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Author Topic: The Rise of a Demon (Number of ritual wedding duels: 1)  (Read 56539 times)

Urist Mc Dwarf

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No update tonight, but hopefully there can be one tomorrow.

Urist Mc Dwarf

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The castle stands and defies your will. They huddle behind their walls and pray for the Legion to come to their aid. They shall learn that walls and numbers provide no protection against your wrath. You and the five fastest Hunters stand before their walls, distant enough that they will have no way of sensing your presence. With a whisper of power, you begin to bring further changes upon each. Their flesh thins and darkens, growing into something seemingly insubstantial which cannot be seen in shadow. Their mouths seal shut, but in exchange, they gain the ability to mimic sounds and cast their voices as they will. You reach out to pluck out their eyes, touching each with a fragment of your magic, allowing them to see wards and enchantments. Then you replace the eyes you have taken, and so five Night-Stalkers stand before you, barely visible even to your eyes in the long shadows of evening.

They hear your command, and as one they turn and run, long strides covering the ground. They weave amongst themselves as they run, and you soon cannot tell which was the first to feel your blessing and which was the last.

You turn your attention back south. Your followers go from village to village, recruiting hunters and trappers and herdsmen who spend all their time upon the desolate plains. Most go reluctantly, some go eagerly, but in the end, 400 hundred men and women are inducted into the Barrow Bows.  They give whatever knowledge they have to Kreth – what plants heal and what plants kill, where the dangerous animals make their nests and dens, where water can be found – and hunt for places to make ambushes and traps. Kreth suggests that he might be more able at turning the land into a lethal trap for your enemies if he had some followers of his own…perhaps the Barrow Bows?

Amongst the Broken, you pick out 20 who know flesh, who can carve it with their knives and blades. Each of them is granted the barest fragment of your power, enough to allow them to warp flesh and bone, albeit on a surface level. Unfortunately, you discover something Kreth learned long ago – it can be incredibly difficult to teach mortals how to use Evil because it is something you know so instinctively. Fortunately, however, Caliwick taught Lurrothel enough about mutation she was able to teach the Doom-Seers, who in turn teach the Shapers.

Lurrothel attempts to imbue stones with warding magic to bind spirits. You aren’t quite clear on what happened, but it seems that she created a solid, living ball of fire which hurts to look at. While it can’t move, it’s rather annoying, especially since Lurrothel is trapped inside, although she still lives.

Caliwick was the one who found her, as apparently, she did this right on top of the now buried ruins of one of his binding circles. He ignores that for now, hunting down his others – he created many hidden caches of varying types, not anticipating he would get trapped inside his castle. Many were destroyed by the victorious crusaders. Many more fell to rot and decay. Some survive though. Several valuable tomes on necromantic magic are uncovered, their pages covered in scrawled blasphemy and corrupted demon-tongue. Spires of stone to serve as focuses for terrible rites are pulled from the earth. And grasping hordes of undead are dragged from their graves. Wisp wretches and skeletons march forth to join your armies, and Caliwick promises more dreadful monstrosities will awaken in time.

Throughout your conquered lands, Dark Priests and Doom-Seekers roam, reanimating animal corpses to serve as beasts of burden and constructing simple shrines. Many wonder…can such a thing truly be evil? Interestingly, several with the potential to be Doom-Seekers and one who could become a Doom-Seer are found among these farms, and they are…encouraged…to join you at Avar. A few scattered undead are set to work in villages, given tasks like building roads. Word of a glorious feast is promised for the village which does best with your gifts.

In Avar you stand on the walls, looking down at the churned earth. Below you men toil to repair and reinforce the gate, as the living ward is wracked by agony from the constant vibrations this work causes. At Canord, you made the plants and fields into a weapon and a shield. Here, you shall make the earth itself your servant. Raising up Desecrator, you gather power in the pommel before shooting it out the blade. Streams of energy burst forth, and the ground churns. The mud thickens, spreading and expanding into something unnatural. It trembles now, quivering, and occasionally noxious bubbles in it burst with a disgusting “Pop!” You can sense something beginning to take shape in it, something similar to both the fence, the mud, and a zombie. It will need time and power and perhaps more before it can form though.

