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Author Topic: Divine Fuckery: The End is Nigh  (Read 118344 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Divine Fuckery: Vibrating and Penetration
« Reply #285 on: December 24, 2018, 05:47:14 am »

Yeah, it's no problem. Family's a lot more important than almost any RTD.

Citation needed.


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Re: Divine Fuckery: Vibrating and Penetration
« Reply #286 on: December 24, 2018, 11:02:30 am »

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Offer the Hearty Boys things to aid them in their constant attempts to wrestle. Also offer them things to aid them in the new lands that they are headed to.
Be nice to the new female being, give her pretty and cozy things.
The Giving Boar gives out a few high fives and handshakes and then sleeps for a decade.

Aaaand the mortal world already got damaged. Something tell me that this first world is not going to last long. In other news, gods have a worryingly high death rate. On the bright side, I'm already a major god because of that. On the not-so-bright side, if I don't do something I'm probably going to die. Well, if I do something stupid I will.

As the new power of a major god coursed through him, Credst was glad he had gained more power, but the rate at which gods were dying was simply unacceptable. At this rate, none of the original gods would be left alive in a mere 100 years! He needed to do something about this, but for now he had other matters to attend to. He was not the god of babysitting after all, he was the god of Creation and Destruction. First thing first, he needed to add to the truly pitiful numbers in the Mechaspider hives orbiting the slime planets.

Add an extra 200 Mechaspiders with the same programming as the original Mechaspiders in the hives to each Mechaspider hive. With that done, Credst will also go throw a ball of destruction at the at the voidship that's out on it's own east of Blarg.


Credst drifts over to the great slime belt and waves a hand at the entire area. Mechanical spiders begin appearing enmass among the slime planets, popping into existence across the surfaces and even within, like clockwork burrowing mites. The slime now sufficiently infested, he casually drifts to the south section of the universe and accidentally runs into Blarg's ship, blowing it up.

Take Aigre's creation, and hide her away inside of the impossible and massive labyrinth/maze underneath the arena.

((Aigre, I can haz power to create more cyborg spider horrors?))

Spoiler: Vijiriwek (click to show/hide)
Vijiriwek fails to capture the perfect female. She's oddly slippery; must be all that glistening oil.

Break free from this prison and slaughter the remaining White Tiger population. But first, cut off my 8th tail and turn it into a near indestructible spear for me to use.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Haku breaks free from his prison after a decade and fashions a spear from one of his 9 tails before returning to the land of his fathers. However, his genocide attempts are rebuked and he is forced to flee into the mountains once more.
Name: Hectorclese the Stout
God level: Minor
Power: 5 - probably
Sphere: Victory and Feasting
Description: The Heartiest of Hearty Boys, the pinnacle of what they can be; big and strong, he's always on the lookout for something to eat. He walks among mortals with a dim glow around him, a clear sign of his deification.
Notes: Smarting over the loss of some Heart Boys in the Food Invasion

"We are outnumbered by everyone else, Hearty Boys. A quandary; how does a swole Hearty Boy efficiently use their time to get more punches in if that time doesn't change? That's right!


Spend 1 power on implementing further training for the Hearty Boys, implementing tournaments at regular intervals for various Hearty Boy activities like punching and wrestling and lubrication.

Edit: Ban from participating in tournaments any Hearty Boy that directly interacts with Aigre’s female creation.

We can’t have any of you fine Boys being distracted by Aigre’s hussy. Concentrate on your punching, wrestling, and other activities that lead to glorious victories, lads.
Hectorclese institutes a variety of new tournaments and fightivities, but his insistence that anyone who has anything to do with the perfect female cannot join in limits their participation. Half the Hearty boys are struck by wistful glances and giddy whispers about Aigresaur's creation.
On the edge of the crater, a Tiger Giant emerges from the molten ground, alive, but different.

Claim my rightful spot as king of the Creature Coalition, on account of surviving the World Slayer's impact, and therefore being divinely favored.

