Hey! My name's
Melissa Liú, a student at Pangaea South Province University. Unfortunately the tuition fees here are rather above what my family can afford, and I've had to turn to freelance work. Well, that doesn't really describe it very well. More precisely, I'm a contract killer.
Okay, that makes it sound a lot worse than it is. I guess "bounty hunter" is a better term, but it's really more like I subcontract from a shadow government org. (Now I sound like I work for the mafia...)
Specifically, Pangaea's always had a large population of things that aren't human. Ever since the rise of the industrial revolution, we've been rubbing shoulders with them a lot more. Most of them are fine, but some are... uncivilised. Werewolves, vampires, goblins, things that go bump in the night... they get reported to the Council, who contract someone to fix the problem. Usually someone who doesn't have a lot of financial options. Like, say, if they had several thousand dollars of student debt. Obviously, especially for the human-like critters, this is all kinda illegal.
...maybe the mafia isn't such a bad comparison.
Anyway, long story short, I'm an amateur witch/monster/bounty hunter with a lot of debt, a really bad memory, and a habit of talking to the voices in my head. Sometimes I introduce myself to them in a really long-winded fashion. I just stepped into my apartment's main room, and I can't for the life of me remember what it was I was going to do.

1. | > Consult your to-do list. |
2. | > Check your e-mail, maybe there's something there. |
3. | > Maybe it's related to the mess on your desk. Check that out. |
4. | > Retrieve arms from chest. |
5. | > _ |
| Athletics: Determines Mel's ability to do things involving physical strength, co-ordination, or endurance, like breaking and entering, running from the police, and winning track meets. Adrenaline temporarily boosts athletics. If Mel reaches her pain tolerance, gets drunk, or is otherwise impaired, she suffers a penalty to athletics. Heavy clothing or loads can also impair her movements.
| Deftness: Determines Mel's ability to do things involving precise work and/or careful movement, like picking locks, picking pockets, and many other things (some of which are even legal). Mel is unusually deft when not under pressure, but adrenaline, pain, and fatigue all cause her hands to shake. Anything obstructing her hands is obviously also bad.
| Defence: Determines how much damage Mel can mitigate. In exchange, may cause some damage to her dignity or fashion sense. Unlike the other stats, this is only a function of her gear. Various things provide various benefits. A leather jacket could stop a knife, or a paintball mask block out acid spit. That said, Mel is a small woman. She's never going to take a hit from a bullet or a baseball bat without flinching.
| Pain Tolerance: Determines how much of a beating Mel can tolerate. And how long it takes her to notice she's leaning on the stove. Adrenaline and painkillers both raise her pain tolerance, but neither makes the damage go away and both have other side-effects. Fatigue lowers her pain tolerance. By default, she can ignore one bar of pain, and push through two bars. If the pain bar fills up, Mel will pass out, regardless of her tolerance.
All die rolls will be decided according to the good ol' RtD-style D6.
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
Critical Failure | Failure | Lesser Failure | Lesser Success | Success | Perfect Sucess |
Circumstantial and stat modifiers will be applied as +1/-1 etc. Anything above or below the normal range will just be treated like the edge of the range (boring, I know

I have nearly no idea what I'm doing! I haven't been in FG&RP in years! Most of the FG&RP regulars probably don't even know who I am! But I've been wanting to give this a shot for a while so here we are.
You, the player, are a voice in Mel's head. Mel, unfortunately, tends to go blank a lot, so you will have to fill her in on what to do. Every turn, I'll provide some number of sample thoughts, but please, feel free to push her around yourself, or agree with another voice (+1/+2/+3/this/^/what he said). That said, if the suggestion is too weird she may well write it off as an intrusive thought.
I have... some idea of where the story might go. It'll probably be at least a little serious occasionally.
I intend to update as often as possible! So maybe every other day, depending on how complicated the art is (watch me royally fail this)? Within a single location for non-action-y scenes I should hopefully be able to work quickly without burning out 'cause I'm abusing 3D tools extensively, which I hope will save me. >_>
Let me know if you have any queries/compliments/complaints. This is all about the l e a r n i n g e x p e r i e n c e for me.