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Author Topic: Cheesesplatter: A Succession Farm  (Read 51617 times)


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Re: Cheesesplatter: A Succession Farm
« Reply #120 on: April 05, 2019, 03:16:29 pm »

Don't forget to put miners in pick squads, but remove their mining job when doing so.
And don't forget which squad contains the person who uses Tactician skill in raids, that person is our General.
For just skills, a legendary tactician attacking low-quality sites (specifically the defenders are low quality, not the site itself.) is very good for training, I've gotten 40+ citizens near legendary in a few months that way.
« Last Edit: April 05, 2019, 03:18:30 pm by pikachu17 »
dwarf 4tress from scratch
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Re: Cheesesplatter: A Succession Farm
« Reply #121 on: April 05, 2019, 03:34:58 pm »

Sheesh man, one tiny ambush and some lore and you turn this peaceful farming fort into a military dictatorship.
And thus was the dwarven meatshield invented.
the child should serve well in the infantry (that is a horrible pun, and I already regret saying it).


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Re: Cheesesplatter: A Succession Farm
« Reply #122 on: April 05, 2019, 03:48:01 pm »

Sheesh man, one tiny ambush and some lore and you turn this peaceful farming fort into a military dictatorship.

Take it from someone who has born witness to and made it their business to wage war upon the elven menace in Battlejudge.

A handful of attacks (two a year for three years.) and they have over 500 elves racked up. That's just elves, not counting the elephants, bears, unicorns, and horses that are almost omnipresent in their armies there. With the animals, it's nearly double that.


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Re: Cheesesplatter: A Succession Farm
« Reply #123 on: April 05, 2019, 03:55:09 pm »

Sheesh man, one tiny ambush and some lore and you turn this peaceful farming fort into a military dictatorship.

Take it from someone who has born witness to and made it their business to wage war upon the elven menace in Battlejudge.

A handful of attacks (two a year for three years.) and they have over 500 elves racked up. That's just elves, not counting the elephants, bears, unicorns, and horses that are almost omnipresent in their armies there. With the animals, it's nearly double that.

Long ago, ...  Then, everything changed when the Elven Nation attacked...  Now we wait and welcome their butcherable pets to feed the our Dwarven Nation.

Green glass serrated discs x10 + 1 elephant = 30+ meat elephant pieces, per weapon trap.


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Re: Cheesesplatter: A Succession Farm
« Reply #124 on: April 05, 2019, 04:01:05 pm »

And a functionally infinite amount of bolts for the support troops to train with and endless labor for the bone carvers.


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Re: Cheesesplatter: A Succession Farm
« Reply #125 on: April 05, 2019, 04:05:07 pm »

Fine. Just remember to burn down some of the elven retreats.
And thus was the dwarven meatshield invented.
the child should serve well in the infantry (that is a horrible pun, and I already regret saying it).


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Re: Cheesesplatter: A Succession Farm
« Reply #126 on: April 05, 2019, 04:35:48 pm »

Sheesh man, one tiny ambush and some lore and you turn this peaceful farming fort into a military dictatorship.
To be fair, if he hadn't taken the turn I would have done the same, and he's not making everyone a soldier like I would have, at least as far as I can tell.
Actually, why is there precisely one squad for civilians? There should be none, or one for everyone.
« Last Edit: April 05, 2019, 04:38:06 pm by pikachu17 »
dwarf 4tress from scratch
The Pikachu revolution!
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A warforged bard named Gender appears and says"Hello. I am a social construct."


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Re: Cheesesplatter: A Succession Farm
« Reply #127 on: April 05, 2019, 04:58:52 pm »

Actually, why is there precisely one squad for civilians? There should be none, or one for everyone.
Because it's a good idea, but I was feeling lazy and didn't want to sort through every single dwarf to do the job properly just yet. I'll maybe do the thing properly later, once we have enough armor for it.
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Re: Cheesesplatter: A Succession Farm
« Reply #128 on: April 05, 2019, 05:13:24 pm »

Fine. Just remember to burn down some of the elven retreats.
For just skills, a legendary tactician attacking low-quality sites (specifically the defenders are low quality, not the site itself.) is very good for training, I've gotten 40+ citizens near legendary in a few months that way.
Just keep in mind why we're here. Our true enemy isn't elves. They're just a distraction. Our true enemy is giant hamsters plump helmets.

In short, if our production quota's suffer because you lot were gallivanting off to burn elves or whatever and the Deepholds fall into eternal chaos and despair as a result, you'll never hear the end of it from me.

The variable naming conventions in this fort hurt my brain. Since nobody else is using Sanctume's prefixes, feel free to reset the unnamed dwarves to their default names and remove the prefixes from the named dwarves.

Also, there's a miner named "Thob" who is badly stressed and probably going to go mad soon. So, y'know. Good luck with that one.
« Last Edit: April 05, 2019, 05:16:09 pm by QuQuasar »


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Re: Cheesesplatter: A Succession Farm
« Reply #129 on: April 05, 2019, 05:26:02 pm »

If it’s possiboe, I would like a male Dorf, a Miner if possible. From the Deephomes we may stray, but the earth shall forever be my home. Let the Beardless come, for we shall fight them in the filds, and upon the barricades, to defend our home until every one of us is dead.

The moral of the story is that Elves are just... the worst.
And also Giant Hamster collaborators.
Imic's no longer allowed to vote.
Quote from: smyttysmyth
Well aren't you cheery
Quote cabinet
What is left?


