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Author Topic: Between the Rivers: Gods Adrift [IC]  (Read 22466 times)

Demonic Spoon

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Re: Between the Rivers: Gods Adrift [IC]
« Reply #210 on: October 30, 2019, 01:16:11 am »

[I somehow, completely forgot about that]

The Shattered Statue finds himself surrounded by a small number of elephant-sized buildings, many elephants and a few humans rummaging about. The vegetation is mainly low-lying shrubbery and palms, though small gardens of carefully tended plants do exist. The people seem well-off and and healthy.

The Shattered Statue laughs in mad exultation, and screams "You thought you could escape the I? You thought you could defy the Statue?". Of course, the mortals could not hear him(her).

Action 3 [1 CP]: The Statue heals Nusku of all his mental, spiritual, bodily and shadow afflictions.

Blood Action [4 DP]: The Statue smites all elephants and half-elephants from the hex by devouring them into her(his?) imaginary maw.

The Statue attempts to give 1 DP to the locally dominant deity as weregild.

Subsoul: Murdus
> Secure and maintain the Flood-Bell

Subsoul: Nusku
> Attempt to help Roc escape his imprisonment in the Plane Spiritual.

Subsoul: Roc
> Escape spiritual captivity if the opportunity presents itself.
« Last Edit: October 30, 2019, 07:52:00 am by Demonic Spoon »


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Re: Between the Rivers: Gods Adrift [IC]
« Reply #211 on: October 30, 2019, 01:32:10 am »

The Statue attempts to give 1 DP to the locally dominant deity as weregild.
Wha-huh? What is this?
Where did it come from?

Hello? Who's is this?
Quote from: FallacyOfUrist (on Discord, 11/15/21)
Glass is, as usual, correct.
Yep, as ever, I bestow upon Glass the expected +1
I'm gonna say we go with whatever Glass's idea is.

Demonic Spoon

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Re: Between the Rivers: Gods Adrift [IC]
« Reply #212 on: October 30, 2019, 02:30:50 am »

The Statue attempts to give 1 DP to the locally dominant deity as weregild.
Wha-huh? What is this?
Where did it come from?

Hello? Who's is this?

"I see you, Spirit of these lands. Rejoice! For the Statue that is I has become a visitation upon you. Great were the crimes of these traitors who I have hunted for centuries, who thought to escape my wrath by fleeing along long and circuitous route to your own lands."

"And great shall be their retribution, though out of respect for those who unknowingly harboured the fugitives, I offer to you a fraction of my vast power as the blood-price for their sinful lives."
« Last Edit: October 30, 2019, 02:32:57 am by Demonic Spoon »


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Re: Between the Rivers: Gods Adrift [IC]
« Reply #213 on: October 30, 2019, 04:58:16 am »


TURN 6: Age of Towers, Unearthed Scion, Year Two of Womb-Born Minister.

The gods acted.

The Shattered Statue, perturbed with the desecration of what was his (her?) dominions, she (he?) created the Flood-Bell in order to take vengeance and usher in a new age of flood control in Ulkai. This done, he (she?) did then make quick travel to the Petty Oasis, via the Hunt-Virtue; diving into the river to do so.

As she (he?) surfaced, he (she?) did heal Nusku of malignant essences to the best of his (her?) abilities.

He (She?) did then unleash terrible terrible vengeance upon the elephants of the Petty Oasis. Calf and bull; matriarch and maiden. None were spared, none were given chance and none were given time. All were slain and devoured, with the maddening depravity of a centuries-long hunt. So did end the elephantine civilisation, disappeared into the maw of the Statue.

Engorged with the whole of an elephant society, the Shattered Statue slept.

A Hunt is Ended.

Kakkabum did wish upon stars, and did craft for himself Aritu and the Reflection of the Adze.

Name: Ariitu (Average)
Appearance: A round copper shield detailed with an eight pointed star and three large eyes. The back face displays Door-framed images of faraway places by day and planes by night. Those closest to enlightenment and most receptive to Kakkabum's message glow in the images displayed by the shield (and would likely glow if brought to the shield, unlikely though this may be).
   Bonus to searching for relatively friendly enlightenables, especially at night in the Plane Spiritual
   Chance of extra communication per action, especially around dawn and dusk
   As a last resort, may also be able to act as a copper shield of decent quality, i.e. not terribly good but a bit better than nothing.
Name: The Reflection of the Adze, or: The Key Cyprian (Major)
Appearance: A copper-tinted reflection of the Elder Adze from Ariitu's surface
   +extra SS against old things (as before, the older, the better)
   +extra SS for unlocking locked things in general (the more locked, the better--up to a certain point) but not for "unlocking" locked things.

Through beat-stick rhetoric, he did then enlighten a passing elephant maiden, who was called Sallaa, though now known as the Second Dreamer.

Kakkabum then slumbered.

Fu did wander the lands, feeling and thinking of things both within and beyond her perceptions. In time, she did arrive in the deserts far and she did establish a place of her dominion; the so-called Centre of the World.

Code: [Select]
Natural Wonder Cost: 4 CP | 1 Essence | 4 DP
Name: Center of the World
Appearance: N/A- The sphere glows with power. Let all partake of it.
Purpose: This is the Gathering Place. The veil between the Spirit World and the Physical World is thin here. Powerful Spirits can manifest, communicate, and affect mortals and immortals in this place. It costs nothing to speak here to those who reside here. It costs nothing to turn your spiritual power against others here. It costs nothing to turn your physical power against others here.
And likewise, the surrounding area(hexes) also are affected by this Nexus. This is Fū's work. Her power runs thick in the leylines created from her own power, tapped to the very nature of the world, twisting it, weakening the veil. And as such, she has power here, to those who make use of this place. Her word is law in this place. Those who partake of it are bound to it, and will never be able to harm Fū directly while partaking of it. And with that same power, can Fū shape the land(hexes) around this place to her nature, and those places partake of that same power. Her Creation, and Destruction. Both are at a Peak, and she can change it to her whim in this one moment. Spirits, I grant Power and Order and Magic.

From the innards of Fu, did arise a great sphere of power, which did weaken the borders between that which was here and that which was beyond. Utilising her all-in essence, she did attempt her best to create her dream upon Err. Even as it rose, and she did feel the membranes weaken, she did feel too that not all that she had commanded had truly come to past.

Code: [Select]

Regardless, Fu rested.

Basderieen did quickly gift his loyal high clans. To the Ankan-inclined Occhio D'intesa, he did send Braderieen, a being similar but Not-Basderieen and yet of similar presence, if not soul. With much surprise did the high-clan find the appearance of the entity within the great temple and muchly did they lay gift and praise upon it. Seemingly, they are convinced that the being is an incarnation of their god.

To the high clan of Allwissendes Auge did the badger-god grant the Unstoppable; a new heritage-emblem for the alphas. This they did take with great praise and did dance around it in the form of the desert gnat.

Finally, Basderieen did raise the elevation of the land nearby, making it a mesa above the sands.

With that, Basderieen did then enter slumber.

Metalhand did grant the woman of New Durham, named Arahunaa, the gift of his soul, which she did subsume into her own. A Disciple, she was made to conjoin the two Powers of Durham, as well as accompany Asteriskasteriskasterisk in immortality's curse.

The god of craft did then devise for himself a new set of tools, aptly called 'Masterwork'

Name: Masterwork
Appearance: A set of tools, each made of a black metallic substance and covered in glowing runes.
Purpose: Reduce accoutrement costs by 3 CP

Code: [Select]
Finally did Metalhand then create the Left Hand of the Spirit-Walker, which had been commissioned by Guar; this was soon given up to him. Whilst Metalhand did put great effort and power into the creation of the Left Hand, he did feel that the physical form of the Hand was not to par with the powers unleashed. He felt its essence leak, even as he did hold it.

With these labours completed, Metalhand did thusly rest.

Shelldon did begin his waking period by attempting to instil the knowledge of medication to the people of the Crab Tribe. In this endeavour did he succeed.

He did then create the Mantis Crab Hunters directly around him.

Name: Mantis Crab Hunter
Appearance: these crabs have bodies similar to lobsters, they are slightly bigger than horses
Think platted chitin: there natural armor is difficult to break with copper weaponry
Tamable mounts: these creatures can be tamed easily if one knows how
acid launcher: these creatures can spit acid at others, the acid is strong enough to melt wood and stone and has a good range
poison/toxic immunity
swift swimmers: they are able to easily swim through water and stay at surface level for quite a bit while carrying a rider
Crab scuttle: they are capable of going up vertical surfaces with ease
Shelldon's influence: the more someone truly worship Shelldon the Crab God the more friendly these creatures are to you

Shelldon did then teach the remnants of the Tribe how to tame these beasts and make them do as the rider did want.

Calling upon the essence of blood, Shelldon did then teach his people the art of war- especially those lessons having to do with the taking of settlements and naval combat. There have been a few hundred training mishaps.

Code: [Select]
Tala did burden another with the blessing immortality, a woman named Jimugurushallat from the mountains of the Land.

Name: Jim (Jimugurushallat)
Appearance: An elderly woman who prefers practicality in how they portray themselves
Personality [optional]: Jim has a resilient and patient character, of free mind and explorative creativity, tempered with considerable patience and control--one with aspirations in creation, but with a tempered ambition and philosophical reverence of the spirits. They are of caring, patient, and forgiving character, with a progressive outlook on their capabilities and a strong internal moral compass.
PHYS: PS:  AS: 2
SPIR: EGO: 1 SS:  W: 3
Myths: N/A
Initiative: High
Create Foundations of Society: Knowledge is power, and power is balanced by understanding--people depend on infrastructure for further access and refinement of resources, physical, humane, mental, or in other forms and aspects; you have a duty to realize these

Accessibility: You have duty to help create the means by which people, and even spirits, can access their needs in better ways, or tools for yourself to do so--from things like roads for easier transport, to tools for more efficient tasks, to communications for ease of exchanging emotions, ideas, and meanings

Communicate: The worst communication comes from assumptions, and a lot of your culture is built on them--to understand the spirits effectively, it is through learning about them uniquely; perspective and intent matter in understanding spirits and other people, ensure that information and meaning is not lost or worse, withheld, from those who need it--always be open to contacting Tala

Quality over Quantity: Resources can become limited either by access, trade, or manpower, ensure that people working towards a task have a sense of quality in their actions and diligence in their results, which would also follow your own actions; the strongest building will require less upkeep than the same bridge made cheaply, and the same applies to raising people or even the culture of a society

Social Systems: People rely on others to get things done--the same follows with spirits--and it is very important to find ways of making systems, and then making systems efficient, to not cause harm in the end, and to make a network of inter-reliance in order to better achieve goals, tasks, and meeting needs; never forget that all people are equal, and nobody can claim being more equal than others

Ethical Treatment: In anything you make, in any actions you do, at least one is watching, and whom that is, is you: Ensure that what you leave behind, either by infrastructure or social action, is intended with the benefit of others, especially in communicating and working with the complex minutiae in life that you meet, and will meet; be very wary of performing acts that would directly result in your own demise for little gain, and find ways to keep your wit sharpened and your awareness open

Earthmaster: Possesses a geologic mastery of knowledge over the rocks and metals, and how to potentially work with them into sturdy yet flexible infrastructure, including possessing designs of earthworks and other practical establishments, or tailoring the landscape to needs
Roboticist: Knowledgeable in ethical works of the flesh and living body, Jim is capable of effectively teaching and applying the arts of working in the field of robotics, and in the greater art of creating infrastructure beneficial to the living and the spirits
Logistician: From her robotics heritage, Jim is a very capable director and planner, able to allocate needed resources for when and where they are wanted, and possesses an acumen for needs and the populace
Invigorated Loyalist: In the event of a schism against Tala or otherwise in her teachings--they prefer to side with Tala or her intent, due to having their health restored from the harm of time and otherwise
Listener: A characteristic trait of assessing and analyzing before responding, Jim has a somewhat heightened niche in her hearing, but moreso in being able to communicate with others by listening and interpreting information into results

Secondly, Tala did make a grand blessing of 'UNITY' within her lands. Not only had many of the Lawful People gathered, but some Durhamites and Horsemen as well. Anjuar is amongst those who arrive, along with many chiefs of the Great Horde. So too do many Yellow Song clans come, hearing of the gathering via the whispers of trade-talk.  The consequences of such an action would be revealed, perhaps, in time.

Thirdly did Tala then ingress into the beyond.

After her journey, Tala did then sleep.

Vulpes Grande did terrify the canach and did bless them with a form more suiting to Vulpes' liking, revulpening them canach ignises. He did then attempt to teach them the flame-tailed fight. Perhaps due to the newness of their forms,the terror they had experienced, and their general nature, the canach are not the best students of these lessons.