The Avar Society makes little progress. Few are interested in proclaiming their willingness to serve you, not while Castle Southbend stands defiant.  The Ceaseless Consumption has a great deal more luck, and many join them, convinced by the spreading rumors that the defeat of the Legion is inevitable.

And in Castle Southbend, blades are beginning to be unsheathed. Worms of Avarice you created worm their way through middens, while Night-Stalkers hide in the quarters of a few terrified servants. Whenever they have an opportunity, they sneak out. When they return, their hands are red, and the servants avert their eyes, trembling in a fear of worse than death. Priests are slain in their chapels, and their skins stretched over the altars they prayed at. Fifty mercenaries and nearly as many members of the garrison died throughout these dreadful nights, and over a hundred were executed or murdered by fellow mercenaries. The Lord of Southbend turns inwards, spending much of the day in his study. Some of the smaller bands and servants begin to flee, desperate to hide from what they know comes.
Terror grows in Southbend, and in the towns and villages and castles north of it. Your army grows, despite unfortunate setbacks. Even as a legion moves to destroy you, you gain power and followers.

 Name: Klx-Dryklfx

Time: 7.5 months

Physical Might: 90+6 (-4 mud corruption,- 10 Night Stalkers, -15 Shapers, - 8 Worms of Avarice, +21 worship)

Mental Might: ] 90+6 (-4 mud corruption,- 10 Night Stalkers, -15 Shapers, - 8 Worms of Avarice, +21 worship)


The Ceaseless Consumption
  Members: 7 seducers and 72 peons split among 8 locations, 1 high seducer and 73 peons
  Resources: 0
  Power: 13 (4 spent worshipping you, 3 spent recruiting, 4 spent spreading rumors)
The Avar Society
  Members: 1 seducer, 14 peons
Resources: 0 (+4 “donations”, -4 party)
Power: 2(2 spent throwing parties)
Unnamed Cult in Southbend
Members: 8(5 Night-Stalkers, 3 servants)
Resources: 0
Power: 5 (3 spent making discord)

   Strong walls (45), Deep moat (25), Thorn Wall (25), Weak wards (15), Traps (15) Demonic crops, plentiful mines, Strong aura of domination.
  Basic Walls(25), Living Ward(15), Demonic Mud Moat (10)

Demonic Realm
1900 Peons
36 resources (-5 shrines)
+17 power/week, + 15 resources/week
Demonic Armies
13 Reavers, 2 Doom-Seekers, 50 thralls, 100 zombies in Canord
The Broken – 836 chaff (52 thralls, 451 zombies, 227 skeletons, 17 wisp wights, 89 weeping sores), 276 light infantry (137 Spear-Thralls, 139 Sword-Thralls), 137 heavy infantry (28 Demon-Touched, 109 wisp-wretches), 130 ranged (130 Archer-Thralls), 22 mages (3 Doom-Seers, 19 Doom-Seekers), 5 heavy cavalry( 5 mounted god-slayers), 5 infiltrators (5 Hunters), 33 support (18 Dark Priests, 15 Shapers), 10 siege (8 armored brutes, 2 crushers), 17 incorporeal(17 specters) in Avar
Barrow Bows – 400 scouts (rangers) in between Avar and Southbend
Kreth Woemaker
   Physical might: 10
   Mental might: 10
   Other: Magic Cloak

Duthrax Soul-Render, First of the Thrall-Herds
  Physical might: 7 + 1
  Mental might: 3 + 1
  Other: Duelist, skilled commander, zombie horse, Herald

Lurrothel, Weaver of Nightmares
  Physical might: 1
  Mental might: 6
  Other: Necromancer, skilled at wards and dream magic, currently trapped within a living, possibly holy fire
Caliwick the Arch-Necromancer
   Physical might: 2
   Mental might: 11
   Other: Necromancer, Soulbond, Living Legend


