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Author Topic: Dawnthunder: !!Fun!! with RAWs (succession game)  (Read 99221 times)


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Dawnthunder: It's a good thing dwarves don't unionize
« Reply #75 on: March 11, 2019, 09:32:37 pm »

Dodok was laughing. It was an odd laugh. A disgruntled sort of laugh.

What with her violently coughing in between chuckles, the sound was unsettling indeed.

Well, thought Dodok to herself, once she'd finished coughing and staggered away from the fumes a bit, I'm sure Scourge has her... reasons. I can't imagine, though, what reasons she'd have to dig our magmaworks entirely out of lignite...
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24th of Limestone, 1050
Scourge had learned a good deal down in the magmaworks, and while digging down there she'd had ample time to consider how best to split slate off a wall. Now she was back topside, her pick clove the layered rock like never before.

Having finished excavating the entire bedroom floor, Scourge set off for a drink. Maybe next she'd see about expanding that food stockpile she'd never quite finished.

28th of Limestone, 1050
An entire caravan's worth of food to mince! Cheese! Meat! Vindcara set quickly to work, delighted at the sudden influx of goods.
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"You built our forges out of... smokerock."



"It's magma-safe," said Dodok. "Completely impervious to the stuff. You can't burn smoke."
"Pff-- that's gotta be a health hazard!" groaned Daedalus.
"It was either that or sphalerite."


2nd of Sandstone, 1050

Atir was most displeased.
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Soon, she vowed, she would be fit to rid this wretched jungle of its thieving and murderous denizens. Soon.

3rd of Sandstone, 1050

The pick struck furious, the slate flew apart before it. Scourge swung, and clove, and advanced, a warrior against the ever-crumbling stone. She alone wielded the pick, first carver of a soon-mighty fortress. In days to come, dwarves would look upon the labor of her hands, and remember she who carved. They would remember, and wonder at her skill. They would remember, and they would name her Legend.

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Falling angel met the rising ape, and the sound it made was

tormenting the player is important


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dawnthunder: It is encircled with bands of smokerock
« Reply #76 on: March 11, 2019, 09:46:49 pm »

push comes to shove, we can channelize directly on top of the breach, and bucket water into the hole. that will obsidianize the breach, and we can re-gate the breach later. IF we even feel that's needed that is.


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Re: Dawnthunder: It is encircled with bands of smokerock
« Reply #77 on: March 12, 2019, 01:15:25 am »

*Insert crappy recorder version of My Heart Will Go On paired with footage of the floodgate melting here*
« Last Edit: March 12, 2019, 01:19:19 am by methylatedspirit »


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Dawnthunder: And there was screaming and gnashing of teeth
« Reply #78 on: March 12, 2019, 09:04:24 pm »

5th of Sandstone, 1050
As the dwarves of Dawnthunder labored far above, the smelters flickered in the deeps, unused yet. In a few days, they would glow in earnest.

9th of Sandstone, 1050
The pick clove, the slate crumbled, and Scourge rested, her work done.

This was her last great labor, and it was complete. Now there remained only a few stray rooms to carve; then the quarrying and the masonry could begin in earnest. Dawnthunder was become a fortress under the earth; soon it would rise above the earth.

New labors would soon come to her... but for now, Scourge was satisfied.

And Daedalus would be beside himself.
11th of Sandstone, 1050

Atir was drilling as usual when she heard screams up topside. Bellowing, she leapt out the hatch to do battle.



Atir was really starting to hate this place.
« Last Edit: March 12, 2019, 11:14:20 pm by Superdorf »
Falling angel met the rising ape, and the sound it made was

tormenting the player is important


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Re: Dawnthunder: It is encircled with bands of smokerock
« Reply #79 on: March 13, 2019, 06:07:28 am »

How fast are these zombies? Surely a head would be much slower than any standing dwarf, no? It's just that the zombies have the advantage of never tiring.


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Re: Dawnthunder: It is encircled with bands of smokerock
« Reply #80 on: March 13, 2019, 10:42:02 am »

This A tier storytelling. I was wondering if I could get dorfed as a male hammerman if you ever get the chance!


