Ah, Cruxador. Now I remember why I stopped posting here.
What, because I addressed the subject of the thread? Responded to a post you made? If you can't hear any disagreement or that not every choice you've made is perfect without dissolving into a pile of salt, how are you gonna do anything iterative ever?
Do you want congratulations first? Look, it's an improvement over just a list. You (and Mike and Toady, and I assume also ThreeToe) brought the UI from 80s to 90s, which is a substantial improvement. It's good! But that doesn't mean there's no further room for improvement, and color scheme in particular is an area where the current offering could be improved a lot. It's not even a high-effort thing to implement in particular, compared to the amount of benefit attainable. I get that none of you guys are primarily graphic designers and as far as I'm aware don't have a graphic design background, and everybody has only a limited array of screens to work with. I reckon just about everyone gets that. Who said they expected your first public draft to be perfect? But UI is pretty important and absolutely deserves at least the time and care that went into ramps after initial feedback, and color scheme in particular is part of that.
And yet when someone simply says that a more conventional choice would be valid and avoid some pitfalls, that is so direly offensive to you that you "threaten" to leave, invalidating the purpose of the thread and undermining the project by eschewing community feedback?