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Author Topic: The Rise of a Demon (Number of ritual wedding duels: 1)  (Read 56509 times)

Urist Mc Dwarf

  • Bay Watcher
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It exists. It is somewhere. It might just take some time to find it.


  • Bay Watcher
  • One letter short of a wookie
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If Lurrothel finds her way out of the holy fire, I can see her being an option. But for now, I'm happy to pause on the reproduction plan.


  • Bay Watcher
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Well, it's more like she'll find us because of the kind of monster she is, but hey, we might get the drop on her as she looks for us!
Scream all you want
They don't understand
Your Comic Sans font
A language of another land

Urist Mc Dwarf

  • Bay Watcher
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You send a small force to Lurrothel. Ten zombies commanded by a Doom-Seeker split off from the Broken, carrying loads of stone. They arrived, and the zombies walk in, still carrying their loads of stone. They burn, and the stone falls to the ground, driving the fire back enough for Lurrothel to crawl out, her flesh burned black. She is carried back to Avar, moaning in agony, and left to recover on her own.
Caliwick grins when you mention cavalry. It’s actually a little unsettling…he heads south, into the desert, and finds what he went looking for. A veritable army rises up from under the sands, horses and riders with their bodies twisted so that it is locked forever, withered and dried like the desert itself.  And deadlier things rise as well – creatures of the brood of the Dame of Famine, with her endless hunger and swift flight, although their capacity to infect others is currently reduced by their long slumber. He rides north, bringing his army with him.

The Barrow-Bows are split in two. Half join with your army, the other half continuing to work with Krell. He encourages them to worship him, to participate in depraved orgies of blood-letting and animal sacrifice. The power he gains from this is spent, corrupting the land, making profusions of demonic crops and grasping thorns stretch across the ground. Most are merely thorny and unpleasant, but a few near the rivers leak a corrupting poison from their diseased flowers. Of those who join the Broken, you pick out the twenty fastest and deadliest. And with a casual wave of your hand, you turn them into Hunters. Unfortunately, seven of them seemed unable to bear the transformation, wounding themselves seriously as they attempted to block out the horrid thoughts before their brains dribbled out of their heads. Perhaps doing this in the middle of a typically horrible worship ceremony wasn’t the best idea. Whoops.

At your orders, the servants begin to do more than hide the Night-Stalkers and provide amusement. They begin to provide intelligence – mostly useless gossip. The Night-Stalkers demonstrate their displeasure. The servants are even less capable of finding information now. But the tension in the castle rises with every kill, with every mocking mimicry. They have no priests now, and no one dares enter the chapel. The commander of the garrison is a nervous wreck after finding the heads of his family stashes around his office…and hearing them whispering to him. Two companies of mercenaries abandoned Southbend, the smaller one fleeing north. Their barely living bodies were tossed over the wall the next morning, and you barely suffered a scratch fighting them. The larger went south, and slit their arms as they knelt before you.

A few more flee, but they are tossed over the wall as well. For now the soulless bodies are being kept in the dungeon, tended by a few healers.

Your army camps just south of Southbend now, barely out of sight of the castle walls. They don’t send scouting parties anymore, and no more mercenaries join their cause. Their numbers dwindle every day, from sudden claws in the night, from bloody clashes in the courtyard, from sheer terror as the setting sun begins to lengthen the shadows on the walls.

The Avar Society continues to struggle, and recruitment for the Ceaseless Consumption slows as well. The Doom-Seekers and Doom-Seer have a little better luck, as they turn some crops demonic and help guide the zombies.

As the week draws to a close, you grant a final boon to Duthrax and Lurrothel, carefully making sure neither of them explodes. They survive, although both look distinctly inhuman now – Duthrax’s mouth has turned vertical, and Lurrothel will bear burn marks in the form of blasphemous sigils forever.

Name: Klx-Dryklfx

Time: 7.75 months

Physical Might: 87+6 (-4 leakage,- 20 Hunters, -4 empowerment, +25 worship)

Mental Might: ] 87+6 (-4 leakage,- 20 Hunters, -4 empowerment, +25 worship)


The Ceaseless Consumption
  Members: 7 seducers and 77 peons split among 8 locations, 1 high seducer and 75 peons
  Resources: 0
  Power: 14 (5 spent worshipping you, 3 spent recruiting, 4 spent spreading rumors)
The Avar Society
  Members: 1 seducer, 14 peons
Resources: 0 (+4 “donations”, -4 party)
Power: 2(2 spent throwing parties)
The Bloody Terror Cult in Southbend
Members: 8(5 Night-Stalkers, 3 servants)
Resources: 0
Power: 5 (2 spent making discord, 2 spent spying)

   Strong walls (45), Deep moat (25), Thorn Wall (25), Weak wards (15), Traps (15) Demonic crops, plentiful mines, Strong aura of domination.
  Basic Walls(25), Living Ward(15), Demonic Mud Moat (10)

