Anjuar is to send messengers to the following groups, inviting them to the feast. Guar designates these as messengers under the authority of the Edict of Roads and Thoroughfare.
1) Diawata and high ranking lawyers.
2) The leaders of each of faction of the lawful lands, as well as high ranking officials of each of the lawyer schools of thought.
3) The leaders of New Durham, Durham, and other affiliated cities.
4) The Ankan Lugal, and other members of Ankan leadership.
5) The Basderieen leadership in Anka.
6) Allied Ulkian factions and leadership.
7) Flintish leadership.
An individual designated as the representative of Shelldon.
9) Each person of import within the Horde.
10) The Eld
11) Assign public heralds to invite the populace of each aforementioned except Shelldon and the Eld. Those who cannot attend are encouraged to throw a feast in their locales on the same day.
The included invitation conveys the time and place of the Divine Feast. It further explains that all attendees are expected to bring food, drink, merchants and entertainment in quality and amounts in correlation to, and as a sign of their status and strength of their nation. Further, each receiver of the invitation is permitted to bring as many or as few members of their faction as they desire, though the previous expectation grows with the number of attendees. Truly, it will be a momentous occasion!
Next it explains that there may be individuals and groups which are in opposition to each other in attendance. With the exception of Guar sanctioned duels and blood sport, murder and excessive violence and will be met with swift and merciless retribution as they are considered a insult to the host. However, if two individuals do wish to fight, they may petition their host for such a duel, blood sport, or other such public challenge. Under the rules of the Feast, all challenge petitions shall be granted, so long as the combatants in question can agree to terms and conditions of the combat, and there is no overwhelming reason for Guar to deny them a fair contest. Finally, there will be competitions of strength and skill, both deadly and nondeadly, and all are welcome to enter to gain glory for their nation.