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Author Topic: Blood of Champions - House Flavius (Action II)  (Read 4979 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Blood of Champions - House Flavius (Training I)
« Reply #60 on: March 29, 2019, 11:39:35 am »

Upon hearing that there would be no party, Kitus looks dismayed. But then he suddenly brightens with an idea.
"Alright -hic- hear me out real fast. What if I used that Fate Token to find a Spartan girlfriend who's willing to train our gladiators? I mean, what better twist of Fate than -hic- star-crossed lovers! That, and I'm lonely. Why do you think I'm always drowning in wine?"
Pyrinikos raises an eyebrow.
"Whilst it is said that the woman of Sparta are the equal of the men of Athens (primarily by Spartans), they generally leave actual military matters to their male counterparts."
"Furthermore, whilst improving our training abilities is clearly important, I believe it would be better handled at the appropriate time- when we will have more resources on hand, and can better decide how to spend them."
Long Live United Forenia!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Blood of Champions - House Flavius (Training I)
« Reply #61 on: March 29, 2019, 11:54:28 am »

Upon hearing that there would be no party, Kitus looks dismayed. But then he suddenly brightens with an idea.
"Alright -hic- hear me out real fast. What if I used that Fate Token to find a Spartan girlfriend who's willing to train our gladiators? I mean, what better twist of Fate than -hic- star-crossed lovers! That, and I'm lonely. Why do you think I'm always drowning in wine?"
Pyrinikos raises an eyebrow.
"Whilst it is said that the woman of Sparta are the equal of the men of Athens (primarily by Spartans), they generally leave actual military matters to their male counterparts."
"Furthermore, whilst improving our training abilities is clearly important, I believe it would be better handled at the appropriate time- when we will have more resources on hand, and can better decide how to spend them."
((It can be a guy you are dating, so we all get what we want))
Damnit people, this is why I said to keep the truce. Because now everyone's ganging up on the cats.
Also, don't forget to contact your local Eldritch Being(s), so that they can help with our mission to destroy the universe.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Blood of Champions - House Flavius (Training I)
« Reply #62 on: March 29, 2019, 12:18:31 pm »

Upon hearing that there would be no party, Kitus looks dismayed. But then he suddenly brightens with an idea.
"Alright -hic- hear me out real fast. What if I used that Fate Token to find a Spartan girlfriend who's willing to train our gladiators? I mean, what better twist of Fate than -hic- star-crossed lovers! That, and I'm lonely. Why do you think I'm always drowning in wine?"
Pyrinikos raises an eyebrow.
"Whilst it is said that the woman of Sparta are the equal of the men of Athens (primarily by Spartans), they generally leave actual military matters to their male counterparts."
"Furthermore, whilst improving our training abilities is clearly important, I believe it would be better handled at the appropriate time- when we will have more resources on hand, and can better decide how to spend them."
Actually, Spartan women were trained in combat. Not strategy or tactics, but the women were indeed expected to be able to take up arms to defend their homes (Even when their city had no walls) against any enemies that may show up while the men are away. Example: The women and a few old men of Sparta fended off Pyrrhus of Epirus, managing to hold him outside their (they were forced to build them after the end of the classical times) walls during a siege until the King of Sparta showed up and defeated Pyrrhus with the rest of the Spartan army.
We shall make the highest quality of quality quantities of soldiers with quantities of quality.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Blood of Champions - House Flavius (Training I)
« Reply #63 on: March 29, 2019, 02:24:55 pm »

"See? I have good taste in women, trust me! Or at least an eye for -hic- stronger women. And thus!"
Quote from: Votus Boxus
Training Plan:
Let's get down to business: (6) NUKE9.13, Detoxicated, KitRougard, Madman, Powder Miner, Twinwolf

Food Surplus Use:
Increased Rations:
Sell It Off:
Aid Your Peers:
Donate To The People: (2) Detoxicated, Powder Miner
Donate To The Temples: (4) NUKE9.13, KitRougard, Madman, Twinwolf

Extracurricular Activities:
None: (3) NUKE9.13, Madman, Twinwolf
Use Fate Token to make connections with vendors of cloth and leather items: (1) Powder Miner
Use Fate Token to get Kitus a Spartan Girlfriend who is also a trainer: (1) KitRougard
Scream all you want
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Blood of Champions - House Flavius (Training I)
« Reply #64 on: March 29, 2019, 02:34:20 pm »

Quote from: Votus Boxus
Training Plan:
Let's get down to business: (6) NUKE9.13, Detoxicated, KitRougard, Madman, Powder Miner, Twinwolf

