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Author Topic: Sand & Souls - Let There Be Turns  (Read 60552 times)


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Re: Sand & Souls - World Creation RTD
« Reply #330 on: April 08, 2019, 02:25:51 pm »

Spoiler: GM Note (click to show/hide)

Let the goo to grow for enough time so all the Fragments can step on it, investigate the diffrence between the nothingness ooze and mine.


AJAMA lowers the modified blob of ooze to the ground so that it can absorb more sand. It takes longer than usual for it to grow to a larger size, primarily because more sand is required to account for the increased density of the solid layer. Eventually the Demiurge gets it to speed up by pushing it deeper into the sand, so that it can feed from every part of its surface area at once. When it is large enough to hold the entirety of the Fragment army, AJAMA raises it back out of the earth and allows them to climb on.

When a few embodied Fragments boards the platform, it takes the opportunity to compare and contrast Black Ooze and Not-Ooze while they are in close proximity. The Demiurge's own creation is the same as ever, so it spends most of its time focusing on the structure of the Nothingness. The sphere is absorbed enough in its task that it barely even notices when fighting breaks out nearby.

Not-Ooze is similar to Black ooze superficially, in that it has the same material properties, but the underlying mechanisms it works by are entirely different. Being derived from ALTERTH's essence it isn't even matter, just an approximation of it made from the pure absence of substance or space. Considering it in more detail is nearly impossible, since a conspicuous lack of sensation is the only real reason that it can seen or felt at all. It also has a different self-replication mechanism. Whereas Black Ooze merely digests sand, in a way conceptually similar to a mortal digesting meat, Absent Ooze makes use of some residual link between the desert and Nothingness to parasitically absorb mass.

Now that he is away from the eyes and senses of his siblings and their children Hynsyr begins to work on creating a technique. He attempts to condense his light around and shape it into the form of a gigantic, three faced, hundred armed humanoid. Hynsyr would be located in the Humanoid body's head and control the larger form from there.


Hynsyr bends the light of his aura, forcing it to circle in upon itself rather than radiating out into the desert. He holds his arms out to either side, so that additional rays can be made to loop around them as well, and waits until the power within his aura builds up to a critical level. His aura becomes brighter and brighter, until even the tiny fraction of light that escapes is powerful enough to illuminate the desert for miles around. Hynsyr reels the dregs in to prevent them from reaching the eyes of his siblings, then solidifies the whole of his aura with a final effort of will. It stops moving, so still that the Titan could have frozen it in crystal.

It towers over him, like a tree with twelve massive branches, but despite its stillness the light is still blurry. Hynsyr reaches upwards and transforms it again, this time by moulding it into a new shape. He defines each part of its body, from its legs to its upper torso, then separates the twelve impressions made by his arms into a hundred independent limbs. When each organ, each luminous femur and finger-tendon has been carved carved from the light, Hynsyr ascends through the interior of the body and takes his rightful place within the head. It is from there that he reaches outwards to define the construct's three faces, each pointed in a different direction. They rotate through different expressions, snarling in anger or smiling with glee, until settling into a demeanor that matches Hynsyr's own. He looks outwards from their eyes, and his gaze stretches across the sand in every direction.

They dive downwards, towards a group of incorporeal black wisps and oozes-creatures that look more like holes in existence than real matter. Some jet directly past Ashe, coming so close that they nearly cut her with their talons.
Ashe panics and runs away!

If I escape then I want to look for shiny things near water so that I have somewhere to escape to.

4 , 3

Ashe turns to run, but for a moment time seems to accelerate faster than her body can move. She sees the Fragments joined by a primordial in the shape of a black sphere, which helps raise a wall to seperate from the rest of the desert. The Buzzards and Dustwalkers seem to retreat from battle at three times their actual speed, as if Ashe were watching them on a film reel that had been fast-forwarded. Spiderlings wearing metal armor gather around the Bone Fortress in enormous numbers, followed by a sandworm and a metal vulture even larger than the one she saw directing Buzzards. Only then does her perception of time stabilize.