Name: Canach Ignis
Appearance: The Canach Ignis much resemble the Blanford's Foxes like their Canach brethren. But their fur has a slightly golden sheen to it, and takes more of the sun's heat. Their being resonates with fire, and they may channel it. They can even see meaning in the erratic dance of flame. Due to this resonance.
Traits: Fire Magic. Double the lifespan of Canach. Blessed seed (offspring with lesser Canach will be Canach Ignis).

Finally, Vulpes Grande did then store yet more energy within his tools.

With that, the fox slept.

Sarkyran did make from the beetles long domesticated, greater variants of much larger size. Their ability to reproduce hampered and lifespan increased, Sarkyran hoped that such creatures would make fine equivalents of asses and horses. Interestingly, Sarkyran seems not to have at all changed the species' behaviour.

Name: Greater Beetle
Appearance: As before, just larger
Traits: Domesticated, Strong, Herbivorous, Reproductive rate equivalent to twice that of a mammal, Large, (Any pre-existing traits not contradicted by the new ones.)

This done, Sarkyran did then grant a tolerant man, resarkyranised as Taran, the divine beauty of immortality. Of course, such blessings did arrive with baggage.

Name: Taran the Peacebringer
Appearance: As before.
Personality: Tolerant, a loner and an intellectual; likes ducks.
PHYS: PS:  AS: 2
SPIR: EGO: 2 SS: W: 2
Myths: N/A
Initiative: High
-Spread word of Sarkyran and his splendour across the world, and ensure others can worship him
-To resolve conflicts without violence
-Ensure that Sarkyran's adherents are at peace and understand one another
-To spread civilisation to all corners of Err
-Serene Peace: Taran emits an aura of calm and peacefulness, making it difficult for other mortals to commit violence and aggression against them and others.
-Healthy: Blessed with a greater constitution, the peacebringer is more than just at the peak of physical health. Able to survive and recover from wounds relatively easily, and without complication
-Inspiring: The Peacebringer's presence draws attention to them, for better or ill
-Polyglot: The Peacebringer is gifted with an innate grasp of mortal language

Finally, Sarkyran did then commission a place of forging within the innards of a temple his. He feels, despite the power put into the construction, that it would Not Do.

Name: The Warforge
Appearance: As a small, intricate and complex manufactory, with a strangely smooth exterior.
Purpose: To build powerful weapons of war for the needs of Sarkyran and his followers. These weapons are ergonomic and designed to be handled easily, these weapons fire strange energy bolts, firing at a greater rate than even the greatest archer is capable of and never seeming to need a source of ammunition and still relatively accurate. ((Basically, they come in a rifle format ala something out of WW1-WW2 or beyond))
Maintenance: 1 DP

Sarkyran did then sleep.

Guar ingressed. Guar was saddened. Guar needed strength. He called to his melam and did become pupae.

Guar waited.

Code: [Select]
Retain did announce his presence to the people of the plains and did grant one of their number, a youngling named Sharna. Elsewhere in the land, he did also create Fate's Humor, a monument of sorts.

Name: Sharna/(◕‿◕✿)]
Appearance: A young-looking teen male.
Personality [optional]: Idealistic, humble, down to earth and filial.
PHYS: PS: 1 AS: 0
SPIR: EGO: 1 SS: 0  W: 1
Myths: N/A
Initiative: High
1. Lead the people of the grasslands out of times of troubles, guide them to greatness in times of bounty.
2. Ensure that vengeance is brought upon those who seek to bring undue upon harm their fellow mortal.
3. Assure that merriment and fun are not stifled within the realm.
Jack Of All: Will never suffer the rusting of skills by not practicing or performing hard skills (Crafts/Martial Arts/Regular Arts/Etc.) for long periods of time, always at their peak performance. This does not prevent the conscious rewriting of old knowledge as it is considered improving and therefore not moving backwards.
Name: Fate's Humor
Appearance: A sharp black monolith made of the same ferrous material as Retain's claws, though it lacks the curve of one, jutting out of the ground like a spike. Emits a slight ominous hum that can be heard from a few (Yard equivalent)s around.
Purpose: Mortals who contact the Humor are sucked dry of mental anguish and exhaustion, but conversely their contentment and satisfaction (If any such remains in the poor mortals mind.) Creating a powerful but dangerous impetus within the mortal, giving them the clarity of thought, and the desire to seek their dreams. Naturally, it is less effective on those who have used it frequently, and those who have such a drive and level of character that it's effect does not matter.
Maintenance: 1DP

These done, he did then enter snooze.

The gods slept.

The anunnaki awake.
« Last Edit: October 30, 2019, 05:59:36 am by micelus »
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Re: Between the Rivers: Gods Adrift [IC]
« Reply #214 on: October 30, 2019, 05:13:10 am »

Blood? No, Towers.

10And its name was Pesh.

                                                                                  -The Summary of Creation, Verse 10

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Re: Between the Rivers: Gods Adrift [IC]
« Reply #215 on: November 05, 2019, 12:22:07 am »

The anunnaki blinked and arose.

From slumbering chambers of hymen-gated realms did Pesh emerge into the land of sibling-beings and did feed upon the sweating souls of those it did call with its song of chimes. With the beating of chimes and the sacred dance of loyal sprites, did Pesh engorge on what it deemed its due; backpaid taxes from a system long collapsed. Serviced by children that had never known their grandfather, the sprites did perform their purpose without doubt or second-ideal, for this was the demand of the parent-song.

Strong once more, Pesh did climb the steps of the cave and did make encounter with the slivers that did claim divinity. Beset by an adversary, Pesh did become belayed and did suffer wounds. With resolve and duty did Pesh ignore its pains and did make way higher and higher.

Eventually, it did make camp upon the highest of floors, for there was no gatehouse at which he could cross realms. Metaphorical brow furrowed, the anunnaki thought of sacrificing to itself in order to make a passage between the walls between realms. As luck did strike it however, Pesh discovered a weakened section, acted upon by a being from the other side. Thankful, Pesh focused and did beset the wall with the chant of chimes, befitting of the Herald-Master. With a blow of a tertiary vulva, Pesh did break the wall down and did enter the mortal realm. Its thoughts as it crossed were simple; it would be impolite to not thank the being known as Fu.

And so, Pesh entered Err, climbing the Tower, the supposed Centre of the World. Pesh appreciated the truthfulness of the moniker.


Hark and Know, for an Anunnaki walks the world once more.

Pesh, Afterbirth of Creation and Herald-Master of the Court has come!

Its presence established, Edicts flow from its Being!

Code: [Select]
Oh boy. Anunnaki and similar beings have an effect on Err, perhaps reality. Some good, some bad. Err was never the most stable of places, really. Whatever these effects are however, I'd advise exploiting them somehow.

These effects are called 'Edicts', some are conscious decisions whilst others are just the passive influence such a being has on Err. Once the responsible being has left Err, the Edicts leave with it.


Quote from: Pesh
Hark and Obey! The Herald-Master Speaks!

Edict of Roads and Thoroughfare

"By order of the Herald-Master, the roads of the realm are to be kept in well-order, free of impediments or pothole. It is by their decree that the herald-stations be established throughout and that heralds be granted rest and mounts..."

-Gods may now take 3 Move Actions per turn.
-Roads and similar passage ways are now immutable.
-Those who harm a messenger will be struck dead.
Quote from: Pesh
Hark and Obey! The Court Commands!

Edict of Perfect Dominion
"By Order of the Court, all citizenry and inhabitants of Err and its dominions are to look towards their liege lord or owner to resolve their disputes and/or receive orders...It is by the same Order that the Court defines one's liege or owner as the supreme being of their dominion within the confines of their influence."

-All gods are now able to Hold Court; this is a free action.
-The spirits of the dominion are now expected to obey the dominion's lord, often a god. Those of similar or identical Sphere bow to the new order quicker than the rest, and with greater gusto.
Quote from: Pesh
Hark and Obey! The Scion of Tama Decrees!

Edict of Labour Remittance


-All gods are now able to mark goods and worshippers in their Influence as material for the Tower. This will whisk them away to the presence of Pesh.
-Blood actions are disabled.
-Accoutrements costing between 1-8CP/DP may now be created.

Code: [Select]
" 'Holding Court' is an innately spiritual action. It involves an ingress of sorts, but not to the same extent as the usual kind. It isn't so much as travelling to the realm of spirits as it is inviting other spirits to the outermost curves of your soul." -Kat-e.

"Uh oh, no more blood actions (´・ω・`)" -Elda
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Re: Between the Rivers: Gods Adrift [IC]
« Reply #216 on: November 13, 2019, 04:01:13 am »

The puppets danced.

**The Sealing of God**

Thusly did it come to past, that a woman, named Arahunaa, was granted the breath of immortality and the duty of Metalhand's will. Quickly directed to do her god's bidding, she was muchly confused and awed by her mission. Humbled, she did make journey to New Durham and did announce her new state to family and friends. Soon enough declared legitimate by those-who-did-know-these-things, she was given honour and many shared confusions- for what had been the likelihood of such a blessing? Near nil, it had seemed.

Making the journey from the mountains to the oasis of Durham, she was accompanied by her yet-mortal husband, members of her clan and guardians authorised by the interested parties of the New Durhamite elites. Arriving, it was seen by shamans that she bore the mark of divinity; the soul of eternity. Thusly  welcomed, she was then asked what the god of the craft-grove had given her; to lead Durham itself and to maintain order within its government.

Though cheered on, this did cause many stares uncomfortable or doubts. By what right, would a country bumpkin (and wife of a hunter) be given rulership of Durham and all its people? This was not easy for both those of the Assembly and Council. These doubts she did feel by her greatened senses. Soon did she make party and meeting with many of both groups, establishing relationship and understandings between them. Of course, it would be a lie to say that all problems were fixed and all was made neat and tidy and all under Metalhand's will.

Metalhand, after all, was but one god. He was not Du-Ur and held not his breath or being. This was known and the criticism was that "This is but the will of One, not Two". Further, the Assembly and Council both desired not to erode their own power bases to the other party or cede power to Arahunaa- to do so was an abject approval of lugalism and the evils of dictatorial decree.

After many months (perhaps years) of deliberation, campaigning, doomsaying and cutting black deals, Arahunaa did succeed in creating a unity government- one that was firmly established in all of Durham and held central authority over its colonies save for those of equal status of the oasis-cities. Without surprise, New Durham was granted such footing.

According to the deals struck by Arahunaa- and written in the Parsha (the Durhamite constitutional document)- each recognised settlement would each contribute servantes publique, each chosen by the communal vote. The vote was a simple affair determined by worth. At the central plaza or equivalent of each settlement, a circle would be marked in the ground and assigned to each candidate for the position. To determine victory, voters (which was anyone) would donate goods to the candidate, placing it in the circle. At the end of the day, those with the most calculated worth from the day's election would be declared winners and take their seat in the House of Government- the new controlling institution of Durham. The number of servantes chosen from each settlement would vary based on wealth and politicking but all would have representation of some kind. Presiding over these servants would be two masters of ceremony and command; voteless elders acclaimed to the position by those in the House. They would direct daily proceedings and ensure protocol was obeyed. Arahunaa would take on the role of Mouth of Metalhand, whilst Asteriskasteriskasterisk would take on the role of of Mouth of Du-Ur. Ascribed the role of requesting further deliberation, calling of unscheduled recess or even the rite of definite hiatus, the Mouths would not control government, but merely maintain its flow.

For the most part, the servantes publique of Durham were made up of former members of the Assembly or Council- with some others here and there.

Whilst this situation was not perhaps the most amendable to those who sought power, it was the one least outrageous to all. Sealing over the leaking ship of Durham, the creation of the House of Government became known as the Sealing of God- for the prophet of Metalhand had sealed the broken vase of Durham.

**The Temple of Enki**

In decades decidedly quiet, the people that did follow the lineage of Augljós Sjónarhorn did wander around and about the desert of Err as nomads. Surviving on little and seeing little of interest, they remained a small and loose group bound only by the guidance of the alpha seers, who did in their memory know that their meandering did have grand purpose.

It was the Shaking of the tremors of flesh in the far north that did signal the high clan to gather once more. The alpha of the time was remarkably sane; calm and collected, as if possessing one mind and united thought. Always wearing a mask of stone and of brass, the alpha had known by farsight (and of past recollection) that his time was the time of his people's destiny. Blowing the horn of gathering, he did bid the quickest and most enduring of the clan to the far reaches of the desert, to drag back each and every Basdreenin that did owe him loyalty, back to his personal command at the zenith of the summer solstice.

