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Author Topic: The Rise of a Demon (Number of ritual wedding duels: 1)  (Read 56461 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Instead of summoning something with a region wide rune, what about just pulling in raw magical/demonic energy and using it in a forge to make demonic artifacts or golems?

Also the demonic ecosystem needs food to sustain the carnivorous beasts.  Maybe we can make flesh growing trees out of lots of  slaves that are self sustaining on their torment.
It depends. Based on the things that we've seen thus far, this corruption has spread to  most parts of the ecosystem, including the plants. So long as we keep some available demonic herbivores, we shouldn't have a problem. 
I'm not really sure about us installing bad Feng Shui. For one, it seems like the sort of thing we can delegate to our subordinates. Plus, the process is time consuming,  and the Legion arriving soon, we need everyone on hand for it.

Due to this, a shift on the offensive is needed.
The zombie horde should continue to deepen the moat, and build up the breastwork further.  For our thralls  and peons currently stationed at the castle, they should begin to reinforce  the current gatehouse, alongside installing a series of arrow slits within the walls.
Accept Duthrax's request, and have the Gresh-spawn tag along if he ends up raiding.They can seed any animals and victims cut down by the prospects.
 Caliwick should attempt to teach the Doomseers and Doom-seekers new spells, and expand their form of magic, placing an emphasis on long-range, artillery-like ones.
Krieth, the faith in the Barrows assigned to him renewed, can return to  corrupting the landscape, but with the added goal of rooting out any Legion advance scouts in his path.  If possible, he should capture and interrogate them, in order to gain further information on our foe.

The Order of the Changing Way should  now turn its efforts to recruitment amongst the zealous. Those who seem willing shall go to Southbend, where their skills and capabilities will be tested, and thus assigned to a fitting role: Average recruits for Thralls,  those with magic for Shapers or Doom-seekers, those capable in the divine for Dark Priests. If they don't have anything useful, set them aside  for brute fusion. The Doom Squad can continue their improvement efforts.
 Have the Barrow Bows currently near Southbend begin to trap the paths  most likely to be used by the Legion, and begin to recruit more bandits to the cause.
Send a final 10 resources into the Ceaseless Consumption, to sponsor a competition of sagas and songs. Within it, have the  Seducers themselves participate, telling  tales of far off lands and changing powers, mixed in with a few urban legends and horror stories  loosely based on our exploits. The intention should be twofold within this event: To both  further fascinate those in attendance (everyone likes a good story), and to intimidate any members of the Legion who wouldn't be swayed by the Consumption's efforts. This event will also give us the perfect cover for a dream assault by  Lurrothel, plaguing the rank and file with corruptive nightmares. In addition to the usual terrors, she should attempt to invoke a feeling of paranoia within the forces due to their prior relations with the dwarves, leaving them skeptical of every aspect of their gear.
« Last Edit: March 12, 2019, 01:27:22 pm by WyrdByrd »

Urist Mc Dwarf

  • Bay Watcher
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So, I would like more of a consensus for a plan. Also, do you accept Duthrax’s request?


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Anyone have any ideas for the Avar Society?
« Last Edit: March 12, 2019, 08:46:29 am by WyrdByrd »


  • Bay Watcher
  • Urist McCarpenter
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Gives them resources to Establish evil Feng shui Philosophie in all aspects of their decadent ways. Try to seduce artists and artisans to Join this movement.
Have them create Art to impress Others. This ist to subtly corrupt society AS a whole.
Look for Your best Smith and infuse hin to become an unnaturally able Smith and give him to the avar society.
« Last Edit: March 12, 2019, 08:55:32 am by Detoxicated »


  • Bay Watcher
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Time for the other part of the Oroboros writing!