Demonic Realm
1900 Peons
1 Doom-Seer, 2 Doom-Seekers
46 resources (-5 rescuing Lurrothel)
+20 power/week, + 15 resources/week
Demonic Armies
13 Reavers, 2 Doom-Seekers, 50 thralls, 100 zombies in Canord
The Broken – 826 chaff (52 thralls, 441 zombies, 227 skeletons, 17 wisp wights, 89 weeping sores), 339 light infantry (137 Spear-Thralls, 202 Sword-Thralls), 137 heavy infantry (28 Demon-Touched, 109 wisp-wretches), 130 ranged (130 Archer-Thralls), 19 mages (2 Doom-Seers, 17 Doom-Seekers), 336 heavy cavalry( 5 mounted god-slayers, 331 deathless knights), 18 infiltrators (18 Hunters), 33 support (18 Dark Priests, 15 Shapers), 10 siege (8 armored brutes, 2 crushers), 17 incorporeal(17 specters), 180 scouts (rangers), 17 flyers (17 Gresh-spawn) near Southbend
Barrow Bows – 200 scouts (rangers) in between Avar and Southbend
Kreth Woemaker
   Physical might: 12 (+10 worship, - 8 corruption)
   Mental might: 12 (+10 worship, - 8 corruption)
   Other: Magic Cloak, worshipped by the Barrow Bows

Duthrax Soul-Render, First of the Thrall-Herds
  Physical might: 9 + 1
  Mental might: 5+ 1
  Other: Duelist, skilled commander, zombie horse, Herald

Lurrothel, Weaver of Nightmares
  Physical might: 0.1 (Injuries)
  Mental might: 3(Injuries)
  Other: Necromancer, skilled at wards and dream magic
Caliwick the Arch-Necromancer
   Physical might: 2
   Mental might: 11
   Other: Necromancer, Soulbond, Living Legend


  +6 physical, +6 mental
  Bringer of unholy rot, Reanimator, Focus of Power

Magic Cloak
  Unknown properties

  +1 physical, + 1 mental
    Inspiring song


  • Bay Watcher
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Our dungeon, or Southbend's?


  • Bay Watcher
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Well, she's not dead... Let us tend to Lurrothel's wounds, find out what happened with that fire, and perhaps get to know her a bit better *wink wink nudge nudge* as we discussed previously once she is better.

And, uh, whatever else you all want to happen.
Scream all you want
They don't understand
Your Comic Sans font
A language of another land

Urist Mc Dwarf

  • Bay Watcher
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Southbend’s. It’s not safe for them to be out in the courtyard, and the regular infirmary is usually pretty full.


  • Bay Watcher
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I'd imagine.  How " cleanly" would you say the castle is nowadays? Do they just toss the corpses over the walls, or is there a dedicated gravesite or burning-zone?


  • Bay Watcher
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Not a lot of news from the Lord in this day and age. He still around?

Urist Mc Dwarf

  • Bay Watcher
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As far as your Night-Stalkers can tell, he is slowly drinking himself to death in his rooms.
« Last Edit: March 08, 2019, 05:12:06 pm by Urist Mc Dwarf »


  • Bay Watcher
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 In terms of  development, we need to up our non-combatant participation. At the moment, the Avar Society and the Ceaseless  Consumption have been doing  next to nothing for us.  I propose we distribute a total of 15 resources to them: 5 to the former and 10 to the latter.  The Society needs to focus on networking and presentation, using the resources to connect with the influential still within Avar and Henord's Crossing: aldermen, burghers,  wealthy scholars, and so forth. Ideally, we make the Society a place that movers and shakers within the Realm would actively seek out.  Once we do so, construction of  a Chapterhouse outside of Avar can begin.

As for the Ceaseless Consumption, their boon should be dedicated to planning a grand fair, one that serves not to  terrify the populace, but fascinate and intrigue them.  The Consumption may go about this Festival of Change however they wish, so long as they keep this purpose in mind.  Should they require it, we will even send three Shapers back to  Avar, in order to ease the process.


  • Bay Watcher
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Develop a powerful addictive narcotic to be used in rituals and distributed in general, something that makes people susceptible to demonic influence.  Give that to our cults attempting recruitment and additional resources.

Edit: Eh it doesn't even really need to be that addictive as long as it makes them vulnerable and gets them in a pleasant altered state.

We should try more direct recruitment inside the castle.  Offers of not being murdered and a way out of the castle if people join us by committing a murder of a soldier.  People are already on edge and killing each other, if we can get them on our side thanks to it all the better.  Give it a one day offer before we do the assault.  Maybe have our hunters drop leaflets around for people to find.
« Last Edit: March 07, 2019, 11:44:43 pm by VoidSlayer »


  • Bay Watcher
  • One letter short of a wookie
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Summon our most skilled Shapers, and give them access to a small portion of our power so that they can bring Lurrothel back to full strength. (Not as a boon to anyone mind, purely as an energy source if they need it).