On  seemingly minor rocky outcrop in the desert, the clans did gather. In small numbers of fives or tens, they walked in columns towards the alpha's tent. Each group made a sign of obedience to the alpha as they did come- all knowing of their grand purpose. It was because of this that their clan had wandered and grown thin and cunning whereas others had prospered in wetter lands. Once all were gathered, songs of deeds and histories were recited, to recount all that had occurred in the peoples' time of journeying. There were tears, there were smiles. There were faces of resolve and of respite. All kept an eye on the western horizon, and all waited till the moon was high in the sky.

It was at its height that a sandstorm did pass through that part of the desert, with the outcrop at the centre. Eyes were averted and shelter taken, whilst the alpha and the shamans sat together and communed- eyes aglow like pearls. For several hours they chanted in their meditation, without respite or rest. For several hours did the sand dance and sing around them, growing yet more intense with the passing moment. Eventually however, it quieted- with the eyes of many shamans dimming, and their bodies never again awakening. And yet, there was joy.

The destiny had been fulfilled. Around them the high clan did find, the vast uppermost layers of that which had appeared in the dreams of the First Alpha- the great temple that did hide within it the path of prosperity and great benefice. It had been the Ailing Mother-Fathers of the Mishtraqchi that had made sense of the farsight, who had given them direction. By claiming the temple in the name of the great god of the Basdreenin, the fortunes of the people- and the high clan- would be made eternal and greatened.

With this joy within them, the people did thus make ready their excavation and enter, the Temple of Enki. Inside they did find, grand enclosures and great remnants of what once was- but completely lacking in substance, in knowledge. In a time before time, these walls and rooms had already been ransacked and looted of their knowledge and benefit. But this was known, and this was expected. The lineage did make home inside and did prepare for the true difficulty; braving the darkness of those sections yet to be disturbed. It was cunning that saw the pitiful mortals evade and survive in sufficient number, to plumb the depths and return with knowledge and objects of great age. Many died, and so were immortalised in song. And yet, those that did survive enriched the clan with examples of the eld and long forgotten. Had it been without the Mistraqchi, nought would have been understood or deciphered. By agreed-upon signal, several came at the request of the clan, all too willing to educate the most able of the clan in the knowledge of the temple.

And yet, there was difficulty. In a scant few months, those of the north did arrive- from distant Durham. Scholars and lightly armed save for their escorts, they came with the desire to learn. Seemingly, they knew the temple for what it was, as if by eldritch or perhaps avian reckoning. For a time, there was trust and peace. They were allowed to observe and study, but take nothing from the temple- for that was the preserve of the clan. In time however, these northerners did desire more, to keep more and take home relics. Their requests were denied though tolerance continued to be extended. It took until a foolish Durhamite did try to smuggle a rod- seemingly one that incited pleasure- outside the temple that trouble did start. Not only trying to steal the artifact, the Durhamite did cause violence and injury. For this, he was killed and his companions exiled- save for those that resisted. They too, were killed.

All this, did the bird-messenger Stoneeye see. It had been by his vision (and that of his offspring) that had taken notice of the comings and goings of the high clan and had deduced quite rightly from the ritual of the sandstorm that something was afoot. He had made it known to the relevant parties of Durham that the place that their living god sought was perhaps found and that a party be sent to certify it. While not proven exactly, the energies and ancient stature of the place was perhaps, a good sign. As such did the expedition wish to take relics back home, so as to validate the bird's hunch. They were of course, prevented from doing so by the local clan.

In time, another group did come, this time armed with greater weapons; with whales and tanks and bows. They parlayed for a bit, offering to share the temple; the clan denied them. As a result, the Durhamites did attack. With superior weapons, they were able to win for themselves a holding and did fortify and survive, for they did take with them cuttings of lightroot. In time, more came, with paid soldiers of other lands with them. Forseen in the past, the Augljós Sjónarhorn called upon allies of the lesser clans and Mishtraqchi, who did bring benefice and bodies to aid in the temple's discovery and defense.

It has been 20 years since this state of affairs first occurred, and ever since, the temple has been fought over by expeditions from Durham and the high clan. With the fight between the two, the deeper depths have yet to be discovered or seen.

**Gospel of Taran**

It was the man who became Taran who was given duty to spread the word of the Good (And Only) God of Flint. Spending some years in his native land, he did educate others in his way of tolerance and peaceful conversion. These, he did send north and south, into the lands of Sartan and the Tree's Beloved.

The north seemed like fertile ground for the true faith to spread there was the leastest of sophistication in the way of societies. They were but tribes of petty power, without a hegemon or education of any great sort. Those preachers who did travel there initially found great boon, but did then find difficulty. Quickly they were questioned by a youth by the name of Sharna. Doubtful he was, of the words spoken by the foreigners. For the possibility of there existing but one deity was something beyond the feasibility of reality. After all, he was a god. And he served another god. And indeed, each and every pebble and droplet of water was a god. The idea that there was but one was incredulous. While peacefully tolerated, Taran's ideals were decided to be without sense by most amongst the plains and Sharna did gain authority amongst many for his rebuking.

Taking a step back, The preachers decided thusly that the best way to bring about the word of the Lord was to introduce the people to the material benefits of Faith firstly. And so, they did open a mission and did make it their purpose to spread the civility and knowledge of Flint whilst at the same time preaching and thanking his Lord for such insights. Whether this will work, only time will tell.

Those sent south were initially treated with coldness and scrutiny; no man or woman of Flint had ever once treated the people of the Tree's Beloved with love or respect. Questioned on whether they could end the raiding of their countrymen, they truthfully answered that the only path to peace was converison- but they would try and dissuade them from attacking. For whatever reason, the locals did allow them to preach for a time- until the next raiders from Flint were detected. Immediately, the preachers were forced to confront their kinsmen. After a brief argument, the raiders had decided that the preachers had gone native and had become infidels, cutting them and killing them. Upon hearing of this, Taran made way to speak to the king and Jus who after some deliberation, made it illegal to do such an act in the future. Never the less, this incident solidified the idea of most in the south that no preacher of any nature would be enough to prevent an attack. Future preachers were tolerated but usually ignored.

As for Taran himself, he did one day make journey to the horsemen of the League north of Ulkai, and did try and convert them to the ways of Sarkyran. This amused the lord of the clan he did approach and he did take a certain fondness for the man. After a time, Taran did say he would make journey to other clans to spread the word; the horselord would have none of it. He as such, did the most natural thing in the world- cut off Taran's feet and made him his personal advisor. A fish without feet and not already in water, cannot flee- so does the saying go.Miraculously kept alive by way of spirit, Taran found himself the captive of the horselord for the time being.

**The Song In Yellow**

One day, Dagoth I died. And there was much chaos. Dagoth I had not declared an heir and in ensuing dispute, many did claim the lugalship as the rightful heir. Those near Dagoth at the time of his dead did hold paramount advantage, but quickly, this advantaged was balanced by control over the clans of the horde. Due to the Blessing of Unity bestowed by Tala, the most miraculous thing did occur; sister did not strike sister nor did brother strike brother. Instead, they did enact the most amazing of actions and did decide to talk out the succession. This dragged on for a many a week.

In the meantime, the death of Dagoth I became circulated along the trade routes and did reach the ears of Valtoria and Anjuar. Blessed by Tala's Unity, they saw this as a perfect time to annex the Yellow Song. Envoys were sent bearing that message. After sincerely listening to the envoy-prattle, the representatives of the Yellow Song dismissed the idea of unification under Valtoria. Though many were swayed somewhat- perhaps influenced by the zeitgeist infection of Unity- the collective voice was one that valued their independence from the centralisation of the Sarrat-er-err. As a result, the Great Horde banners were unfurled and gathered to them the clans- to crush the dissidents of the Yellow Song and place them in the chains of the one and true horde. Without a unified front or mind, many clans simply surrendered, ran or were defeated in battle.

Sensing blood, the Durhamites too declared war- with an officially baked tablet of clay fresh from the House of Government stating such. Some horsemen (either worshiping the oasis gods or having otherwise weighed the situation), switched allegiance to the Durhamites in order to maintain power or acquire yet more.

Forced to act, the Yellow Song declared one of Dagoth's daughters the new lugal, immediately swearing allegiance to the spawn of Dagoth. She was renamed Dagoth II. For whatever reason, the supposed power of the blade did not gleam as brightly in the hands of Dagoth II and she lacked the unbelievable charisma of her father. With her battered clans, she did force the Durhamites to peace- successfully razing some of their settlements and ransacking the outer suburbs of the oasis- directly leading to a loss of many members of the Honey Lobby in the House of Government. They were however, unable to retake control over those horsemen that had joined the Durhamite state. These horsemen would form their own Amiant Horde, for they bore tunics and tools of the finest material of Durham. Electing a lugal, they were reserved several seats in the House of Government as part of their agreement with Durham.

As for the war with the Great Horde, the Yellow Horde fared worst. Outnumbered, the Yellow Song found themselves faced with the thrall legions that did now accompany the Great Horde in battle, and further augmented by Scorpion clan auxiliaries as well as other desert ethnicities. Though the Yellow Song had the allegiance of some thrall masters and whales and mountain men, these did not match the power of Valtoria's forces.

It was in this time, that an elephant dressed in gold and red did enter the camp of Dagoth II and did make trunk whispers to her ear, speaking of the eld and of the present. After discussion that lasted several nights and several days, Dagoth II made her will known; the Yellow Song would flee into the desert and return when their power had waxed full once more. A slight majority of the Horde answered her call and did flee with her. Supposedly, to a place the elephant did mention- the axis mundi.

Those that did remain made kowtow to the invading Great Horde and were welcomed- those that continued to fight were exterminated or enslaved.

Regardless, the lands were now of Valtoria's dominion and that of the Great Horde.


The elephant known as Sallaa had been touched by the beat-mind of the entity known as Kakkabum, who had itself interceded with the beat-sticks. Blessed with the percolate of divine wisdom, Sallaa had learnt of the mysteries of what crawled above and underneath creations. This knowledge- not meant for the mortal mind- did drive her mad. Henceforth, she was rendered Mad.

A disciple insane and raving of subjects beyond the ken of sanity or base reality, Sallaa did wander and try to teach her herd of the wonders of Kakkabum and his wisdom. By chance, she succeeded. Many of the herd saw her ravings as secret wisdom and required great will of interpretation and intrigue. Wishing to follow in her hoofsteps, the elephants made to replicate her mad utterings with a variety of narcotics, as well as the rambling of tongues. Some were more enlightened than others. In any case, a system of wisdom has emerged amongst the herd and they are eager to share it with the world.

It was the tribes of Sartan that did receive Sallaa and her disciples first. Quite rightly, they did at first consider the whole movement insane. And perhaps it was. According to the interpreters of Sallaa's troupe, reality worked in this way:

All of reality is composed of worms and the fellating-filleting of the worms by crows of divine manufacture. The crows themselves, are composed of worms which incidentally, are composed of yet smaller worms and crows. The worms however, are just worms. Of course, this is ultimately unimportant as in truth, reality is but a blindfold that hides the transmission of true sight. The real world beyond reality's lie is simply one of colours and hues. These colours are divided into 16, with everything of the real world being composed of their combinations. These colours are intrinsically connected to the emotions and actions of spirits and souls and by this connection, one can force the real world to change to the will of the umasaictu; literally meaning 'those who remove their whiteness' or otherwise known as 'Those Who See'. As reality is a falsehood, but ultimately derived from true reality, changing the truth changes the lie.

By taking this into account, one need only be able to know the methodology of bending reality. It was, in the opinion of Sallaa's interpreters, that this was done through the tracking of the stars (which were holes in the fake reality) and ritualistic meditation, and unceasing movement of one's flesh. The last was the easiest of these and as such, was to be practised by those who lacked knowledge.

The Sartans were not ones foreign to the idea of exotic peddlers of ideas and faiths. Those of Flint had settled in the south and had spread their boons and ideals of Civilisation. Most had not yet fallen to the worship of Sarkyran, but few had outright dismissed the religion in its entirety. However, the faith spoken of the southern missionaries was one seemingly incompatible with Sartan ideas of the world. That of the elephant Sallaa, however, were not.

For whatever reason, ever since the elephant had arrived, crops had grown less molested by pests, whereas prey of the plains had become more common and dumber. Some took this as proof of the elephants methods working and soon, some of the region took to the methods.

Sharna, in time, heard of the movement in the north of Sartar and soon did make encounter with some of the movement. He had little reason to dismiss it and has not at all made an opinion about it publicly.

Kingdom of Crabs

In times previous, a noble of Anka had come to own the Chain of Docility and Crown of Dispel and had journeyed east with a caravan of his family and belongings. He did make for the easternmost outpost of the Ankan Kingdom- in the marshes of the Delta- and did make for himself a homestead. There he did oft travel into the marshes.

In time, he came to be quite influential in the community and considered to have good luck. Wherever he fished- or where his servants did so- there was always a bountiful catch. In time, he became the chief magistrate of the territory, outranked only by the royal lord of the land.

