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Author Topic: HellSign Hunters: Australian Pest Control  (Read 14880 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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HellSign Hunters: Australian Pest Control
« on: November 30, 2018, 11:18:16 am »

HellSign (formerly Hellhunters) is a game about being a paranormal investigator/exterminator in the wild outback of Steam Early Access Releases (it's called SEAR because if you're not careful, you'll get burned), and I'd been following the project for a few years before it finally released in early November.

Or, rather, I've been trying to follow it, but the game's official website, forum, Twitter account and Steam page have had absolutely fuckall updates since the project's inception as a failed Kickstarter. There were a couple text updates toward the end where the devs said "We had to change the name because of copyright concerns, so now we're gonna make the game EXTRA SPOOKY with PLOT and STORYLINE, and COMIC BOOKS!", and another update saying that they were working like mad and getting loads of stuff done, but no proof of any such thing. The game was still left with the prerecorded trailer footage and 3 screenshot it'd had for several years...

But enough about the past, the game's been released in Early Access now! And according to field recon, it even boots up! To celebrate the event, I nabbed a copy and have decided to document my first delves into Perfectly Everyday Normal Australian Living for the betterment of mankind and the entertainment of a few greasy gits. Let's dig in, shall we?

In true Aussie fashion, we will be playing without the mature language filter (it's a bit confused anyways, and will censor "cocky" to "@#!&y", but won't censor "shitty"). I'm not entirely sure why it's there to begin with in a singleplayer game, but there you are.


Upon starting the game, we are met with our first real challenge: Defining the character.

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Judging from the creation screen, we'll be playing a gritty, bad-to-the-bone, pills-for-breakfast, leatherskinned, broody, rowdy, less-legal-more-lethal, grimdark, no-nonsense-and-no-prisoners fellow. He probably listens to Powderfinger unironically, the bogan.

There's not a great deal to decide here aside from portrait (of which there are three, and none of them have eyes), class, and name. Sex/Gender isn't implemented yet, and as such Australia is entirely populated by men. The manliest men. With no eyes.

We'll be playing as the Stalker class, because it's the only one to start with a shotgun. Stalkers start at level 3, with their two pre-purchased abilities being the usage of traps and the usage of throwable items. Because we need specialist training to hurl rotten meat at someone.

But... Well, a rose by any other name would smell as sweetly, only we're not a rose. We're a bad enough dude. I need to pick an appropriately Aus name so as to blend in with the vibrant and multifaceted characters we'll meet ingame, but as a non-Australian I'm at a loss for suitable, commonplace, average Australian names. Bruce Jr.? Wazza Dundee? Peter Peter Kiwi-Eater? Hmm...

I eventually decided to honor a certain individual we all know and love, a man whose passion for animals and the natural world would give us the upper hand in accurately identifying and safely relocating all manner of naughty beastie and spook in the untamed wilds of urban Australia.

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With that settled, the game is officially afoot. This is indicated to us by a short comic strip and some isolated sound effects.

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As you can see, Australians have developed advanced eco-friendly materials and processing through their inherent communion with nature. Banning nasty and polluting synthetics like hard plastics and processed metals, Australians instead make most household items out of refined Parkinson's Disease. The mysteries of how a person can transmute a muscle tremor into a physical object are kept secret and are unknown to most of the world, but their results are plain for all to see.

Finishing with the comic, we go to meet this shadowy individual who claims that we're the "scout" he had spoken to previously. It is at this point we get into the real meat of the game; the loading screens!

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Or, I should say, loading screen. Singular. I suppose it works, with a spooky house and all... I'm just a little bit confused about the frog-person in the upper left who appears to have Kermitted suicide.


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We arrive at the designated rendezvous point, and already the spookiness has reached dangerous levels... Not only has our levitating vehicle managed to settle down in someone's yard without driving into any of the trees or heavy shrubs blockading the property nor indeed leaving any tire tracks or signs of a road, but it has in fact flipped into a mirror-image of itself! The advertising logo and text have flipped their ends around, and are now illegible to anyone who isn't a modern Australian Leonardo da Vinci! The accursed thing probably has the steering wheel on the left side now!

Recovering from the shock, we sift through the bush and find a cunt.

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Ken Ham: "Scout?"

Banjo: "Look cunt, you see this automatic rifle on my back... I've had a hell of a week and I ain't here to waste time, even lost my cat! So tell me you're bloody jokin' before I lose my shit!"