  +6 physical, +6 mental
  Bringer of unholy rot, Reanimator, Focus of Power

Magic Cloak
  Unknown properties

  +1 physical, + 1 mental
    Inspiring song

I decided to readjust the way I kept track of your followers since the cult system was meant more for small or hidden groups. I also dediced to group up your active army by unit type. Feel free to suggest alternate organization schemes.
« Last Edit: March 05, 2019, 03:43:48 pm by Urist Mc Dwarf »


  • Bay Watcher
  • One letter short of a wookie
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Whilst we will not solve Lurrothel's problem for her (otherwise how would she learn?), we will give her the tools she needs to resolve the issue. Ten zombies and a doom-seeker will be tasked with following her every order and up to five resources will be spared for her endeavours. Perhaps she'll find a way out of the flame, and be the mightier for it. Maybe she will be consumed, one more sacrifice in our name. Or she may even take a liking to her new home, and instead choose to develop her control of the outside world from it. If she believes herself to be truly trapped, then we will intervene. We will transform the flame into a fire opal, with her soul still trapped inside. It will then form the focus of the Rod of Dreams, allowing the user to tap into Lurrothel's memories and expertise as needed. We either regain a champion, or we have a nifty artifact. Win/win.

We shall claim two hundred of the Barrow Bows as our own, serving as Scouts for our demonic army. The remaining two hundred will be granted to Kreth as his personal retinue, whilst he continues to make the countryside a death trap to all who refuse us.

The Southbend cult will be named the Bloody Terror. Whilst the Night-Stalkers continue sowing discord, the servants will provide intelligence for us: Are there any secret entrances to the castle? Does Lord Southbend have any notable family, retainers or hangers-on? Who are the calming influences (and thus the ideal targets) amongst the defenders? How many people are there, in what roles?

Anyone who flees the castle should be caught and brought before us,  or if our followers cannot, we're shall appear before them ourselves. Those are willing to serve will join the thralls, those who are not will have their souls devoured, and their lifeless bodies will be hurled back into the castle.

Caliwick will be tasked with providing advise to Lorrethel if asked, and to focus on providing us with suitable cavalry to fill out that very understaffed section of the army. In any spare time, he will continue with the Wardstone project.

Speaking of, the army will march to Southbend and set up camp nearby, but out of sight. We don't want to assault yet, but having the army nearby will open up our options. We will then start probing the magical defences, gently testing it for weaknesses and exploits that will allow us to push our demonic influence on those within.

I'm hoping to turn the entire castle in on itself,  allowing us to swoop in, feed on the resultant Evil, converting the survivors and raising the dead. I'm also hoping to convert at least someone within the Southbend dynasty into a Champion.

I also recall the previous Demon game involved having "relations" with a mortal, that resulted in a half-demon child. Would any of you be interested in cultivating our own semi-reliable lieutenants in that way? Is Is Urist okay with facilitating that?
« Last Edit: March 05, 2019, 05:16:57 pm by Kashyyk »

Urist Mc Dwarf

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I have nothing against half demons. Caliwick was actually one.


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So, how is the rebellion heating up? Last we left them, both the Dwarves and the westerners weere going hard against the Empire.


  • Bay Watcher
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Whilst we will not solve Lurrothel's problem for her (otherwise how would she learn?), we will give her the tools she needs to resolve the issue. Ten zombies and a doom-seeker will be tasked with following her every order and up to five resources will be spared for her endeavours. Perhaps she'll find a way out of the flame, and be the mightier for it. Maybe she will be consumed, one more sacrifice in our name. Or she may even take a liking to her new home, and instead choose to develop her control of the outside world from it. If she believes herself to be truly trapped, then we will intervene. We will transform the flame into a fire opal, with her soul still trapped inside. It will then form the focus of the Rod of Dreams, allowing the user to tap into Lurrothel's memories and expertise as needed. We either regain a champion, or we have a nifty artifact. Win/win.

