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Author Topic: Dwarf Fortress: Steam and Steel 1.41  (Read 7387 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Dwarf Fortress: Steam and Steel 1.41
« on: February 09, 2019, 03:59:10 pm »

This planet was once a thriving utopia, it is said. Vast megacities of clockwork and pistons, never sleeping as the writhing masses within went about their endless duties. Technologies undreamt of were commonplace, and even the lowliest of their ilk knew luxury we couldn't even understand. That was before the end came, of course. The virus. It swept across the world like a plague, infecting seventy percent of the population in a year. Society collapsed into terror and anarchy, and the secrets of the past were buried with it. But not all hope was lost. Some were immune to the virus and found safe places to hide, where the infected hordes could not reach them. They waited, scavenging and struggling, until the monsters began to thin, and civilization could be re-established. But they are not the only ones who sought to take advantage of this now-depopulated planet. From below the earth and above the stars, from the savage wilderness and the very heart of man's old cities, new arrivals seek to establish their dominance. Man, machine, alien, and mutant struggle for control of a world ripe for the taking, and only the strongest of them shall rule the coming future. Countless nations and vast armies assemble on battlefields the world over, armed with rifles, cannons, and the most terrible automated battle golems they can get their hands on. The cry for blood echoes across the planet as these forces raise the flags of war in preparation to build an empire. It starts at year zero, the dawn of the new age and the beginning of civilization's return. But when it will end? That is something only the gods may know.
What is Steam and Steel

This mod is themed around a steampunk steampunk setting recovering from a zombie apocalypse followed by multiple alien invasions. The aesthetic is roughly based on the jingoistic Victorian era with more of an emphasis on pike and shot warfare and the reliance on mechanized combat golems to act as a spearhead. This only applies to the humans, however, and other species like the alien races that landed on earth have other methods of fighting. Also, the land is swarming with terrifying mutants that attack anything they see, so that's something to be careful of.

Download link:
MottledPetrel's fungus mod which I used in this mod:
Where I got all the plants and creatures for the underground:

NOTE: Due to the potential danger of some megabeasts, the fort population cap by default will be 40 with a maximum of 20 visitors. This can be altered in d_init.txt to whatever number you wish.

Just download it, place the folder somewhere, and play it. This mod comes with its own .exe and everything, you do not need to copy and paste, drag and drop, or otherwise move any files around beyond the initial step. It works exactly like installing and playing the vanilla game.

Change Log:

1.41 Changes:
-Maybe fixed the problem where you'd have to run through a ton of world rejections before getting a good world.

1.4 Changes:
-Major overhaul to army uniforms. The civilized militaries of this era usually distinguish themselves via brightly colored and sometimes armored coats, possibly complemented by tassels, shoulderpads, or capelets (but not always), in addition to varied headgear. Each modernized nation should have its own unique identity, allowing you to recognize their soldiers at a glance.
-Sword canes, sandwiches, underwear, chainsaws, and other small quality of life things added.
-Some new mech types beyond the three main size classes. Light-class and speedy Runner mechs, medium-class Mech Hunter and Antipersonnel mechs, and a very rare Superheavy Mech. Also mechs have even more physical differences now.
-Cavern layers overhauled, they are now based on the speculative ecosystem of this guy's work ( where an Early Cambrian population survived in isolation for millions of years. There's a ton of weird stuff here, basically. Thought it fit the weird science/age of discovery vibe. Many beasts within the caverns are very sneaky and very venomous, so be careful. This is actually a pretty major thing, dozens of new animals have been added.
-Lots of new metal alloys added thanks to contributions from another modder. You can make modern steel, tungsten, cobalt, and other fancy metals. As this isn't entirely my work, I'm not quite sure how to do all that though I think sufuric acid is somewhere in there too so, uh, good luck not dying.
-Spore storms and spore clouds added to the wetlands. Unpleasant, but not deadly. Probably. You'll trip balls if it touches you though, wear protective clothing.
-All infected may or may not instantly kill sleeping citizens like how vampires do. Keep your doors locked. Or not. I'd actually like some feedback on this feature because its a real pain to test.
-Halberds renamed to Poleaxes and now use the pike skill.
-Memetic virus no longer causes exposed victims to become crazed. As humans and their relatives (Morlocks and Halfhydes) have survived through immunity, it has a different effect. While they are capable of fighting off having their DNA overridden by the infection frequency, the body becomes incredibly dizzied during the attempt. This ensures fighting mutants at melee range will be very dangerous unless you are an automaton or alien. If some of those show up in your fort, consider conscripting them into the military.
-Miscreated species name changed to Automatons.
-New race, Corpses. Despite the name, these beings are alive, though unnaturally so. A breed of patchwork bioweapons derived from the human genome, originally built to kill, eat, and exterminate the feral mutant population, they have gone rogue and created their own states. Situational cannibals but generally a down-to-earth kind of people. They also have a rather novel caste system, so that's fun. Read about it in their race blurb.
-Cave-dwelling civs added. There is one that lives in actual caves and functions like kobolds, and another that lives underground in the cavern layers. The latter comes in both friendly and unfriendly factions, so if you stumble upon a harmless one you might get to incorporate them into your fort, I think.
-New alien faction added, the Plantoids. They live in tree cities and do art stuff most of the time. More or less tourists in this backwater planet. They also have really, really good space guns for sale so making friends with them will let you buy those. Then again, you could always raid them for it.
-Hydes buffed with innate combat skills. This will hopefully bring them up to par with technologically advanced civs in worldgen but I might have accidentally made them terrifying in fort or adventure mode.

