there were two separate diseases, one affecting the needlefolk and one affecting the dryads. In the needlefolk, the disease mostly affected the limbs and their needles. It formed cankers on the skin, and spots on the needles and extremities. The cankers themselves were quite painful, but soothed by the work of healers at the very least. The disease seemed to be eating away at them, slowly weakening their bodies as the black sores slowly festered over the weeks. In the dryads, the disease was much different. A strange black ring would grow across their forehead and around their head, becoming bulbus and covered in bark and spines. In those most affected, it began to look like a crown. It would even effect the trees of the dryads, darkening the bark and thorns began to grow upon their branches. Unfortunately, this disease did little to hinder the bodies of the dryads, but instead fogged their senses and mind. First was the eyes, they became foggy and clouded until all slowly faded to black. Somewhere during that process, the mind began to falter. The dryads who grew thorn crowns began to stop making sense when they spoke, rambling in nonsense sentences, with unintelligible syllabus scattered throughout. Interestingly, their magic was not at all dulled, and neither was their need for water and sun. Indeed, they drank ever more deeply now than ever.

Otherwise, the uninfected went about establishing the colony here with mixed results. This jungle was dense and the soil strange to the touch. The dryads determined there was a very high acidity to the soil itself, an issue which made taking root here rather difficult. Whats more, many plants refused to yield their location to allow the dryads to be planted. Unlike the docile plants of your homeland, these plants had evolved to compete with vigor for their place in this jungle, and in the end, so to were your dryads. Magic had to be used in order to make clearings for them to be planted in this alien soil and even then, the jungle quickly began encroaching on their trees, casting them in shade. Parasitic vines were kept at bay, but remained a constant danger in this harsh place. For the needlefolk, the jungle, which had cooled slightly as the season changed, was a dense maze. Fruit and flowers were common here, and they could eat readily and often, but getting lost was an oft danger. Construction of homes went well as well, creating huts of large jungle leaves and what wood that could be found. For the orcwort, this jungle was perfect. There was an abundance of prey, and the thick growth of the jungle allowed them to see more clearly than ever before. Hunting was good. The orcwort was more accustomed to fighting for space and was less bothered than most plants in the shade and dense vegetation. Though, they often glimpsed strange beasts which seemed dangerous, they left eachother alone.

This cove ended up being a lovely local for the various cat people who had ventured here. On two thirds of the cove, tall rocky cliffs with spotted viney vegetation, and the remaining third, open to the sea. The high walls cast shade on one side in the morning, and shaded the other side in the afternoon, though the center of the bay was never cast into the cool shade.

Using your power, you drew forth life into the bay and the seeds of that power quickly blossomed. Where the bay had once had a sandy bottom interspaced with chunks of rock from the cliffs that had been propelled into the water through weather and wind, now those same dull rocks provided anchors for coral to take root and flourish. This created a beautiful patchwork of vibrant underwater islands surrounded by a sea of pristine white sand. All manner of corals grew here, creating a prismatic effect on each of the rocks. Stoney branching corals created fan and treelike structures which swayed slightly with the tides. Patches of multicolored zoanthid and polythoa corals created small areas which looked like bouquets of flowers. Floppy mushroom and bubbly richordia corals clung to the undersides and crags where the light was less strong, often having a purplish or dark red hue. And wide montipora corals created tables of stoney color, red, bright green, and purple, which reached out to catch as much light as possible. Throughout these coral colonies, creatures began to appear. Snails of interesting shell sizes and shapes, crabs of minute stature crawled through the tiny forests, spotted translucent shrimps flitted about. Clams, anemones, and other sessile organisms took up reseidence. Hermit crabs would quarrel over the best homes and starfish would lounge on open spaces. Then there were the fish. Schools of small bright yellow and neon blue fish would meander about, closely packed. Fat red fish would saunter about, hunting for prey. Dull green puffer fish grazed on the polythoa and zoanthids. Even the occasional eel or octopus could be spotted. By the end of summer, the ecosystem had taken root and was continueing to spread and flesh itself out as the coral grew unnaturally fast due to your power. A few more seasons, and it would appear to any that this reef had been here for millennia.