Food Surplus Use:
Increased Rations:
Sell It Off:
Aid Your Peers:
Donate To The People: (2) Detoxicated, Powder Miner
Donate To The Temples: (4) NUKE9.13, KitRougard, Madman, Twinwolf

Extracurricular Activities:
None: (3) NUKE9.13, Madman, Twinwolf
Use Fate Token to make connections with vendors of cloth and leather items: (1) Powder Miner
Use Fate Token to get Kitus a Spartan Girlfriend who is also a trainer: (1) KitRougard
Ship Kitus off to Sparta. With no money. And no Fate token. And also in a rowboat. In winter. Across the Mediterranean. He'll live, probably: (1) Madman
« Last Edit: March 29, 2019, 02:39:42 pm by Madman198237 »
We shall make the highest quality of quality quantities of soldiers with quantities of quality.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Blood of Champions - House Flavius (Training I)
« Reply #65 on: March 29, 2019, 02:38:57 pm »

"Oh, for the love of- They're called tourists! Plus, as the Gods themselves said, historical accuracy - in this case, where Spartan women tend to be located - can screw off.
Anyways, I'm just shotgunning ideas and hoping that one of them sticks!
...wait, what the heck is a shotgun?"
« Last Edit: March 29, 2019, 03:05:02 pm by KitRougard »
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Blood of Champions - House Flavius (Training I)
« Reply #66 on: March 29, 2019, 03:11:18 pm »

"You know, that's a fair point. I imagine that a flexible attitude towards historical accuracy could make your hypothetical Spartan girl a warrior on par with her brothers."
"Nevertheless, I continue to advocate for saving our resources until after the upcoming fights, so we can make a more informed decision regarding how to spend them- after all, if our newly purchased and barely trained gladiators don't do so well, we might want that Fate token for more essential things, like improved equipment. We could still find you a girl then, without losing out on any potential Spartan training time."
Long Live United Forenia!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Blood of Champions - House Flavius (Training I)
« Reply #67 on: March 29, 2019, 08:29:19 pm »

"Fair enough, she wouldn't get to train them this round if I did meet her... But, the delay means I can write a formal prayer to the Gods! ((That is, write a story about how Kitus meets [Insert Spartan Female Name Here], falls in love, fails to catch her affections, maybe gets his leg broken, and finally impresses her.)) The Gods tend to be impressed with my oh, so eloquent phrasing, if I do say so myself. Register my vote for 'No Extracurricular Activities,' please! I have a tale to unfold..."
Scream all you want
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Man of Paper

  • Bay Watcher
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Blood of Champions - House Flavius (Planning II)
« Reply #68 on: April 05, 2019, 05:44:50 am »

Training I

Everything has a beginning. That's what Marcus Flavius Lanista tells himself as he watches the only two gladiators his family owns train against opposite sides of a striking post. The doctore in charge of their training barks with every movement - this one's footing is wrong, that one's got a limp wrist...these men could kill, sure, but they weren't yet killers.

Men are machines of war however, and it didn't take too long for the vigorous training to begin to take effect. As Fabulosa was getting a more public fight the doctore focused on improving his skill and it shows.

V: 2 > 4

V: 3 > 5
A: 3 > 5
S: 6 > 12

The Games I

The Gambling Den

Publius Flavius Lepidus wasn't too fond of the Gambling Den, but didn't quite hate it, either. Sure, it smelled, it was dirty, the people were filthy, and the conversation was often dull, but the entertainment was captivating. Dancers, games, and fighting all under one roof. Still, if it wasn't for family business he'd likely never had walked in willingly. He led Ferreus Secundius Alternis by his manacled hands to a holding cell along with a couple of the den's enforcers before joining the growing crowd around the fighting pit.

Ferreus is put in the cell and allowed to equip himself with the items brought in for him by his owners. Opposite the gate that was locked behind him is a heavy looking door. A muffled voice penetrates through it, but not enough for Ferreus to hear. He stands close to the door deep in thought.

His mind brought him back to the clear night in Capua where he'd snuck into the wrong villa. It was funny, really. He thought the place was empty, and indeed it had been. For quite a while, too. A pair of thugs had the same idea and were lucky, or unlucky for Ferreus, enough to come in after him. He was bent over a chest of old clothes when he was hit in the back of the head. He came to hog-tied and thrown in the back of a cart outside. It was mostly a haze, but he did remember being sold through a number of people in rapid succession before eventually being brought to the forum block.

A "fugitive" they called him. Even when he argued against it nobody cared enough to look into his claims. Ferreus gritts his teeth and as if on cue the door drops forward while a sharp stick pokes him in the back and into the arena.