1.3 Changes:
-Accidentally made it so that Miscreated civs would automatically spawn God Soldiers under their command, which are megabeasts. This has been fixed.
-Ancient automatons greatly increased in size, for balance reasons.
-Semi-independent clockwork mecha added. The primary thing players will be interested in is the war mechs, coming in light, medium, and heavy varieties. They can be trained to function independently of a rider and each is a unique (and very, VERY expensive) work of art. Civilians and merchant caravans will also have access to Yagas, which are bipedal boxes, platforms, and houses of varying sides used by civilian enterprises for trade and transport, named after some ancient northerner legend. Less fancy but they'll carry you and your stuff where it needs to go.
-Miscreated now have a rare new caste, the Unmasked. Bereft of the usual outer skin this automaton race has, these types are strange, half-mad savants who seem to innately know certain codes and phrases which can unlock a sentient automaton's hidden potential. An Unmasked can vastly increase a miscreated's rate of self repair and even completely revive them from the dead so long as the brain is still intact! They can be found in any Miscreated fortress under the title of Holy Artificer.
-Selenite blood has an effect similar to alcohol when consumed, and they will inject surplus blood upon biting a foe. Not only that, but some Selenites will become blood addicts with a compulsion to feed on their own kind. And unlike vanilla vampires, this disease comes with a method for spreading, in the form of tainted blood injections.
-Hydes consistently got taken out in early worldgen by humans, this has been resolved by giving them specially bred war mutants with enough strength to make them a match for their mechanical counterparts. They still are a bit nerfed though, will look into it more.
-Ruined cities are now swarming with clockroaches. Domesticate them, or buy some if your civ has any, and they'll scavenge metals from the ground and deposit bars in nest boxes.

1.25 Changes:
-Hydes remodeled to be more directly antagonistic and less of a playable race. The role of the Hyde as the settings playable brute race has been given to the Halfhyde, a true-breeding hybrid of man and his abominable foe created through means best left unspoken of. While uncouth and cruel, the emotions of humanity and its empathy are not beyond them.
-Roaming the savage wilds are the animal men of science gone berserk. As all know, an intelligent vivisector can sculpt a mere beast into a humanoid form and imbue him with similar intelligence. And as all also know, the fates of those delusional megalomaniacs who seek such ends tend to be bloody indeed. But their creations live on in the wilds. Some are tamer and more understandable, like the Ape Men of the tropics, while others are the product of a more talented and visionary sculptor, like the Hyena-Swines or the Ox-Bears. All these beasts can join civilizations if they feel the desire to do so.
-New megabeasts added, the God Soldiers. Giant automatons left over from the old civilization, they wander the world attacking any who do not belong to their creator nation. And considering the nations of the old world are dead, that would mean everyone. Questgivers don't even bother assigning missions to kill the things, so if you want to hunt them you'll need to do it by your own choice. Bring an army and carry steel, otherwise you don't stand a chance.
-Non-sapient automatons will no longer wear clothes.