Ken Ham: "Relax mate... Yeah, I'm the scout you spoke to"

(recovering from our earlier faux pas, with a few carefully-placed untruths we manage to play Banjo like a fiddle)

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Having finished a rippin' good chat with our friend Banjo, we ran back to our mirror-van to find our EMF reader, which we apparently need for something or other. Fuck if I know, I'm not a scout.

At the van, Eddie from Iron Maiden's promotional art suddenly appears and walks us through the complicated motions of picking up the single item we left behind in the vehicle and putting it in our specially-shaped EMF pocket. With that out of the way, we're good to actually enter the house and do our job of looking at things.

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With our handy-dandy electro-magnetic frequency reader, we can easily detect normal everyday household objects such as chairs, lamps, decapitated corpses, paintings and such that have been unreasonably fondled by paranormal critters! Once you've found a hotspot, you can investigate it more closely by shouting random words at it like "Fingerprints?", "Evidence?" or even "Suspicious?", in the hopes that any clues will feel trapped by your pointed interrogation and will surrender themselves willingly. Doing this, we can find hidden objects that are important to the investigation, such as cursed amulets and ancient statuettes with hidden meaning. And that's exactly what we found, as it turns out.

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We can also use a glowstick fluorescent blacklight tube to find hidden trails of droplets, smears, pawprints, or even eldritch symbols that are invisible to the naked eye. These lead us to other potential clue locations where we can find items much like the ones discovered using the EMF reader, only with a blue filter applied to them.

Considering the fact that we haven't used any Luminol or similar chemical agent, we can only assume that these clues are left in a medium that naturally responds to blacklight, such as semen. This is reinforced by the fact that the random headless bodies that are scattered all around the property only have a few random spatters light up, while the gigantic pools of blood they're sitting in do not react to the blacklight at all.

Curiously, non-haunted power boxes do not generate an electromagnetic field of any kind. It's probably Parkinson's energy, which is greener than regular electricity.

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Returning to Banjo, he tells us to grommet a flanno stubbie, servo, and she'll be right. Taking heed, we open our Cryptonomicon™ to better understand the raging clues we discovered in our investigation.

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Eddie appears again and shows us how to drag things into other things, in this case by shoving jewelry into a book so that words pop out. This allows us to identify what type of activity is haunting this area, and how we can best combat it.

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One of the clues requires us to make a determination of its meaning, using the bookmarked sections of the Cryptonomicon™. Properly identifying these clues lets us make an informed decision as to what the source of the haunting must be, and therefore how best to shoot at it. Unfortunately, the Cryptonomicon™ was written and published in Austria, which is not Australia, so attempting to read it in The Land Down Under results in all the text being flipped upside-down.

Finding the appropriate page and recognizing the symbol, we accurately determine this to be a Cryptic haunting. Taken together with the other clues, this reveals to us that the source of the haunting is in fact a Banshee (Bean Sidhe, also known as a Sickie Beano in Australia). We report our findings to Mr. Kazooie.

Banjo: "Okay and you're sure it's a Banshee right? Last time I trusted the new guy in town... let's just say it didn't end well..."

Ken Ham: "Well you see, there's this book..."

Banjo accepts the reasoning for our confidence, and gets ready to kill the thing we spent all of a couple minutes identifying for him. Naturally, we ask him when to expect our payment for the effort.

Banjo: "Look we got our hands full here, so I'll tell ya what... head back to town and find "The Shaggy Jackal" down on Valley Road. I'll meet you there once I'm done with this poltergeist and we can sort out your pay..."

With nothing left for us here, we hop back into the Mirrory Van and zip back to town to give this Shaggy Jackal place a burl. Opening the vehicles's interface, Eddie shows us how to push a button and start the engine.

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We apparently drive like an idiot, because by the time we make it to the watering hole Banjo has not only already finished the job, but has even arrived ahead of us and gotten comfortable. We quickly find him, thanks to his being one of the few people who lights up when moused over.

Banjo: "Sup, who are you?"

Ken Ham: "What is this, bush week? I didn't come down in the last shower, where's my motsa ya bloody drongo?"

Banjo: "Whoa whoa, fair suck of the sauce bottle, mate... You see that bludger over there? With the black hoodie and the crappy shades. That's Redback, and he'll inexplicably buy all the random junk you consider 'clues' that you find during an investigation. Right boofhead, he is."