She isn't in danger anymore, but there's a sense of tension that makes the nymph feel like another fight could break out at any moment. She runs away, back towards the Wetlands, until she arrives at a tower made from a single continuous piece of grass. Rain falls from up above, forming puddles of water on the ground and nourishing dense masses of crop plants that grow near the base of the Tower. Ashe can see a moat through gaps in the vegetation.

It seems safe, so Ashe scours the area for shiny objects. There still aren't any rocks, but she does find little bits of glass scattered across the ground. They're particularly dense near the tower itself, where she also stumbles across a series of elaborate sandcastles. The sight is a little puzzling, given that there doesn't seem to be anyone else here, but she's preoccupied by her new collection of glass odds and ends. They look very shiny if she holds them at the right angle.

"I knew we never should have trusted that bird. Okay everyone on the bus we're going to try to find the others."
Drive the bus into the storm and try to find the lost deer men, if they can't get into the bus on their own I will try to grab them while holding on to the bus, no one else is to try to do this.

3 v 5

Dr. Bob stops the bus and opens the door, allowing the Deer-Men to pile in. Now that he is seeing them up close, he notices that many have minor injuries that he didn't see from his spot in the bus. The vast majority are just bruised, but there are others who have had patches of skin flayed from their bodies, or even broken limbs. One Deer-Man limps into the bus on a makeshift metallic crutch, while another is trying to put his broken arm in a sling. Even worse are the missing faces. Dr. Bob knows that he'll see some empty seats, but is still struck by the number of mortals who are conspicuously absent.

When everyone is safely buckled in, he starts up the engine and sends his bus flying at the sand with as much velocity as it can muster. It meets physical resistance as it crashes into the sandstorm, as if the sand it pushing back against the front of the vehicle. It almost succeeds in turning the bus aside, but something buckles at the last moment. Sand splatters across the windshield as every tendril, eye, and sand-bullet within sight suddenly collapses. Bob drives through it, and then into clouds of airborne dust which have yet to settle.

The visibility is so bad that he nearly runs over the first of the missing Deer-Men. He is lying on the ground, buried up to his head in grit and sediment, so Dr. Bob needs to climb out of the bus to dig him free. He does it with one hand, keeping the other firmly on the doorframe, then carries the comatose mortal back inside. The others clear a row of seats so that they can lay him out.

The bus winds through the sandstorm until everyone else is accounted for. Most of the survivors just bedraggled, but there are a few in worse shape. One is bleeding profusely from a stab wound that goes straight through his shoulder, presumably inflicted by one of the flying clumps of sand. Another was hit so hard by a tendril that it broke all of her ribs. 

Afterwards, join the fight.
As all parts are set, and seven sentinels and their legions are in place with brilliant tactical plan of Sekhmet, initiate the battle. Assist dustwalkers, sentinel legions and whatever is there in defeating the sand once and for all( there are vulture mercenaries, merchant of the West, dustwalkers and three headed giant worm, according to previous turns, lots of stuff)
Ira hears of the war from a passing spiderling and decides to help against the sands
"I know me and spider-kind have had our differences, but I will always help in a war with the sands."

Spoiler: Primordials (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Rolls: Silken Nest (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Rolls: Spiderlings (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Rolls: Bone Fortress (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Rolls: Sand (click to show/hide)

Mortals from every corner of the world have rallied around the Bone Fortress. There are creatures here from every corner of the world, from the Great Web to the Wetlands, and all have come to rally around the Dustwalkers in their battle with the sand. At the head of the armies are three primordials. First are Gral and Nazir, with all the power of the Bargain and the Web behind them. They come accompanied by their children, both mortal and demigods. Last is Ira. The creator of the Fortress has no servants, but this is her battle as much as it is the Dustwalkers'. They share an old, elemental enemy.