In unrelated matters, in recent times, a great many crabs have oft been seen in the vicinity of the land, oft of the vile species that did result in much chaos and destruction. Despite their nature, they seem oddly docile and have oft been seen attacking pirates. Piles of the crabs' shells- not destroyed in the least- have also been found, which are claimed by the locals a good of trade. It has become a useful material for the crafting of weapons or protection. The nobleman, and his family, has indeed, capitalised on the sudden appearance of the shells and created a whole industry of shellcrafters and exporters. He is with little doubt, the wealthiest man of the territory.
« Last Edit: November 23, 2019, 01:46:45 am by micelus »
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Re: Between the Rivers: Gods Adrift [IC]
« Reply #217 on: November 26, 2019, 05:07:25 am »

The gods awoke. They did not find the mortals idle.

Arise he (she?) did from her (his?) slumber, the Shattered Statue came to awake at the Petty Oasis where he (she?) did most justly, commit to an orgy of death and doom. To the west, did she (he?) sense the presence of another deity of power, the one he (she?) had already known as Metalhand. To the east, something inconceivable and old did exist, its presence all to clear and yet intangible to the senses.

Though distant from her (his?) lands of his (her?) rule, she (he?) did gain the whispers and messages of those that were his (her?) slaves.

To the lands of Ulkai were the eyes of the deity lead, first to the river and to the Flood-Bell. In the years since the last awakening, the river had been tamed and riverine Ulkai returned to compliance. He did take note of the sprites and greater spirits of the river that were chained by spiritual link to the tolling of the Bell. Seemingly in blessed ignorance or without care, they did not seem to pull at their chains but performed their duty admirably. In tune with the fiery rhythm of Ulkai, it did toll most frequently. However, and this did the Statue discover in the visions of the past, there were several times in each year when the Bell did fail and the chains corrode and break. It was in these times that the floods of the past returned, furious and murderous. For most of the year however, the severity of the river did instead harm Flint, culling many of their heathenish numbers each year. Indeed, many had moved farther inland or now built their homes upon stilts.

The Statue did take notice of the maintenance of the magics that did erupt from the Bell, with the incense and the poetry and the blood. Seemingly however, the sacrifice was yet enough. [DISCOVERY: powerful monuments have an increased upkeep].

Elsewhere in Ulkai, yet more was different and yet more familiar. Weapons of copper and bettered techniques of craft were now in use. Whilst Ulkai had learnt much on its own, it had gained much by trade and exchange of knowledge with its eastern neighbours- as well as those who had sought refuge. In its time, Ulkai has eternally maintained mixed and oft conflicting relations with the horsemen peoples. Whilst it was common-held truth that the horse riders of the plain were still oft enemies, those of the Great Horde had reached an understanding with Ulkai. It did seem that, a supposedly perpetual peace was made. It was an act of pragmatism, which did cause consternation in Murdus. Her advisors, and the addled Nusku, had urged her to make peace with the Horde in order to focus on other threats to the Tribes. The wisdom, it had been, was that the Horde would be the most arduous of opponents and most likely to be trusted to maintain a truce. It was as such, the decision of Murdus, to propose a marriage pact with the house of the Sarrat-er-err, who did donate to the court of Ulkai three of her grandsons in order to seal the agreement. The lugal of Ulkai, whilst approximately courteous of her new-found husbands, found little use in them save as guarantors of peace. Regardless, this decision brought with it the opening of protected trade between the two polities. As a result, the goods of the Great Horde now flow into Ulkai in the open, though few would ever deign settle in Ulkai. After all, every woman and man of the land is a slave.

And yet, there are many who did commit to this in desperation. Refugees from the mountains did beseech the Ulkaieen for protection, offering their mountain-born freedom to escape the jihad of fire and flesh. Driven out from their villages and fortresses, they had escaped with what they had been able to carry, and did make journey west. Whilst many were of lesser tribes, a great number of the Piercing Feathers did make their willing obedience to the lugal known. In return for recognising that their craft secrets would remain their secrets, they promised to join their fates with that of Ulkai. They were as such, allowed to settle. Many did form their own communities, though others did assimilate into already extant settlements. Many were immediately escorted to the north, to arm the lodges of the Wolf and Cow. As legends and rumours did say, the whales of the Piercing Feathers held the secrets of plastik and fortification. With their aid, Murdus did see her forces multiplied, even if not one man or woman was added to the ranks of her army.

Fortifying the northern border (and the floodplains) with the aid of her newfound slaves, she did also arm her most cherished tribesmen with silvery plastik, delicate to the touch and yet unreasonably effective. Like grass did these weapons cut, terrifying the forces of the League of Sixteen. Bolstered, she did succeed in expanding the lands of Ulkai north, but not so much that the League was fully destroyed. Though unfortunate, Ulkai had found foe now in its former friends of Flint.

Relations, ever-changing, had become hostile with the Flintish. It had not been at all liked by the Flintish that traitors of the realm had found refuge in Ulkai and once it became known that the floods that had hampered and drowned and ruined Flint ever since originated from Ulkaieen sorcery, this dislike had turned into hate. Seeing it as an act of treachery and war, the golem known as Jus, and the lugal Barusan I, had declared Ulkai an enemy and had allowed the clans to raid that country without reserve. Indeed, Barusan I himself had lead a force, joining with League dogs in an attack on Ulkai, killing many. Whilst Barusan himself has passed from the office, his successor continues yet to encourage the attacks. Many of these, bearing the blueness associated with the 'blessed' of Flint, had proven a devastating thorn in the backside of Ulkai. Only by cunning, luck, and innovations had Ulkai seen these threats off. Even so, there was now a permanency in the threat, with permanent Flintish settlement on the Ulkaieen side of the river.  This had of course, scaled back Murdus' ambitions to conquer the north.

And yet, the forces of Ulkai did not waver and did continue to hold onto the Flood-Bell. Even with the constant conflict with Flint and the north, Ulkai had been able to develop. Plastik was far more common than it had ever been, and agriculture continues to blossom. The peasant  farmers of Ulkai, indeed, seem to particularly innovative, developing ways of pleasing the spirits of the soil and pleasuring the sprites of fertility.

In the ways of the spiritual sciences, the shamans of Ulkai have learnt the harnessing of fire through verse and chant, using it to great effect both against the enemy and in the lighting of hearths, kilns, forges or stoves. Aided by refugees from the Volcano Tribe, fire has become almost ubiquitous with the occupation of shaman throughout the land. Despite this, an accommodation with the Lady of the Tides has yet to be reached and the Roc has not been released.

People from Sartan, to the north and west of Ulkai, have also come in order to preach their...beliefs. The Statue had preached that only they were to be worshipped, but the foreigners- called Meditationists- fell in a sort of grey area. They spread a sort of belief system but did not ask that a god or spirit be worshipped. For now, they were tolerated. Indeed, some locals had taken to their practises, even if they sometimes thanked a benefactor known as Chachabam who was alternatively called 'The Gate to Wisdom' or the "Astrologer Most Splendid". They however, never did say if they were a god or any such thing, instead sticking to the practical and metaphysical aspects of their beliefs.

The elephantine communication relays have prospered, especially with greater trade with the Great Horde. Unscrupulous (or perhaps, very generous) roboticists from the horde have, in curiosity, agreed to try and perform their trade on the souls of elephants. It is quite yet a new and untested art- still very much in its infancy- but results are promising. For now however, the whole of the communication system is still composed of free-willed individuals, if ones forced to work. Still, the network is stronger than ever, especially after Murdus put out an edict explicitly forbidding the sacrifice of integral (or even supplementary) units. There are even now, new relays being set up within the Great Horde- allowing Ulkai all sorts of knowledge.

As for Nusku, whilst the Statue had indeed tried to help him, he was only partly healed. Though having moments and times of lucidity, Nusku oft reverts to a state of idiocy or vegetation. He claims to have found a piece of the Statue, however.

The Statue did take note that Murdus has begun radiating an aura not quite mortal. It feels similar to his (her?) own.

1 Blood Essence gained
1 Essence gained [Seven Great Tribes]
Myth of Godhood (Children, Rulership, Terror) obtained

Fu did rise to the awakened world with much pleasure, within and above her mind. She did feel the essences of something of-power entwine with her being and her truths and her falsehoods. It was sickening, it was beautiful. It was great, and yet minute.
Code: [Select]
Compliment taken, Fu was quickly assaulted by the whispers and welcomes of the lands's spirits, who did describe the happenings of the sleeping time. Given vision of distant Anka, Fu became entranced in the past sight. Anka had muchly continued on its trajectory, currently lead by the leper-lugal Krishant II, who did succeed the prior incumbent Krishant I (slain by Uthaan of Direa, a lover), who had been the fourth-born son (the first and second being killed by disease, whilst the third was found incompetent and exiled far away from the capital) of the quite deceased Luga I (devoured alive during a crab purge). Not the first choice of monarch, Krishant II had been the unfortunate survivor a contagious form of the disease, that did plague the capital of  Zat-Gem a few summers ago. A young woman, it was most unfortunate that he mother had been able to birth another child for had there been another, it would be most likely that Krishant II would never have attained ascendancy. And yet, through exquisite shrewdness and acute brutality- and supported by both her father-regent and the seer-vizier of Occhio D'intesa - she has maintained royal primacy. The corpses of slain relatives and courtiers are testaments to this. Regardless, it is known muchly that she will not herself create life from her loins and with the royal body culled by both plague and intrigue, the pool of heirs amongst the royal core is beginning to thin. If no solution is uncovered, a member of far more distant branches would have to be declared lugal- which would be equal to choosing someone lacking in royal blood completely. This is a matter of much discussion and has ignited great intrigue amongst the courtiers and even governors. It is said that distantly related royals now plot to raise force and faction to take the throne whilst others speak of founding their own realms. Already, royal authority has been tested on the field, with Yathras of Durta (a fourth cousin twice removed) hoisting a rebel banner in the east and was defeated only after a year's campaign.

The loyalty of allies has been questioned also, with some of the ens of the shipbuilders questioning the viability of the leper-lugal, though as of yet not acting openly or siding with any other claimant. Regardless, the representatives of these old allies have been spied upon by the followers of the lugal and vizier-seer. Spurred on by these developments, many governors have been recalled and replaced with nobles lacking in royal blood, or otherwise those known to be absolutely loyal or lacking in unfortunate ambition. A cadre of shamans, known quite often as greenshrifts (for they confess secret and loyalty to the leper-lugal), have entered service as seekers of dirt of potential rivals and threats to the lugal, speaking with spirits and entering the world that is yet awake.

Whilst these internal problems may perhaps haunt the reign of the current lugal for the forseeable future, this is not to say that Anka is suffering in entirety. Its colonies expand, many colonising the crab-infested isles of the Delta (though, the delta has in truth become muchly more of sea sea than estuary of late). Whilst this has brought them into greater conflict with the local pygmies, the trade routes made safe and open by such colonies have made the lugal and nobles more than willing to send expeditions regardless. Though it is oft the case that these colonies are but military outposts, some have grown into towns- necessary spots between the Ankan heartlands and the valuable plantations of the Lawful People and the lands of the other tribes of the region. Travel eastward into the "Sea" has so far been thwarted. Sailors and traders alike warn of the inconceivable number of vile crabs out at sea. It is said that one cannot sail a moment beyond the relative safeties of the Delta before being assaulted by an infinite tide of the abominable crustaceans.

With the expansion to the east having become solidified, the cult of the Great Crab has become a necessary evil. Whilst recognised as evil, it has come to be known through great effort that the vile crabs can be dissuaded with worship of the thief-god. It as such, in private and basements, that outcasts of society are made to worship the Crab and give sacrifice. This trite and nominal abasement has seemingly prevented most vile crabs from harming the colonies and indeed, Anka. The worshippers oft try to keep their occupations secret, for it is a mark of shame to abase oneself to a god so foul. Only the demands of the nobles and notables keep these worshippers hunched and in false reverence of the false god.

To the south, trade and contact does continue with the basdreenin. The Heartminded Confederacy did steadily grow upon the southern savannas and deserts, whilst caravans from the west and south did  arrive in Anka. Odd spices and goods- including particularly cunning foxes- came to enter the Ankan markets daily. These creatures seem to be able to control fire wilfully, a feat rivalled by few save the poets and gut readers. Some shamans have noted also that the foxes do seem to possess a soul- a fact verified both by observation in the unawakened world, as well as making sight of the soul being whisked away after ritual sacrifice. It is a combination of these factors that have seen the foxes becoming imported in great mass, broken and used. Fed and cared for by noble-paid retainers, they were made to breed in great number and chosen for loyalty and other traits desirable. In time, the number was so great that they have percolated to lesser members of society. The fact that they seemed easily taught and easily trained was of great use. Now, the foxes are used commonly in kitchen, forge, kiln, shrine, palace, sacrificial altar and elsewhere.