Name- The Oroboros
Age- Ancient, exact date unknown.
Description- A tall, graceful beast, with the upper body of a human female and a 20 foot long snake's tail from the waist down. Originally created in a dark ritual involving a live virgin, a man-eating snake, "Human Centipede"-class twisted surgery, and a liberal application of freshly killed blood.
Spoiler: Violent Ritual (click to show/hide)
A depraved ritual to be sure, which Caliwick would go on to refine, although this first beast had some... Issues. Details were recorded in his notes.
~~The Notes~~
The Oroboros successfully combined two different species' flesh into one amalgam, but that brought with it the problem of motive. The snake's primal brain meshed with the mind of the broken human, and created a monster that could think and plot, with one goal in mind - hunger. Its thirst was quenched forever with its bloody birth, but though it needed no food, it hungered for mortal flesh. It has eaten both rotten zombie and still-living villager, and I believe the only thing keeping myself off the menu is my demonic heritage. It has also shown a repulsion to the flesh of the clergy, though it kills priests with joy. Other quirks include poisoned claw-like nails and venomous fangs. It also has a strange way with words that affects even I...
In honesty, I can hardly control it, and will lock it in a tomb I had hoped to use for hiding a far greater army. But the beast cannot be left to its own devices, or there will not be a world left to conquer.
Scream all you want
They don't understand
Your Comic Sans font
A language of another land

Urist Mc Dwarf

  • Bay Watcher
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I would like more of a consensus before I post an update, and an answer for Duthrax.


  • Bay Watcher
  • One letter short of a wookie
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I'll back WyrdByrd's plan.

King Zultan

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The Lawyer opens a briefcase. It's full of lemons, the justice fruit only lawyers may touch.
Make sure not to step on any errant blood stains before we find our LIFE EXTINGUSHER.
but anyway, if you'll excuse me, I need to commit sebbaku.
Quote from: Leodanny
Can I have the sword when you’re done?

Urist Mc Dwarf

  • Bay Watcher
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The Legion sends their soldiers southwards in an attempt to defeat you. They do not comprehend what they are fighting against, but you will teach them. You tell Duthrax to begin his raids, and to take the Greshspawn to leave behind plenty of presents for the Legion. His lips quirk at the thought, and several detachments of soldier leave, Greshspawn buzzing above their heads, stingers dripping with venom.

Next, you prepare to fill their minds with fear and terror. Once more, you deliver some resources to the Ceaseless Consumption, wishing you had a better way to get them supplies. This sort of work seems like it should be beneath you, although it is good to personally remind your followers who is in charge every so often. This feast is a resounding success, although all the soldiers coming to attack you have long since passed through. Still, the stories told fill people’s minds, and the words of the Seducers go a long way to convincing many that it might be wise to prepare for the defeat of the Legion…and to embrace the words of Klicks-Dricklefix, at least enough to avoid something like the Burning of Canord. Two members of the city’s Council attend the fair, and both seem quite concerned by the possibility, concerned enough to have the high seducer personally brief them on everything she knows.

In a private meeting – private enough that she convinces the council members to send away their personal priests – she persuades the two of them to begin preparing the city for your inevitable conquest, and to join the cause and reap the resultant rewards.

Meanwhile, Lurrothel attacks the dreams of the soldiers. While they took the precaution of having priests ward the dreams against demonic intrusion, Lurrothel is the Weaver of Nightmares, and their pitiful wards are torn to shreds, leading to several of the priests dying in their sleep, blood pouring from everywhere there is a gap in the flesh. With their defenses stripped bare, she runs rampant through their minds, filling them with terror and paranoia so severe that nearly a hundred men desert and another hundred horse arches refuse to get on their horses after various minor incidents such as tossed shoes and unusually loud neighs. Every night the dreams go on, and every day a few more men slip away.

Their morale improves somewhat when the horse archers encounter the Barrow Bows, leading to a brief but bloody battle. The charge of the cavalry is enough to scatter the undisciplined rangers, and then it is a rout, with nearly fifty of your followers cut down in exchange for three dead legionaries. They find the traps the Barrow Bows were making as well, and know enough to avoid them now. The losses of the Bows are at least somewhat made good as more bandits trickle in, tempted by the promise of loot.

Kreth responds by further corrupting the land, attempting to cover the land the Legion marches on with thorns and venom, but the surviving priests manage to counter his efforts enough to make them inconsequential.

However, the Barrow Bows, now in the sort of war they are familiar with, prove very effective. Though several do not return from missions, numerous scouts are captured or killed.  They are thoroughly interrogated and then executed and from what they say a picture forms:

The soldiers approaching are mostly green, and they are the ones suffering most from the dreams. Nearly four hundred have deserted already, including half their horse arches, leaving them with only about a hundred auxiliary cavalry and fifty regular legion cavalry. Morale is in shambles, and most are convinced they are outnumbered 10-1 if not by more. However, the commander is still confident despite the nightmares, and has convinced most that the dreams are a sign of weakness – whatever necromancer responsible must resort to tricks because he knows he is outmatched.