Beneath them, the sand stirs. At first it merely scouts, by carpeting the dunes with its many eyes. Then it acts. The earth twists, and a massive sinkhole forms opposite the bone fortress. Streams of sand rise into the air, apparently unbound by gravity, and swirl into its depths. They writhe, join together in some place deep beneath the earth, and when they return to the surface they have been changed. A pseudopod larger than any made before rises from beneath the dunes. More follow it, reaching outwards to sweep the gathered forces out of the way, apparently impervious to the acid and spells raining down on them. They tense, and a massive body pulls itself free. The Avatar is like a humanoid giant, formed directly from the sand itself, but it has no hands or face. Instead thousands of tendrils extend from its head and limbs.

It is a tide that sweeps across the battlefield, but it is not unstoppable. The seven legions of Sentinels engage it, using the telekinetic powers of their armor to drive it back. Ekhor is at the center of the swarm, and he is the most powerful of all. He charges the Avatar directly, allowing its pseudopods to rebound against his armor. The metal absorbs the strength of the blows until Ekhor releases all of his gathered energy at once, as a force spear that pierces the abomination's head. It explodes. Blobs of sand fly in all directions.

Then the head reforms.

Before the Sentinels realize that their enemy is still alive, its tendrils lash out at them again. Sekhmet repositions the other Primelings to keep the Avatar from pressing its advantage, but Ekhor's last attack brought him too far out of the formation. An entire limb's worth of pseudopods coil around him, smothering him completely. They force him to the ground, where a sinkhole forms to pull him into the sand. When the dunes close back over him, there is no sign of his existence.

While Nazir's army pushes back the giant, the rest of the sand is still twisting the terrain to its advantage. Squadrons of Ironwinged stationed at key points on the battlefield work to keep it from attacking with appendages or turning hills into valleys at a critical moment. Most activity can be suppressed by regular sweeps, which the winged Spiderlings are suited to. Their steel weapons aren't quite enough to disable the sand completely, so more intense flare-ups are dealt with by the Merchant of the West and its detachment of Buzzard martial artists. Whenever a sandstorm rises or one of the dunes completes its transformation into a fist, they use the Bargain and the eight-talon-way to devastating effect.

At a carefully-timed moment in the battle, when the Avatar has been temporarily disabled and the sand itself is contained, the gates of the Bone Fortress finally open. The Dustwalkers emerge, lead by the Primordials and the Three-Headed-Worm. The Buzzards' students are positioned on the front line, where they are most able to unleash their techniques on the sand. Behind them are platoons of ordinary Spiderlings clad in equipment from the Silken Nest and the Order of Strands. They march across the war zone and towards the Glass Crater, the exact point where Gyaweft once crashed his Sunship.

The Smelter died in his struggle to partition the sands, but he left fissures somewhere underneath the crater. While most of the army fends off attacks from the sand, Ira and the Three-Headed Worm will burrow downwards until they find the cracks. Unsealing them will force the sand to spend all of its strength holding itself together, so that one of the other Primordials can finish it off.

When this plan was charted out, the Dustwalkers thought that they would need to lay down their lives in order to clear the way. The sand brings forth every weapon at its disposal, transforming its normal appendages into strange beasts and obsidian-tipped spears, but it already stretched itself thin battling the other two armies. With their superior equipment and aid from the Primordials, the Bone Fortress is more than capable of beating it down. The only major casualty is Gral, who takes a spear through the wing while trying to plug a gap in the lines. A team of martial arts disciples leaps in to drag it back to safety.

Below the surface, two sandworms tunnel through the depths of the sand. There is barely any resistance as they search for the epicenter of the fissures. The Three-Headed worm digs straight through a fault line, which Ira follows to a point just beneath the center of the crater. The heat there is so intense that it blisters her flesh, but there is enough time to lever the cracks open before retreating back to safety. They gape open, and in the world up above she knows that the tendrils, the monsters, and even the avatar will all have turned to dust. Her Purpose fills her with resolve.

Someone must strike the killing blow. Then all will be complete.