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Re: Dawnthunder: It is encircled with bands of smokerock
« Reply #81 on: March 13, 2019, 01:11:32 pm »

This will be fun when my turn comes because I have never done a biome that animates the dead. All the more reason to have plants, am I right? I know dwarves love themselves some meat, but let's be fair.....*Had a thought that many other dwarfers have probably had before and goes to do research*


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dawnthunder: It is encircled with bands of smokerock
« Reply #82 on: March 13, 2019, 02:06:05 pm »

How fast are these zombies? Surely a head would be much slower than any standing dwarf, no? It's just that the zombies have the advantage of never tiring.
The severed body parts are very slow, what with not having feet. It's just, the civilians are terrified of 'em and it was in the way.

The whole thing was kind of pathetic, really. Funny tho.

This A tier storytelling. I was wondering if I could get dorfed as a male hammerman if you ever get the chance!
Thankee! I'll, uh, keep an eye out, but I don't think this world has any humans left in it. I could give you a hammerdwarf?

This will be fun when my turn comes because I have never done a biome that animates the dead. All the more reason to have plants, am I right? I know dwarves love themselves some meat, but let's be fair.....*Had a thought that many other dwarfers have probably had before and goes to do research*
Hey hey hey, what's all this vegetarianism business? Reanimating biomes are the best ones for meat!
Falling angel met the rising ape, and the sound it made was

tormenting the player is important


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Re: Dawnthunder: It is encircled with bands of smokerock
« Reply #83 on: March 13, 2019, 02:26:46 pm »

This will be fun when my turn comes because I have never done a biome that animates the dead. All the more reason to have plants, am I right? I know dwarves love themselves some meat, but let's be fair.....*Had a thought that many other dwarfers have probably had before and goes to do research*
Hey hey hey, what's all this vegetarianism business? Reanimating biomes are the best ones for meat!
At this stage I don't care... cause I had a sudden thought and the more I think about it... the more I think that I know what I want my mega project to be... I just don't know if it can be done within an in game year... As for the name on my little female Brewer, just have her get called Chibi. Thanks in advance.

*Starts madly scribbling notes*


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Re: Dawnthunder: It is encircled with bands of smokerock
« Reply #84 on: March 13, 2019, 06:08:54 pm »

In this fort, we fight our meat twice!
« Last Edit: March 13, 2019, 06:20:20 pm by methylatedspirit »


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Re: Dawnthunder: It is encircled with bands of smokerock
« Reply #85 on: March 13, 2019, 06:22:27 pm »

And then we fight its hair and skin!
Falling angel met the rising ape, and the sound it made was

tormenting the player is important


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Re: Dawnthunder: It is encircled with bands of smokerock
« Reply #86 on: March 14, 2019, 04:00:42 pm »

I was more thinking the inevitable dwarf fortress idea of making the zombies fight for us. I mean, it won't protect us from the beasts that already live here, but if we ever meet another civ I would LOVE to be able to catapult them into a pit of the undead or drop a bunch of them on them like a bucket of spiders. I mean, if they even make it to our doors they are probably too hardcore for that to matter, but that is my stance.... Also, I will probably try and transition us to Memorial slabs if we have any dead because their corpses would be just too useful.


  • Bay Watcher
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Dawnthunder: Hey look, we have a militia now!
« Reply #87 on: March 15, 2019, 01:18:04 pm »

Safe inside, the two adult migrants quickly introduced themselves. They were a couple, it seemed: Likot Raptorcrafted and her husband Kogan Inkname. The two had accomplished little during their long lives in the underdark, they explained, and sought a better life for their their two children-- a life of glory, a life of mighty deeds and great labors.

Daedalus did not question this strange ambition, for he too believed in the splendor of his Vision. It is in the nature of dwarves to crave glory, and so Daedalus simply asked: "And in what work do you take skill? How will you aid us?"

"We have... little skill in the crafts," said Likot. "I have dabbled in various labors, but am mere novice in all but butchery. Kogan took... what was it dear?"

"Correspondence course," grunted Kogan. "Correspondence course in carpentry and interior design."

Daedalus squinched his eyebrows. "Corr-e-spon-dence course? What is this corr-e-spon-dence course?"

"I didn't much like the look of it at the time," said Likot. "It *was* very economical, though."

Daedalus found this "economical" thing highly suspicious. It sounded like a goblin invention.
"We-e-ell," he said, his brow wrinkled, "can you fight?"

Likot nodded solemnly. "I can fight. You learn a thing or two about breaking bodies down in a lifetime of butchery."