1.2 Changes:
-Three new human civ variants added. One has modern technology, is led by a Fuhrer, and cultivates magnificent moustaches, and the other two are medieval level. Of the latter two, one produces exotic swords folded over a thousand times, and the other produces incredibly strong armor three times as tough as any made in other civilizations. You can either trade with these civs or raid them to gain access to these goods. Actually playing as them should be considered hard mode.
-Miscreated tissue bugs fixed, and two new variants are added. One wears a false skin resembling clay pottery, while the other's skin is sculpted of marble.
-Mooncalves restricted to Selenite civs as they should be.
-Ullans will have lobotomized human cattle as a food animal.
-Aristocrat name changed to Highborn because it sounds smoother. Also, they can now have strange moods, which allow for strange mood artifacts while keeping the number low, in addition to giving them added significance because they were made by a posthuman demigod.
-Ogres renamed to Hydes as it was more fitting for their nature. Hydes now also come in multiple flavors, all of which can interbreed with the others, unlike mutants of different physical makeups.
-Some new mutants added.
-Giant insects added to savage regions. I have tweaked them so that they can live around 30 years and will also universally be predatory and dangerous.
-Republic-styled civilizations will use words taken from every language as they are meant to be a melting pot.

1.11 Changes:
-Ogres should be less buggy now, hopefully. Let me know if they keep shouting "identify yourself!" in sites and such. They will also now be mercenaries and such. Beware as they are quite dangerous to keep around.
-Selenites will no longer use cave stuff.
-Advanced combat automatons and steam golems can reproduce (needed for taming). Lorewise they just instinctively know how to build more of their kind. Reminder that human nations which have gained access to high-tier war androids are INCREDIBLY DANGEROUS and should be considered a major power in the world. Do not poke unless victory is assured.
-Selenites, Miscreated, and Ogres are now ambushers. They will still siege as normal, but you won't see them coming unless you've posted guards. Clockwork soldiers are good for this.
-Hammer-using combat automatons added. May make all different advanced combat automatons into one species with different subtypes later.

1.1 Changes:
-quick fix to firearms, musket-using civs now also have blunderbusses which are a shotgun equivalent.

1.0 Changes:
-Steam and Steel released
« Last Edit: April 11, 2019, 08:47:04 pm by squamous »
I make huge and comprehensive overhaul mods, consider supporting me on Patreon so I can do this full-time:
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dwarf Fortress: Steam and Steel 1.0
« Reply #1 on: February 09, 2019, 03:59:43 pm »


The World:

The world, known to its inhabitants as Firmis, is hardly the pristine wilderness it was countless thousands of years ago. The two primary environments the average person is familiar with are the great ruined cities, built of brass and metal, and the seemingly endless fields of mushrooms and giant fungi that cover most of the globe. The former are incredibly sterile and hostile to life, hosting only bland, barely edible engineered plants, once farmed and now gone feral, along with hostile war machines that target everything they see. The latter are strange compared to the grass and trees of the old world, but certainly something that can be lived in with enough determination. That said, there are still many regions where the grass is green, the trees have leaves, and normal animals graze and hunt. But it can no longer be said that these lands are the majority. Lastly, there are areas contaminated by the biological weapons of an invading alien race. These invaders have since gone native, but the scars of their war remain in the form of blasted lands filled with a pernicious red weed, where the dead don't stay dead and strange clouds blacken the skies.

The Underground:

Below the earth lies a vast network of tunnels which hold an incredibly variety of life almost completely alien to the surface, even in its current transformed state. Primeval and eerie, these sunken lands are incredibly dangerous to the inexperienced, as horrific predators and deadly poisons abound. Those who venture into the darkness without taking proper precautions will never make it back out.

The Infected:

The origin of the virus is unknown, but everyone knows its effects. The infected enter a state of animal ferocity, attacking any non-infected around them. Despite often being referred to as zombies, they are in fact alive, but heavily altered mentally. And furthermore, they are capable of reproduction. This is one of their most dangerous traits, as successive generations become heavily mutated and grow into more deadly species, such as armored, flying, or simply gigantic variants. They can be found anywhere in packs of dozens, and will not hesitate to attack if prey is sighted. Caution is advised when traveling outside of any settlement.

While most humans are now immune to the virus, it is still dangerous. Scientists currently believe the virus is no physical germ at all, but a telepathic or sonic frequency that re-writes the DNA of a victim into an infected specimen. Modern humans all carry the immunity gene, but close contact with the infected has the chance of subjects being temporarily possessed by the mind virus, causing them to grow dizzy and weak as their brain fights it off. This means any melee combat with infected can be very dangerous for humans, but other nonhumanoids seem immune to its effects.

