Thanks for playing, everyone.
So ends game 3.
So glad my plan was already put in motion for game 4.
P.S. Great game as always, EP.
Thanks for the idea, I'm glad you enjoyed the game.
Well. There's only one thing left for me to do.
JK, see you next game.
GG, Thainos. The video made me laugh. Thanks again for provoking the "Thanos vs Jeff Goldblum" fight scene. I also enjoyed how you dealt with Delta's challenges to your philosophy.
It's probably going to be ages before I can pronounce Thanos' name correctly again.
Wew, that was great.
And hopefully, next time, I can initiate my ENDGAME
Thanks for the compliment! You got pretty close to winning there. I was curious, what did you want the Unlimited Glove for? I assumed you were going to give it to the Emperor.
This was fun. I will definitely join Game 4
Just one question, are the winged bodies connected to my first body or separate? I’m curious because I want to now Rana’s status for the next game
Edit: never mind, it seems that the wings of crows and buzzards along with decomposing human carcasses combined to make wings for my main body, probably, unless full crows, buzzards, and human body parts connected in a way that all the wings work. Probably the second one. Either way, I will defiantly not be recognized by Shaun or GiantDad without reintroducing myself. Here’s hoping they don’t shoot on sight.again,I will defiantly join game 5 and if the pattern stickers, it will be in the summer of 2020
Really, what I was suggesting was that you had taken over a
byakhee. You started out in one body, used tendrils to take over the next one, and then lashed them both together. I'm glad you enjoyed the game. When you started out playing as a little ball of light, I really didn't expect that you'd end up a bodysnatching blood monster. You're probably right about the next one. I don't want to confirm anything right now, but April 16th 2020 does seem likely for the next game.
So basically this was Infinity War, and next game is Endgame.
Whelp, glad I could be established as getting a scan of the Milks’ structures before the end.
Thanks for playing. I wanted to say, I enjoyed Delta's characterization. I didn't expect the HAL-esque AI to be one of the most consistently loyal crew members.
Wew, that was great.
And hopefully, next time, I can initiate my ENDGAME
Well. There's only one thing left for me to do.
JK, see you next game.
I mean
Both of you got dusted
Hell, the only other guy who did was the Chaos guy
Hey, death hardly ever stopped anyone before.
I've enjoyed this game, but it also didn't feel as memorable as the first two.
In any case, I look forward to the next game in the series!
I did feel like something was wrong with this one in comparison to the others. I think the ultimate cause of the flaws was that I set the game on a space ship. It should have been an immobile space station. I only realized after we were a few turns in that the implied narrative of traveling through space wasn't right for the game. It creates an implied main location and plot, but most players weren't interested. Further, the ship lacked any overarching goal to motivate you all to take the ship places until near the end. M&M 2 pulled off a "main quest", but only because that one came about naturally. I should have made it a station, and then let the game spiral out from there. If players had wanted ships, they could have acquired them through die rolls. That would have been a better solution in the end, and would have created more stories when the attempts inevitably went wrong.
Also, having all of space as a playground for every character may have been too large a playing field to start with. I'm not sure it actually mattered in the end, though. The PCs mostly kept to the Moloko and the Bazaar early on, which was probably a close enough space for them to interact with each other. Other problems included my staying up too late to work on the game, and the added workload for the Silence segments. I think in retrospect Silence's pictures were my favorite part of this game, but they took about as much effort as the rest of the turn combined. It turns out that making things clear without dialogue was surprisingly hard, along with tracking down and trimming the appropriate images. Still, Silence was fun to "write".
I noticed that there were fewer players this time, and people left more often. I'd really appreciate anyone's thoughts on problems they saw, so I can improve for next time.
I'm glad you enjoyed the game overall. Too bad GiantDad didn't win more PVP fights. That would have been appropriate to the character, but I couldn't cheat in your favor for it.
Silence: Takes out his BOTTLE OF NOTHING
Silence: Finally Drinks it
(Roleplay aside I had alot of fun playing this and I loved the picture thing you did with silence which was just 10/10 I may not of done as much as I could of but I didnt really want to mess with things silence would have no way of knowing so I mostly did other stuff good game everyone and good job to thainos for doing his thing woop)
Silence: Gives a thumbs up for this fun game!
(Thanks for playing, and for keeping up the whole time. Like I said in CABL's post, I think Silence's turns were probably the thing I liked most about this run. It was surprisingly difficult, but hopefully it was worth it in the end. I never thought I'd say this, but I think I might
possibly have a slight modicum of respect for
mimes now. Not too much, but I feel like they deserve water at least. Maybe even food or the right to a fair trial. You played a great character.)
Uhm, so vampires can make milk?
I really wasn't sure if I should consider you a valid target for the coin flip. Like Glass said, the most accurate reading of Thainos' wish would have been to only consider female mammals as targets, but killing half the women and only them seemed unlikely to be Thainos' intent. As such, I decided that he would kill the males too, on the grounds that they can have daughters and then those daughters would be able to produce milk. You were one of the tough calls, but I decided to do it because
dhampirs are a common enough trope that I figured he might consider you part of the "potential milk sources" population.
Sorry I couldn't give you a more satisfying ending. I didn't like abruptly killing you off at the end like that, but I couldn't see another way out for you with the die results being as they were.
Relevant link
As good as ever, Ep. Can’t wait for the next one! Well, I can.
Uhm, so vampires can make milk?
I mean, if we were going by that, it would only be female mammals that were targeted, but oh well. Your chaos fuckery is done.
My chaos fuckery was for sake of world saving, unlike your random pointless dickery
Vampires are still mammals, probably, maybe.
Thanks for playing. I've enjoyed writing Shaun's adventure across time over the trilogy. I never suggested it during either game since I try not to take sides, but if you ever wanted to go get it Abraham Lincoln's +1 hat is still up for grabs. You just need to go save him again if you want it, since you eliminated the original trip by erasing the original game's timeline.
Fun video, by the way. Seems like the sort of thing AllBob would like.