The conflict at the temple complex, supposedly of Enki, has been a point of contention amongst Ankan policymakers. Whilst the notable number of bluemen in Anka would suggest a siding with them, the leper-lugal (and her predecessors) have never made any statement or edict on the matter. Durhamite merchant communities and traders have sprung up in greater numbers since the invasion of Durham proper, and whilst there are conflicts between the two cultures, the Ankan royal house benefits more from the status quo than siding with either party. Indeed, Durhamite expeditions heading into the desert are given royal protection whilst within the borders of Anka- a protection that of course applies to all who inhabit Anka.

In terms of technology, developments in the crafts and arts continue as well as the development of weaponry, though the elemental arts have been stagnant for some time. However, Ninsar continues to teach her art and the number of mikos remain plenty; there are enough now to power the myriad of vessels of Anka and now many have begun plying their trade beyond the borders. Those of the winds have for the most part militarised, entering service under the Stool Inspector-General (the nominal and currently truthful commander of the Ankan levies), they are now known as scouts or perhaps messengers, rarely assisting with more down-to-earth roles. Some have even learnt the ability to sleep whilst aloft.

The cult of Tala grows amongst the people of Anka; her benefice is obvious and without needing of explanation. That of Basderieen has also exploded in popularity amongst the populace due to the apparent and obvious and clear and exultant presence of the god in Anka! Most revered lord of the waters, the god inhabits the Holies of Holies of the great temple of Basderieen  in Anka. Pilgrims from all over the bluemen diaspora flow into Anka to worship at the temple and greet their cruel-but-awesome god. Others also pay respects to the god, especially mercenaries who do revere it as their patron. Indeed, more than a few mikos now reside at the temple as priests and servants of the god. After all, by all rights, they should venerate the lord of waters as they are able. It is no secret to anyone in the city that the god is able to converse with just about anyone and indeed, has chosen do to so on more than a few occasions. Many of these utter words of strength and of conflict and of weapons. Since its appearance, locals have also reported a seeming ease in the wielding of weapons- though this is sometimes fleeting.

Of course,  there was much else beyond Anka. Of a much nearer distance, Fu was enlightened to the fate of the Yellow Song. It had seemed that the horde was dislodged from its favourable position and the remnants of it had fled to the Centre of the World- and thus Fu. They had been told by an elephantine messenger to regroup there and greet one-who-was-beloved. This they did, and they groveled and were amazed and were made whole and made more. They still venerated Fu, but now they became greater than before.

By the blessing of the ancient being, the lord Pesh, the Yellow Song horsemen were made unified with their beloved steeds- their bodies merging with the bodies of their horses. Not in the manner of Anjuar, but literal fusing. Their pelvis meld-fated with the backs of their horses, whilst their legs lengthened and were added to the number of the horses' own. Further , their bodies became equine; their faces elongated and their senses heightened. Those of the the horses became more like their riders, with eyes of white pupils and shaded iris. Their teeth changed in angle and shape, mimicking that of the primate nature. Of course, in truth, these features were no longer those of two separate beings, but that of a single creature and entity. Such was the birth of centaurs, at the behest of lord Pesh. With twisted mind, they were nurtured in strength and enshrouded in spirit and love- for the barriers between the awakened and unawakened planes were weak at the Centre of the World. Courtiers of flesh and ooze and orifices entered and left, educating the bodies and minds in the Peshite disciplines. It was the fate of some of the horde to become bones of the world; the foundation of the Tower. This they acceded to. Others were told to spread the Word north and west, in the name of Pesh and of the beautiful Fu. Those converts (willing or perhaps not) were taken to the Centre and embraced by the spirits, turned and made into labour or gospel. It was not long until Durham in the west heard the Word and decided in hubris to refuse Love. Their cities fell to the Itch and Scourge, their peoples scattered to the wind- save for the most stubborn. Regardless, there were many taken and taught in the Truth, and released to carry out the Word.

As a polity, the Yellow Song has become extinct. As an entity the Yellow Song is a symphony still yet in the chorus.

The whispers and visions of the past eventually settled and dimmed, and Fu was left with the present; it was oozing-like-heart. She took notice of the Centre of the World. Once but desert, it was now a city of flesh- of equine, elephantine and humanoid make. It was surrounded by walls of tough muscle and durable bone. Jutting into the sky were towers- legs?- with eyes scanning the landscape and manned by entities enmeshed into the walls. At irregular parts of the walls were orifice gatehouses, that opened and closed with the sound of young muscle. Inside the city, the whole of the desert sand had been replaced by a mat of oozing blood, still seemingly alive but not quite so. From this did rise homes and structures and grids of the flesh and of the bone and in which were the inhabitants of the city- centaurs and other inhabitants- all bonded organically to the flesh by vessels attached to the city. At the very centre of the city was an area bereft of the flesh; it was a plaza of stone and of clay, and upon it, a great foundation was being built. Here, the labour of the city was directed. Here, was the Tower's base.

Code: [Select]
5 Blood Essence gained
1 CP gained [Anka]
1 Essence gained [Tower Builders]

Trait gained: Favoured of Pesh

Basderieen did arise from the desert sand, bearing the appearance of the badger in his manifested form. A creature of the isolated water, the god was fastidiously greeted by the visages and wisps of the spirits that did sway at the command of the water-aligned lord. Though the desert lacked river or oasis, they did gladly make whispers and tell of the secrets that had transpired in the sleeping period.

In the shadow of the raised hills and hillocks, the violent deity did become enlightened. In the seasons that precede now,  the Badger peoples of the world had  muchly become yet more and more cosmopolitan in nature and way.

The oasis, enriched by pilgrimage and patronship, did acquire lofty airs, richly decorated and made in styles borrowed and locally developed. Streets of brick and walls of hardened mud were now common and most maintained. Of the mishtraqchi, they too had come to have a larger stake in the community- housing a permanent populations and in recent years, having raised families. The sight of such children did become a sight to behold, for never in the centuries before, had such creatures been seen. Remarkably, they did look and did seem human, lacking in the awe and grace of their parents.

Whilst owing its current prosperity to the benefice of other basdreenin communities, the oasis in times recent, become a regional centre of trade. Making trade with nearby desert tribes, they are known as a source of lightroot, eels, fish, fabrics and softwood. The uncanny intellect of the local foxes too have caught traderish eyes and these too are captured, bred and sold by the locals. Many are destined for distant Anka or the lands of the Tree's Beloved.

These foxes had become beloved pets and work animals for the oasis-dwelling basdreenin. Though it was known that the local foxes had always been most canny, several had appeared of late bearing different colouration, as well as the spiritual command over fire. Quickly were these animals captured and tamed- with much maiming or death of handlers. Of course, there existed already domesticated populations of foxes amongst the basdreenin and for the most part, the people of the oasis did choose to stick with the less spiritually-inclined variant. Instead, those of the fire became used for particular roles requiring their capability, or were otherwise sold off to distant lands and nations.

Presiding over this affluence was the Ensis, the 'Notable-of-Notables' and Keeper of the Holy. Mortal guardian of the oasis, the ensis had become the local equivalent of a lugal, though the position had begun as but a form of public accountant. In contrast to the position of lugal however, the ensis was elected after the death of the last ensis, being chosen from the respectable families of the oasis. Noticeably, the ensis was far more a first of equals compared to the perceived superiority of foreign rulers and ruled at the behest of the community- which was itself represented in the Holy Council. Composed by notables of the clans (and the mishtraqchi), they did carry out rule in the name of the mighty god.

Of course, they did never claim authority over those basdreenin who did inhabit distant lands.

Those of the Farsighted were beholden to their own lords and actively fought against the raiders of Flint. In years recent, more and more do they notice the growing blueness, cunning and strength of the enemy. The Flintish drakewarriors that have emerged of late have also, been most troubling to the Farsighted, for they oft fight and move to quick for the protectors of the confederacy to react. Still, their liege-lords do still put great trust in them and now populations of basderieen have spread out amongst other realms in the lands of the Tree's Beloved.

Those that did follow the lineage of Augljós Sjónarhorn continued to inhabit the temple-complex of the supposed deity known as Enki. They did make battle and skirmish with the foreign fighters of Durham', all the while attempting to discover the secrets and magics of the temple. Whilst the lineage is in terrible conflict, there has been profit and gain. Within the temple they did gain knowledge and relics of past make. Ancient arms of war and armour without scratch. These did not fit the bodies f the basderieen, but it was discovered that they could easily be melted down. And so, they did. From these new materials did the lineage create weapons and armour of inconceivable characteristics. Although easily melted, the ensuing creations were as light or heavy, sharp or dull, durable or brittle- as desired. Further yet, there existed relics of odder utility. Bars of clay that shown like stars, or tablets with raised spikes that did radiate shadow darker than night. These too found use, were stored away. What however evaded the lineage yet was their whole reason of occupation- the Essence of Water. From ancient vision did the alphas know, that there existed the qualia of the element in holiest of chambers. And yet, despite attempt and trial, the location of the chamber was so far, unknown.

In Anka, the Heartminded continued serving the lugal, with the vizier-seer holding vast power over the state. However, in the eyes of the basderieen of the nation (and indeed, of Err), their prestige had long been surpassed by the high priest of Zar-Azhan; the Azha. The Azha presided as the senior priest and maintainer of the holy cathedral of Basderieen. Whilst always a figure of note, the earthly and perpetual manifestation of the Badger-Headed God within the cathedral did give cause to an astrological climb in the priest's authority. Indeed, it is said that the azha surpasses the holiness of the oasis basdreenin. As the mouth of Basderieen, the azha bears the Word of God. Controlling access to the deity (though, this access is not so difficult to attain), the azha does have a disproportionate influence on Ankan politics, oft having a say in Ankan affairs. Notably, he has squarely aligned himself with the leper-lugal and her affinity, speaking (with the seeming backing of his god) of the heathenish nature of those that betrayed the lugal. It is not at all an exaggeration in this age to say that many Ankans now pray to Basderieen due to his presence in their lives as well as his presiding over water- an element oft of use to the sailors and traders of the realm. Indeed, many miko do now serve the god and the Azha by extension.

However, Braderieen (for that was what it truly was), lacked the divine capability of his sire and did not command the miracles associated with the god. As such, a theological explanation had come into existence; Braderieen aids those who aids themselves. This has understandably, percolated throughout the basdreenin cultures. For instance, the abundance of rats at the Zar-Azhan since the coming of the god has made many associate the god with rats. And indeed, they are now considered sacred.

Despite the presence of Braderieen in the world, the worship of Tala continues to spread, even in the oasis. Fu as well has come to be seen as a god of festivities, whilst Metalhand is both a deity of craft and industry, but also of hostility and the Other. Those living in Anka of course, see the Great Crab in a similar manner to their neighbours.

In matters of progress, the various communities have diverged. Those of Anka progress like their neighbours, whilst those of the Tree's Beloved likewise develop like theirs. Those that occupy the Temple of Enki have attained a mismatch of traditional technologies and ideals as well as scavenged relics of the temple. The oasis, whilst the most traditional of the basdreenin communities, has acquired styles and innovations garnered from the trade routes and from pilgrims.

1 Essence [Anka]
1 DP [Various Basdreenin]
Minor Myth of Godhood (Rats) attained

« Last Edit: December 24, 2019, 09:56:39 pm by micelus »
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Re: Between the Rivers: Gods Adrift [IC]
« Reply #218 on: December 12, 2019, 03:58:25 am »

Metalhand did awake to a setting he was familiarised to; his workshop upon the awakened world within the temple that he did know that his people did have made. Something felt off and foreign and bizarre, but the sensation did subside as the respectful spirits of the land did whisper and speak.

In the time since the awakening last, Durham had been irrevocably changed. The grand oasis that did act as mother for the society did experience a slight dwindling. If this was all that Durham did experience, all would be quite well. After all, the additive effects of the Penance and the Fountain of Life did indeed make the oasis yet productive and yet fertile. However, it was not at all, all. Upon the zephyrs and the fear of loss, did the remnants of the Yellow Song make flight to the east. Durham, for its part, did make benefit by acquiring an allegiance of horsemen from amongst their number. Bribed and swathed in the riches of Durham, those that did claim the haughtiness of high hierarchy did declare a new lugal and a new horde- that of the Amiant. And so, supported by these horsemen (many of whom, did take Metalhand and Du-Ur as their patron gods), Truthfully, the Yellow Song did make blood and agony upon the houses and plazas of Durham, retreating only after the clay tablet of peace was traded and baked. However, the complete defeat of the Yellow Song did result in the Durham making headway into the abandoned lands, now bordering the empire of the Sarrat-er-err. A problematic situation, but one Durham could weather. Had this been all, perhaps Durham would have prospered wholly and in full.