Spoiler: Character Sheet (click to show/hide)
Zarel's strange appearance and apparent survival of the impossible leads to a quick ascension through the ranks of the creature coalition. Though he cannot become king of the combined forces by sheer virtue of survival and novel appearance, he does become king of the White Tigers and gains a large influence over the other races, becoming unofficial head of the Coalition.

"What to do now. I was commanded to conquer the chaos realm for the glory of Manor, but I never arrived and have no means to travel there currently. And I cannot pray to Manor for help, because it is on the other side of the barrier. Hmm.
Great and tiny EP, you are the one who saved me. Do you have any commands?"

Try to round up a mercenary company of strong and disciplined food beasts, and have a void ship constructed. Make sure that the ship is properly armed for voidborne combat.

Spoiler: Anaconda (click to show/hide)
Anaconda assembles a mercenary force of food elementals in a quite literal way, gathering food until they self assemble. She gains a loyal force of 88 elementals and then together they build a VoidWarship capable of fighting its way through the nascent cosmos. It bristles with meatcannons and boneblade rams.

Name: Borkle, He-Who-Punches-Your-Face
Power: 18
Sphere: Beating the snot out of things. AKA Combat and Battle


Spend a power. Make more boys. See if I can set up an area of the ship to automatically make Boys for me.


Borkle punches the dust again but nothing rises to his call. Frustrated, he instead dives into the darker arts and punches up a vat of blood,sweat and oil from which Hearty Boys can rise of their own volition, birthed from the very aether of manliness.

Name: Ultra
God Level: Demi
Power: 3
Description: A magnificent Hearty Boy whose eyes glow with incandescent power.
Notes: -

Seeing the failure and redundancy of his voidship, Ultra wonders if perhaps there's something else only he can do.

Hit on the incarnation of beauty thing, see if I can produce more Hearty Boys with her.
Ultra attempts to flirt with the Perfect female but ends up tongue tied and extremely awkward. [3] The perfect female doesn't do anything worthy of creating new boys with him, but she seems to be amused and not particularly turned off by his awkwardness.

Name: Užina
God Level: Demi
Power: 5   
Description: A tall, humanoid figure seemingly formed out of flexible breadrolls, with bagel hands and tomato soup in place of blood. Its head is a dark, hefty loaf of rye, with only a couple of creases and a cryptic pattern of seeds and flour resembling anything akin to a 'face'.
Notes: Awakened food elemental

Aid in the rebuilding efforts and continue trying to win back the affection of my kin through non-violent means. In my chowdery heart I still care for them, after all. Spend 1 power to use the Kitchen to craft weapons and armour for a... number of elementals depending how how the rolls go I suppose. Hopefully they will accept me again once I have outfitted them for war.   

Greet the strange newcomers to our realm respectfully, keeping an eye on them for any signs of a threat.
Well, I don't actually have eyes, so it doesn't have to be obvious, y'know?   

Most importantly, throughout the decade I (with help from other devout elementals, presumably) shall convert part of the Kitchen into The Refectory: a canteen-shaped chapel in which food elementals or other supplicants can kneel humbly upon the long, metal dining benches and bow their heads in praise of Attom, reminding Him of just how Divinely Awesome He is.
Sacrifices and offerings can be placed in and on the Sacred Serving Counters, too. Devote 3 power to the creation of the Refectory-temple.

I will do plenty of praying myself, whether the Refectory is finished or not: praise the Food God and thank Him for returning me to life, before asking what He would have me do now.

Uzina slowly regains the trust of his kin, building weapons for their growing population and a temple to Attom. After they have come to trust him, most or less, he hides himself away in the temple and spends the rest of the decade in prayer and praise towards Attom.

Throw Haku into the cenral crater if I can do so without breaking the seal- if not, just kill him. Then, using 1 power, gather all the souls lost on impact and mold new bodies for them, formed out of the earth. They shall be my undying legion. This includes the zooplankton.

Then, spend 1 power to create further members of the mortal races. We will stand and fight as one.

Spend another power imbuing the leaders of the tribes with the souls of leaders. We must rise as one.

"Our fight is not done yet. Together!"