Some rambling about a missing ear, $5000 and a cat later, we talk to Redback and discover that he is indeed willing to purchase a pre-haunted gold necklace for about four bucks.

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As you can see, Redback also offers wares of his own, including most of the pages in our Cryptonomicon™. Apparently our book is the abridged version, and he happens to be a bridge salesman...

This part of the tutorial is basically just to clue you in on the fact that you can sell clues, even if you do only get a piddling amount of money for them. I'm still not entirely sure how we managed to sell a symbol to him, since that's presumably just a picture of something we found smeared onto the underside of a folding chair in demon semen... But whatever. Cash is cash.

After talking to Redback, we have to return to our safehouse (due to the bar closing after last call) and open a bunch of menus to prove that we can, and to show us that they exist. Having touched all the menus, we go straight back to the bar which has... Reopened, for some reason.

Apparently our only payment for the struggle and pain of looking at a couple old paintings and looting someone's house was the 16 bucks Redback gave us, so now we need to go looking for "more work". We talk to Banjo again, who tells us to slap another shrimp on the barby and steal a mysterious puzzlebox from the friendly local arms dealer. We venture off to the Guns n' Baits ammo store...

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...and, uh... I guess we steal it? I mean, the guy also sells nails for $0, and the nailgun to fire them is also $0, so unless we're just stealthily pocketing hundreds upon hundreds of nails, I don't think we're actually stealing anything. He just gives us the puzzlebox for free so long as we're not going to give it to Banjo, because he hates Banjo.

We're going to give it to Banjo. We're also going to "buy" a nailgun and a thousand nails, because why not? It's not like we can afford anything else here with $16 to our name.

Back at the bar, Banjo says that introducing us to the arms dealer was payment enough for us retrieving his Rubik's Cube, and tells us to go grovel with Redback for a job. Redback, in contrast to Banjo, actually pulls through and lands us a job.

Redback: "Rattle your dags out to this address on Tin Alley Road and clean out the critters, then come back here and I'll pay you."

Ken Ham: "Fair dinkum, mate. I'm off like a bride's nightie."

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Drive van, find property, scratch nuts, kick down door. This map is the combat tutorial, and we get to practice our gunmanship and rolling-aroundmanship by shooting a few rats, in standard RPG tradition.

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I'd also like to mention that we're experiencing THREE GLORIOUS FRAMES of reload animation. It's like living in an anime!

Making our way through the house, we kick/shoot down doors and shoot more rats as they crawl out of their webs and scutter along the ground with their eight legs. Pretty standard breach and clear procedure.

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Oops. I think something was wrong with that door...

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Welp, we died. But it's okay! Much like Jesus, we recovered from the condition after some bed rest...

Since the game's dialogue is currently pretty horrible both in content and in composition, after the first few dozen ellipses I decided to represent characters in more the spirit of what they were trying to say, rather than the actual substance... In doing this, I may have introduced one or two more instances of slang than was in the original script. I apologize profusely for the Hamfistedness of this process.

In my defense, Banjo did refer to me with a "You rippa!" at least once in the actual game, so he's beyond saving even without my help.

And yes, some of it is just gibberish, because the characters really weren't talking about anything anyways and this is at least more entertaining. It's a low bar.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: HellSign Hunters: Australian Pest Control
« Reply #1 on: November 30, 2018, 04:27:35 pm »

Chapter One: The Morning After

Inexplicably waking up at our safehouse again, we rub the sleep (and BLOOD) out of our eyes before heading out the door and going back to the only place that exists in this city; The Shaggy Jackal Bar (& Grill, most likely).

Banjo: "Holy shit, he lives!... Never thought I'd see you again, much less on two legs..."

Ken Ham: "What are you talking about..."

Banjo: "Dude I found you in the shadow dimension with Shadowbeasts all over you. Any longer and there wouldn't have been anything left to find..."

Ken Ham: "So those things were shadowbeasts..?"

Banjo: "Yeah mate, you wanna steer clear of those... nasty fuckers are all over the shadow realm, sometimes they even come through to our dimens..."

Banjo: "Wait that reminds me... why didn't you tell me you had a fucking HellSign?"

Ken Ham: "What HellSign?"

Banjo: "You know the massive occult tattoo on your back that turns you into a magnet for the supernatural? What were you thinking, you idiot?..."

