So there's a gal that goes to our gym who's this very slight, pale woman with a completely bald head. Obviously a cancer survivor.
"Cancer Chick" is an absolute beast, running the elliptical for about 45 minutes, hopping on the rowing machine for another half hour, and then going right over to deadlifting 120kg (which judging from looks is at least twice her bodyweight). This is a woman who fought through Hell and came back with a highscore.
Obviously, "Cancer Chick" wasn't a particularly suitable moniker for someone that badass... So last time we were there I spent my rest period trying to think of something better. Wasn't getting very far though, Atomic/Nuclear Warrior wasn't quite cutting it, and I was having a hard time getting a very tired brain to do much creative lifting.
But then my subconscious decided it would help out, and spat something into the buffer. My subconscious is a horrible person.
So, in Norwegian, the suffix "-er" can denote either the plural of an object, or that it is an actor performing the related action. 'Kopp' means cup/mug, 'kopper' means cups/mugs; 'arbeid' is labor, while 'arbeider' is laborer.
The name my mind came up with for this strong individual was "superkrefter".
So, "super" is just super, nothing strange there. "Krefter" means 'powers', so together they make "superpowers". Y'know, stuff like laser eyes and pyrokinesis and whatever. Or super strength, as the case may be.
...however, "kreft" is also the Norwegian word for cancer. So she's a supercancer-er.