Military Uniforms:

In the modern world where firearms are king, armor has become less important compared to cohesion and panache. The soldiers of modernized nations typically wear some variation of robe or longcoat with one vibrant color, complemented by a capelet of a different color in the case of marksmen and tassels in the case of melee fighters. Some nations use shoulderpads for the same purposes, however. Each modernized nation will have its own distinctive uniform.

Combat Automatons:

Combat automatons are the backbone of any human army. Almost every human civilization has access to basic clockwork soldiers, but it is common knowledge that the ruined megacities of their ancestors hold even more powerful war machines, some of which can be reprogrammed to serve the nations of today. Those nations bold enough to do so wield a powerful advantage over those who do not, as these elite combat automatons are incredibly deadly, with armor of iron and weapons of steel.

Combat automatons are also very useful to developing settlements as they are immune to the mind virus and thus can be stationed at the perimeters of villages to keep the mutants at bay. It is highly recommended that one uses combat automata against mutants.


Not all results of the mutant virus have been negative, however. Though it is a closely guarded secret, there are means to study the mutagenic genes of the infected and synthesize a means to implant those genes within oneself. Done correctly, it brings out the peak potential of the human body, transforming them into a powerful, immortal posthuman with perfect physical ability. These specimens are termed Highborn, both because of their tendency to be of noble birth and their superiority to the common man. Almost every human nation is ruled by clans of Highborn, with the exception of the militantly egalitarian republics that spring up from time to time.


Projectile weapons are the primary weapons of this era, at least for the civilized races. They are divided into steam-powered and matchlock categories. Steam weapons hit harder but use smaller bullets, matchlocks use larger bullets but have less force to them. Ammo works as follows.

All steam rifles and the normal pistol use bullets.
Shotguns and blunderbusses use slugs and pellet clusters.
Heavy rifles and pistols use piercing bullets.
Portable cannons use cannonballs and grapeshot
Musket rifles and pistols use musketballs.
Heavy muskets use heavy musketballs.

Bullets, cannonballs, and musketballs do piercing damage with a bit of slashing. Generally all-around ammunition.
Pellet clusters and grapeshot do slashing damage, like an axe. Good against unarmed enemies (like the infected)
Piercing bullets do a lot of piercing damage and can penetrate armor and the bodies of large creatures, like a ranged spear attack.
Shotgun slugs do blunt damage, like a hammer.

There are also alien rifles and pistols used by the Ullans, which have the strongest shoot force in the game and use normal bullets and pellet clusters. They are highly coveted by human nations for their stopping power.


Automatons are versatile and valued, but in the end they are little more than tools of war. Many civilizations use machines for other purposes (and also for war), and as technology advances once more even more wonders can be expected to appear across the world.

Clockwork Mech: The most powerful weapon human militaries can typically muster, clockwork mechs come in light, medium, and heavy variants. The light model is a biped while the medium and heavy are more humanoid in form. Each one is a very expensive work of art in addition to a highly lethal killing tool, and many a tide has been turned with just one of these machines.

Yaga: Named after an old northerner legend, these machines are are bipedal boxes, platforms, and houses of varying sides used by civilian enterprises for trade and transport. The smallest ones are the size of a man, but the largest are big enough for someone to live comfortably atop of. They cannot operate by themselves but are used frequently by merchants as mounts and pack animals.

« Last Edit: April 11, 2019, 08:48:48 pm by squamous »
I make huge and comprehensive overhaul mods, consider supporting me on Patreon so I can do this full-time:
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dwarf Fortress: Steam and Steel 1.0
« Reply #2 on: February 09, 2019, 04:01:50 pm »



The first sentient species to dwell on earth (as far as anyone knows), the humans were responsible for the great Golden Age of Earth, in which the vast cities of man dominated the planet, and nearly destroyed it through rampant, uncontrolled industrialization. Though in the end, it was not man's hubris that ended his age as most would guess, but the infamous virus that turned his kin into monsters. Now humanity is fractured along many lines, though it remains one of the most numerous races on earth.

Strengths: Advanced technology, high numbers
Weaknesses: Disunity, weak and squishy infantry, vulnerability to infection


It is known that mutants are little more than animals, completely without intelligence. This is true, for all but one. There rose a monstrous race with brutish form and a cunning mind, but seemingly lobotomized of all that humanity considered good. Kindness, empathy, altruism, these things are absent from the mind of what has been called the Hyde; a towering freak with only disdain for all but itself. Coming in many forms from the bone-armored to the simply massive, these savages wage constant war on the civilized peoples and despite their low level of development are the only race that can command the terrifying feral mutants, allowing their numbers to swell to vast hordes that only the most powerful nations can hope to stop.