Ken Ham: "I got no idea what a HellSign is..."

Banjo: "Shit, you're serious? Sorry man I'm out of time here, already late for a hot date with some twin sisters. But just so you know, this doesn't look good for you. I'd seriously avoid telling people you've got that mark for now..."

Ken Ham: "So what were you doing in the shadow dimension anyway..?"

Banjo: "Oh um... My puzzle box went missing, and since you're the one who bought it I went looking for you... see, it has this weird tendency to make its way back to the owner... anyway next minute I found you lying there like a pile of shit, and the rest is history"

Banjo: "Anyway mate I'm getting out of here and heading down to Melbourne, catch ya on the flip side..."

And with that dreadful conversation over (transcribed word for word directly from the game. Now you know why I fudge these talks), Banjo leaves for greener bushes pastures... Leaving us confused and no richer for the experience, as was his ineffable style. With nothing better to do, we go talk to Redback about our rat money.

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Ken Ham: "Oh, y'know, getting bunged by a hungry pack of yowies in the lights-out land. Which you should know, seeing as you sent me there to begin with!"

Redback: "I sent you to a bloody normal house on Tin Alley, so if you wound up in the shadow dimension then you took a fucking wrong turn, mate!"

Redback: "Anyways, the client hasn't complained yet, so I suppose you ended up doing the job anyways... But I'm taking a 90% cut since you pissed off for three days! Be more punctual next time!"

So we died and have risen again, the savior of Tin Alley Road, and have received our just reward... $35. Not quite enough to buy a hoodie at the gun store. After some more pleasantries with Redback, he directs us to an expert who might have more information on this mysterious HellSign inked into our flesh. Yes, the HellSign that only Banjo should know about, except Redback says that there's already "word on the street" about us having one. My guess is that Banjo is just a tool and blabbed to everyone he could reach before telling us not to make a peep about it.

Now we're off in search of this expert, a young scholar with a taste for the cryptic and the paranormal... But Redback warns us that she's "not the full biscuit", which are in fact his own words on the subject matter.

Luckily, there's still only one place to go around here, so she happens to be sitting in the next booth over from Redback.

Ken Ham: "Excuse me, miss-?"

Woman: "Yeah, oh! The scout! You need to go to this address right away."

Ken Ham: "I... You must be Zoe, right?"

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Ken Ham: "I just woke up from the dead for the second time this week, I've got a crazy cursed tat that I'm not supposed to tell anyone about, and also there's ghosts 'n' shit. That good enough?"

Zoe: "Oh, so you're a hunter then. Okay, well, do this job for me and I'll answer some of your questions, sound fair?"

Ken Ham: "No, but that hasn't stopped anyone yet. I'll be right back once I'm finished."

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And with that, we're set loose on the world at large! Now we're actually given somewhat free reign of the game world, and can pick up and do missions as we please. Missions will continually spawn on this map, and if they're not completed within a certain time frame they'll disappear back into the void. Currently the only ones we can actually take are scouting missions, sites with inactive paranormal elements that just require some basic sleuthing and maybe a little pest control, but where we're not expected to actually defeat or even come into contact with any elder evils.

Between the three scouting missions we can take, I could find literally no difference between any of them on the mission splash screen. So we're just picking one at random, since they're all abandoned houses after a massacre and have inactive poltergeists.

The first house was a catastrophe, and I ended up dying in moments thanks to a combination of eating a flying bookcase to the face, and being Spazmo McJitterfingers when it came to shooting all the god damn perfectly normal-sized Australian house spiders rats. After a brief martyrdom period, I hopped back in the party van (which apparently comes with a homing autopilot, since I didn't need to head back to the evil house and get it) and checked out house number 2.

And that's how we met these things.

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Yes, that's a giant lesser Australian centipede. If I'd bought the "Blood Crawler" page from Redback, I'd know that these things were evil cross-dimensional monsters rumored to come from the realm of BLOOD.

But I didn't buy that page for my "all-inclusive" reference book, so I have literally no idea what these things are or how to deal with them. I definitely don't know that filling them with buckshot destroys them and their stupidly tiny hitboxes. Nope.

Moving on.

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Searching with our state-of-the-fart EMF reader, we manage to pick up vibrations coming from a nightstand in one of the bedrooms. Inside, we find... A rope! Its sinister vibrations gave it away immediately, and it could not escape our paranormal detectivating! Like the random amulet I found under some glass in the foyer, it goes into evidence for safe keeping (and then selling).

