Stone carvers Rainment.
This spell is used to manipulate the earth through the use of sympathetic connections between dirt and soil taken from the ground, And to help facilite the connection it comes with a pair of boots and gloves in order to place the dirt and soil inside.
The creation of the sympathetic is done via placing stone and dirt from the area near the user into a pair of pouches located on the gloves and boots. These samples allow the spell matrix to know what to target.
When the sympathetic connection between earth is created the caster can them proceed to use the gloves and boot to manipulate the earth around them, Mimicking the movements that the ground will undertake, Pushing pulling and compacting the ground into the new shapes.
The sympathetic connection between that locations dirt and stone helps to keep the magical power used low, because, through this sympathetic connection, the enchantment tricks the magic within the earth to help move it, even as minuscule as presence it is. By tricking the Magic rescinding inside the dirt and stone into aiding with the demanded movement, it becomes astronomically easier because of the connection, or Attunement as some of my colleagues call it, between the dirt and stones magic is much higher than that of a magis magic, making the task many times easier.
The stone carvers rainment were designed to help Speed the construction of fortifications, allowing quick work to be done by the work of one man instead of what an entire team of men that would be needed to complete the same work.
Of course, using the stone carvers gloves take quite a fair bit of concentration, and requires more magical power than any of the other spells in our arsenal right now even with the Sympathetic connection created between the dirt and stone and the enchantment of the glove.