A crowd of faces smeared in dirt, blood, food, and fluids roars in anticipation of the fight. Across from Ferreus stands a hungry-looking man dressed in loose rags and holding a club and what barely amounts to a shield. He's twitchy, nervous, and afraid. Ferreus silently shakes his head. His own people are worse than animals, lusting for spilt blood. They wanted this man butchered? Right then. That's what they'd get.

Ferreus walks confidently toward his opponent who takes a step back before weakly raising his arms to defend himself. The fighter swings his club downward and Ferreus meets it with his thyreos and a portion snaps off with a crack. The man lashes out again, this time from his left to right. Again Ferreus brings up his shield to block it, and again a piece breaks off. Ferreus throws the thyreos at his opponent and forces him to flinch and recoil momentarily. Ferreus uses this opportunity to step in and grab the fighter's club arm while thrusting his gladius into his belly. It bites in, but only part-way before Ferreus pulls the sword back out. Adjusting his grip on the man, who's fear-filled eyes lock with his, Ferreus supports his weight while stabbing again. And again. And again. Each time the man cries out and each time the crowd's reaction grows more negative. After a dozen thrusts Ferreus lets the man fall to his knees and collapse onto his side. The crowd boos vigorously, but Ferreus ignores it as he throws his gladius to the ground and stops off, leaving a mutilated mess behind him.

The Flavii promised the Den a good fighter and indeed they delivered. [Refund: + Fame Token]
Thanks to some well-placed coin Ferreus' victory also nets the family some wealth. [Victory: + Fortune Token]
Ferreus Secundius Alternis has also left an impression among a couple avid fans of bloodsports. Some of them have even begun to call him Ferreus the Butcher.

The Forum Arena

Marcus Flavius Ebrius and Marcus Flavius Lanista had traveled to the forum for two similar reasons: to make sure this family venture was going to be worth it, and to prove this family venture was worth it. Fabulosa was delivered to the arena by cart ahead of time and so the father and son had time to themselves to discuss things while traveling. By the time they arrived at the arena themselves it was near time for the fight to begin.

Ebirus follows Lanista to the pen Fabulosa is currently held in. His gear sits just out of his reach, stuck to the ground by a stake and chains.

"Fabulosa," Lanista speaks, "Do us proud today. It is an honor to fight in front of the crowds."

"Then why don't you, Roman?" the Carthaginian hissees.

Lanista responds with a laugh, "I am simply not made for it. But I do know how to make people rich. And even if wealth is meaningless, the freedom it might buy..."

Lanista trails off, turns, and walks away. Ebirus follows close behind, barely masking a look of approval. He'd seen the Carthaginian falter for a brief moment, a hard shell pierced by silver tongue.

"He should fight willingly for the time being," Lanista began speaking his thoughts aloud, though he fully intended for his father to overhear, "However once he finds out how expensive he was..."

Fabulosa stands at the gate between a pair of high wooden bleachers, flanked by a pair of armed guards. He straightens himself and stands tall as he waits for the editor to announce his entrance.

"Today we have a fine fight to start things off! Our generous friends the Flavii have graced us with an offering of their very own. Introducing...FABULOSA!"

The guards open the gate and Fabulosa struts in. He lets out a loud belly laugh and gestures to the growing crowd. As he begins to pull cheers from them Fabulosa shoots the crowd a smile and they lose it.

"But wait!" the editor, a short greasy-looking man [I just realized I was picturing Danny DeVito, so just saying Danny DeVito works], begins shouting over the crowd once more, "We also have been granted the pleasure of an offering by House Gavros! Enter...Ambiorix!"

A hush falls over the crowd. House Gavros is a fairly ruthless family, and their stock was known to mirror that. As the gladiator enters, his silvery, splendid  manica draws the eye immediately. The gladius seems up to standard but his scutum is showing clear signs of wear and tear. He roars from between mangled teeth and charges before the editor announces the start of the fight.

Fabulosa steps forward and away at the last moment when Ambiorix thrusts. Fabulosa attempts to trip Ambiorix as they pass but he hops over the shaft of the hasta. They turn and face one another, Ambiorix crouched and poised to attack while Fabulosa leaves his guard down and somewhat exposed. Fabulosa raises his spear arm and thrusts at a downward angle toward Ambiorix' exposed chest but is met by the blade of his gladius. The two circle one another. After a few moments Ambiorix makes his move, stepping in while swinging his scutum to bat away Fabulosa's hasta then attempting to bring his gladius down on Fabulosa's head. Fabulosa manages to bring his shield up in time to stop the blow, and the two lock eyes for a brief moment before Fabulosa cocks his head back and slams his forehead into the bridge of Ambiorix' nose. The gladiator reels back, dropping his shield to clutch his nose as he spins, eyes clutching shut as tears well in their corners.

