Minecraft does (or used to, it was still in apparent-Beta when I last played) implement day/night mostly as a pressure upon the player
that the player can ignore. Turtle oneself in with torches covering not just the underground but a sufficient extent of overground and (except for Slenderman damage, or whatever they were again) you never
ever needed to sleep your character. I never ever bothered with a bed except as decoration, it just ate into the (in-game) time I wanted to just keep mass excavating everything, or do the things needed to keep mass excavating.
(Food was half necessary, with plenty of options (further expanded as apparently they now are) that for me tended to be just bread, unless I decided to fish or had pigs/cows wandering along, but health never dropped below half through starvation, IIRC, only making it dangerous if some other danger came at you (like the ground you fell towards from the top of your big pile of gathered sand you inadvertently stepped off of) and finished you off.)
Probably all changed now?
DF Fortress, mode, is currently such that day/night cycles would happen like HG Wells's time-traveller's early parts of the journey. Day turns to night turns to day, remarkably fast while they sit there. Back to fishing, if I've forgotten to stop
any fishing happening dejob the Fisherdwarf assignments on immigration (the main one to stop catching fish, the others because you can't process fish you never catch, etc) the bugger will dangle his beard in a pond for time far in excess of a dwarven calendar-day, and there are plenty of other jobs you
could interrupt, but if you don't you know they'll be slogging away at it almost relentlessly (and asynchronously deciding to snooze, whether in a bed or where they had been stood;
except naturally, when they're all off satisfying needs when there's that
thing that vitally needs doing). And a journey from a job-site to a bed could easily take more time than would please players, if they have to
get up in the morning at ten o'clock at night, half an hour before they go to bed, just to get anything done.
So to change that to a situation where diurnalism ruled (or, because there would be need for
at least military shifts/watches, nocturnal or crepuscular for key individuals who might resent it or even be happily cathermal at need) would add a severe new game-function and likely wouldn't "skip the sleeping hours" because someome would likely be a late-owl or an early-lark by circumstance (if not personality) and have to deal with things still happening whilst zeds were being pulled by almost everyone else.