Spoiler: Souls (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: World (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: April 08, 2019, 02:30:52 pm by Whisperling »


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Re: Sand & Souls - World Creation RTD
« Reply #331 on: April 08, 2019, 03:15:37 pm »

Hynsyr practices deconstructing and reconstructing the Hundred Armed Form until his mastery over it allows him to take the Hundred Armed Form both quickly and easily.
.... You've doomed us all. Granted. Everyone except for traps are executed. Random sci-fi nonsense is required to be taught in schools.
A cute intersex harem with everyone in love with the androgynous king and smart and useful enough into pushing the kingdom forward.


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Re: Sand & Souls - World Creation RTD
« Reply #332 on: April 08, 2019, 07:54:33 pm »

Strike the killing blow
el basurero


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Re: Sand & Souls - World Creation RTD
« Reply #333 on: April 09, 2019, 09:57:59 am »

Hmph. Time to go big or go home.

By the power of the smelter's armor and the dawn axehead, help strike the blow. But rather than partition sand and sky into nine, create only one partition. Sand from sky. The war will end, the sand neither assaulting those above nor being preyed upon by the sky-dwellers.

Can I retcon that all that time I spent silent, Awake was communing with the armor? It might be a bit too convenient, but it's either that or he sat motionless with no will to live, having already lost. To be fair, that's basically what I did.
« Last Edit: April 09, 2019, 10:25:41 am by Egan_BW »

sprinkled chariot

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Re: Sand & Souls - World Creation RTD
« Reply #334 on: April 09, 2019, 10:16:00 am »

And now we have maniac, trying to ruin the world with giant axe, again. Ira, are you proud of your job? I hope you are proud of causing apocalypse.


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Re: Sand & Souls - World Creation RTD
« Reply #335 on: April 09, 2019, 10:31:59 am »

((You stretch the credibility of your godly omniscience. Is it really true that the moment that I even start to do anything, the ignorant spidergod in the sky notices? And probably spits acid at me, which is the only reaction he seems to have for anything he didn't make himself.

Rrr, maybe I'm a little too salty about this game. It's just that it feels like everyone's sort of dogpiled me because they see the sands as the antagonist. Granted, it is. And also is my fault. And my second iteration basically wanted you all dead too. You know, maybe I deserve what I've gotten.
I just don't believe that Awake deserves this. Whatever you might think, he genuinely wants what's best for everyone, where that "everyone" includes many things that are hostile.))
« Last Edit: April 09, 2019, 10:34:04 am by Egan_BW »


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Re: Sand & Souls - World Creation RTD
« Reply #336 on: April 09, 2019, 10:53:36 am »

Go to the location of the silence ooze and try to harden parts of it((whistling to myself and the ooze because nothing is happening :p))

((You stretch the credibility of your godly omniscience. Is it really true that the moment that I even start to do anything, the ignorant spidergod in the sky notices? And probably spits acid at me, which is the only reaction he seems to have for anything he didn't make himself.

Rrr, maybe I'm a little too salty about this game. It's just that it feels like everyone's sort of dogpiled me because they see the sands as the antagonist. Granted, it is. And also is my fault. And my second iteration basically wanted you all dead too. You know, maybe I deserve what I've gotten.
I just don't believe that Awake deserves this. Whatever you might think, he genuinely wants what's best for everyone, where that "everyone" includes many things that are hostile.))

((Understandable, the problem is that the sand is unavoidable as much as it's hostile, so keeping distance from it is impossible to most of the gods))
Damnit people, this is why I said to keep the truce. Because now everyone's ganging up on the cats.
Also, don't forget to contact your local Eldritch Being(s), so that they can help with our mission to destroy the universe.


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Re: Sand & Souls - World Creation RTD
« Reply #337 on: April 09, 2019, 10:59:16 am »

((The web avoids contact with the sand just fine. Its base structure and energy source were ultimately made from the sand, but other than that the whole thing was built without any need to confront the sand.
I was hoping that I could convince the sand to live in symbiosis with surface creatures, just as it lives in symbiosis with demons an other creatures of the sand. I was going to try making an obsidian tree that bears edible fruit, so that the dustwalkers wouldn't have to eat the sand's very flesh to live. Then a certain worm literally ate any hope I had of accomplishing those goals, and I kinda lost my will to keep playing.))


