Hi squamous,
I've been enjoying the mod and your work tremendously. Many thanks for your effort.
I wanted to let you know that I've started a wiki entry for the mod and have several pages worked out already. I like this mod a lot but found my play suffering from the number of things different from vanilla DF and no place to look them up. Seeing as I can spend most of my time playing the main game just cruising on the wiki, I figured this could use an entry of its own. They are all linked here:
https://dwarffortresswiki.org/index.php/Modification:The_Long_NightI have the stats for creatures and clothing pulled from the raws already (I think) but am procrastinating until my sense of effort returns during the week sometime but I think I have otherwise made a pretty big dent in the bare essential stuff. Unfortunately, most of the table info was pulled from the 2.6 raws so anything that changed with 2.61 is likely wrong. If you or anyone who actually understands raw files (or knows wiki format language) sees anything incorrect, please rectify it or add what you feel needs to be added.
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Additionally, I have seen a few bugs (maybe?, I confess my understanding of the token system is limited) while pulling stats from raws and figured I'd list them here while I'm at it. I don't know if most of them have in-game ramifications or if things somehow work despite them.
*several bioframe (firenzi-palio, barda-terugen, krest-lotwyr) sizes do not match description
*both tar clay and plastic refuse create earthenware while nothing creates plasticware (also nothing creates porcelain, but by design?)
*no ammo in the NAIL category (nail spike is BULLET1) and nail-guns only use NAIL
*arrows are bigger than rockets?
*bullet boiling point? (lower than melting)
*Nanotechne max edge values do not match or trend (?)
*entity yaksha and rakshasa civ files switched?
*multiple pet values for transport drones and most vehicles
*2 different child ages for both dolphin uplift / blue whale
*builder worms are listed as nanomutants. Supposed to be cave nanomutant? I got one as a wagon puller on Asura embark
*planetary humans have human class but humans have mammal instead, don't know if it matters
*creature classes cogiton, slugge, venus and afore-mentioned cave nanomutant are used in entity files but do not apply to any creatures (that I found in the raws)