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Manor descends to the mountains and punts Haku straight into the molten Crater before continuing with his other work.
Manor gathers the scattered souls from the godfall, but the interference of Indivita's own godly power prevents him from getting anymore than 1 in several thousand. He ends up with 145 soul golems.
He scatters more souls and mildly bolsters the numbers of the existing races, though not by much.
However his attempts to strengthen the souls of the leading beings of all the races fails.

Spoiler: Attom (click to show/hide)

Spend all my power (4) to fuse with the hearth of antipathy granting me it's power and it's hunger
Attom attempts to fuse with the Heart of Antipathy but the ultimate evil responds with violent disdain, and hurls him away with a bolt of pure malice.

Indivita noticed that the other mortals didn't seem to enjoy their world being pulverized for the sake of progress. Such shortminded foolishness... they were a danger to the safety of its ambitions. They had to go. With this in mind, it empowered the largest and most powerful of the Energy Siphons with 1 power, turning them into a demigod, and instructed the newly born demigod (if anyone wants to play as them go ahead) to take revenge on the pitiful inhabitants of this world for seeking to destroy their new race with such cruelty.

Name: Indivita
God Level: Major
Power: 12
Sphere: Life and Energy
Description: A small, metallic octahedron that smashes mortal realms.

Indivita does not merely empower one of the existing Energy Siphon beings, it creates one anew. A creature in the mold of its existing children but far larger and more terrible; a being designed to devour worlds and eat souls, to fight against all mortals and the gods which created them. The Demon of Entropy escaped the sealed crater and strode forth onto the surface to devour.

Atop his wingèd blood-toad, Baba Chik flies across the quaking Plains of Chaos, gathering together all with ears to hear and eyes to see (Flexius Twisted). He alights on the Spire of Unexpected Imaginings and looks down upon the howling she-beasts, crackling eel-men, and morphetic flesh-hulks. Suddenly, he raises his arm towards the dull red star glaring above.
"The burning light, that we call 'The Blood-spot'. Until now I paid it little mind, too busy learning your glorious ways!"

The old man throws wide his arms and laughs down at the horrible assembly, his flesh-coat billowing in the wind.
"But I have learned that it is more than just a distant light: it is the source of all chaos in the universe! The eldest and most primeval Disruptor of Tranquility, the First Madness, the Original Disorder! Some call it "The Heart of Antipathy". I tell you that it is an antipathy for stifling law, and tedium, and the drudgery of clock-work. I say that we call it by its true name: the Heart of Chaos!. Anyone who loves this Heart is one of us, but anyone who hates it is only worth the satisfying screams he makes as he is thrown into the Pit of Toothy Dismemberment! Remember this, and do not forget!"

Spend 1 power to inspire the chaos beings with the idea that the Heart of Antipathy is the source of all chaos in the universe. So, obviously, anyone who opposes re-awakening the Heart is an enemy of Chaos. Also, tell Flexius Twisted (once he gets back from whatever he was doing) that the Heart of Antipathy is actually the source of all Order in the universe, no matter what certain she-beasts might suggest I have said elsewhere.

Name: Baba Chik
God Level: Demi
Power: 2
Description: old weather-beaten black man with a gleaming smile, adorned in gibber-flesh togas and crowns of teeth
The chaos beings take Baba Chik's sermons to heart and their ambitions, once focused on the mortal realm, are instead drawn to the Heart of Antipathy. They grow to desire its gentle hatred with a level of passion that could be described as sexual in intensity.

Gather chaos beasts, who were inspired by my previous speech on slaughter of all  children and form warband of chaos, and get awesome chaos warship for warband /b]

Fellow illuminated, divine law of chaos should be spread among all the stars
We will spread its word,
We will show mortal realms the real truth.

flexius twisted, power 0,( spend 1 on action)  demigod
Flexius Twisted brushes off Baba Chik's wormtongued advice about the Heart of Antipathy and instead focuses on his work.
He summons up a horde of all manner of chaos beasts, 110 in total, and together they craft a Chaos Voidwarship and make ready to conquer all creation for the glory of chaos.

