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Author Topic: Steam/ tileset - Mayday/Ironhand - Discussion and Suggestions  (Read 473077 times)


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Re: Steam/ tileset - Mayday/Meph - Discussion and Suggestions
« Reply #2460 on: November 06, 2020, 05:50:14 pm »

"Slopes" are mechanically just a tile floor with a "can step up a level" feature (given the right neighbouring tile conditions to do so in whatever direction is applicable). The visuals are being revamped (at great pains) to make it more obvious what they are and how passage may be gained (mostly) but the form is dictated by the pathing function.

Again, I would highly prefer against disallowing stockpiles (and zones, etc) where they used to be allowable, just to make the graphics less trouble. Starting from what we are now, I suggest a more intelligent graphic solution to represent what there is now. It's not impossible to place a rock on a slope, either in-game or IRL. To make the physics into a more marble-run scenario would change game-play (not the least some additional mega-trap/material-moving options, that might look good but might be a step too far).


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Re: Steam/ tileset - Mayday/Meph - Discussion and Suggestions
« Reply #2461 on: November 06, 2020, 06:53:40 pm »

How about if stockpiles just can't be put on slopes?
That would be reasonable in my opinion.
Can stockpiles actually be placed on slopes in the game right now?

When I try, it allows them to be placed on Up slopes, but not on Down slopes.
FPS in Gravearmor (925+ dwarves) is 2-5 (v0.47.05 lives on).
"I've never really had issues with the old DF interface (I mean, I loved even 'umkh'!)" ... brewer bob
As we say in France: "ah, l'amour toujours l'amour"... François D.


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Re: Steam/ tileset - Mayday/Meph - Discussion and Suggestions
« Reply #2462 on: November 06, 2020, 07:19:58 pm »

Up-slopes are floors with ramps on them (built or remaining). As a floor, it naturally accepts a stockpile.

Down-slopes are no-floors, immediately below which is a floor-with-ramp (it's just a visual thing). As open space, it obviously doesn't.


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Re: Steam/ tileset - Mayday/Meph - Discussion and Suggestions
« Reply #2463 on: November 06, 2020, 07:27:44 pm »

If we accept the rough 2 x 2 x 3 m dimensions of tiles, that means that ramps have a 56.3° incline, which is really quite steep indeed.

I think there are really two different categories here:

1) The graphics make it clear that the mechanics are improbable in some cases. Ex: Stockpiles on ramps, or wagons being able to go up ramps.

2) The graphics make it clear that the mechanics are actually impossible. Ex: The scenario depicted below:

There would be no possible way to make this work IRL. You couldn't create a geometry that would allow movement here as it is in DF.


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Re: Steam/ tileset - Mayday/Meph - Discussion and Suggestions
« Reply #2464 on: November 06, 2020, 07:42:50 pm »

(There is, actually. It would look more like an open-petalled flower rather than a central spire... I haven't seen what SteamDF graphics actually do with that. I know it'll be messy, though.)


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Re: Steam/ tileset - Mayday/Meph - Discussion and Suggestions
« Reply #2465 on: November 06, 2020, 08:38:30 pm »

Up-slopes are floors with ramps on them (built or remaining). As a floor, it naturally accepts a stockpile.

Down-slopes are no-floors, immediately below which is a floor-with-ramp (it's just a visual thing). As open space, it obviously doesn't.

Yes, if you were explaining that for me, thanks I already knew it and was just answering the question about the game mechanic.  :)
FPS in Gravearmor (925+ dwarves) is 2-5 (v0.47.05 lives on).
"I've never really had issues with the old DF interface (I mean, I loved even 'umkh'!)" ... brewer bob
As we say in France: "ah, l'amour toujours l'amour"... François D.


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Re: Steam/ tileset - Mayday/Meph - Discussion and Suggestions
« Reply #2466 on: November 07, 2020, 07:31:49 am »

Well, you or anybody else who might not appreciate the difference. Which the new graphics should attempt to clarify, ideally.

I also realised that my wording might be confusing (and was too late to change, having been read) in:
(I would prefer that stockpiles on ramps look not quite right than either 'invisible' stockpile squares - at the extreme, a 1x1 stockpile on a slope just not being marked - or changing game mechanics to disallow stockpiles just to make the graphics work better. But that's merely my view.)
i.e I would prefer some visual anomoly (which might be tweaking a stockpile boundary to make it more clearly look like it 'rides up' the slope) than:
a) Have a stockpile de facto but with no marking on ramp-spots - confusing enough in an edge of a larger stockpile nibbled awag, but a 1x1 'invisible' stockpile totally unmarked because it sits on a ramped tile would be dangerous, or
b) Change the existing game 'physics' for the sake of aesthetics alone*. Not that it couldn't be changed for other gameplay reasons, of course.

Slopes are just one (probably minority) visual feature. They are an improvement on the 'ramp spires' of old, but don't let this dominate the conversion.

As an incidental issue with slope visualisation not yet seen, though the bridge example does invoke the same sort of confusion, you can build a wall on a slope (it would trivially block passage at the lower level, but also provide a new floor jutting out from the upper) and I think there could be incomprehension when viewing that (from either 'slice-camera'  height).