The various Nya took to swimming in the bay. The waters were clear and the sights beautiful. Though one day, one received a strange thought. A whisper of a thought in the back of their mind, a thought which didn't feel like their own, and was quickly forgotten. But over time, it reoccured to them and seemed more clear and familiar each time. Why did they have to get wet when they swam? The nya brought this up in conversation with a few mages. It seemed a decent idea and research began. Though there seemed to be more pressing matters at hand. Housing was in short supply, and while there was an abundance of small fish in the coral reef system, there were not many great eating fish of decent size like there were on the open ocean. One of the winged cats was suddenly inspired to scout the area, and seemed to be rather gifted at it. She gave tips to other catfolk, but it would take time for them to truly grasp the finer elements. The scouts discovered a jungle beyond the cliffs, but it was far to dense to fly though. A few scouts either became lost, or worse while exploring that dense hot rainforest. Other scouts travelled up the coast and found a the occasional shipwreck survivor, but much to their confusion, there were humans and gremlins among those they found. About two dozen nya were found over the course of the season.

The humans were not nobles, nor were they hunters, or even particularly gifted in the arts or sciences. Yet, what these humans had was grit and hard work. That is what had allowed them to eek out lives in the Old Land. Tilling less than fertile soil, chopping hard wood trees with dull axes, and hammering crooked nails into hand carved boards. This was the human condition, close to the earth, staving off death each season, and growing strong from their labors. That strength of body and spirit brought them forward to this new land, and with it, they would carve a new life here.

Shortly after arriving, the entirety of the humans who weren't scattered by the shipwreck found an intense clarity of mind unlike they had experienced before. Many felt as though something of this strange land was affecting them, improving them, and making their minds clear. Others argued that it was simply the cleanness of the air, the lack of the smoke which had clogged their lungs and eyes before they left the old world. They quickly took advantage of this blessing. While few were skilled in the way of hunting, spears made of ship banisters and other debris from the ship wreck were constructed. Out across the plains, several species were noticed. There were small groups of giant rabiphants, huge tusked elephant like rabbits, almost round with fat and fluff with wide ears and a trunk. While they were mostly docile, hunting them proved to be difficult. For while they seemed to waddle slowly, when they break into a charge, their rabitlike legs allow them to reach incredible speed. Several aspiring hunters suffered injures when trampled or gored by the beasts. Herds of buffallamas, buffalo with a long necks, shaggy fur and curled horns also roamed the plains. Smaller game existed here too. Small green rodents, quick brown flightless birds with long beaks and a crown of purple feathers, various species of toads and lizards. Strangest of all were the seemingly boneless furry creatures known as Amphs. They ungulate across the ground and were extremely soft and furry. It was soon discovered they were not good for eating, their flesh tasting awful. Some compared it to a slime, and they thanked Iyiania that, at least, the slimes of the Old Land would never bother them again. Some Amphs were taken in as pets, and seeing as they'd eat most any kind of vegetation, they took almost no maintenance. Hunting in the ocean went much better, as the mental ability increased aim significantly, and a large amount of fish were accurately speared by swimmers. Mostly a large blue, almost cylindrical fish, which roasted on a spit well without falling apart. The food was good, though near the end of the season, many worried of the chill in the air. Though they had found food now, there was little stored for winter.

For the majority of the season, the people received vague feelings and inspiration from your word. None were so attuned to you that they could truly hear your words cast over the budding civilization, but much of their content was felt. General goodwill towards all, including the outsiders, was the norm. The people were happy and kind towards one another. A distinct feeling of community had begun to blossom among the people who arrived here. A sort of system of government seemed to be developing out of this, as the people gathered together and discussed ideas for improvements to their lives, a community town hall of sorts. The people agreed that there was little in the way of wood, and that several of the ships would be repurposed. Several, along with a great bit of ship parts which were not all of human make, were used to build houses and small crude boats. The houses were arranged in a circle facing inward, with a firepit in the center of the village. The small boats lacked sails, but used oars instead. The spearfishers would go up and down the coast looking for fish, and would occasionally run into humans, gremlins, and catfolk, directing them to the village. All were accepted with open arms, and most were enthralled by the community and how open and kind it was. Especially the gremlins, they would readily join the village, though they never seemed to do much work. Though many catfolk were reclusive at first, when the smells of roasting fish began drifting through the air, it was not long before they had opened up.