Fabulosa laughs again and raises his arms, inciting the crowd into a frenzy once more. He slams the butt of the hasta on the ground a series of times as Ambiorix recovers. The gladiator charges with another roar, hands and lower face stained by his own blood. He launches a quick series of strikes that leave Fabulosa's shield ruined, but before Ambiorix can penetrate his defenses Fabulosa counterstrikes, kicking him back and stabbing him in the left shoulder. Ambiorix steps back as his arm hangs limply and for a moment gazes at his wound, bringing his sword hand up to it and poking it with his pinky. He then comes at Fabulosa with a fury once more. Fabulosa discards what little remains of his shield and uses his hasta in both hands to block the incoming attacks. Blade bites into shaft but Fabulosa is able to parry the blows and strike Ambiorix in the nose again, this time with the hasta shaft.

The blow leaves Ambiorix stunned as he rocks back on his feet briefly. Fabulosa steps up to Ambiorix and headbutts him again. Ambiorix falls backward with barely a sound as Fabulosa cocks his head standing over him. After a few moments Ambiorix regains his senses and roars while trying to swing up at Fabulosa from the ground. The tip of the hasta shatters Ambiorix' teeth, passing through the back of his throat and pinning him to the ground, lifeless.

Fabulosa certainly has potential as a crowdpleaser. Word travels fast around Rome, and his name is upon some lips! [Victory: +Fame Token]
Ebirus has also managed to pull together additional funds to aid Lanista in his endeavors. [Victory: +Fortune Token]

By donating our extra food to local temples we have hopefully gained favor with the gods. [Reward: +Fate Token x2]


With two victories in hand it is time to begin expanding business. First the family must decide which upcoming games they will participate in in the Planning Phase. The games are as follows:

Back Alley Pit
1. Unbooked v.s. Unbooked

Gambling Den Requires Token to Enter
1. Gladiator v.s. Unbooked - Reward: 1 Fortune Token, 1 Fame Token
2. Gladiator v.s. Unbooked - Reward: 3 Fortune Tokens

Forum Arena
1. Gladiator (V4/A4/T8/S7) and Unbooked v.s. Unbooked - Modified 1v2
2. Gladiator (V6/A10/T8/S9) v.s. Unbooked - Standard 1v1
3. Unbooked and Unbooked v.s. Unbooked and Unbooked - Standard 2v2



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« Last Edit: April 05, 2019, 01:50:50 pm by Man of Paper »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Blood of Champions - House Flavius (Planning II)
« Reply #69 on: April 05, 2019, 06:12:34 am »

A most productive turn! These gladiators are already proving their worth. I think investing in some better quarters for them would be prudent, to show them that House Flavius rewards those who serve them. Of course, better equipment will also be important. The idea of bringing in some Spartan lass to oversee training has merit as well. Fortunately, thanks to the stellar performance of our investments, we can afford to do all of that!

There's also the possibility of buying another gladiator in the next phase, which might be wise, to broaden our roster. That would leave us without excess food, and we know that selling/donating food is a reliable source of income. So we might also consider expanding our agricultural assets?

As for which fights to enter, I'm not sure. There's no obvious choices, unlike last time.

E: A Ludus renovation proposal:
More Comfortable Ludus (Fortune Token):
Despite our assertion that the wind howling through the cracks has a musical effect, that the hard plank beds build character, and that the leaking roof is a water feature, some have suggested that our Ludus provides somewhat sub-standard housing. This is, of course, vile slander- House Flavius would never skimp on accommodation for their prized servants. And to prove it, we're going to renovate the place, even though it doesn't need it.
A decent contractor will be hired with good old fashioned gold. The walls will be patched, the beds provided with actual straw mattresses, and the roof fixed. Any other such 'flaws' will also be dealt with. We're not overly concerned with appearances (in this one, specific case, shut up Lepidus), just making the place more comfortable for our gladiators.
We will let them know that this is a reward for their good performance in the last fights.