In the mountains of the northwest, a terrible plague did run rampant throughout the tribes and clans and settlements of the mountains- reaching New Durham by transmission, and even the principal cities of the land. Mother and father, son and daughter; all did become affected by the gangrenous pox of the foreign-born dromedars, from which the disease supposedly first erupted from. New Durham, in the span of a year, nearly collapsed upon itself- its people but a handful compared to the many that once inhabited it. Had this been the worst that Durham experienced, all would be well.

It was in the ending years of the sleeping period that misshapen creatures- shaped from horse and men- did emerge from the deserts and make demands of the people. To join themselves to the goals of a accursed and foul god, who spoke of Love but did a thousand evils. After all, Durham was not without rumour or news of these beings. From the east, smatterings of survivors did come to the cities, warning of the eld and awful things that lied in the deserts. Where the spirits spoke loudly and the sky was less of the heavens. The rumours spoke of foul and putrid creation; an evil to all. Before any could act however, the messengers of the foulness had come.

Of course, the lordly representatives of Durham- the House of Government- refused. Within days, many of the creatures did come and did attack the people of the oasis. With biting and grasping and hurting, many did also bear bows or slings or appendages that mimicked such weapons. In great number they attacked and in such great number, it was not difficult to see for many that some bore the fashions of the Yellow Song- some more closely bonded to their bodies compared to others. Some feared that this was what had happened to the remnants of that horde, and some were yet more afraid of such fates befalling them should they allow themselves to be taken.

Had this been all, perhaps Durham would have held firm. The walls of the cities were tall and maintained, with the militias ready to fight for the safety of their families. From the walls would projectiles be fired and sallies made. However, these creatures- centaurs- did perhaps court the abilities of the spiritual. With fateful coincidence, the people of the cities became affected by diseases rare and inauspicious. Coughing, diarrhoea, headaches, hunger pangs and a multitude more of symptoms did make themselves apparent upon many Durhamite. It was in these plagued days that many cities fell- especially as the centaurs took to forming ramps of flesh beside the walls. This they did with not only their flesh, but with the flesh of the slain.

In no time at all, many were dragged quick or dead to the Centre, where they became material and gospel.

It was in these ailing moments that the decision was made by many to flee west to the outskirts of Durham. The House of Government made with haste, to New Durham, where it has laid ever since. Of Durham itself, only the western cities hold firm, and they are muchly harassed from roving bands of the centaurs. Many other Durhamites fled further afield, fleeing to the lands of the Lawful, the Great Horde, Anka- even Ulkai and the 'barbarian' peoples. These immigrants have mainly bolstered the economies and industries of their hosts, though some have turned to crime- especially amongst the farmer clans. [THING about the blood vase thing here]. The Amiant Horde, lacking the safety of the walls, fled mainly with the Durhamites, or otherwise have eked out a more careful living upon their desert plains.

For whatever reason, the beasts that speak of Pesh and Towers have not ventured far south, beyond a few parties here and there. At most, they harass outlying settlements of mountainfolk, Lawful People or the former lands that the Yellow Song Horde once claimed as dominion.

Despite the exodus of many Durhamites, the new state of affairs has not been wholly without progress. The accouterement, Penance, was sadly lost in the chaos. As such, the the people could give rely on the bloody sourced benefice of the jar. Without the natural bounty of the oasis or the lifesource that was the Fountain of Life, the craftier farmer clans did as such devise innovations.The mountains and highlands of the new Durhamite polity was mainly poor and scraggy; better used for pasture of animals than for the growing of crop. Some did thus decide to rely on the aid of spirits, providing them much in material goods for their aid. Others did make much work in the labouring of terraces and irrigation- a task most ardently subsidised by the House of Government. Indeed, bevies of whale and slave and thrall alike were elected to work upon the terraces. Even so,the productivity of the farms were not at all like that of old Durham, especially as the crops did not subsist greatly at the lofty elevations of the New Durham, Ulqata or elsewhere. The farmer clans took more and more to pastoralism, intermarrying muchly with the hunter clans of the realm. In time, some resembled more and more the people of the Amiant than Durham- becoming ruralfolk of the hinterland and valley, rather than the decently suburban yeomen of the past.

With the majority of Durham's people now in and upon the vales and slopes of the mountains, contact with the whelsh intensified, with now a many living with the people of the Door and Hammer. Sharing oft times the same land and resources, friendships and conflicts did take place. Whilst there were some calls for war, to force the influence of Durham into the mountains, more amiable voices did prevail and it did become decided that the whelsh tribes were to be treated kindly- especially as a misstep could see the whelsh band in number and push out the lowlander interlopers. Indeed, though the goods and culture and knowledge of Durham now flows freely in the mountains,  the same occurred likewise in the opposite direction. Whelsh custom, whelsh belief and whelsh methods came to be recognised and accepted yet more fully. The shrine-brothels of Midan, the superior traps of the clans, the muchly improved tanks (of both the tiger and bear manufacture), the fetishisation of guts, and the reverence of fire (which admitably, was easily accepted by Durhamites due to its connection to industry and craft).

Indeed, the worship of Midan in a minor role was now, quite a simple thing. A charm here (for the making of many children!) a word here ("bless our bed, oh many of prongs") and a reverent sacrifice there. Some fireborn had even taken to living in New Durham or elsewhere in the House of Government's reach. Of course, with the old god not having awoken for many decades, there was much apostasy and heterodoxy. One such was the Cult of Sleeping Fire. Whilst it had been already present in Durham before, the adoption of many whelsh ways saw the Cult experience a renaissance- and then a purge. As those in power discovered the true terror of the cult, its practitioners were banned from the cities and its rituals punishable by outlawing. For the first time, a force of justicars, perhaps in a later age called police (or mayhaps, inquisitors), was established. Those of the force were assigned to root out the deviants in the cities and educate all in the proper recognition of Midan (or other gods).

Though the lustful light of Midan is now perhaps accepted in the hearts of some of Durham, this is not to say there were not difficulties. It was in these times that a firebrand of the Midan faith came to rise, preaching of the lord's return not as the fire of the mountain, but the fire of the flesh. It was preached that the flesh-creatures of the desert lowlands were the servants of the new Midan and that it was the will of god to bow towards him. Finding zeal and flock, the firebrand did gather much support amongst the strays of the fire-faith and did make their interpretation known. In time, they did gather power and did enforce their ideals- unleashing much chaos amongst the mountains. Fireborn in particular saw the heresy for what it was; a perversion and for this view, they were targeted with prejudice. This did become known as the fiery jihad and did spread terror and chaos, especially as the believers of this interpretation did seem to posses unheard mastery over the gut fetish fires. As a result, a many whelsh clan immigrated to the lowlands, settling peacefully or violently. Of course, those of Durham suffered from the visitations of these fleeing peoples, some who fought for land, others who pleaded for land. The debates were many in the House and there were consequences both positive and negative for each made. Overall however, whelsh tribes were welcomed, reinforcing the rural populations under Durhamite control.

Despite the upheaval of the age, there did remain some cities upon the western edges of the oasis. Holding firm, they became bastions and citadels. Woman and man and child; all became soldiers in order to defend their homes. Nurturing lightroot and crafting weapons of defence, they did become professional in their art of war and were handsomly supplied by the resources of the House- their supply routes guarded heavily by the Amiant Horde, mercenary and devout alike. It was in the defence of these remaining citadels that the shaman-smiths (who were few in number) did uncover a method by which to keep enkmen stable and solid in heat or cold. Gifted example from an expedition to the south to the hallowed temple of Enki, they devised contract rituals that sprite and spirit were obliged to read and obey. With their aid, the sprites did harden the enkmen of forging and did aid in the brandishing of many weapons- for the mountains had much of the material. Further, it was discovered, that the centaurs and other creatures (for in the time since their awakening, other misbegotten entities had come to appear) were muchly pained by hardened enkmen. This proved plentiful boon to the people of these citadels.

Attracted perhaps by the conflicts of the region, Ulkaieen lodges have become established in Durham; the state has mainly been supportive of their arrival, if wary of their possible influence.

The secret of bronze has been uncovered in the southern colonies of Durham, though the method is inefficient and rarely functioning. It seems that the spirits of the relevant processes are in disjunction; most attempts result in failure. Still, the smiths of Uretchi have been hard at work, with shaman and lawmen equally industrious.

As for the grove of Metalhand itself. It appeared untouched. For whatever reason, the centaurs seemed to ignore it. Indeed, not one had set food within it. Though there were no clergy of Metalhand, or any other supplicants within, Metalhand sensed the area to be free of any sort of abomination. Even Stoneye was safe.

Stoneye, for his part, reported much.

According to the immortal bird, he had discovered in the deserts south, a vast edifice which he believed to be the temple of Enki. There had been difficulties; another group- the four-armed badger-teethed bluemen - had claimed it and ever since, there had been conflict over the temple. There had been misgivings, misunderstandings. Even so, it was much too late for reconcilliation and much too imprudent to abandon the temple. Stoneye did say that the temple's discoveries had offered boon- in the form of ancient magicks and ancient knowledge. The power of enkmen, the mathematic principles of lost ages- the terrible, terrible sleeping horror of lead.

Besides that, he also made speech of the east. At the Centre of the World, a grand edifice of flesh was forming. At which lied a base mundane. Even a mere bird of insignificant ability, he did sense the power of two entities. One made word to him, one that called itself Herald. It recognised Stoneye as messenger and told him:

Code: [Select]
-1Essence [Durham]
+2DP [Durham

Shelldon moulted the exoskeleton that was dreamt and took to the shell of the awakened. Under a sky of blue and of white (but sometimes orange), the spirits of the ailing land did bid welcome and homage to the lord of crabs. Shelldon noticed the faltering vegetation about him, the breaking up of the islands and the weathering of land and home. He soonly was visited by past thought.

The islands of the Delta did continue to break and depart into the sea, its silt and sand and dirt and soil scattered here and there, into the sea and around. The Crab Tribe faced difficulty; its people making decision through debate and dialogue that it was inconceivable to remain in the the ancestral home any longer. At least, for many. There was yet land yet for some to survive, but not to feed all. And so, the clans divided and separated into the many, scattering up and down the river. In many lands, they found themselves unwelcome, and took to the marshes and outskirts so far unclaimed or uninhabited by others- as they did prefer. Others inevitably joined the marauding pirates of the rivers; some more successful than others. The greatest of these were those that did fight and did bleed for the 'Red-Clawed Hoon' a pygmy blessed and cursed with the affectations of both the man and woman, and also the crab and human. They (or perhaps she, or perhaps he; the stories differ, the whispers change and mend and flow) harassed the mouth of the river Kossol, plundering the vessels heading to and from the Lawful Land. Indeed, upon one of the last great islands of the Delta did lie her stronghold, guarded near constantly by partially controlled herds of vilecrab (via an abuse of the divine gift, the Hoon had discovered the fixation of the crabs' existence on the location of Great Crab adherents). From here, they did live in the lugalish fashion and did beat and crush uprising and retribution alike. Of course, those of the Hunter's Guild soon took interest in the Hoon and decided quite rightly that they and their vile crab embracing ways were quite repugnant.

For the greatest portion, Crab Tribe understanding of the world faltered, not truly advancing save in those knowledges that aided in their survival. The sciences of the ancestral crab faltered, though the riding and use of the mantis crab hunters blossomed and grew. Beasts with an intrinsic link to those of the tribe, they became trusted companions and burdened beasts of the pygmies. Used as mounts of both war and of labour, they were used by all.

Taught in the way of war decades prior, many pirates did take to not only harassing the vessels of the waters, but attacking or intimidating those villages and settlements of the land. Aided by the command of vessel and hunter, the pygmies were able to many a times, take plunder or force tribute from many a isolated settlement, before an organised force could respond. Though the honoured Guild of Hunters took no formal hate for the pygmies (for indeed, the connection between vilecrab and crab tribe was not fully known), most lodges had decided that since the people of this tribe did worship crabs, did beget crab-like offspring, did make use of crab magics- and indeed, acted in ways crab-like (including the pillaging and taking of what was not their's)- that the tribe were beings of evil. As such, many took to attacking and harassing the pygmies in turn.

The spirits of the land did also speak of worshippers amongst other river-dwellers, most principally, those of Anka. It had seemed that some had realised that the vile crabs would rarely harm those settlements wherein one found believers of the Great Crab. As such, it had become custom for many low-classed people to worship the Crab under the pressure of those above them. Some did resent this but saw it too as civic duty. Interestingly, one township had seemingly put the vilecrabs under their control, for they oft acted in their favour, even leaving their shells for the utility of the town's craftsmen.