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Re: Sand & Souls - World Creation RTD
« Reply #338 on: April 09, 2019, 11:03:21 am »

While being tended to by Ironweavers, Gral begins to plan for  the future without the  threat of Sands, instructing the Ironwinged to set up joint homesteads with any Shifting Shardforms interested . These " Scrap-ranches" would use the tamed maggots as their main product, farming them en-masse and shearing their outer coats for excess metal, which would then be sent up to the Silken Nest for refinement.  Any products not  high enough quality will be used in-house as tools weapons, and building materials, by means of a modified version of Ironweaving.
As part of this new initiative, the Winged are encouraged to begin research on new methods of metalworking, under the guidance of the Merchant of the North.

((You stretch the credibility of your godly omniscience. Is it really true that the moment that I even start to do anything, the ignorant spidergod in the sky notices? And probably spits acid at me, which is the only reaction he seems to have for anything he didn't make himself.

Rrr, maybe I'm a little too salty about this game. It's just that it feels like everyone's sort of dogpiled me because they see the sands as the antagonist. Granted, it is. And also is my fault. And my second iteration basically wanted you all dead too. You know, maybe I deserve what I've gotten.
I just don't believe that Awake deserves this. Whatever you might think, he genuinely wants what's best for everyone, where that "everyone" includes many things that are hostile.))
((I get where you're coming from, and no one's accusing you of making an antagonistic character with Awake. Its just that when you look at it from an IC standpoint, it makes sense that people would be suspicious or even hostile regarding him. From the Primordial's perspective, a random creature was spawned from the sands one day, and proclaimed that it wanted the best for everyone. It made a promise that it wouldn't go out of its way to harm others, and interfere with the lives of those already living there. And yet (this is just perspective wise, mind you), as soon as it gained the artifacts that put it in a position of power on par with the Primordials, the first thing it did was invade the realm of one of the beings it promised it would not threaten, attempt to destroy it and its residents, and then rebuke any attempts at punishment. Obviously, none of us can see into your head, and you probably had a reason for it, but at the moment, Awake isn't looking very trustworthy  for anybody. Why shouldn't they consider him a threat?))
« Last Edit: April 09, 2019, 11:13:27 am by WyrdByrd »


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Re: Sand & Souls - World Creation RTD
« Reply #339 on: April 09, 2019, 11:21:19 am »

((Honestly, I hadn't done anything but enter what I believed was public or at least commonly accessible space, then tried to use the minimum amount of force possible to disarm a ward that was threatening me. I didn't think that I was disallowed from entering the territory of the other peoples, and I explicitly stated that I would defend myself if attacked. Ira's actions directly harmed me and made it impossible to commune with the sand.
Of course, being a mere mortal I declined to explain all this in detail while desperately trying to chase down a sand-eating monster, hoping that the severing of the heart's connection wouldn't kill me or make the sand hostile to me.

All of that is IC, of course. I can see how it looks for the other characters. It's just... frustrating, and made me turn up a blank as to what I should try next.))


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Re: Sand & Souls - World Creation RTD
« Reply #340 on: April 09, 2019, 11:34:29 am »

((Honestly, I hadn't done anything but enter what I believed was public or at least commonly accessible space, then tried to use the minimum amount of force possible to disarm a ward that was threatening me. I didn't think that I was disallowed from entering the territory of the other peoples, and I explicitly stated that I would defend myself if attacked. Ira's actions directly harmed me and made it impossible to commune with the sand.
Of course, being a mere mortal I declined to explain all this in detail while desperately trying to chase down a sand-eating monster, hoping that the severing of the heart's connection wouldn't kill me or make the sand hostile to me.

