do you think it would be feasible at all to make movement animations more fluid? So that instead of teleporting from tile to tile, the sprites would actually slide along the path?
Here's an example gif of how it looks in KeeperRL:
It's worth noting that this isn't an actual slide as you'd think from just calling it that, if they're moving left, they don't just move (tileset width) pixels left. They alternate moving diagonally up left and diagonally up right, so they "walk" without an animation frame. KeeperRL also has "do action" animations that are also just sliding the sprite, which look good. It's actually pretty impressive how fluid they can make things look with single frame static sprites.
Oh, I like that gif. That would be super cool. I can bring it up, but animations right now are mostly off the table. Too much spriting involved, except for simple things like alt-tiles for creatures (idle animations essentially). The idea to change the hue to red on a hit for a few ticks might be a cool addition though.
If we get only one additional frame, I would rather have it be an action frame, for attacking or working, in addition to the current neutral frame, rather than having neutral and idle alternating to indicate when nothing is being done. I think that would add a lot more to the game experience for an equal amount of effort. Although the art style is very different, you can see for example how it looks in battles in Dominions.
No mock-ups of large creatures so far. Vordak made some a long time ago for my set though:
I'm in favour of large oversized creatures, sticking to the (almost) correct relative size according to the raw sizes, while Mike advises caution, keeping them a few pixels over the 32x limit, which means that they fit better into corridors, cages and the like.
For example the elephant: Left would be my suggestion, right would be Mikes suggestion. Both are larger than 32x32.
Watching an elephant shove its way through tiny corridors that it can't fit through seems more immersion-breaking than having undersized elephants, to me. Plus, if your elephant is that big, how much bigger must your dragons and collosi be?
Also, I've been meaning to say it every time I saw that sprite, but the contrast between the elephant's white face and dark body is too much.
Fort mode doesn't have facing though IIRC? I would prefer it if the graphics help communicate the underlying mechanics of the game rather than muddying things up. If you have static facing sprites then it is obvious that facing is not mechanically a thing.
Mechanics are one thing, but the typical gamer isn't gonna want to see their sprites moonwalking around and shooting bolts out their ass, for preference. It doesn't actually mean anything, but neither does any of this aesthetic stuff.
Plus it will look as weird as hell if you have something like a squad of crossbowdwarves exit a surface access tunnel and start shooting at invaders that are behind them, or a dwarf fighting a creature standing behind them (given how prevalent dodging is, this will happen a lot), or a dwarf eating food sitting on the table behind them, or any number of other wacky things. Things like these can be coded away, of course, but it is decidedly nontrivial for Toady to go over every action in the game and add in code to update facing, and I would rather he focus on more impactful stuff.
I agree that there's a good chance it's not going to be worth it, but that doesn't mean it wouldn't be a good thing to have if not for the amount of Toady's time it would take. And having the sprite change facing on step or on attack seems like it would cover the vast majority of cases that I can think of, since pretty much everything else is non-oriented or involves first running up to something. Dodging at weird angles is fine in my opinion, since after all combat is meant to be chaotic.