+1 Essence (Crab People)
+1 Blood Essence
+1CP [Anka]

Kakkabum recalled himself to the awakened realm, and did take in the sights and scents. Greeted near immediately by the whispering spirits of the land, they did make offerings of secret and fact.

The lands nearby had always been lacking in much of mortality, but Kakkabum sensed his influence stretched in a way. It had seemed that his elephant servitor, Sallaa, had spread word of what she had understood to be the perfected truth transmitted by the excellency known by the Three Syllables, Two Identical.

Sallaa had enlightened firstly her on herd, and the herds of others of elephantine nature. Mainly nomadic, these tribes of ivory titans spread throughout their ranges and brought with them the word of Sallaa. The beliefs (mentioned elsewhere) were esoteric, even by the spiritually-inclined peoples of Err. The chants and undulations that became custom and prayer of those that followed Sallaa did aid in the naming of the movement as Meditation, and thus the followers of the movement were Meditationists.

In time, this way did spread south into the lands of Sarta and was taken into the thought-sense of shaman and chief alike, spreading its influence. Ecstatic and zealous and mad, envoys were sent out throughout the lands, greeting many courts and gracing the plazas of many a settlement. Most however dismissed them as mad loons, sans enlightenment. In Ulkai and the League, the elephant cult did take root, first amongst the enslaved pachyderms (who took to the movement as liberation from physical suffering), and then in others. Whilst initially decried as a slave movement, the missionaries of the faith spoke of results and indeed, there was a belief by many in the proof of these results. Not directly calling for the worship of another deity, many Ulkaieen did not see an incompatibility with the movement's goals and the worship of the One True God/Goddess. As for the League, none saw the problem at all and some took to it as well. In time, missionaries also did travel further east into the mountains of Err, were it became inoculated in the tribes of whale and elephant and human alike.

Whilst spread widely, those who did follow the way were not one people or one culture, for the teachings touched the madness of many and as such. The progress and changes of each congregation was different and varied greatly. Those in direct contact with Sallaa for the most part, remained nomadic in and around the area of Kakkabum's gift. There, they did build simple shrines and resting places  where tribes and clans did sometimes meet- or where holy men resided to chant and dance.

+1 Essence [various]

Tala awoke to the exaltation of festivities, of gaiety and celebration. She did notice the growing temple complex around her idol. Not enclosed under ceiling of stone, wood, clay or mud, Tala's primary temple was one open to the sky. Composed of concentric fractals of raised plinths and hills (most of artificial make) upon these lied the altars and shrines and groves that did become established for Tala's worship. And yet, it was the lowest of depressions that Tala's idol was located, for her position was not at all raised. And yet, it was the holiest point in all the complex and was surrounded by many a form of plant and fungi and thrall and animal- including docile beasts of the hunt. It was in this place under sun-and-sky that the spirits of the land did make ritual greeting and did speak of the events of past thought and sight.

In the mist of visions it was seen, the unity of the tribes and lawyeries, of the clans and moieties. Due to the blessing of unity given by Tala, the people of the Lawful Land had worked together in cooperation unheard of previously. Dirugulatl and those of the eastern people (including at times, Diwata) spoke at first wwith strain and discomfort but in time, came to agree on matters of pact and preservation. It was decided that the centuries-passed usurpation of those-that-advised over those-who-ruled was no longer a matter of contention and that whilst there would always be differences between east and west, the grand morality of the Lawful People was one they all shared. There were competing interpretations and many disagreements, but they argued on specifics, not on the whole. Unlike the people of the horse, neither east or west took value in the dance of death, or the keeping of slaves. To be one of the lawful people and yet to adopt such alien values would be grounds for ostracisation and shame.

As such, a melding of values and ideals took place. The practise of thralls became tolerated and perhaps accepted in the west, whilst greater trust was put in the spirits and Tala in the east. Many new shrines were commissioned to commemorate this unity, oft known as robotic shrines. Here, the arts of both east and west were taught and preached, with many laymen learning the power of thralldom. Designed initially from the plans of Jimugurushallat, these were structures of durable material with a sizable basement- to better facilitate the rites and rituals of robotics.

Roads, too were also planned between a many settlement, but this was quickly stopped after Jim did realise that the roads seemingly never required maintenance. She was muchly afeared.

Whilst unity between the two sides of the river Kossol greatened, this did not stop there. Perhaps because of the blessing of unity, the peoples of the Lawful People did come to see themselves as a constituent nation of the Great Horde. Not of the same culture, values or ideals of the horsemen bound to the blood god Guar, but simply circumstance. Indeed, forced perhaps by divine essence, the unity was one of odd feeling and an understanding that standing alone would see the Lawful Land fall. To crabs, to centaurs, to barbarian, pygmy or whatever else did lie sleeping in the world. As such, plans for disobedience to the Horde mainly decreased and instead, the people became content with their state of affairs or even supportive of the Horde.

In matters of progress, the people acquired a particular skill in the writing arts and the arithmetic magic of the mind. Utilising these, production and efficiency boomed, with many a literate tradesman (or tradeswoman) venturing into the Great Horde to make use of their skills. It is said that in some courts, the number of Lawful People scribes outnumber the rest of the court. Those of more magicial persuasion still oft sell their services as thrallmasters or operating thrall nurseries. Weaponcrafting, mainly of javelins and shields, is also a known trade in the Lawful Land that has received boon and boom.

Further, a new discipline of the law-magic has been uncovered, that of calling the spirits of the dead to the awakened realm once more. Though costly and difficult, the great roboticists have been able to call the dead's soul into a vessel. Whilst nearly all eventually return to the world beyond, a few have lingered. Disasterously, some have proved malignant and escaped, becoming nuisance to the world at large. One of perhaps more ambivalent nature, the cultural hero Arbadl, has also escaped and now haunts the Lawful Land, unleashing feasts and generosity upon the world.

In matters spiritual, some Lawful People have adopted Guar as a tutelary deity, not as the bloody-handed god, but as the god of order and foreigners.

In foreign matters, the Lawful People have become accustomed to attacks of centaurs in their northern most settlements, in the mountains of Err. As a result, most have abandoned these isolated steads or otherwise established militias or hired mercenaries. Some make foray into the lands of the centaurs whilst in service to the Great Horde armies.

Moska did continue her service to the Horde royal court and did continue her state of affairs with the centaur Anjuar.

Far south, the flock of Tala in Anka has mainly remained stable; the cult of the Badger-God seems to have consumed the zeal of most.

+1CP [Lawful People]

Vulpes Grandes did awake and saw actual, tangible change. It was most strange. There were more of the blood-berry bushes, but enough to call the place lush. Of course, the land was not nearly fertile enough to sustain so many plants. Yet, it was enough to sustain a larger population, especially one cowed by the idea that failure would result in doom. A few hundred foxes now survived here, most scrawny things. Some of flame, some of normal stock, some of beastly inclination; not mortal at all.

The spirits of the land whispered to Vulpes of the happenings of the past; it was most enlightening. Those bipeds of the east that did make pets of some of the canach had found the foxes most lovely and most useful, taking many more as pets and beasts of utility. Whilst those of the canach patch were perhaps 'free', those that had become domesticated (or perhaps, enslaved) sometimes took on a much healthier appearance, being fed the best of meat and plant. Despite this servility, many foxes had seemingly protested, trying to communicate with their captors or resisting capture. Speaking only in the speech of fox, they were unable to reach a dialogue with the men of blue. Becoming slaves, their children were oft times taken and reared in the manner of animals, lacking wholly in the culture of their species. Ironically, many of these were happier, perhaps because they knew only of the life of domestication and the pleasures of such service. Indeed, many served loyally in a manner akin to dogs. Intelligent individuals (who in perhaps better times would have grown to be scholars or rulers) became beloved companions of their masters and were much cared for and well fed. So popular were they that they became traded to the far places north, to a place called 'I'kah', where a ruler decreed by gods ruled. Supposedly, some foxes were eaten there or sacrificed to these gods. Interestingly, canachi of the flames were oft of lesser status, used more for their fire than as companions.

Regardless, the greatened number of canachi has bolstered Vulpes Grandes' dominion, for many somehow remember that he is their god.

+1 Essence [Canach]
A Myth has been remembered

« Last Edit: December 26, 2019, 12:17:31 am by micelus »
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Re: Between the Rivers: Gods Adrift [IC]
« Reply #219 on: December 22, 2019, 03:46:18 am »

Sarkyran's being transposed itself upon creation, making and unmaking himself to completion. The air of the world did smell of new, and of old. Here was Flint, the land most loyal. Yet, it was changed; as such things did do.

The whispering spirits did hush and speak of the past-thought, and did offer insight into the land's state.

By this era and by this decade, there did exist many of blueish state, blessed with clarity of mind and greatness of flesh. Though given blessing, this seemingly, this did not seemingly give rise to incredible demidivinity, as some had believed. Yet, they were on the averaged scale, surpassing of the average human. Biceps and mind formed by years of thirst quenched, man and woman alike, muscular giants of azure reverie. Those foreign would have little trouble calling such beings non-human for indeed, they resembled little of baseline humanity.

Seeing themselves muchly upon the path of perfection as granted by God, they did seek to prove themselves worthy above all lesser creatures. Beast and plant were domesticated and baseline creatures enslaved and used. The raids took on a most holy aspect, becoming not just profession, but obligation. To prove superiority of the Flintish race was to show piety and love for God. It was such reasoning that resulted in a mass invasion of the Kingdom of the Tree's Beloved.

Calling the tribes together, the lugal Seluku I did make fiery speech, calling the tribes to war- to burn the Tree of the vexing race of the Beloved. Their dogs crushed and cooked on the spit, the accursed bluemen of the desert dismembered and destroyed for betrayal of the Lord of Civilisation (for it was thought that the basdreenin had in time before time, served Sarkyran and betrayed him). Those of the marshes, hills, valleys and orchards answered and heeded, with the rallies of war and zeal booming in the sky overhead. The principle warriors of Flint- the Fountain Guard, the Ducklords (who did maintain battledrakes of many colours and forms by the holding of three Errish ducks), the Womb-Scorning Daughters (who's leader did now hold the Bow of Banishing)- did lead them and did war in the name of Sarkyran and Flint.

Now, the bluemen that did inhabit the lands of the Tree's Beloved were known as ferocious and powerful folk, with the high clan of Allwissendes Auge overseeing the lesser clans from their marsh stronghold. Built floating upon the waters itself, it was a collection of wood and thatch and mud built upon stilts or elsewise connected by bridges. Not at all a defendable position, the bluemen instead relied on the wooden wall- the countless boats and vessels that they did man, crafted by themselves or elsewise bought from the Shipbuilders. The bluemen could not be ambushed nor surprised. By the witchery of their line, they were immune to such tactics. Instead, the Flintish folk did instead decide on an a titanic war, attacking everywhere they could- something possibly only now with the tribes united behind one purpose.

Not wishing to see the zeal disappear by inaction, the invasion was planned and enacted within months- to no surprise to the bluemen of the south. Even as preparations were made, the Beloved already knew of the invasion. Warned by the seer-lord of the Confederacy, the lugals and shamans did call for unity. Decision was made and argument and quarrel were halted in defense of the Land. With both sides prepared for war, it was sure to be a bloody one. And so it was.

A full and proper war, it lasted for four years, with periods of quiet and periods of cacophony. Priests of Sarkyran called upon effigies of God and did fire them upon the enemy, whilst the waters and reeds rose and fought in the throngs of the Beloved. Spirits of rank and title were beseeched, and both sides unleashed madness and destruction and ward and protection. Dogs- no longer as feared- were scalped in the thousands, whilst beatles were driven mad and panicked, unleashing chaos on the Flintish folk. Vessels thought and bantered with spear and bow for hours a day, turning the river red and azure.

The final death toll was bleak, with whole towns decimated and tribes lacking in able folk. In the end, the Flintish made off with many a slave, and took small footholds upon the southern coast. However, the swamps of Flint have disappeared in full, with the Errish ducks slain or taken, the drakewarriors of Flint are now numbered. Further, the Fountain Guard are but a handful, with the royal household most annihilated. No peace was signed nor declared; both sides simply lack the ability to fight further. Even with the passage of years, war has yet to continue, only skirmish and raid. Of the Flintish conquests in the south, they have become fortified and garrisoned, to act as raiding camps in perpetuity.

Though Flintish thought focused fiercely on foreign foes in the south, many a warrior yet reaved and fought those tribes of the north; many did strike out at Ulkai whilst in return, many of the lodges did make mission to reave the people of Flint. Such has been the relationship evermore. Sartar has mainly been spared Flintish raiders, after much lobbying and cajoling by the missionaries in the area. Indeed, many amongst their number believe that they have found converts amongst the locals.