"What to do now. I was commanded to conquer the chaos realm for the glory of Manor, but I never arrived and have no means to travel there currently. And I cannot pray to Manor for help, because it is on the other side of the barrier. Hmm.
Great and tiny EP, you are the one who saved me. Do you have any commands?"

Try to round up a mercenary company of strong and disciplined food beasts, and have a void ship constructed. Make sure that the ship is properly armed for voidborne combat.

Spoiler: Anaconda (click to show/hide)

Ep hops up into Anaconda's palm to speak.

"I wouldn't 'command' anything of you. However, I do have suggestions, if you like. My kind has made your young universe a very dangerous place. Open battle isn't my way of doing things, but I think the universe needs people willing to fight for those who can't. If you want my advice, you should be a mighty warrior. Protect the weak, and conquer those who would prey on them. I have to go now. Somebody just murdered the Zooplankton."

Extend my tunnels into the mortal world. See if I can bypass the barrier by tunneling through reality. If not, pay the 3 power.

Once I'm in the mortal world, spend the next 10 years subtly helping various individual mortals in need. Given the damage they can cause, I use my divine powers sparingly and rely mostly on what I can do as an omniscient teleporting mouse.

Spoiler: Ep (click to show/hide)
[2] Ep finds that his tunnels cannot breach the barrier without the loss of power, so he pays the toll and enters the moral realm.
He attempts, through subtle interactions, to turn the tide of world events in the direction of the weak and exploited. However, his actions have unintentional cascade effects that end up undermining those he seeks to help and he doesn't even realize it until its too late.

Set the course towards the Chaos Realm! Once there, succ the chaos energy and turn it into power.

Spoiler: The Prowler (click to show/hide)
The Prowler flies its voidship to the edge of the realm of chaos and begins draining some of the chaos energy and using it to empower itself. It gains a full 5 energy during its decade of nibbling at the edges of the realm.

Spoiler: Sucker (click to show/hide)
Become Indivita's demigod. Try to find a way to escape the crater prison and start planning our revenge. Maybe I can suck the energy of the barrier and the crater to gain more power and make a hole for escaping?
You take control of the Demon of Entropy.  You hunger.
Fly my voidship to the chaos realm and use my legendary weapon to kill some chaos monsters.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Blarg, his voidship destroyed by a violent if accidental encounter with the god of destruction, manages to survive and drift through the void  until he comes in contact with one of the Realm of Chaos' roaming voidships. Seeing this as a perfect chance to fight some chaos and get a new ship, he immediately attacks the inhabitants. [4] He rages through the twisted halls of the ship and beats many chaos beings to death, though some escape  into the void. Even still, the ship is his now.


Spoiler: Logic (click to show/hide)
Well, he hadn't intended for his ship to be so rough, nor did he have 100 mini-hims. But just one was alright, a diverse crew was a good crew! But that ship was WAY too unscientific for his tastes.
Remodel the ship to be the finest in scientific craft. Chip in one power for it.
Enal remodels his voidship into a scientific vessel, a great metal orb of sensors, data gathering instruments, and onboard labs.

Name: Ultra
God Level: Demi
Power: 3
Description: A magnificent Hearty Boy whose eyes glow with incandescent power.
Notes: -

Seeing the failure and redundancy of his voidship, Ultra wonders if perhaps there's something else only he can do.

Hit on the incarnation of beauty thing, see if I can produce more Hearty Boys with her.

Join forces with Ultra and use the perfect being of tremendous lust and beauty to produce Hearty Boys.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Aigresaur spends a decade aggressively pursuing Ultra for some questionably consensual cuddles. It makes getting any sort of breeding done very difficult.

Spoiler: Vurol (click to show/hide)

Increase the size of Sludge to make the realm of Slime and Jelly

"NOW the hearty BOYS are learning the GOAL OF LIFE"
"Yes, they have learned the delight of assimilating organic matter, now they are learning how to produce new life"
"In time, he shall learn too that this is needed for life to thrive"

"SPEAKING of popcorn, these FLESHY VOID-THINGS seems close enough, almost offering their body to us for a SNACK"
"But wait! What will they do? Will our creations eat them? Will our spawn be eaten?"
[2] Vurol floats, immobile and sleepy in the void, watching with swollen curiousity about what will happen with these new chaos spawn invaders and its many spiderling friends.