When the scouts begin finding villages destroyed by Duthrax’s soldiers – two were apparently eaten alive by the children of Greshspawn – their confidence is shaken, but they still think that once they force you into battle you will lose.

Duthrax’s raiders return, and he picks out seven to be raised to the rank of Thrall-herd. You grant them a minor fragment of your power, and he gives them some sort of rank insignia. You weren’t really paying attention.

The moat digging continues steadily, while the gates are reinforced. Arrow slits and murder holes are carven through the walls, and lines of sight are mapped to ensure there will be nowhere same from archer fire.

Caliwick begins to teach some magic to the Doom-Seers and Doom-Seekers, but he seems to be frustrated by their lack of theoretical knowledge, and has to teach them that first. While they grow more effective generally, they don’t learn any new spells.

He is also frustrated in his efforts to teach your mages because he has to teach several others the basics. The Order of the Changing way found 11 with the capacity to become Doom-Seekers, and sent them to you with 2 converted priests and a few thralls.

And in Henord Crossing, more pledge themselves to you, actively embracing your worship. You can feel the power flowing from a mass sacrifice of a dozen goats in the center of the town square, and you smile, even as you see the Legion, just on the edge of your vision. Do you have any last minute preparations?

Name: Klx-Dryklfx

Time: 8.5 months

Physical Might: 114 +6 ( -6 leakage,  + 32 worship)

Mental Might: ] 114 +6 ( -6 leakage,  + 32 worship)


The Ceaseless Consumption
  Members: 7 seducers, 1 high seducer, 3 Shapers, 396 peons, 2 members of the city council in Avendor
  Resources: 0 (+10 given, - 10  festival )
  Power: 20 ( 12 spent throwing festival, 5 spent worshipping)
The Avar Society
  Members: 1 seducer, 23 peons, 14 merchants, 7 artisans
Resources: 0 (+3 donations, +5 given -8 party)
Power: 4(4 spent throwing parties)


   Strong walls (45), Deep moat (25), Thorn Wall (25), Weak wards (15), Traps (15) Demonic crops, plentiful mines, Strong aura of domination.
  Basic Walls (25), Living Ward(15), Demonic Mud Moat (20)
Castle Southbend
  Strong Walls (35), Strong Wards (30), Moat (20), Gargoyle Guards (15), aura of reanimation
Demonic Realm
2400 Peons
1 Doom-Seer, 2 Doom-Seekers, 317 Slaves, 4 Dark Priests
55 resources (- 10 Ceasless Consumption)
+26 power/week, + 20 resources/week
Slight corruption
Demonic Armies
11 Reavers, 2 Doom-Seekers, 50 thralls, 100 zombies in Canord
The Broken – 821 chaff (46 thralls, 441 zombies, 227 skeletons, 17 wisp wights, 89 weeping sores), 598 light infantry (297 Spear-Thralls, 2 Spear-Thrallherds, 297 Sword-Thralls, 2 Sword-Thrallherds), 269 heavy infantry (27 Demon-Touched , 1 Demon-Touched Thrallherd, 199 wisp-wretches, 42 heavy swordsman), 230 ranged (212 Archer-Thralls, 2 Archer-Thrallherds 17 slingers), 30 mages (2 Doom-Seers, 28 Doom-Seekers), 334 heavy cavalry( 5 mounted god-slayers, 329 deathless knights), 23 Infiltrators (18 Hunters, 5 Night-Stalkers), 28 support (15 Dark Priests, 1 Dread Priest, 12 Shapers), 10 siege (8 armored brutes, 2 crushers), 17 incorporeal(17 specters), 180 scouts (rangers), 17 flyers (17 Gresh-spawn) in Southbend
Barrow Bows – 172 scouts (rangers), 37 light infantry (bandits) in between Avar and Southbend
Kreth Woemaker
   Physical might: 21 (+11 worship, - 8 corruption)
   Mental might: 21 (+11 worship, - 8 corruption)
   Other: Magic Cloak, worshipped by the Barrow Bows

Duthrax Soul-Render, First of the Thrall-Herds
  Physical might: 9 + 1
  Mental might: 5+ 1
  Other: Duelist, skilled commander, zombie horse, Herald