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Re: Cheesesplatter: A Succession Farm
« Reply #130 on: April 05, 2019, 05:45:56 pm »

In short, if our production quota's suffer because you lot were gallivanting off to burn elves or whatever and the Deepholds fall into eternal chaos and despair as a result, you'll never hear the end of it from me.
Sir, yes sir. There's not really much for me to do food-wise, though, seeing as most of it's been automated already...

The variable naming conventions in this fort hurt my brain. Since nobody else is using Sanctume's prefixes, feel free to reset the unnamed dwarves to their default names and remove the prefixes from the named dwarves.
I'll... do that. These prefixes are beyond confusing.

Also, there's a miner named "Thob" who is badly stressed and probably going to go mad soon. So, y'know. Good luck with that one.
Aye, Operation Contain Thob is underway as we speak. Fortunately, he's rather more prone to depressions than tantrums, so thus far he's just been moping.

If it’s possiboe, I would like a male Dorf, a Miner if possible. From the Deephomes we may stray, but the earth shall forever be my home. Let the Beardless come, for we shall fight them in the filds, and upon the barricades, to defend our home until every one of us is dead.
As you wish! You are Endok 'Imic' Guildcrafted, Legendary Miner, Shaper of the Cheese Slice, Slayer of the Cyclops.
Falling angel met the rising ape, and the sound it made was

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Re: Cheesesplatter: A Succession Farm
« Reply #131 on: April 05, 2019, 07:05:46 pm »

The military reworked, I turn my attention to other projects.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Too long have we crawled on the surface like humans. It is time we lived in stone.

4th of Moonstone

I am amazed by the speed and skill of our miners. The stone crumbles like soft earth under their picks.

6th of Moonstone

It is impractical to forge armor for an army with charcoal forges. I direct one of the miners to prospect for magma, and some few days later she returns with welcome news.

The miners bypass this first cavern, and continue downward. Soon, perhaps, we will strike greater things still.

11th of Moonstone

A miner wanders the stone corridors aimlessly, haggard. I must isolate him soon, lest he lash out against us in rage... his pick would cleave bone as readily as stone.

12th of Moonstone

The Cheese Slice is large, uneven, and a waste of space. It must be bent to new purposes.

The mechanic Quasar throws a lever, and a carefully set support gives way. The troublesome piece of dirt collapses into the Cheese Slice, and I mark further excavations to be made.

13th of Moonstone

The miner Imic informs me that an isolation block has been carved for Thob. I descend into the Cheese Slice to inspect it... and discover a draftee asleep in the bed!

Clearly, we do not have enough proper bedrooms. I order the miners to remedy this.

19th of Moonstone

More news from the deep. Another cavern has been struck.

The first cavern was full of water; this one is cool and dry. It will be best, I decide, to build a stairway straight down through the gap, walling ourselves off from the cavern creatures with good granite. The miners withdraw to other labors, and haulers descend with stone in hand.

22nd of Moonstone

Again I recieve word from the miners. They have carved out chambers in the stone according to my design, suitable for bedrooms.

Though I do not allow the emotion to cross my face, I am pleased. The fashioning of beds is my labor. It will be a good labor.

24th of Moonstone

I have been sloppy, it seems, with the mining.

Dishmab's hand has been crushed, but she will recover. I vow to exercise more caution in future.

27th of Moonstone

Another collapse. Thob the miner is caught, but unhurt.

This Cheese Slice taunts me. It lays fear on my miners. I am determined to tame it.
8th of Opal

Joyous news from the deep. A miner has struck the third cavern, and sighted the good metal below!

The spire is tall and solid. We shall be wealthy indeed.

12th of Opal
The miner Imic stands atop the Cheese Slice, and will not come down. There is no ramp for to him walk on, and he will not climb. Is he stupid or unlucky? I do not know.

When we collapse this last ledge, he will come down. For now, he must wait.

17th of Opal

Joyous news from the deep. Olon the miner struck magma.

I do not know how he survived.

The Cheese Slice is tamed.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Imic rode the falling earth with skill. We heard him laugh with madness as he fell. He is unharmed, but unconscious.

What will we do with this flat ground? I do not know! Perhaps we will grow food on it. Perhaps we will build a mighty tower on it. It is tame, and now we may use it as we wish.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

It is good.

Spoiler: OOC (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: April 05, 2019, 07:09:22 pm by Superdorf »
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Re: Cheesesplatter: A Succession Farm
« Reply #132 on: April 05, 2019, 07:33:52 pm »

Prepare for his majesty's arrival. He will surely find news of this... Surprising, perhaps?


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Re: Cheesesplatter: A Succession Farm
« Reply #133 on: April 05, 2019, 07:56:55 pm »

Hey, quick question: what should the population cap be? I've had it at around 90 for FPS reasons, but I wouldn't want to gimp future players with a lack of migrants...


Gahhh. I just lost two hours' worth of progress... the next update might be awhile in coming.
« Last Edit: April 05, 2019, 09:34:45 pm by Superdorf »
Falling angel met the rising ape, and the sound it made was

tormenting the player is important


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Re: Cheesesplatter: A Succession Farm
« Reply #134 on: April 05, 2019, 09:53:55 pm »

I'm feeling 100 pop, 120 hard cap, 20% kids.  Maybe 20 visitors: ~10 entertainer/scholars, ~10 soldiers.
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