Time for a slime is so very different from other mortal races. Most slimes don't even feel the passage of time. Yet, the summer came and went. When the slimes first arrived here, they were assaulted by lizardfolk, and the ensuring battle was quite bloody. Grel'Chak blessed the king slime with the ability to create corrosive pools of acid. The first band of lizard men who boarded the slimy sea vessel, were met with an unsavory surprise. A wave of corrosive liquid washed over them, and their flesh began to melt before their eyes. Though the fighting was far from over, as several dozen other warriors boarded other ships and more swam through the swamp. Strangely, these savages seemed to be familiar with fighting ships, and used some method to puncture holes into the bottom of the ships as they assaulted them. All of the ships containing mundane slimes sunk halfway into the swamp, filling with water until their hulls rested on the bottom. In a one on one fight, a slime was no match for these warriors. However, the slimes were multitudinous. After an initial blitz where the warriors would rush the deck and slay a few slimes, one by one they would be surrounded and engulfed. A fair number of slimes were lost in the fighting. Of course, The king slime and the two red slimes, which seemed faster and more durable than most, easily defeated the lizardmen boarders aboard their vessel. However, the acid of the king slime did more damage to the ship than any of the lizardfolk could, melting huge sections of it. It buckled down the middle, splitting into two and sinking. By the end of the foray, about eighty lizard men were slain, at the cost of 150 slime lives. The rest of the lizardfolk fled to the west. Then the dissolution began, and the slimes feasted. Several slimes gained scaly exteriors as a result, the shifting scales providing extra durability and form, but reducing flexibility.

Over the next few months, the slimes lived their nearsighted lives in comparative peace. Though their ships were no longer boyant, the majority of them remained above the surface. During the day, slimes could be seen lounging on the decks and other parts of the ship. Others swam across the surface of the water, consuming muck and algae as they skimmed the surface. Some came across prey in the waters. Large insects, the occasional fish crab or turtle, and even the rare swimming primate. Other slimes made their way into the trees, devouring fruit and leaves and slowly digesting them. There was an abundance of delicious rot as well. Fallen trees, partially submerged, were swarmed and dissolved by slimes by the dozen.

Interestingly, several slimes were slain near the end of the season by gun wielding insect people. To the south, some were discovered pushing entire ships through the swamp. It was a slow process, and occasionally one would wander into the water to find food or into the trees. Run ins were few, as it was near the edge of where slimes would wander, but it became clear to you that another god was watching these encounters.

When the muranids stepped off their ships, they found piles of food and raw lumber awaiting them a few hundred feet from the shore. It was just as the priest had said. This brought great joy to many of the members of your new colony. However, as Matteo Ganari had wagered, the supplies of the ship as well as though which appeared,  Lady Giusepi and her men had no claim to the supplies they had carried with them here, or found on the shore. She stared on with disbelief, then with a deep hatred at the priest and at the other merchant barons as the supplies were split among the other two baron lords. A sorcerer indeed. I should have known Ganari would be so low as to enlist a heretic from one of his churches. May Juramanus smite you down like the wizarding swine you are. She then spat into the priests face before storming off. A few hours later, while the muranids slept aboard the ships, having yet to make a reasonable camp, there was a thunderous boom which woke your colonists. An explosion had occurred in the priest's ship and it was sinking into the ocean! The crew rushed to lifeboats, or simply jumped overboard to escape the flames and sinking vessel. Luckily, the priest survived the explosion and only sustained mild injuries, as did all but a few unfortunate souls who had become trapped or incapacitated by the blast. From what they could tell, the explosion was caused by a powder keg, detonated on the exterior of the ship. From the placement, it seemed intended for the priest, but without knowing his exact location, narrowly missed him. Immediately a militia was formed by the other two barons. Yet, when they went to gather guns, the vast majority of the armaments had been stolen. In the distance a fire raged on shore.

By torchlight, it quickly became clear what had occurred. Spurred by the overt use of magic by the priest, at least as it appeared to the muranids, Lady Giusepi had organized her men and set about a nefarious plot. They had gathered the armaments from their ship, at least as much as they could carry with them. Then using a life boat, affixed a few barrels of powder with a long fuse to the side of the ship the priest belonged to, and then made landfall. There they set similar explosive devices in the piles of supplies, which destroyed much of them. On the beach, between the ships and the smoldering piles of what was once supplies, was a pile of empty powder kegs, which had their contents dumped into the shallow water around them. Atop it was a parchment, held down with a dagger plunged into the wood. It read: "Thou shalt destroy magic where-ever one finds it." Not a single one of Giusepi's crew was found among the ships, and judging from the tracks in the sand, their entire band traveled inland across the plains.

