This is a rpg. Using the back drop of a fictional WW2 situation.
In the beginning of the conflict, the Germans had invested in studying the supernatural, which has aided them in the War Effort while Italy found texts of a long forgotten “art” that is dubbed “ Sacred Geometry.” And lastly the Japanese found the “
Body of a God” and had been doing, research.
But the Allies has their own secret weapon. The Phantom Brigade. Who engaged the super natural, for they themselves are super natural.
Character maker:
Stats: 0- Puny human to 30 ( Legendary Hero.)
Starting points: 40 ( because upgrades/leveling up is RARE in this game, and the maximum to improve is up to 3 at a time.) But Yeah reach 5 stat points, get a automatic safe success in actions of that stat. At 30 it’s 6. ( given 8 is highest Roll, that’s 3/4 auto successes, which is pretty darn good.)
Actual character making rules:
Nationality: (Axis origin means your in side Suicide Squad style, earn freedom or die.)
Strength: Physical damage in melee, pick up and use things as improvised weapons, and carry weight for items.
Speed: How fast and how many moves you can do. Also multiple actions.
Constitution: Physical defense from Physical hits, how healthy and shrugging off poison and disease.
Wits: Mental speed, thinking up solutions on the spot and bonus die via improvised actions.
Will: Mental defense against fear, mind control and for some reason defense against “power” or super natural attacks.
Intelligence: This rates how many skills/talents or how good you are at them. Combat and utility aspects here.
Perception: How Sharp your senses are. Helps in not getting ambushed, and having perfect aim with ranged combat.
Power: Super Natural here. How useful/strong/ how many times can use in situation. Hell at level 8 and beyond can have the option to declare character not a human but a super natural “thing” ( got to work details in pm) and in this set up will look over said ability, as there are limits.
Well willing to help make characters before they go off to war.
Roll chart:
1: Ouch, Critical failure. Like so bad the effects last for a good while and can effect team.
2: Major Failure: Only elects team member who rolled, sucks to be them though.
3: Minor Failure: It is fail, with inconvience ( like maybe lose next turn, but not as damaged as first two. Or even something to shake one up for a few turns, nothing that bad.))
4: Fail: You did not do command directly or bad luck, but only effects you this turn, missing a fun shot or getting briefly shoved for little bit of damage, not bad, really.
5: Success: You manages to get it done well.
6: Better Success: Now something to talk about, it makes life a little easier.
7: You done broke it: Major critical success, but in afermath a problem arises from it.
8: Golden Success: Absolute perfect roll. All good here.
Last note: Beforeveach mission in being in friendly vase/turf, can get gear for free depending on what’s around, in the field and in enemy turf, prepare to loot some bodies.