Strengths: Very strong, numerous, can domesticate mutants
Weaknesses: Not very intelligent, low tech


While the Hyde is too cruel and inhuman to ever truly belong in civilization, it nevertheless impacts the civilized races, humans more than most. And from acts best left unspoken came a new breed entirely, a blasphemous union of Hyde and Human, carrying the strength and viciousness of its monstrous progenitor and the capacity for higher emotions and intelligence of its human half, though in truth it was slightly lacking in both categories compared to its parent race. Neither monster nor man, the Halfhydes keep to their own communities, surviving by any means necessary in a world that views them as an aberration.

Strengths: strong, fast, longer lifespan
Weaknesses: Cultural values cause friction between them and the civilized races, low tech, inherently vicious


In the Golden Age, man could do so many wondrous things. Just one of those was the power to give life to that which was without, metal and crystal transformed into moving objects. But one thing they never intended was to give these creations souls, wills, intelligent thought. But that is what happened, the legends say. These mistakes, the unwanted children of the great ancestors, fled from persecution and hid in their secret fortresses, taking advantage of the apocalypse to find a way to survive, immune as they were to the mutagen virus. But as we know, these automatons were not so terrible and alien as one may think. In all ways but their metal flesh, they may be considered human. They laugh, cry (though they lack tears), feel love, hate, fear, anger, all the things that humans do. They even build outer skins for themselves of all manner of materials, using them to appear more human (some are quite good at this). But these types are few and far between, with the most common automaton being stunted things with simple minds, expendable and witless. The true thinking machines find their existence pitiable, but unless they can find a way to swiftly grow in number without such a slave caste, they will continue to be manufactured.

Strengths: Very dangerous individually, ubiquitous command of ancient automatons, expendable drone caste
Weaknesses: Low numbers, worker drones struggle to learn new commands, no standard clockwork war machines


Of all the races of man who hid from the end, there were a great many who sought shelter under the earth itself, digging vast tunnels in which they could wait out the end of the world. But for one reason or another, they changed. Mutated by chance or design rather than by the virus, they became something not quite human. These troglodytic ape men, the morlocks, have only recently returned to the surface to find it quite a different place. Though they are no longer what they once were, they consider themselves to be the true successors to the empire of earth, and fully intend to fight for it. And a terrible for they are, for while their technology is lacking the morlocks come in many shapes and sizes, from towering brutes to cunning witches and genius administrators. If the races of the surface cannot work together, they may be overwhelmed from below they very ground the fight upon.

Strengths: Very powerful infantry caste, intelligent ruler caste, can farm underground crops
Weaknesses: Caste system is complex and fragile, low tech level


Most notorious of all the alien races that have migrated to earth, the Ullans were the first and most hated. They were the invader race that poisoned vast swathes of the planet with their chemical weapons and destroyed countless settlements with their legions of tripod machines. Incredibly intelligent and dangerously cunning, the Ullan menace nonetheless lacked the numbers to properly conquer the earth, eventually becoming just one of the many powers seeking dominion on this shattered planet. But one should not underestimate them, for they are fierce and ambitious, and one day this alien race shall once more seek total conquest, and will not stop until all life is grasped in their squirming tentacles.

Strengths: Intelligent, unique and powerful tripod war machines, extensive slave caste from kidnapping, can breathe water
Weaknesses: Universally reviled, no bones, slow


Hailing from a scorching planet of alien jungles and acid rain, the race commonly calling itself the plantoid people is a race sight, but luckily for those who encounter them this enigmatic race seems to be less trouble than the others which plague this ruined planet. Interest in the fine arts and celebration more than war and bloodshed, this pacifistic race seeks to exchange both goods and ideas with the friendly races of earth. Why they haven't been overrun yet comes down to the simple fact that they have some of the most advanced and deadly firearms currently on the planet, matched only by the Ullan menace. So long as they can maintain their technological superiority, it doesn't seem like they'll be going away any time soon.

Strengths: Pacifistic stance keeps them from netting too many enemies, powerful guns
Weaknesses: Weak bodies are easily destroyed, rely on rare king and queen castes to produce more sexless workers.