The rest of the season was one of hardship. The actions of Giusepi had instilled fear and distrust among the muranids. Not only did they not trust eachother, especially didn't trust the rats employed by the other baron. Even more so, distrust of the priest was shared by both crews. He was avoided by most all of the rats, with the exception of Matteo Ganari and a few others who believed he was a prophet of Juramanus. Few knew anything about magic, and less knew what could or couldn't be achieved by a mage or an act of god, so few could truly trust the priest. Eventually Matteo realized he'd never asked the priest name. It was Valteo Esposito. He had been a pastor of a small church which burned in the dying of the Old World, along with his son.

Yet, as time went on, the situation improved. In the following months, the supplies brought with the muranids lasted much longer than anticipated. Mostly due to having fewer mouths to feed and less houses to build. Several of the ships were beached and deconstructed for lumber, leaving three intact. There was no one particularly skilled in carpentry, and the homes constructed were shoddy, but they kept the elements at bay. Mostly they consisted of single rooms, though the barons had multilevel houses, boasting at least a dozen rooms and an excess of luxury. Food was a main concern as the season passed. Few guns an ammunition were on the ships which belonged to the remaining barons. Though, a species of large rabbit-like elephants was spotted on the plains. Despite being poor shots, hunting parties occasionally managed to fell one of the beasts, and the muranids would feast for days. Though, many worried as the wind began to chill, that the supplies wouldn't last through the coming winter.

Upon scrying the local area, you discovered several things of note. To the north, there are rolling foothills which boast several small forests. It seems a strange cult of some sort has landed there and is building some sort of fortress. To the south and to the west, the plains continue as far as you can see. You detect the faint presence of another deity watching the plains to your south.

The Great Wrench
The gremlins, battered, beaten, and soaked throroughly by the waves were only mostly surprised when chunks of ships and machinery started rearranging themselves into a new machine. They looked at eachother and shrugged, some asking questions 'like did you do that?' or 'Is that why it blew up?' or saying things like 'Bentsteel probably...' or "Classic Brightglimmer showmanship.' There were a few comments about product placement opportunities and emerging markets as well, at least among the more mercantile oriented gremlins. And the more religious gremlins, of course, whispered your name under their breath, or shouted your name if their business was being charlatans. "Made by god" is apparently a powerful marketing tool, especially when the tall races don't bother to ask which god.

And so the work began. Brightglimmer looks startled at first to hear your words. He looks around, left, then right, and finally up for a long moment, his eyes squinting at the sky. He then shakes his head a few times rapidly and pulls out a half drunk vial of green liquid and pours it out with a 'hurrmph'. Still, regardless of source, he takes the machine and begins trying to rent it out. It doesn't go quite so well, as these things occasionally do. He found some talls, humans by the look of them, and tried to rent out the machine. He told them of it's wonder, how it could excavate just about anything. Yet, the humans were broke. They said they got caught up in a freak storm and lost all their belongings. Alveros forced a smile as a bead of sweat dripped down the side of his face. He thanked them for their time and rushed away whistling haphazardly before the humans could ask him if he knew more about the storm. Eventually he managed to rent it to some catfolk in exchange for a hefty supply of fish. They spent the afternoon writing their names in the earth with the machine, so as to let their god know where they where. Averos forced a smile. For some reason, he knew that message wasn't received.

Meanwhile, over the course of the season, the gremlins set about building a workshop city. It was a beautiful thing, composed of metal and gears and all matter of thingamajigs and doohickeys. It was a respectable establishment, complete with unsanctioned experiments, explosions, flashing lights, big red buttons, and everything one would need for scientific discovery, without all those things that get in the way like workers compensation, hazard pay, or rule of law. Quite a few good and bad experiments took place. Most of note was the creation of vehicles, invented by one Celphine Bentsteel. These six wheeled carts, complete with three sets of flexible suspension, could navigate the open plains with ease. Theoretically. They unfortunately required a good deal of coal to power, and the gremlins were running incredibly low on coal. In fact, the fact that they ran out of fuel is the reason they don't have ships, and therefore, why Celphine had enough parts to build two of these vehicles. She found a sort of poetic symmetry in that.