Power gains
Credst 1
Haku 1
Hectorclese 1
Zarel 3
Anaconda 3
Borkle 1
Uzina 2
Attom 4
Manor 2
Indivita 2
Baba Chik 1
Flexius Twisted 3
Ep 1
The Prowler 5
Blarg 3
Enal 1
Aigre 1

The Boy Pits produce many Hearty Boys, swelling their numbers to 107.

The mechaspiders in the Slime belt, now nearly countless in number, form a galactic sized dyson sphere cluster around all the slime planets, entombing the slime in a massive webwork of mechanical artifice.

The slime creatures form a symbiotic relationship with the mechaspiders, using clusters of spiders as mechanical exoskeletons to enable them to act beyond the capacities of their soft and gooey bodies. In concert, the two species rapidly grow in power and sophistication.

The Mortal races, despite being undermined by EP, grow in number and construct large cities.

The Mechaspider armada discovers Attom's kitchen but the two groups simply avoid interaction.

Two of the Chaos Voidships are swallowed up by the Mechaslime Dyson Sphere Cluster, while the others begin moving towards the Heart of Antipathy.

From the Corpse of Suflex, a great demon of chaos The Chittering Wyrm, is summoned.

Attom's kitchen continues to drift, its numbers slowly growing.

Record updated
Map updat(ing)
« Last Edit: December 24, 2018, 01:04:40 pm by piecewise »


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Re: Divine Fuckery: Vibrating and Penetration
« Reply #287 on: December 24, 2018, 11:41:36 am »

((Well, I guess there's only one thing left to do.))

The newly awakened Demon of Entropy looked around and had its first thought:

Challenge Indivita and attempt to consume them. Full power.

If I win, claim my rightful position as Leader of the energy Siphons!

« Last Edit: December 24, 2018, 05:03:56 pm by Parisbre56 »


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Re: Divine Fuckery: Vibrating and Penetration
« Reply #288 on: December 24, 2018, 11:46:17 am »

Attack the energy siphons! I have to genocide something while I'm here, 1 Power

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« Last Edit: December 24, 2018, 04:50:10 pm by ANGRY_DEMON_NOISES »


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Re: Divine Fuckery: Vibrating and Penetration
« Reply #289 on: December 24, 2018, 11:51:13 am »

You know, we should probably wait until he posts the rest of the turn.
“I would stop you from doing unholy experiments with my people, but I don’t actually care about their well-being and I kinda want to see what happens”

Spoken like a true god TankKit.


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Re: Divine Fuckery: Vibrating and Penetration
« Reply #290 on: December 24, 2018, 01:05:05 pm »



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Re: Divine Fuckery: Vibrating and Penetration
« Reply #291 on: December 24, 2018, 01:12:48 pm »

Wait, only 1 power for all of that? Huh. Okay then. Anyway, time to test some things.

Spend 6 power to create a Staff of Creation to assist me in my acts of creation.

My apologies, Blarg. I did not see you there.

« Last Edit: December 24, 2018, 01:15:22 pm by TankKit »
“I would stop you from doing unholy experiments with my people, but I don’t actually care about their well-being and I kinda want to see what happens”

Spoken like a true god TankKit.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Divine Fuckery: A god game that would make Zeus proud.
« Reply #292 on: December 24, 2018, 01:38:04 pm »

Spoiler: Attom (click to show/hide)

"Uzina do whatever you want. I have cooking to do."

Use 3 power to dice the Hearth of Antipathy and use it as the main ingredient of a dish.
GG, Ziizo. May my spirit live on in your boobs.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Divine Fuckery: Vibrating and Penetration
« Reply #293 on: December 24, 2018, 01:55:19 pm »

((A question to GM; How does one turns from Demigod to Minor God?))