E2: I also kinda like KitRougard's silly Spartan girlfriend idea, so I wrote a proposal for that as well:
Chilonis of Sparta, Warrior Maiden (Fate Token):
Well, we're not quite sure how he did it, but Kitus has managed to find himself a girlfriend. Apparently they met in the Forum, hit it off, and now we have to deal with her. And "deal with" is the right phrase, because she's not some decent, demure Roman lady- Kitus has managed to find a Spartan woman, with radical ideas like "not treating women like property" and "women being allowed to manage their own affairs", confirming all the worst rumours about Spartan women. It would be an absolute scandal if they actually got married- a Roman man in an equal partnership with a Greek woman?
We don't know why a Spartan woman was in the Forum in Rome. She doesn't want to talk about it. We're guessing she may have left Sparta in an involuntary manner. We don't know why she is attracted to Kitus, although by all accounts it appears to be genuine. "Fate", some are calling it, which has led others to question what we did to offend the gods so.
However, not all are upset by this development. Lanista, for instance, seems quite interested in the potential for this warrior maiden to share some of the Spartans' famous training techniques with our gladiators- and whilst she seems reluctant to share her homeland's secrets so easily, upon seeing our current doctore "train" our gladiators, she agreed to provide some basic instruction, if only so she never has to see such sloppy training again. She won't share all she knows just yet, but even a fraction of a Spartan's martial knowledge would surely bolster our training potential considerably.

(No relation to the famous Spartan women named Chilonis.)
(The bit about not sharing all her knowledge is due to only spending one token being unlikely to get us a top-tier trainer. This explanation would allow us to 'unlock' more of her potential in the future by investing more tokens- like by spending a Fame token or two to absorb the bad publicity caused by letting them actually get married, for instance.)
« Last Edit: April 06, 2019, 05:40:28 am by NUKE9.13 »
Long Live United Forenia!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Blood of Champions - House Flavius (Planning II)
« Reply #70 on: April 06, 2019, 11:56:06 am »

Originally I was going to propose a new trainer based on a member of a familial branch having served in the military etc., etc. But NUKE's proposal is just so hilarious that it's worth doing. HOWEVER, we need to get fights selected.

I think we should wrap all our actions this phase up nice and neatly in plans, so that everyone votes for one plan and we don't end up short on tokens for the things we want to purchase, upgrade, and do later this turn. For instance, this one:

Quote from: A Totally Original Plan
Gambling Den 1 (Fate Token): Ferreus
Forum Arena 2: Fabulosa

Chilonis of Sparta; with Fate Token
More Comfortable Ludus; with Fortune Token
Send family member to investigate results of Magnii fights from last turn (no tokens)

2 Fate, 1 Fortune

This would then be followed by three tokens' expenditure on equipment during the Action phase, possibly attempting to send a guy using our last Fate token to scope out the next turn's fights better before we have to pick them, and maxing out the training on Fabulosa to make sure he's ready for the more deadly fight.
« Last Edit: April 06, 2019, 12:28:44 pm by Madman198237 »
We shall make the highest quality of quality quantities of soldiers with quantities of quality.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Blood of Champions - House Flavius (Planning II)
« Reply #71 on: April 06, 2019, 12:31:09 pm »

I'm not sure about spending a whole three tokens on equipment next phase- I'd rather do two, and keep the other for a rainy day-, but we can discuss that then. For now, that looks fine.

Quote from: Votey Boxy
A Totally Original Plan: (2) Madman198237, NUKE9.13
Long Live United Forenia!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Blood of Champions - House Flavius (Planning II)
« Reply #72 on: April 06, 2019, 02:52:25 pm »

Quote from: Votey Boxy
A Totally Original Plan: (3) Madman198237, NUKE9.13, KitRougard
Well, we may want to use some of our Favor to clear up those "Favors Owed" since I feel like the longer those fester, the worse our relationships get. Shouldn't be too hard, just sing our praises of our dealer who got us the crowd-pleasing Fabulosa, and the weaponsmith who made that Gladius that butchered that man like a hot knife through butter.

Edit: Oh, we have no Favor. Fame should work too, if not better at this...
« Last Edit: April 06, 2019, 03:21:04 pm by KitRougard »
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Blood of Champions - House Flavius (Planning II)
« Reply #73 on: April 06, 2019, 08:02:46 pm »

Favor tokens have only the fluff effect of making us "owe" the people we pay. This turn, we use a pair of Fame tokens to repay some of those favors by advertising their business, basically.
We shall make the highest quality of quality quantities of soldiers with quantities of quality.

Powder Miner

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Re: Blood of Champions - House Flavius (Planning II)
« Reply #74 on: April 06, 2019, 08:43:12 pm »

Quote from: Votey Boxy
A Totally Original Plan: (4) Madman198237, NUKE9.13, KitRougard, Powder Miner
Gets a thumbs up from me, though as I was one of the people discussing its creation it's no surprise lol
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