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Another clue! On a hunch, I patrolled the perimeter of the house with the EMF reader and ended up getting some wild readings off of this old car! I wonder what eldritch artifact must be inside to be putting off this kind of activity?

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...oh. It's... It's just a mangy pear, a worm-eaten apple, and an old banana... A really old banana.

Possibly... An elder banana? Further study is necessary, but this is definitely a more important clue than all those headless bodies I found inside!

Unfortunately, I can't seem to pick anything else up with the tools I have available, so we can't get a clear picture of whatever spirit is haunting this place. We also don't have enough money to buy the tools that might identify other clues, so we're kinda boned. Oh well. Guess we'll just have to call this donesies and find another haunt to... haunt.

Old House no. 2, Inactive Poltergeist

Another house, another den of arachnids rodents. I've still got several hundred nails and a few dozen shotgun shells, so I'm not in any desperate rush to restock quite yet.

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Aha, a clue! My hunch paid off, and a random scan of the entry room with the blacklight revealed what appears to be a long series of glowing runes... Looks like we'll have to follow the trail to deduce whether there is spookery about, or if this was just the house of your average Norwegian black metal fan.

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The runes lead outside onto the porch, eventually terminating at a positively diabolical folding chair. What will it be, another suspicious symbol of semen-sorcery? Some speculative sign of sinister spooge?

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Jesus fuck, it's some dude's head! Uh, um, okay... I'm sure that folding chair was the perfect hiding place for this... Severed head. Time to move on and not die.

Moving back inside, we open a door and are ambushed by another one of the demon-centipedes. It manages to nibble us a bit, but a fresh blast of 12 gauge sleuthing followed by a few nails to the head finishes it off, and we gain a level! I'll handle leveling and such once we're out of the woods, so to speak, but it's nice to know that we've finally progressed a little bit in our development.

The next room over didn't have any vermin in it, furred or otherwise, but we apparently walked in on the ghost while it was changing. It got a bit miffed and hurled an armoire at us, but some quick thinking and panicked rolling around in circles saved us from licking airborne carpentry this time. The room didn't even have any clues in it... There was some random dude lying on the ground with all his organs removed and neatly placed in separate piles next to his body, but I don't see how that's relevant to this investigation. I need fruit, dammit! The WHOLE fruit!

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Walking around some more, I got ambushed by a few more rats and another damn centipede who ended up catching me in a hallway where I was at a disadvantage. After the beatings, I was forced to inject raw drugs into my knee in order to keep myself fighting fit... But it's okay, drugs are free in Australia, so I can just refill my needles after every mission.

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Retracing my steps somewhat, I pulled out the EMF reader and started picking up some strange readings coming from a nearby room. I kicked the door in, kept a wary eye on the floor for centipedes and another wary eye on the ceiling for the telltale shiny exoskeletons of rats. After getting seriously disoriented by the ocular displacement, I scanned the frequencies again and discovered the source to be an ornate clock on the northern wall.

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But wait, there's more! Turns out that there was a fallen bookcase in the room that had become a spawning ground for more filthy scuttling rats and their eggs, which in turn led me to another abnormal frequency coming from an upholstered chair. Truly, this room contained the seat of evil.

Found a doll tucked away behind the clock, and the chair had a peculiar message written on a slip of paper inside the cushion. A nice haul, to certain!

After dispatching the rats and another vampire centipede, I came across a room with another dead body in it.

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Ignoring the fact that my finger was clipping through the EMF reader, and that the corpse's arm was doing a similar number on the moulding, I quickly pulled out my disco stick and let the music in my heart lead me away.

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Alright, rotten fruit! Now that's what I'm talking about! We've got enough mojo now to suss out what's got this dump in the dumps!

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Now, unfortunately, this is where the Cryptonomicon gets a little bit unwieldy. See, there's probably a noteworthy difference between the "venomous" and "devourer" kinds of severed heads, but since this is the Austrian edition the descriptive text is all the wrong way around. And German.

I'm going to go ahead and hazard a guess that this is a devourer, since the head has no hair and is not a woman, which are both classical signs of a more venomous haunting.