Another of the alien races, these insectoids hail from the very moon that orbits the planet. Claiming to be refugees from a devastating war that rendered their home a dying rock, they desperately seek survival on the planet of earth. Having lost their technology in the race to the planet, they live a feudal existence, surviving only thanks to their discipline and short childhoods, for they are in truth a frail and diminutive race, often two heads shorter than an average man. Despite this they continue to persist, for they know that should their colonies on earth die, it will truly be the end for their endangered race. Perhaps because of this they seem poised to become mankind's greatest ally or its most dangerous nemesis, for they are indeed like men, and will do anything to preserve the future of their people. And a race in such a precarious predicament can find itself willing to do all manner of terrible things to achieve that goal.

Strengths: Breed and grow quickly, vast numbers, cohesive population
Weaknesses: Individually weak, very low tech, vulnerable to stress and addiction

Beast Folk:

Humanity's arrogance truly knows no bounds. Not only did they create mechanical life, accidental though it may have been, they have also uplifted the common beast into sapience, though this was a far bloodier birth than that of the Automatons. Through the art of vivisection and alchemical sciences, animals were given the form and intelligence of man, intended to be slaves, soldiers, or living works of art by whatever mad scientist created them. For most, this inevitably ended in a bloody massacre as the beast men broke free of their shackles, running into the wilds. Left to their own devices, they typically become wandering, feral barbarians, struggling to balance their animal urges with their new higher intelligence. Typically they find themselves joining an established nation, though in truth their new home may well be as cruel as their old one.

Strengths: Size, strength, and animal cunning
Weaknesses: No independent settlements to speak of, they exist as an underclass within civilized realms.


During the apex of the mutant apocalypse, some sought to develop a counterweapon against the rising hordes. Though it came to late, hope was found in the form of 'corpse technology'. Simply put, by vivisecting a human being and stuffing them full of alchemical serums and mutagenic DNA samples, they could create a pseudo-undead "zombie" that would dutifully obey orders and fight fearlessly against enemies. Starting with the simpleminded Mark-I zombie and moving to the quicker-thinking Mark-II, the technology progressed rapidly into truly intelligent Mark-IIIs and specialized Mark-IVs. It was only when millions of Corpses were utilized that the trap was sprung. The creator of the Corpse technology, a scientist of some reknown, had copied his brain into the very minds of a chosen few Corpses, the Mark-Vs, and with their independence and enhanced brainpower wrested control of the mindless and intelligent corpses, freeing them form servitude and fighting a bloody war of independence as the human global hegemony collapsed. As of year 0 of the new era, independent Corpse nations have begun to spring up all over the world, and what the future holds for this strange species is a mystery to all, even themselves. For the Mark-Vs, despite their imprinted personalities, had memories and minds of their own. Refusing to obey the will of their creator, whatever that may be, they march forward according to their own ambitions.

Special note: Mark-I and Mark-II Corpse models cannot speak or think on their own, but a Mark-III or higher can take control of them and allow them to speak and transmit data. Playing as a I or II is not recommended. In fortress mode, Marks-I/II Corpses cannot be assigned labors, but all of them are enabled. They will follow their own whims and do whatever tasks they feel like unless a higher model gives them orders (enables speech and thus control).

Strengths: Expendable underclass, powerful specialist models, giant zombie war beasts
Weaknesses: Vulnerable to poison, low tech level, humans are scared of them, complex caste system
« Last Edit: February 21, 2019, 09:59:05 pm by squamous »
I make huge and comprehensive overhaul mods, consider supporting me on Patreon so I can do this full-time:
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dwarf Fortress: Steam and Steel 1.0
« Reply #3 on: February 09, 2019, 04:02:16 pm »

I make huge and comprehensive overhaul mods, consider supporting me on Patreon so I can do this full-time:
Have questions? Need to report bugs? Post them in the discord:


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dwarf Fortress: Steam and Steel 1.0
« Reply #4 on: February 10, 2019, 07:03:34 pm »


Most notorious of all the alien races that have migrated to earth, the Ullans were the first and most hated. They were the invader race that poisoned vast swathes of the planet with their chemical weapons and destroyed countless settlements with their legions of tripod machines. Incredibly intelligent and dangerously cunning, the Ullan menace nonetheless lacked the numbers to properly conquer the earth, eventually becoming just one of the many powers seeking dominion on this shattered planet. But one should not underestimate them, for they are fierce and ambitious, and one day this alien race shall once more seek total conquest, and will not stop until all life is grasped in their squirming tentacles.
Is that a war of the worlds reference I spy here..


