The military reworked, I turn my attention to other projects.
Too long have we crawled on the surface like humans. It is time we lived in stone.
4th of MoonstoneI am amazed by the speed and skill of our miners. The stone crumbles like soft earth under their picks.
6th of MoonstoneIt is impractical to forge armor for an army with charcoal forges. I direct one of the miners to prospect for magma, and some few days later she returns with welcome news.

The miners bypass this first cavern, and continue downward. Soon, perhaps, we will strike greater things still.
11th of Moonstone
A miner wanders the stone corridors aimlessly, haggard. I must isolate him soon, lest he lash out against us in rage... his pick would cleave bone as readily as stone.
12th of MoonstoneThe Cheese Slice is large, uneven, and a waste of space. It must be bent to new purposes.

The mechanic Quasar throws a lever, and a carefully set support gives way. The troublesome piece of dirt collapses into the Cheese Slice, and I mark further excavations to be made.

13th of MoonstoneThe miner Imic informs me that an isolation block has been carved for Thob. I descend into the Cheese Slice to inspect it... and discover a draftee asleep in the bed!

Clearly, we do not have enough proper bedrooms. I order the miners to remedy this.
19th of MoonstoneMore news from the deep. Another cavern has been struck.

The first cavern was full of water; this one is cool and dry. It will be best, I decide, to build a stairway straight down through the gap, walling ourselves off from the cavern creatures with good granite. The miners withdraw to other labors, and haulers descend with stone in hand.
22nd of Moonstone
Again I recieve word from the miners. They have carved out chambers in the stone according to my design, suitable for bedrooms.

Though I do not allow the emotion to cross my face, I am pleased. The fashioning of beds is my labor. It will be a good labor.
24th of Moonstone
I have been sloppy, it seems, with the mining.

Dishmab's hand has been crushed, but she will recover. I vow to exercise more caution in future.

27th of Moonstone
Another collapse. Thob the miner is caught, but unhurt.

This Cheese Slice taunts me. It lays fear on my miners. I am determined to tame it.
8th of Opal
Joyous news from the deep. A miner has struck the third cavern, and sighted the good metal below!

The spire is tall and solid. We shall be wealthy indeed.
12th of Opal
The miner Imic stands atop the Cheese Slice, and will not come down. There is no ramp for to him walk on, and he will not climb. Is he stupid or unlucky? I do not know.
When we collapse this last ledge, he will come down. For now, he must wait.
17th of Opal
Joyous news from the deep. Olon the miner struck magma.

I do not know how he survived.
The Cheese Slice is tamed.
Imic rode the falling earth with skill. We heard him laugh with madness as he fell. He is unharmed, but unconscious.

What will we do with this flat ground? I do not know! Perhaps we will grow food on it. Perhaps we will build a mighty tower on it. It is tame, and now we may use it as we wish.
It is good.
I'm starting to get a feel for the geometry of this place. It's fun to work with, now I'm used to it.