Over the summer, hunting was good. The gremlins had a few powerful, if not prone to jamming and or exploding, home made guns. While they varied in quality and design, the end result was often the same. Something would die. Whether it was the gremlin or the target was up to chance really. The main source of food was the herds of buffallamas were the best targets, in the gremlin's opinion. They huddled close together when they felt endangered, unless they stampeded, but the gremlin's small stature rarely caused that result before the sounds of gunfire spooked the herd. But by shooting into the crowd, most times the bullet hit. Often there was more food than could be eaten before it went bad and there were experiments as to smoking meat. But it seems that hanging slabs of meat over toxic experiment fumes is not a good way to prevent spoilage. As the season turned to fall, and the air began to chill, the lack of fuel for heat and lack of food began to become the topic at hand for most gremlins. Each one wanted to monopolize these concerns and become rich off it, but as of yet none have succeeded.

Seeing the sorry state of his followers, Acter felt compelled to improve their situation. With an expense of heavenly power, he snuffed the flames out in a single instant. The heat and fire disappeared and the ships, while smoldering slightly, were only slightly damaged by the event. He looked among his followers and uplifted a young Sciro by the name of Jamx Blueclaw, who was aptly named after the ombre blue speckles across his taupe carapace. Jamx was a dabbling mage, but was more gifted when it came to repairing firearms, and so had pursued that as a career. He has two younger sisters, an uncle, and an a niece who had also made the journey across the ocean aboard the same ship. They share the same coloration and surname. He clearly heard your words and felt power swell into him as he was marked as a prophet of Acter. He quickly drew up some plans and shared them with a few of the other sciro. There weren't many skilled carpenters to speak of aboard any of the ships, but they had the tools and agreed without the engines, and with the sails being inoperable in the overhang and shallow conditions of the swamp, it was a question of abandoning the ships or giving it a shot.

And so the incilantro and sciro ventured into the swamp. It was far from a safe or pleasant experience. The swamp gas clung close to the surface of the water, and made breathing rather difficult as your followers ventured out on the lifeboats to nearby trees. Dizziness, aches, headache and vomiting appeared after only a few minutes. It was rather difficult, compounded with the fact that the trees nearby were not great for long sturdy poles, as their branches were thin or far out of reach. Most of the trees were some kind of cypress perhaps, maybe a few tupelo, it was hard to tell as your followers aren't well versed in tree species, and these were not present in the Old World. It took several weeks for enough smaller trees to be collected and worked into poles, partially due to a restriction on artificed tools which may cause a spark. In the meantime, foraging was the main source of food. An interesting floating bulb plant, which was named swamp garlic, was discovered. It had a harsh biting taste, but it was clearly identifiable and easy to reach. Fishing wasn't really attempted as there was no way to cook the meat.

After the poles were finished, it took several more weeks to navigate out of the swamp. The going was incredibly slow. The bottom of the swamp lacked any real purchase and seemed to be endless mud. This paired with the rising and lowering of the tides causing ships to be caught for hours on end, or longer, made the journey take almost an entire season. By the end of the season however, the ocean was in sight. You had scryed the surrounding area for places to make landfall. To the south, there was a dense hot jungle full of ominous plants. Interestingly enough, there was a band of what appeared to be catfolk savages living in a cove on the edge of that jungle. Then to the north, the swamps give way to vast open plains with little large vegetation. Along the coast, small groups of humans, catfolk, and gremlins had built temporary camps. These were all small meager attempts to survive, with two exceptions. A fair ways to the north there was an metal town, full of smoke and fumes, and quite a long ways past that, almost on the edge of your vision, was a large gathering of humans.

The Hand of Thal
The Cult of the Red Hand, solemn and worn from their travels, made landfall. The ruins spotted in the distance were an hour or two journey from the shore, visable only due to a crumbling tower in the distance. The walk through the foothills was pleasant, the hills and troughs made the land difficult to navigate, but standing atop any of the larger hills and one was gifted a beautiful panorama view of the nearby vista. A few small groups of buffallamas could be seen standing atop hills grazing, but they kept their distance. There were small grey hill crabs which scuttled into holes in the ground as the cultists approached. Scrub and brush was small and rare, but there were a few small forests in the area, mostly composed of some sort of pine tree. To the south, the hills rolled on for miles,  and off to the north a mountain range which extended from the coast inland and out of sight.