All of that is IC, of course. I can see how it looks for the other characters. It's just... frustrating, and made me turn up a blank as to what I should try next.))
(( Honestly? I'd recommend starting small. Mere mortals tend to  get along with other mere mortals, especially when you have the power of the gods.  Given that you haven't really  had much success swaying the Primordials, things might go better appealing to their creations.))

sprinkled chariot

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Re: Sand & Souls - World Creation RTD
« Reply #341 on: April 09, 2019, 11:45:58 am »

((( I assume, that all primordials are omniscient, and to the other topic
So far, you made  sands into monstrous beings bent to kill everything, then you made even more evil and strong nothingness entities with same goal of killing everything, and then you burst into living space of spiderkind and set it on fire, and now when basicly all mortal factions and majority of gods gathered to KILL GENOCIDAL SAND , you want to not only dick over everyone with saving this sand, but you also want to cut the world with giant lava axe, and you are somehow not evil????????)))



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Re: Sand & Souls - World Creation RTD
« Reply #342 on: April 09, 2019, 12:06:21 pm »

(( Honestly? I'd recommend starting small. Mere mortals tend to  get along with other mere mortals, especially when you have the power of the gods.  Given that you haven't really  had much success swaying the Primordials, things might go better appealing to their creations.))
((That's what I was planning, then multiple Primordials jumped on me the moment I took an action. :P
Of course, my current actions don't resemble anything remotely diplomatic because I'm tied up, everything wants to kill me, I realize that this is a pivotal moment, and I'm a big fan of stupid big hail mary actions. I fundamentally altered the structure of the game by doing that first turn, after all.

But yeah, I wanted to go meet the light people, talk to them, try to convince them that they can disobey their god. Fulfilling that promise that Empty made.))

((( I assume, that all primordials are omniscient, and to the other topic
So far, you made  sands into monstrous beings bent to kill everything, then you made even more evil and strong nothingness entities with same goal of killing everything, and then you burst into living space of spiderkind and set it on fire, and now when basically all mortal factions and majority of gods gathered to KILL GENOCIDAL SAND , you want to not only dick over everyone with saving this sand, but you also want to cut the world with giant lava axe, and you are somehow not evil????????)))

((Do you understand that two of my characters died to apathetic lack of survival instinct? My current character is a fragment of a fragment, with a personality that I imagine as being akin to a sweet but scheming grandfather. I never tried to set anything on fire, and I never did set anything on fire. The sand is mostly hostile in the first place because everything tries eating it, and I'm trying to seperate it from everyone else to prevent it from harming them. The lava axe is normal size, not giant, and isn't even complete; it's just an axehead. It's the natural tool for splitting the world, having been created for that purpose by one of the sand's enemies. Ira is currently also about the split the world open, completing that plan. I merely aim to alter the cut in a way that I believe benefits everyone.

ALTERTHENTERRINTARTINTH was an unrepentantly evil character who ruined everything for everyone on a whim and then killed itself in the hopes of making its monstrous creation stronger. I don't know if you've noticed that I stopped playing that character two turns into the game. Currently I'm playing as a character who is far below the strength and power of a proper Primordial, if somewhat empowered by the armor of a late Primordial.

Basically, in my opinion everything you just said is wrong and you should play more attention.))

sprinkled chariot

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Re: Sand & Souls - World Creation RTD
« Reply #343 on: April 09, 2019, 01:34:00 pm »

My son shall be avenged!
Send rescue team of sentinels to recover Ekhor, he could not have vanished without trace
Change focus of sentinel legions to killing awake, lead them


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Re: Sand & Souls - World Creation RTD
« Reply #344 on: April 09, 2019, 01:36:36 pm »

(( I honestly feel bad for how it turned out for Awake in the game. He was kind of dog-piled by both me and the other primordials even though his biggest crime was chasing after something that could've end his life if destroyed, and trying to break an insignificant ward. I never really expected for me to roll as well as I did when dealing with the absent heart, and I kind of just stumbled on it after rolling well. While I think that everything I did generally made sense IC, since Ira's purpose from the beginning was to hurt the sand, it doesn't really excuse the fact that I probably could've found a solution that advanced my character forward, and made sure that everyone could have fun and be happy with the game. I would like to apologize for my actions and hope that we all can have a fun time in the future with this RTD.))
el basurero
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