And have we seen the current difference between constructed fortifications (non-top-walkable) and [optionally-constructed-and-]carved fortifications (have a potentially walkable 'wall-top')? I know we've discussed crenalation variations in the dim and distant past somewhere, but I don't think in any current graphical context.

* Which you then asked about, as new, as your reasonable solution, and getting the question "can they..?", from another, cluing me in on the impenetrability of my original quote which had meant to roll on the fact that they could. Not that I've done much better this time, I'm sure.


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Re: Steam/ tileset - Mayday/Meph - Discussion and Suggestions
« Reply #2467 on: November 07, 2020, 03:40:37 pm »

Ok, my money where my mouth is.  Some mockups.

Spoiler: Four-way up-ramp (click to show/hide)

These are just concepts of my thinking, quickly edited up on a laptop (wish I'd have a mouse, not this touchpad). Me and my lack of artistic skills, so just relying on a few GIMP filters, etc, rather than redrawing everything.

(Which reminds me, I was also going to do something about the stockpile-on-slope... No time right now, maybe later.)


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Re: Steam/ tileset - Mayday/Meph - Discussion and Suggestions
« Reply #2468 on: November 08, 2020, 07:15:22 am »

This is exactly what i was talking about.

In order to complete the illusion, you need to add shades being cast from the ramps onto the bridge, as well, to indicate the ramps are also 'taller' than the bridge.

As in, the ramps end abruptly when they meet the bridge, thus creating a sudden drop in elevation, which then produces a shadow being cast over the bridge.

So like a wall shadow, but for ramps. A kind of triangular shadow.

Right now, the ramps still look flatter than that bridge.



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Re: Steam/ tileset - Mayday/Meph - Discussion and Suggestions
« Reply #2469 on: November 08, 2020, 01:31:04 pm »

This is the single tile, only, that is supposed to be what the ramp-designate should look like situated between walls at its four orthagonal neighbours. It might make more sense in context, but I've not yet applied directional shading, just height-shading, so it'd look odd there as well.
It's just one of several 'solutions' to corners at ground-level, mid-edges at top-level, rather than the generic 'spire' that's ground at edges, the centre is the height.

The general version that serves walkability up to Z+1 on each diagonal and level access in from the orthagonals looks 'better'.

The whole being able to walk through tiles diagonally is an entirely different problem which I've tried to address elsewhere, so let's leave that aside for now.

Your tile doesn't read at all for me, which may be because it lacks directional shading.

The simplest "working" version of this tile is the following, where dwarves would have to climb up and down incredibly steep and sharp ridges and valleys, which doesn't make much sense tbh.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

You can try to widen out the 'paths' that dwarves would be walking on a little, but it still leaves you with a fairly ridiculously complex tile, and "ramps" that are so steep as to basically be walls.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

That this is possible at all, I would hazard a guess, is the result of ramp mechanics interacting with diagonal movement mechanics to create a dynamic that doesn't actually make any sense.


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Re: Steam/ tileset - Mayday/Meph - Discussion and Suggestions
« Reply #2470 on: November 08, 2020, 02:05:59 pm »

(Yes, my multiway needs a lot more work and context. I'm between machines, so am nowhere near my better rendering software.)

Back to the bridge cutting through the ramps...  (@Molten: If you look at the prior example, I do have shading from the sliced ramp-edges, trapezoid not triangular for various aesthetic reasons. But it's significantly (too much?) fainter because I found going the same strength of burning/darkening as the sliced wall-edge made it very ugly in the corner.)

« Last Edit: November 08, 2020, 02:19:11 pm by Starver »


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Re: Steam/ tileset - Mayday/Meph - Discussion and Suggestions
« Reply #2471 on: November 09, 2020, 05:41:32 am »

We'll, that looks way better, and is exactly what i was talking about. Glad somebody understood :)!
At first, i didnt notice the ramp shadows in your mockup.
Thats the reason i said it might solve the problem in most situations, depending on the material-color of the bridge.

The left wall connecting with the bridge is missing some shadow at the walls south-east corner, connecting the new shadows you are showing, with the old shadow that already exists in the hallway.

And I think the trapeze shadow works really well.
It should basically be applied every time there is a ramp like this. As long as theres is a 'floor tile' for the shade to be cast upon, ofcourse.
« Last Edit: November 12, 2020, 09:19:26 am by MoltenIdol »


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Re: Steam/ tileset - Mayday/Meph - Discussion and Suggestions
« Reply #2472 on: November 09, 2020, 07:59:05 am »

Will steam version be support per-material sprites with randomisation?


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Re: Steam/ tileset - Mayday/Meph - Discussion and Suggestions
« Reply #2473 on: November 13, 2020, 05:29:30 am »

Something was bugging me about the bridge and I finally realized what. Aren't bridges accessible from each side? The railing (unless it's supposed to be a chain) makes it look like it's only accessible from top and bottom.
« Last Edit: November 13, 2020, 05:32:01 am by [HYBRID BEING] »


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Re: Steam/ tileset - Mayday/Meph - Discussion and Suggestions
« Reply #2474 on: November 19, 2020, 04:59:15 pm »

The ”floating” platforms could use a border, like the grass does towards the water, or the leaves towards the air.
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