Upon reaching the ruins, the congregation discovered an outpost of somekind, proof that mortals have, at one point, walked these lands. It was a single small keep. The walls of the keep were not symetrical, but rather had been built to fit the land around it. From above, it would have looked like a teardrop made of straight lines. It was built upon a tall flat hill, and one could not help but notice the strategic position of it's placement. From it's towers, even crumbling as they are, on could see in all directions for quite a distance, and the natural geography of the hills would make it difficult for a large army to approach from the north, being funneled between two steep hills. Indeed, evidence of a road leading north was found, overgrown and half buried as the cultists approached the walls. The fortress doors were once composed of iron and wood, but rust and decay had reduced them to mangled skeletons of rusty metal. One wall had crumbled inwards it appeared, and the cultists made their way within the outer walls. There they found a few stone buildings built into the outer wall, with a courtyard in the center. One of the buildings appeared to be a storehouse, though the supplies there had long ago rotted or been eaten by animals. It had a small subterranean root cellar as well. The storehouse took up the entirety of the eastern wall. On the southwest corner, there was what appeared to be a barracks, decayed bed frames and trunks lined two rooms on the bottom floor, with a single room above, likely for a captain or leader of some sort. Notably, the beds were much larger than one would expect, as were the doorways, near twice the size one of the cultists would need. The last building building was on the northeast corner, connected to the storehouse. Seemed that the main level was a dining area. A huge stone fireplace took up the majority of the north wall, across from the entry. Off to the eastern wall was a door which lead into a small kitchen area, which in turn lead into the storehouse. Though, the tables had long ago crumbled to dust, dirt covered tapestries depicted white skinned humanoids of some sort clad in black armor and wielding large weapons. There, above the fireplace, two of the weapons were displayed, though one had broken free from it's brackets and fallen to the floor, cracking the stone where it landed and standing almost upright. They were as large as one of your cultists, a huge black flanged mace with a ring of spikes near the center of it's head. One of the larger heels went to lift it, but couldn't manage to lift it, much less swing it. Once he touched it, unbeknownst to the cultists, you felt a slight stir in the area. As if something dangerous had turned a curious eye towards your colonists. Unknowing of this, the cultists began setting about their work.

Moreal was gifted the Tablet of Reunion. In a dream, he saw your visage walk across the ocean, carrying a tablet. Your image walked across the land and water to this very keep. Though in the dream, it was undamaged and it's grey stone intact and new. You buried the tablet beneath the courtyard and then turned to look at Moreal's dream self. Your visage waved it's red hand, and Moreal came to know the purpose of this relic. Your visage then nodded and departed. Then time sped up incredibly. The seasons passed in a blur. Day, night, summer, winter, spring, fall, all passed in a mater of seconds. Until they finally slowed, and Moreal watched him and the other cultists appear on the horizon, walking towards the keep. He then awoke, and took this strange dream to discuss with the other palms and heels. They gathered around as Moreal dug at the earth with his hands, and surely enough, there the tablet was, clearly a relic of your creation. The cultists were filled with wonder and admiration at the sight of a holy relic so far from home, and it redoubled their idea that perhaps your blood did in fact rest upon this land.

Over the next few months, Moreal worked on rebuilding what he could with the tablet. It was slow going. The tablet's power could repair the walls, but it was slow to lift the stones, one at a time. Some stones seemed to be missing and had to be replaced, which further slowed the project. The beds, tables, and other wooden furniture took less time, and were repaired in a matter of weeks. Oddly, the torn tapestries and fire place seemed unaffected by the power of the tablet, as did the strange weapons. Moreal did not know what to make of this, but it was taken as a bad omen. The maces were eventually dragged into the corner of the main hall by a half dozen of the strongest cultists.

Meanwhile the other cultists set about making a life here. They had few weapons with which to hunt the creatures of this land. While they were versed in blood magic, there were few offensive range spells known which would aid in this endeavor. As a result, food was mostly foraged from the forests. A kind of mild tasting melon was rather easy to locate, and many were harvested. A few cultists became quite good at grabbing hillcrabs from their holes. A small stream, likely running all the way from the snowey mountaintops, provided a source of small fish as well. Though their diet was monotonous and bland, their bellies were full. Though, many worried as the temperature began to drop. A shrill wind ran across the hills, and as summer ended, the temperature fell swiftly, especially with the wind. Many came to worry about the prospect of winter. Some melons had been stored in the root cellar, but it was from enough to make the cult through the winter. Another concern was the lack of wood. The cultists lacked axes as well as other tools and weapons, and firewood was limited to what they could collect from the distant woods.
« Last Edit: May 19, 2019, 07:17:51 pm by Roboson »
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