They (<=generic) of course confound the problem by recklessly conflating transexual with intersex¹, transexual with transvestite², any or all of the former with transistor radios³, otherwise benign psychological states with 'mental illness'⁴.
It's easy enough to do, and unconsciously, but especially easy to do with deliberate malice, so picking apart the trolls from the merely steadfastly opinionated (and even sometimes from the well-meaning allies with incomplete understanding) is tricky to establish across the broad shared margins between outward indicators. (No irony intended, there...)
And that's pretty much all I want to say directly regarding that subject. It's not even my battle to fight from personal experience, so I've probably over/under/badly-stated something crucial anyway.
Still, I think the Steamers are over the hump. I'm now content to stay nonparticipant there, only occasionally cringing when some element of gameplay is misunderstood or misrepresented yet in all good faith.
¹ Transition(ed/ing), to better fit body to mind, vs born biologically ambiguously,
² The latter describing dwarves already, insofar as our viewpoint on 'gender-appropriate' clothing that they don't pay any attention to.
³ Throwing variations of the term "Trannie" around (see also ²) seems deliberately provocative.
⁴ It's not really an illness, by any normal measure of the term, and simply living that life affects no-one else any more than any other individual's benign traits and/or physicality in this hugely varied world of ours. The actions and attitudes of others can create from it a mental injury in the manner of PTSD, but in your typical uncomplicated case of a victimised and victimising party it is the victimiser who should be asked to mitigate their innate or acquired nature, theirs being the disruption to society.