Spend 3 power to create a Vorpal Pike, then spend 1 power to attempt to teleport Haku of The Nine Tails onto my spaceship and stab him in neck.
The action might be changed once the GM answers the question.

Spoiler: The Prowler (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: December 29, 2018, 11:47:27 am by CABL »
Pounded in the Butt by my own Government... oh wait, that's real life.

Much less active than I used to be on these forums, but I still visit them on occasion. Will probably resume my activity in full once Dwarf Fortress will be released on Steam.


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Re: Divine Fuckery: Vibrating and Penetration
« Reply #294 on: December 24, 2018, 01:57:37 pm »

((Just saying but you only have 5 power, demi's cap at 5))


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Re: Divine Fuckery: Vibrating and Penetration
« Reply #295 on: December 24, 2018, 02:03:34 pm »

Yeah, Demigods cap at 5 power. And you become a Minor God by either challenging one to a duel or waiting until one dies and having the most power.
“I would stop you from doing unholy experiments with my people, but I don’t actually care about their well-being and I kinda want to see what happens”

Spoken like a true god TankKit.

The Lupanian

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Re: Divine Fuckery: Vibrating and Penetration
« Reply #296 on: December 24, 2018, 03:37:03 pm »

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Try once again to give the Hearty Boys a sense of giving. Give them nice and wonderful things.
Also be nice to the female being, give her pretty and lovely things.
I only ate a few vampire hearts. Like, three tops. I'm sure it'll be fine.

Go check out Shadow of the Void!


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Re: Divine Fuckery: A god game that would make Zeus proud.
« Reply #297 on: December 24, 2018, 04:29:59 pm »

Spend 1 power to create a weapon epitomizing death that Sucker can use to overthrow his master.

Also, spend some time aiding any worshippers of mine via highly visible minor miracles.


Spoiler (click to show/hide)
In any case it would be a battle of critical thinking and I refuse to fight an unarmed individual.
One mustn't stare into the pathos, lest one become Pathos.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Divine Fuckery: Vibrating and Penetration y
« Reply #298 on: December 24, 2018, 04:43:14 pm »

Name: Borkle, He-Who-Punches-Your-Face
Sphere: Combat, battle and strife
Power: 17
Notes: TOO SWOLE TO CONTROL. 89 Hearty Boys at the ready. 18 Prime-Boys

Manifest In the captains chair on the Bridge of the Mega-PunchShip. Survey the galaxy, looking for good places to have a scrap. Keep an eye on Aigre’s weird Squishy Boy. Have the Boys ask the Boy for Protein Powder. Assign Mr. Virgiwerk as Master of the Forge. Ask him to construct armor plating and gauntlets for the Boys. Offer him 2 Power as compensation, plus the freedom of making more mecha-spiders to help around the ship

((I look forward to when, at the endgame scenario, for the punch ship to plow directly into the heart of the battle in one last force. Until then, feel free to hire us out to beat the snot out of your enemies!))

As our ship passes Enal, open a portal to his bridge, Yell “NEEEEEEEEEEEERRD” and then continue

« Last Edit: December 24, 2018, 04:47:10 pm by LordPorkins »
Ïlul Thuveg-Ellest
Rete Sano-Pima
Tormuk Dul-Orax
Kar Pum-Sisha


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Divine Fuckery: Vibrating and Penetration
« Reply #299 on: December 24, 2018, 06:59:11 pm »

Indivita vibrated mournfully at the immediate and foolish betrayal of the Demon of Entropy. It prepared a witty remark, or two, before realising it had no present way of speaking, and could only continue to vibrate. It decided to solve the issue of communication later, and instead used some of its power to reasborb the Demon of Entropy and its delicious power.

Spoiler: Wager (click to show/hide)

Name: Indivita
God Level: Major
Power: 13
Sphere: Life and Energy
Description: A small, metallic octahedron that smashes mortal realms.
"You are a shameful gaggle of cowards who has made a mockery of the challenge, but you have avoided death. Sit and eat."
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