We shall claim two hundred of the Barrow Bows as our own, serving as Scouts for our demonic army. The remaining two hundred will be granted to Kreth as his personal retinue, whilst he continues to make the countryside a death trap to all who refuse us.

The Southbend cult will be named the Bloody Terror. Whilst the Night-Stalkers continue sowing discord, the servants will provide intelligence for us: Are there any secret entrances to the castle? Does Lord Southbend have any notable family, retainers or hangers-on? Who are the calming influences (and thus the ideal targets) amongst the defenders? How many people are there, in what roles?

Anyone who flees the castle should be caught and brought before us,  or if our followers cannot, we're shall appear before them ourselves. Those are willing to serve will join the thralls, those who are not will have their souls devoured, and their lifeless bodies will be hurled back into the castle.

Caliwick will be tasked with providing advise to Lorrethel if asked, and to focus on providing us with suitable cavalry to fill out that very understaffed section of the army. In any spare time, he will continue with the Wardstone project.

Speaking of, the army will march to Southbend and set up camp nearby, but out of sight. We don't want to assault yet, but having the army nearby will open up our options. We will then start probing the magical defences, gently testing it for weaknesses and exploits that will allow us to push our demonic influence on those within.

I'm hoping to turn the entire castle in on itself,  allowing us to swoop in, feed on the resultant Evil, converting the survivors and raising the dead. I'm also hoping to convert at least someone within the Southbend dynasty into a Champion.

I also recall the previous Demon game involved having "relations" with a mortal, that resulted in a half-dozen child. Would any of you be interested in cultivating our own semi-reliable lieutenants in that way? Is Is Urist okay with facilitating that?
+1, But we should make the best 20 of our Barrow Bows Hunters as well, both to ensure a loyal command base and to add a group of specialists within the Scouts.  I'd also like to delegate 4 points of power (2 physical, 2 mental) to both Lurrothel and Duthrax, to bolster their abilities for the fight ahead.  They've done more than enough to deserve it.
As for further community engagement, we should send the Seers and Seeker gathered from the countryside back to their farms, attended by two of our priests,  and use their skills to reinforce the Blood Boons,  as well as any other beneficial, but not completely alienating  rites and spells they can think of. Try to get them to emphasize how much "friendlier"  and accessible this form of magic is.
I also recall the previous Demon game involved having "relations" with a mortal, that resulted in a half-dozen child. Would any of you be interested in cultivating our own semi-reliable lieutenants in that way? Is Is Urist okay with facilitating that?
The only problem I see with that is our position within this new society.  How "connected" with  the mortal realm  do we want to appear?  If we're that keen to "normalize"  the demonic for the populace, I'm all for it. We can decide what positions to place them within if we get them.

Urist Mc Dwarf

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In the north, numerous minor dwarven holds have been taken, but all the major ones are holding and dealing as much damage to the besieging armies as they are taking.

In the west, it's a blood-soaked affair. Some legions have defected, and both sides are using brutal tactics - including some mind control on the part of the rebels, and limited usage of undead. Not necromancy, more digging a pit, shoving already animated zombies in it, and covering the pit so soldiers march into it.


  • Bay Watcher
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We might want to send another wave of corruptive dreams and visions out there, then.
How well known is Caliwick to the people of Avar? What sort of tales are told about him?

Urist Mc Dwarf

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Everyone knows him. There are a million legends about him, each one more horrifying than the last.


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Are any of the cults and orders dedicated to him still around, and would they join us?


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...I like Dwarves. Could we support them somehow? You know how Dwarves tend to be about ancient debts, after all...

EDIT: Dude, I just got really turned on to the idea of normalizing Demonkind in this world. Upper/Lower class divide, uncrossable except through violent means, or perhaps a deal involving your soul...
Undead and mutated servants, battling in a bloodbathed arena for entertainment purposes...
And most importanyly, us on top, cackling as the other Great Demons try to claw a piece of OUR world for themselves...
Yes, I like.
« Last Edit: March 05, 2019, 10:02:05 pm by KitRougard »
Scream all you want
They don't understand
Your Comic Sans font
A language of another land

Urist Mc Dwarf

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Here’s a writing challenge: Describe one of the monsters Caliwick made which is now awakening.