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dwarf Fortress: Steam and Steel 1.0
« Reply #5 on: February 10, 2019, 07:14:31 pm »


Most notorious of all the alien races that have migrated to earth, the Ullans were the first and most hated. They were the invader race that poisoned vast swathes of the planet with their chemical weapons and destroyed countless settlements with their legions of tripod machines. Incredibly intelligent and dangerously cunning, the Ullan menace nonetheless lacked the numbers to properly conquer the earth, eventually becoming just one of the many powers seeking dominion on this shattered planet. But one should not underestimate them, for they are fierce and ambitious, and one day this alien race shall once more seek total conquest, and will not stop until all life is grasped in their squirming tentacles.
Is that a war of the worlds reference I spy here..

It might be

I might have even completely ripped off the Martians and given them a different name because I haven't decided if this takes place on earth.
I make huge and comprehensive overhaul mods, consider supporting me on Patreon so I can do this full-time:
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dwarf Fortress: Steam and Steel 1.3
« Reply #6 on: February 17, 2019, 10:46:15 am »

Oooooh! A Steampunk setting! Would you by any chance be interested in creating a modular version?
My (long abandoned) mod:
The litten is wandering around the dump now, occasionally exploding.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dwarf Fortress: Steam and Steel 1.3
« Reply #7 on: February 17, 2019, 01:06:46 pm »

Oooooh! A Steampunk setting! Would you by any chance be interested in creating a modular version?

That'd be something of a difficult task considering how tied together everything is but you're welcome to lift creatures from the mod and put them into your own game. You'd probably want the stuff in creature_mechanical.txt and the steam-powered weapons and ammo in the ammo.txt and weapon.txt
I make huge and comprehensive overhaul mods, consider supporting me on Patreon so I can do this full-time:
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dwarf Fortress: Steam and Steel 1.41
« Reply #8 on: January 26, 2021, 12:48:12 pm »

why did the metallurgy and chemical components of this mod never go anywhere? especially since nowadays your mods restrict weapons and armor to only steel.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dwarf Fortress: Steam and Steel 1.41
« Reply #9 on: January 28, 2021, 12:09:37 pm »

why did the metallurgy and chemical components of this mod never go anywhere? especially since nowadays your mods restrict weapons and armor to only steel.

Its mostly due to the fact that I took that stuff from another guy's mod, and now that I have patreon I don't really like using other people's stuff and try to make everything myself. As for my decisions for metallurgy, it is mostly because of how DF inherently does things. Rationally, you'd expect nations to either have a smaller amount of rarer materials, or strictly make use of high-quality materials if it is an advanced society lore-wise. For example, in my Fall From Grace and Beyond The Great War mods, civilization is at the early modern (ish) and 1920s (ish) tech levels respectively. In the real world, steel was so useful that the vast majority of armor and weapons were made from it. But DF's value system is unfinished and instead of taking into account quality and scarcity, you'll still have these ostensibly sophisticated civilizations using stuff like copper armor at the same ratio of steel armor, which in my opinion totally breaks immersion.

My personal philosophy when it comes to making these worlds in DF is to pay special attention to what NPCs are capable of as much as the player, and I try to take steps to ensure that they don't come off as illogical. In the above cases, it just so happens that the best way to do this is to limit weapon and armor making to just steel. I prefer narrative verisimilitude and creating a particular aesthetic over additional gameplay options, basically. That's my forte. My mods don't have the most unique and advanced game mechanics (in this regard, stuff like the Mushroom Kingdom mod totally blows me out of the water, as do others), but I would like to think the settings they contain are interesting in themselves.

When DF gains the ability to take into account scarcity and quality when equipping nations with a particular material, you can expect me to massively overhaul how that stuff works to take advantage of it. I would really like a scenario where a siege can be led by a core of knights in full steel armor commanding conscripts in shoddy iron uniforms, but at the present time it simply isn't possible.
« Last Edit: January 28, 2021, 12:14:35 pm by squamous »
I make huge and comprehensive overhaul mods, consider supporting me on Patreon so I can do this full-time:
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dwarf Fortress: Steam and Steel 1.41
« Reply #10 on: February 16, 2021, 12:55:52 pm »

Hey, is there any plans on updating this?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dwarf Fortress: Steam and Steel 1.41
« Reply #11 on: February 17, 2021, 03:51:09 pm »

Hey, is there any plans on updating this?