I believe we've brought the castle to the appropriate level of terror now. Tonight, we seize it and everyone within.

As the sun sets, we will spend some power to make the darkness around and within the castle heavier and deeper. So dark that anyone standing outside without light will not be able to see their own hand in front of their face, and even a bonfire will barely illuminate for more than a few meters around it. Meanwhile, our army will march on the castle, trusting in the unnatural darkness to blind any watchers on the walls, and await outside the gates whilst we alight in the centre of the courtyard.

The Night-Stalkers will then capture everyone outside and bring them to us. We will lift the darkness from each of them as they arrive, and offer them the chance to serve us or be consumed, noisily. Once the last person has been dealt with, and everyone inside is thoroughly terrified by the sounds of us eating, we will then have the gates opened for our army, lift the darkness enough that they can see, but those within the keep are still blind and they'll secure everywhere but the keep.

We will then repeat the process with out Night-Stalkers with the Keep, slowly advancing on wherever we believe Lord Southbend to be (probably his chambers). Once we find him, we will very carefully extract every memory from his mind. This should give us a wealth of information about the kingdom, the surrounding area, the political movers and shakers, etc. As well as enough information to impersonate him if need be. We will then consume him too, unless he's particularly desperate to convert I suppose. The only other exceptions are any of his family that we find, who we'll keep to one side for later processing.

Meanwhile, the Avar Society and the Ceaseless Consumption will be receive a shipment of resources (5 to Avar, 10 to the Ceaseless Consumption) from our Demonic realm. This should be a bolstering shot to a rather subpar performance recently.  The Society needs to focus on networking and presentation, using the resources to connect with the influential still within Avar and Henord's Crossing: aldermen, burghers,  wealthy scholars, and so forth. Ideally, we make the Society a place that movers and shakers within the Realm would actively seek out.  Once we do so, construction of  a Chapterhouse outside of Avar can begin. As for the Ceaseless Consumption, their boon should be dedicated to planning a grand fair, one that serves not to  terrify the populace, but fascinate and intrigue them.  The Consumption may go about this Festival of Change however they wish, so long as they keep this purpose in mind.  Should they require it, we will even send three Shapers back to  Avar, in order to ease the process. Both cults will be reminded that we will not take further failure lightly.

King Zultan

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Summon our most skilled Shapers, and give them access to a small portion of our power so that they can bring Lurrothel back to full strength. (Not as a boon to anyone mind, purely as an energy source if they need it).

I believe we've brought the castle to the appropriate level of terror now. Tonight, we seize it and everyone within.

As the sun sets, we will spend some power to make the darkness around and within the castle heavier and deeper. So dark that anyone standing outside without light will not be able to see their own hand in front of their face, and even a bonfire will barely illuminate for more than a few meters around it. Meanwhile, our army will march on the castle, trusting in the unnatural darkness to blind any watchers on the walls, and await outside the gates whilst we alight in the centre of the courtyard.

The Night-Stalkers will then capture everyone outside and bring them to us. We will lift the darkness from each of them as they arrive, and offer them the chance to serve us or be consumed, noisily. Once the last person has been dealt with, and everyone inside is thoroughly terrified by the sounds of us eating, we will then have the gates opened for our army, lift the darkness enough that they can see, but those within the keep are still blind and they'll secure everywhere but the keep.

We will then repeat the process with out Night-Stalkers with the Keep, slowly advancing on wherever we believe Lord Southbend to be (probably his chambers). Once we find him, we will very carefully extract every memory from his mind. This should give us a wealth of information about the kingdom, the surrounding area, the political movers and shakers, etc. As well as enough information to impersonate him if need be. We will then consume him too, unless he's particularly desperate to convert I suppose. The only other exceptions are any of his family that we find, who we'll keep to one side for later processing.

Meanwhile, the Avar Society and the Ceaseless Consumption will be receive a shipment of resources (5 to Avar, 10 to the Ceaseless Consumption) from our Demonic realm. This should be a bolstering shot to a rather subpar performance recently.  The Society needs to focus on networking and presentation, using the resources to connect with the influential still within Avar and Henord's Crossing: aldermen, burghers,  wealthy scholars, and so forth. Ideally, we make the Society a place that movers and shakers within the Realm would actively seek out.  Once we do so, construction of  a Chapterhouse outside of Avar can begin. As for the Ceaseless Consumption, their boon should be dedicated to planning a grand fair, one that serves not to  terrify the populace, but fascinate and intrigue them.  The Consumption may go about this Festival of Change however they wish, so long as they keep this purpose in mind.  Should they require it, we will even send three Shapers back to  Avar, in order to ease the process. Both cults will be reminded that we will not take further failure lightly.
The Lawyer opens a briefcase. It's full of lemons, the justice fruit only lawyers may touch.
Make sure not to step on any errant blood stains before we find our LIFE EXTINGUSHER.
but anyway, if you'll excuse me, I need to commit sebbaku.
Quote from: Leodanny
Can I have the sword when you’re done?
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