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Can we submit multiples?


King Zultan

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Whilst we will not solve Lurrothel's problem for her (otherwise how would she learn?), we will give her the tools she needs to resolve the issue. Ten zombies and a doom-seeker will be tasked with following her every order and up to five resources will be spared for her endeavours. Perhaps she'll find a way out of the flame, and be the mightier for it. Maybe she will be consumed, one more sacrifice in our name. Or she may even take a liking to her new home, and instead choose to develop her control of the outside world from it. If she believes herself to be truly trapped, then we will intervene. We will transform the flame into a fire opal, with her soul still trapped inside. It will then form the focus of the Rod of Dreams, allowing the user to tap into Lurrothel's memories and expertise as needed. We either regain a champion, or we have a nifty artifact. Win/win.

We shall claim two hundred of the Barrow Bows as our own, serving as Scouts for our demonic army. The remaining two hundred will be granted to Kreth as his personal retinue, whilst he continues to make the countryside a death trap to all who refuse us.

The Southbend cult will be named the Bloody Terror. Whilst the Night-Stalkers continue sowing discord, the servants will provide intelligence for us: Are there any secret entrances to the castle? Does Lord Southbend have any notable family, retainers or hangers-on? Who are the calming influences (and thus the ideal targets) amongst the defenders? How many people are there, in what roles?

Anyone who flees the castle should be caught and brought before us,  or if our followers cannot, we're shall appear before them ourselves. Those are willing to serve will join the thralls, those who are not will have their souls devoured, and their lifeless bodies will be hurled back into the castle.

Caliwick will be tasked with providing advise to Lorrethel if asked, and to focus on providing us with suitable cavalry to fill out that very understaffed section of the army. In any spare time, he will continue with the Wardstone project.

Speaking of, the army will march to Southbend and set up camp nearby, but out of sight. We don't want to assault yet, but having the army nearby will open up our options. We will then start probing the magical defences, gently testing it for weaknesses and exploits that will allow us to push our demonic influence on those within.

I'm hoping to turn the entire castle in on itself,  allowing us to swoop in, feed on the resultant Evil, converting the survivors and raising the dead. I'm also hoping to convert at least someone within the Southbend dynasty into a Champion.

I also recall the previous Demon game involved having "relations" with a mortal, that resulted in a half-dozen child. Would any of you be interested in cultivating our own semi-reliable lieutenants in that way? Is Is Urist okay with facilitating that?
+1, But we should make the best 20 of our Barrow Bows Hunters as well, both to ensure a loyal command base and to add a group of specialists within the Scouts.  I'd also like to delegate 4 points of power (2 physical, 2 mental) to both Lurrothel and Duthrax, to bolster their abilities for the fight ahead.  They've done more than enough to deserve it.
As for further community engagement, we should send the Seers and Seeker gathered from the countryside back to their farms, attended by two of our priests,  and use their skills to reinforce the Blood Boons,  as well as any other beneficial, but not completely alienating  rites and spells they can think of. Try to get them to emphasize how much "friendlier"  and accessible this form of magic is.
I also recall the previous Demon game involved having "relations" with a mortal, that resulted in a half-dozen child. Would any of you be interested in cultivating our own semi-reliable lieutenants in that way? Is Is Urist okay with facilitating that?
The only problem I see with that is our position within this new society.  How "connected" with  the mortal realm  do we want to appear?  If we're that keen to "normalize"  the demonic for the populace, I'm all for it. We can decide what positions to place them within if we get them.
The Lawyer opens a briefcase. It's full of lemons, the justice fruit only lawyers may touch.
Make sure not to step on any errant blood stains before we find our LIFE EXTINGUSHER.
but anyway, if you'll excuse me, I need to commit sebbaku.
Quote from: Leodanny
Can I have the sword when you’re done?
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