Probably not unfortunately, for a variety of reasons, most of which stem from the fact that now that I have a patreon I am hesitant to use copyrighted material or material taken from other content creators (all the clockwork vehicles in the mod are from the blog Against The Wicked City and not my own creation, for example. its a really great blog, i recommend checking it out). However, my fantasy mod Fall From Grace has victorian-era (and late medieval) aesthetics, clockwork automatons, steam chainsaws, airships, and pneumatic guns if that is the sort of thing that you found appealing in this mod. I am also currently working on expanding the roster of clockwork creations, so there will be more high technology in the setting come next update.

EDIT: for future readers I should clarify here I mean that I don't want to mix in copyrighted or made-by-other-people content with my own original settings without permission/with nebulous permission, mostly out of principle and worries of being thought of as someone who steals other people's ideas but also so that my work can stand out on its own. I am not against total conversions into pre-existing settings, but I try to clearly clarify them as such.
« Last Edit: February 23, 2021, 12:02:08 am by squamous »
I make huge and comprehensive overhaul mods, consider supporting me on Patreon so I can do this full-time:
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dwarf Fortress: Steam and Steel 1.41
« Reply #12 on: February 22, 2021, 10:31:39 pm »

Hey, is there any plans on updating this?

Probably not unfortunately, for a variety of reasons, most of which stem from the fact that now that I have a patreon I am hesitant to use copyrighted material or material taken from other content creators (all the clockwork vehicles in the mod are from the blog Against The Wicked City and not my own creation, for example. its a really great blog, i recommend checking it out). However, my fantasy mod Fall From Grace has victorian-era (and late medieval) aesthetics, clockwork automatons, steam chainsaws, airships, and pneumatic guns if that is the sort of thing that you found appealing in this mod. I am also currently working on expanding the roster of clockwork creations, so there will be more high technology in the setting come next update.

Damn, sorry to hear that. I'll check it out regardless though.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dwarf Fortress: Steam and Steel 1.41
« Reply #13 on: February 22, 2021, 11:19:33 pm »

Hey, is there any plans on updating this?

Probably not unfortunately, for a variety of reasons, most of which stem from the fact that now that I have a patreon I am hesitant to use copyrighted material or material taken from other content creators (all the clockwork vehicles in the mod are from the blog Against The Wicked City and not my own creation, for example. its a really great blog, i recommend checking it out). However, my fantasy mod Fall From Grace has victorian-era (and late medieval) aesthetics, clockwork automatons, steam chainsaws, airships, and pneumatic guns if that is the sort of thing that you found appealing in this mod. I am also currently working on expanding the roster of clockwork creations, so there will be more high technology in the setting come next update.

Damn, sorry to hear that. I'll check it out regardless though.

If its any consolation, I've got big plans for that mod when the future update for explorable ruins of past civilizations and later different planes of existence, comes out. I'll be able to have clockwork megacities like I sort of tried to make in this mod, but instead of being recolored trees and grass they'll actually be good and have fun stuff in them, along with fantastical planetary exploration. Hopefully it grows to have the same pulpy atmosphere as Steam and Steel, but with a wider variety of content available.
« Last Edit: February 22, 2021, 11:26:44 pm by squamous »
I make huge and comprehensive overhaul mods, consider supporting me on Patreon so I can do this full-time:
Have questions? Need to report bugs? Post them in the discord:


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dwarf Fortress: Steam and Steel 1.41
« Reply #14 on: February 24, 2021, 09:39:52 pm »

Hey, is there any plans on updating this?

Probably not unfortunately, for a variety of reasons, most of which stem from the fact that now that I have a patreon I am hesitant to use copyrighted material or material taken from other content creators (all the clockwork vehicles in the mod are from the blog Against The Wicked City and not my own creation, for example. its a really great blog, i recommend checking it out). However, my fantasy mod Fall From Grace has victorian-era (and late medieval) aesthetics, clockwork automatons, steam chainsaws, airships, and pneumatic guns if that is the sort of thing that you found appealing in this mod. I am also currently working on expanding the roster of clockwork creations, so there will be more high technology in the setting come next update.

Damn, sorry to hear that. I'll check it out regardless though.

If its any consolation, I've got big plans for that mod when the future update for explorable ruins of past civilizations and later different planes of existence, comes out. I'll be able to have clockwork megacities like I sort of tried to make in this mod, but instead of being recolored trees and grass they'll actually be good and have fun stuff in them, along with fantastical planetary exploration. Hopefully it grows to have the same pulpy atmosphere as Steam and Steel, but with a wider variety of content available.

That does sound interesting, hopefully toady gets around to it some day.
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