Lurrothel, Weaver of Nightmares
  Physical might: 3
  Mental might: 8
  Other: Necromancer, skilled at wards and dream magic, pregnant with your child
Caliwick the Arch-Necromancer
   Physical might: 2
   Mental might: 11
   Other: Necromancer, Soulbond, Living Legend


  +6 physical, +6 mental
  Bringer of unholy rot, Reanimator, Focus of Power

Magic Cloak
  Unknown properties

  +2 physical, + 2 mental
    Inspiring song, crimson regeneration


  • Bay Watcher
  • Urist McCarpenter
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Re: The Rise of a Demon (Number of feasts thrown: 4)
« Reply #489 on: March 13, 2019, 09:14:14 pm »

Strike at their Graveyard First and Raise the dead to cause Chaos in town.

Urist Mc Dwarf

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Re: The Rise of a Demon (Number of feasts thrown: 4)
« Reply #490 on: March 13, 2019, 09:21:53 pm »

The Legion is currently in a mostly wilderness area. There aren't really any graveyards, just a few family plots.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Rise of a Demon (Number of feasts thrown: 4)
« Reply #491 on: March 13, 2019, 09:27:13 pm »

How many regular legionnaires are there?  We were able to get a number on their cavalry, so I was wondering if we had any info on the main body.

Urist Mc Dwarf

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Re: The Rise of a Demon (Number of feasts thrown: 4)
« Reply #492 on: March 13, 2019, 09:29:36 pm »

There's about 750 infantry, all equipped with spears and javelins.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Rise of a Demon (Number of feasts thrown: 4)
« Reply #493 on: March 13, 2019, 11:43:14 pm »

their confidence is shaken, but they still think that once they force you into battle you will lose.

Lets fuck with them.

Appear before the legion alone, while they are still in the woods and challenge them in all your splendor. Attack. At the first sign of annoying holy weapons, feign serious damage and try to lead them into a wild goose chase through the forest. They will continue to take attrition damage from the Barrow Bows and our Baby Mama's nightmares. While playing this game, try to isolate and attack small groups, leaving a soldier or two alive to report back that you are still 'wounded' so that they keep up the chase as long as possible.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Rise of a Demon (Number of feasts thrown: 4)
« Reply #494 on: March 14, 2019, 06:54:24 am »

their confidence is shaken, but they still think that once they force you into battle you will lose.

Lets fuck with them.

Appear before the legion alone, while they are still in the woods and challenge them in all your splendor. Attack. At the first sign of annoying holy weapons, feign serious damage and try to lead them into a wild goose chase through the forest. They will continue to take attrition damage from the Barrow Bows and our Baby Mama's nightmares. While playing this game, try to isolate and attack small groups, leaving a soldier or two alive to report back that you are still 'wounded' so that they keep up the chase as long as possible.

That might boost their morale too far. Plus, that would give them more faith in their commander. Remember, they don't know a demon is responsible for this incident.
 If we really wanted to  make our true powers known, have Krieth perform this game for us, eventually leading out into the fortress. Knowing that they lost both time and men to a lieutenant would probably discourage them further.

Of course, we shouldn't remain idle during this time. Using our corruptive power, we should break the horses that the Legion has remaining: be it through shattering their minds or warping their bodies. They only have 150 left, and animals are far more easily manipulated, so this won't be an intensive effort on our part. 
Most of the Broken should be within the fortress, with  the archers and mages at the murder holes closest to the gate first,  then slowly spreading out to the    The  priests  and Shapers should  be present behind them,  ready to bless or heal our troops if needed. Within the gatehouse, we should prepare a  battle line: All of our brutes and crushers at the  center of the front, encased by Wisp Wretches around the flanks. Directly behind them should be the spear and sword thralls, supported by our hunters and  slingers.
Finally, Duthrax and the Godslayers should divide the Deathless Knights into two, and bring them outside the castle. Should they attempt to engage our forces, have them  charge on each side of the Legion's flanks, in order to  stagger their initial advance.

 When the Legion first reaches Southbend, we should be positioned upon the most   visible sections of the walls, surrounded  by the Demon-Touched and Caliwick, being orbited by the Greshspawn. Much like the Spears before them,  offer the Legion one chance at surrender and submission,  imbuing our  words with an immense amount of mental influence.
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