Find a fly, knock it out, take it to the lab and try to splice plant DNA into its cells. Have the scientist grunt help with not killing it.
[4]You got the fly, the scientist grunt is no help, and splice the DNA out of it. Now to splice the plant DNA, now where was that plant DNA, oh right there it is. Tada fly+plant DNA. Oh crude what pant was this (roll) Clematis virginiana otherwise known as Devil's darning needle. Update inv: Fly+Clematis virginiana DNA
Set up political debates, which would be broadcasted U.S wide, of course with hidden subliminal indoctrination messages, hope U.S does not start war for REAL
This war thing is just a bluff, only absolute madman would start war over nothing
[2]You lose the debate in an humiliating way. Your KGB comrades inform you that another blunder like that and its to the Gulags with you. On a good note the USA does not declare war on the USSR.
Get some of my squad to help keep me from dying while I wait for the ambulance.
Name: Soon Johnson
Profession: Police Grunt
Rank: Police Sergeant
Age: 36
Sex: M
Money: $6
Inv: Pistol, ammo for pistol, nightstick, handcuffs, some keys, radio
Country: USA
Goal(s): Become the chief of the police grunts.
Heath: critically injured 1/3
Team: 7 Police grunts
[4]You are still stable. The squad has the last of the bad guys, no other casualties. Wait for ambulance or have one of the squad cars take you to the hospital? Ambulance arrives next turn.
Celebrate our milestone with a pot roast for the whole crew, then get to work on floors 6-10.
Profession: Construction Grunt (crane operator)/ Engineer Corps
Inv:(Basic profession toolkit: wrenches, hammers, screwdrivers, welder, that kind of thing. Unless war, in which case a rifle 2 magazines of ammo, and three frag grenades)
Country: USA
Traits: Bad teacher (-1 to teaching rolls)
Goal(s): Build the biggest skyscrapers, like , you don't even know. Or shoot the enemy, if war. Either way, always on the lookout for a fine sandwich and a cold beer.
currently in charge of 34 worker grunts. Tasked to build floors 6-10 of skyscraper 0/80 complete
[4]The crew enjoy the roast and start working on the next 4 floors Update task: 5/80
Eh, I've run out of ideas and my character is rapidly getting nowhere. Could you remove me from the game, please?
[2]You are never heard from again. Feel free to play again as a new character if you wish.
Nooknuk surfs the radio channels.
[4]All you find is the government propaganda. There might be something more but you are being watched.
Someone is gone, I wonder what happened.