In more local matters, the floods that once hindered and harmed the people of Ulkai now ravished the floodplains of Flint, dooming many to water and death. A people who did not rely on lightroot, the great damage to crops resulted in starvation for many. Seemingly, the effect emanated from the Flood-Bell, at least, so said the shamans.

Jus, under Sarkyran's directive, has also had a number of towers constructed at Sarkyran's main temple. Mysteriously, elephant-sized azure cubes seem to appear on the completed ones every night. Sometimes, with random assortments of organs and flesh. Sarkyran feels...happiness in his heart, as well as the warm touch of another.

In terms of progress, the people of Flint have used up much of the natural deposits of copper, including those first created by Sarkyran. The Earthscairn though perpetually creating yet more of the metal, is unable to suit demand, perhaps because those of Flint lack the capability to dig muchly deep, or otherwise exhaust those deposits discovered. Regardless, this has forced traders to seek out metals elsewhere- primarily from the lands of Anka and beyond Err in the west, where the mirages exist and the deserts speak fluently. With cunning merchants to the east and natural dangers to the west, continuing the supply of necessary metals has proved difficult. Some have thus begun experimenting with other materials  for the creation of weapons and tools and components. Some put trust in hardwood of the Beloved Tree, elsewise in lead or iron or silver or drakefeather; none so far prove satisfactory.

Still, the bluemen of Flint are not in great need of weapons, making much use of the odd spears of the Warforge. Rarely, one of these are able to conjure odd flame, in a manner unlike the gut fetishists of the whelsh, or the poets of Ulkai. Those who own such weapons are seen as both incredibly lucky and most blessed by God. Still, this rarely does happen in a predictable or reliable manner, sometimes hurting the wielder.

Considering themselves the perfect society, the Flintish tribes have muchly solidified in structure, with roles and titles and responsibilities for each and every person and clan. Muchly more hierarchal, they resemble muchly feudal lords now more than mere tribesmen. Much loving of their culture, Flintish art and literature and song praise themselves, and declares the exotic either inferior, or good in its own way and not comparable to the Flintish style.

+1DP [Kingdom of Flint]
+2 Blood Essence

Guar...did wriggle from the dreamscape. Something was different, something was wrong, something was right. His form, his crystalline being, was gone. He did mke sight at himself and did recognisehimself as wyrm; a larval insect without foot or arm. Differentiated only from maggots by a reptillian-primate face, Guar did feel...weak and hungry.

Form attained (and taken): Wyrm!

Code: [Select]
Wyrm: a larval grub; the juvenile form of something greater.
PHYS: CP: 1 DP:1 SP: 1 PS: 1 AS: 6
SPIR: INF: 3 EGO: 3 SS: 2 W: 2
Larvae: A form of transition.
Counted Growth: May elect to consume creatures of the physical or spiritual realm (though the latter only when ingressed. Does not cost an action). Easier to do to something dead, willing, or non-resisting.
Luminous Melam: Your melam shines brightly, bonfire in the night.

Though new to the form of the grub, Guar did receive the obeisance and knowledge of the spirits that did come to offer knowledge and vision.

The past half-century had bee one of glorious unity, one perhaps inspired muchly by the blessing of Tala, which did include many a horseman chief and many of Valtoria's court. Suddenly quite willing to work with and bow to the Sanrrat-er-err, many did now comply with the centralisation efforts of the queen-ruler. Many, some from their own choice and others by the sarrat-er-err's request, did take to more sedentary existences and did come to take the title of en. Now ensi, they did make rule from fortified towns and cities, some of which began life as convenience stores. This did have the effect of simplifying the conduction of rule, making the delivery of decree easier. Aided by Durhamite expertise, many clans did take to the building walls and stone houses- though with many windows and holes left in the ceiling. Some did take on more permanent jobs as craftsmen, rather than being warrior and shepherd as well. Cunning Durhamites, in many a place, did make use of this situation to enlist these new urbanites as subordinates in a system of guildish respect and contract. After all, they did require yet more teaching and in the meantime, the master craftsman could benefit from the extra hands. In time, the settlements as such, boomed.

Of course, the reduction in the number of nomads did have the effect of weakening the traditional strengths of the Horde. Fewer sons and daughters were reared on the open plain, learned in the ways of saddle and steed. With the horse muchly less utilised by sedentary folk, horses did become rarer and seen as the privilege of the wealthy or something utilised mainly by nomadfolk. As a result, Horde levies did see a great increase in the number of light infantry and archers, and a great reduction in trueborn cavalry. Distressed, Valtoria did come in time to coddle muchly the remaining nomads and see to their needs, so that they did remain upon the open plain yet more. Though a trouble in the way of military, this did see a great rise in taxation as more people were focused in fewer places and had less recourse to flee or hide.

Perhaps as a result of the settling of the horsemen did Valtoria did come to rely more upon her other subjects. Paid in currency or conscripted in lieu of taxes, the subject tribes did become trusted in ways of war and made to defend and fight for the Horde- some being promoted highly. Tribes of Yashim, Silvatta, Arshina, the Lawful, Scorpion, Eagle and yet others joined the armies of the Sarrat-er-err in greater numbers, muchly bolstering the dwindling cavalry of the Horde with archer and infantry. Some tanks of the whelsh were also joined to the armies. All did seefrequent action in the maintaining of order, crushing of rebellion (such as that of the Scorpion, which took several years) or dealing with the flesh creatures that had ruined Durham. Indeed, Valtoria had found herself paying muchly to defend her realm, erecting various defences along the stretch of land that once were inhabited by the Yellow Song, as well as along the mountains to the east. Only through the efforts of stupendous effort has the east been saved. Due to the commitment needed in the defense of the realm, Valtoria has de facto been ruling from the former Yellow Song capital.

The Amiant Horde - though clearly traitors of some sort- have so-far been allowed to exist, for they dwell in the lands of the flesh and for now, are a boon to the Great Horde in their state. Often aiding with shared defenses, they are simply too useful to war with.

Though well-armed on land, the Great Horde is far less ready to deal with the foes of the water. Pirates oft attack and raid the riverine communities, with the pirate-lord known as the Red-Clawed Hoon proving most dreadful. With the Lawful Lands being a prime region of tribute and tariff, the loss of so much wealth to the Hoon and her companions did trouble Anjuar greatly. Having sought spiritual aid, the hiring of guildsman and mercenary, as well as a failed attempt to create a navy (infamously burnt in the night by the fierce pirate lord One-Finger Tosser), Anjuar did resolve himself to bribing the pirate to ensure that some trade is allowed to flow from the river Kossol. This has sometimes worked.

In the south, in Anka, the man known as Guisan did attain the rank of miko and did learn the arts of the water, and slightly of wind. He serves mostly within the harbour of the port city of Baratt, where he does continue the study of elements. Coincidentally, Baratt has gained a reputation as a place of unlawfulness and debauchery, even by the standards of weak-willed nobles.

In the north, in New Durham and the mountains, the Cult of the Sleeping Fire does continue to operate. Now ruled by a council of vampiric priests, the cult does continue to preach and teach its ways throughout the mountains. Though now banned in New Durham, this has not stopped the cult from infecting some with its teachings. More than one Durhamite merchant or politician has fallen for the dark allure of immortality and strength. Some have live far longer than a mortal ought. Changing identity or otherwise disappearing, they skulk and hide but yet influence society. Some even have influence in the House of Government. Despite these successes, the Cult has suffered elsewhere, being muchly eradicated in some tribes in the wake of the fiery jihad.

For the most part, the Great Horde has advanced in the ways of a sedentary existence and the centralisation of its people and rule. Its pantheon has opened up, with Tala, Metalhand, Du-Ur, Midan, Fu, Basderieen and the Shattered Statue being respected or worshipped at times. Still, Guar is worshipped most primarily, despite a shrine or charm dedicated to the other gods and spirits here and there. Some even whisper of cults of the flesh and of the old god that dreamt.

As commanded by Guar, the  The Whispering Stones of Wind have become consecrated in the name of Guar and now scholars of the horde dwell near it. Lawyer, sage, scholar and shaman; all are allowed to dwell near if permitted by Anjuar.

Anjuar has much to say to his lord.

+1 Essence [Great Horde]
+2 Blood Essence
Monument obtained: Whispering Stones of Wind!

Retain popped once more into existence and was quickly greeted by the spirits of the realm. From where he stood, the land seemed not much different. The changes were somewhat more subtle, it seemed.

In the time since the last awakening, the lands of Sartar has seen muchly the spread of foreign thought, of both Flintish and Meditationist sorts. In the south, this has seen a more hierarchial idea of creation. Greater trade with the south via the river has also seen the rise of larger settlements, with the inhabitants filling their heads with Flintish ideas. Perhaps because of this, lightroot is seen with some disdain. In the north, the erratic chants and dancing of the Meditationists has seen popularity and given rise to a supposedly greater understanding of the spiritual realm. Conversely, there are many more shamans than before. In the centre of Sartar, these ideas combine and churn too with the influence of Retain, for here does Fate's Humor exist. Here, problems are left aside in favour of the monument's gift of clarity. The immortal disciple Sharna watches over this land, taking on the role mediator between tribes and clans. Indeed, there has not been an armed conflict in decades. Counting monotheists, meditationists and pure animists amongst his followers, Sharna is seen as a figure of order in Sartar. His god, Retain, is seen as a figure of balance and of thought, but also ambition.

Minor Myth of Godhood (Thought) obtained
+1 CP [Sartans]

Saltra awakes from the deeps and observes her surroundings. She is upon the sea floor, a desolate abyss bereft of anything but insignificantly small life, crab shells and the occasional crab attempting to survive. Above, the distant light of the surface refracts and and flows, providing light to the algae, both upon and within the water column. Currents gently push Saltra east, though life she feels, is greater in the west. To her northwest Saltra senses the feeling of intellect, though she believes it to be beyond the waters in which she has awakened. To the south, she feels physically and spiritually the tug of speech. Their speakers are leviathan in size but gentle in soul. They seem to be in mourning.

D'or awakes and incarnates from thin air, upon the greenlands once planted by the bee known as Lily (and indeed, the region had come to be known as the Lilitheans). Grass grows in this land in abundance, and so do many a tree and shrub. To the north lie hills and mountains. He feels the brush of thoughts northwst and southwest of his position. A much greater thought, something that oozes war, plants and 'learning' emanates from the east.It seems powerful.

« Last Edit: December 29, 2019, 12:26:05 am by micelus »
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Re: Between the Rivers: Gods Adrift [IC]
« Reply #220 on: December 24, 2019, 05:57:03 pm »

The gods feel something swirl in the sand, water and air. They find their control over the animate weaken and slither.

Quote from: ???

Edict of Innervation

"𒋾. 𒋾. 𒋾. 𒋾. 𒋾. 𒋾. 𒋾. 𒋾. 𒋾."

-The costs and rules for Life Creation have changed.

-The creation of most life requires three components: anima, materia and sapor.

Anima: the spiritual essence of the being, a lack of an anima results in a lack of spiritual footprint. An insufficient anima results in the lack of a spirit. DP shifts the being's spiritual energy to destruction/change whilst CP shifts it to creation/stasis. Anima is derived from Power.
Materia: the physical essence of the being, a lack of materia results in a lack of physical footprint. An insufficient materia results in dire abnormality or disfunction. Materia is derived from physical materials.
Sapor: the core essence of the being, a lack of sapor results in a lack of mental footprint. Sapor affects the being's behaviours and mentality. Sapor is derived from the creator's myths or godly spheres
Donum: an additional essence given by spirits and benefactors in order to introduce unusual characteristics to a being. This includes sapience.

At a minimum, Life requires 4CP/4DP, physical materials and one myth to be created. This creates a small population that populates the chosen hex. Baseline beings are non-sapient mundanes that range from the size of a human-made needle, to a particularly large elephant. Fantastical creatures are created via the addition of power, materia, sapor or donum. Sapience is derived via donum.

Life can be altered for 2CP/2DP to a limited degree depending on GM decision.
« Last Edit: December 26, 2019, 12:37:25 am by micelus »
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Re: Between the Rivers: Gods Adrift [IC]
« Reply #221 on: December 24, 2019, 06:37:23 pm »

Spoiler: Subsouls Part 1 (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: December 24, 2019, 08:38:04 pm by micelus »
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Re: Between the Rivers: Gods Adrift [IC]
« Reply #222 on: December 24, 2019, 06:37:51 pm »

Spoiler: Subsouls Part 2 (click to show/hide)
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« Last Edit: December 24, 2019, 06:40:46 pm by micelus »
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Re: Between the Rivers: Gods Adrift [IC]
« Reply #223 on: December 24, 2019, 06:57:03 pm »

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« Last Edit: December 24, 2019, 08:29:06 pm by micelus »
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Re: Between the Rivers: Gods Adrift [IC]
« Reply #224 on: December 24, 2019, 09:10:49 pm »

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