"That settles that, then," said Daedalus, smiling. "You two can be a squad. Try and teach Kogan a bit of wrestling, and I'll see about preparing a couple hammers. We can always use more hammers."

The two made their way to the barracks in silence. Solitarian haggled off Vindcara's latest creations for more metalwork as they drilled.

13th of Sandstone, 1050
Now there was a nice supply of brewing plants to draw from, Adil could set about stocking up the fort's alcohol reserves. With quick and skillful hands, she began the juicing of the plump helmets, squeezing the liquid out into a rock pot. It was a messy job, but somebody had to do it-- and Adil did it well.

As Adil worked, she thought about all the names she'd heard since she arrived here. They were strange names. Daedalus. Enemy Post. Methylatedspirit. Solitarian.

They were very strange names.

But they were nice names.

Maybe Adil could take a nice name too. Something they'd remember. She was an important dwarf, after all-- what fortress could survive without its drink? Surely an important dwarf should have a name worth remembering.

There. That was a nice name.
16th of Sandstone, 1050
The forge glowed. The furnaces burned. The metalworks were ready.

Rejoicing, Daedalus took up metal goods bought from the merchants and set down the stairs, Chibi and Enemy Post following. They would work the cheap equipment of the merchants into far better things.

17th of Sandstone, 1050

"Oi! Hammerdwarf!"
"Hnng," grunted Atir, turning. "What."
"We're behind schedule!" said the merchant, tapping one foot in a way Atir did not like. "We need to be going! Now!"

Atir peeked out the hatch a moment.

"Is not safe. Must wait."
"But we're behind schedule!"

"Is not. Safe," Atir growled. clutching her hammer tight.

The merchants believed her.
22nd of Sandstone, 1050
Scourge had been greatly displeased when she learned of the smoke in the forges. Together, she and Dodok sought to plug it at the source, blocking over with slate the lowest point of the stairway so that the smoke might not come through.

The blocks held. The smoke dissipated; the forges cleared.

Daedalus would approve.
Bored out of their minds, the merchants had taken to wandering the dining hall.

With their animals.

Atir found this most irritating.
25th of Sandstone, 1050
Once more, Atir peeked quickly out the hatch. The weasel was far away; it didn't seem to be looking. Throwing open the hatch, Atir descended into the dining hall, grabbed a merchant by the sleeve, and pointed to the stairs.

"Out. Quickly."

The merchants left. The weasel did not give chase.
Apparently some reindeer calf Likot had brought with her thought following the merchants would be a good idea.

It was not a good idea.

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2nd of Timber, 1050
It was about time, Solitarian decided, she see about fulfilling her duties as a bookkeeper.

The work was slow and tedious, but at least it wasn't so boring as carving rock pots. That had really been getting tiresome.
8th of Timber, 1050
The fortress proper was fully carved, and so Scourge took it upon herself to investigate futher the deposits of divine metal she'd struck when she dug the great stairwell.

The metal was... weird. It resembled iron, but rusted to the point where any iron would crumble. It was metal, but split like rock. You could knap a blade out of the stuff. What would happen when somebody tried to melt it down, Scourge could only guess.

They'd be finding out soon enough, at any rate.

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9th of Timber, 1050
After weeks of hauling, Daedalus, Enemy Post, and Chibi had prepared enough metal to begin forgework. The iron and steel they would save for armor, perhaps... but the bismuth bronze? That would make fine warhammers.

Dodok's carpentry had perhaps held thus far, but Dawnthunder could not hide from its enemies forever. Stronger enemies would come soon enough... but when they did, they would find Dawnthunder ready to meet them.

It was good.
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Falling angel met the rising ape, and the sound it made was

tormenting the player is important


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Re: Dawnthunder: It is encircled with bands of smokerock
« Reply #88 on: March 15, 2019, 03:41:55 pm »

The forge is built of heinous smoke? Marvelous. Are those "rock" swords made of divine metal actually like vanilla rock swords, or are they like divine weapons?


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Re: Dawnthunder: It is encircled with bands of smokerock
« Reply #89 on: March 15, 2019, 04:33:22 pm »

When you mine divine metals, it drops a boulder that you have to designate with melt.  It then gets melted at the smelter, and turned into bars.

THEN you can smith it.
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