...or... Not? I started mucking around with the Cryptonomicon, and I ended up reselecting devourer on the head by accident. This, despite changing nothing in the overall deduction, ended up changing the conclusion of what type of creature it was. I tested this a few more times, and indeed... Every time I selected devourer again on top of itself, the creature conclusion kept jumping back and forth between "Nightmare" and "Banshee". Curious, I tried out venomous. That resulted in the creature being a Kelpie, and the conclusion did not change upon reselecting venomous multiple times.

Considering this tidbit of information, and the fact that I know Kelpies are actually implemented at this point while Banshees and Shadows probably aren't, I'm going to put my money on venomous. We won't be fighting it, or indeed interacting with it at all, but we get a pretty snazzy bonus of $55 for correctly determining what kind of creature is haunting a location.

With the creature more or less identified and the entire house explored, it's time to go. We haven't collected every clue here (which provides another $10 bonus), but without other tools we won't be able to find them anyways. Time to count our winnings, give Zoe the throbbing clue she asked for, and see if we can't upgrade our kit a little bit.

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Old House no. 2 Contract Summary:
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And there you have it, looks like it really was a Kelpie after all... I suppose the notable difference between devourer decapitations and venomous decapitations is the presence of the eyes? I suppose that makes sense, but it could really be explained a bit better... I mean, this book is supposed to have all the answers, you know. At least it's non-contradictory.

Back at the Shaggy Jackal

Zoe: "You got the evidence?"

Ken Ham: "Yeah, here you go. Incontrovertible proof. It's all outlined in this book..." *hands over rotten fruit and severed head*

Zoe: *inhales deeply* "Aw YEAH that's some good evidence! It's so hard!, what did you want to ask me?"

Ken Ham: "I woke up with no memory of who I was, or what had happened... Also, giant tattoo and freaky night terrors where I get viscerally dismantled by a bunch of demons, but I guess that's secondary. Any ideas for what might have caused this?"

Zoe: "Ghosts."

Ken Ham: "Uh... Right. Anything else?"

Zoe: "Well I can't know for sure... But I know one thing that might lead us in the right direction. Buy the Cryptonomicon chapter on shadow monsters from Redback, who's still in the booth next to me. I'll pay you more than he charges for it."

Ken Ham: "Why don't you just buy it yourself?"

Zoe: "Because he's a tosser. Also, I'm pretty sure we're both physically nailed to these seats... You're the only one with free locomotion. Just do the thing and report back to me when it's done."

*a single journal page is passed from Redback, to Ken, to Zoe. This is even dumber than the puzzle box quest*

Zoe: "Hmm... Well, I managed to find information on an identical case that's just like yours from back in 1966... Right around the time of the 'Great Dimensional Tear'. Don't know if that's relevant or not though."

Ken Ham: "Wow, an identical case that's also just like mine? That might be the breakthrough I've been looking for... But what's this Great Dimensional Tear thing? I don't remember reading about that in the book."

Zoe: "Let me babble some words at you. Ehrenfest paradox. Asymptotic projection. Calabi-Yau manifold. Einstein-Rosen Bridge."

Ken Ham: "Those are indeed some strange words. What do they mean?"

Zoe: "I have no fucking clue, but I'm the quirky scientist character so I needed to say some random things that nobody understands. I suggest you go do some more quests while I wait to be relevant again."

Ken Ham: "Thanks for the help."

And with that, we've got enough money to buy some new equipment for finding entirely new sources of hot, sweaty clues, as well as opened up an entirely new mission type.

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The pay doesn't seem that great, but we've got a contact down at the bar who wants to buy critter giblets from us, which we can presumably get from Sweeping missions. I'd like to do at least one more scouting mission though, just so we can buy some better medical supplies. I have a feeling we're going to be needing them fairly soon...


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: HellSign Hunters: Australian Pest Control
« Reply #2 on: December 01, 2018, 11:27:19 am »

Chapter Two: Dude, Where's My Ark?

Carrying on from last time, I notice that we've managed to snag a couple Steam achievements. In the best of fashions, they're both inevitable results of going through the tutorial, which is forced. One is also named "RESSURECTION[sic]", AND THEY'RE BOTH YELLING AT ME IN CAPSLOCK AND I DON'T KNOW WHAT I DID TO DESERVE THIS KIND OF TREATMENT QUITE FRANKLY.

Anyways, continuing...

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This is (part of) our skill screen. There are 2-3 trees on each of the four pages, and we need to unlock previous skills in the tree in order to carry on down the line. Sometimes they'll even have a level requirement, although this appears to mainly just be one skill with a requirement of 6, and 80% of the other nodes are currently unimplemented and have a level requirement of 99.

The level 6 skill opens up the "heavy weapons" tree, which is to say anything that isn't a sidearm (like our nailgun). Shotguns, rifles, and SMGs are the objects mainly covered by that tree, and although we can use most of those without the skill (we have been using a shotgun for most of the run, after all), it will incur penalties. Currently our double-barreled shotgun has a penalty of +1.3 seconds reload time, which is particularly bad on a shotgun since that applies to each individual shell... Reload times with the appropriate skill are just 0.5 seconds.

I've already picked up First Aid, which is an extremely important skill because it lets us use medical items that aren't just random "Free Drugs!" hypos we found lying in the gutter. Medical items are split into mainly two categories, Stims and Medkits. Stims can be used quickly and in the heat of battle, and will generally heal us all the way up to full health. However, they have limited uses per mission, and every time we use one it'll reduce our maximum health by a fair amount. Medkits, conversely, can only be used when you've got some time to yourself and can focus on bandaging up, and they're stocked with supplies enough to heal a specific amount of damage. These are also refilled after every mission, and don't damage our max health. So, Stims for emergencies, Medkits for endurance.

It's technically possible to use the lowest tier of Medkits ("bandages") without having the First Aid skill, but the penalty for not having the skill is a "110% reduction in heal speed", which I... Don't really understand. It either means you're slightly less than half as quick at applying them, or you're so slow you actually unbandage the bandages you haven't even applied yet. The higher level Medkits flat out require the skill anyways, and it gives us a bonus 20 max hitpoints to boot, so I figured it was a good investment.

We starter out as the Stalker class, which means we already had skill points invested in Trap Usage and Throwables Usage. Trap Usage lets us set up stuff like bear traps (which we have a couple of), and Throwables is stuff like grenades, flares (unimplemented), and smelly chunks of meat intended to distract and lure enemy beasties.

So far as I can tell, the bear traps don't actually trigger on anything and the meat doesn't attract anything before suddenly vanishing because its fuse has burned out. Unfortunately there's not a lot we can do about that, because although it technically is possible to re-roll skillpoints, we apparently only have 5 removals left and the starting price is $500... Which is pretty close to our entire gross earnings over the course of the run.

There's a gambling skill, which gives us a small chance to recoup a little money when losing a hand at blackjack. It also opens up a couple other skills, which give teeny tiny crit bonuses to whatever weapons we're using. Because that's the magic of blackjack, apparently. Not particularly interesting.

On the Survival page, there are trees for Heavy Armor and something called Paranormal Peripherals. Heavy Armor lets us use certain types of advanced heavy armor, and also lets us use the dodge roll when using heavier gear. Wearing heavy armor still reduces dodge speed and I-frames by -40%, but it's at least not the -100% from not having the skill. I'm not currently using heavy armor anyways, and I'm not entirely sure what the appeal is... But okay.

Paranormal Peripherals lets us use advanced anti-spookery technology such as... Hearing protectors. Also cool stuff like night vision goggles and gas masks, but also... Hearing protectors. We simply cannot figure out how to put the damn things on our heads without having that skill. It's also required for specialist equipment like hazmat boots, which provide acid attack resistance and reduced vulnerability to slipping/slowing on oil slicks, which is something that certain haunts (kelpies, primarily) are known to excrete. It's also a required skill for the "Accessorize" skill, which allows us to tack on even more advanced ghostbusting equipment like bottles of whiskey and gel insoles for our shoes. Again, just can't figure out how those things work without the skill in place.

The Investigation page has two trees based around finding better clues and using them to get buffs against detected spookies. That's basically it. There's a skill that doubles our chance of finding a higher tier of clue when searching a hotspot, with higher tiers selling for more money and providing bigger bonuses when unlocked by the other nodes in the tree. That's pretty much the only one I'd be interested in right now, since everything else applies to stuff we're not going to be doing for quite some time yet.

Investigation also has one little sideline based around the crafting of cursed artifacts... These are special items that require multiple clues and other resources in order to craft, and which generally provide a double-edged sword of buffs and debuffs. The earliest schematic that I figure we can build is a piratical eyepatch, which gives us a 25% bonus to earned XP but hits us with a 50% accuracy penalty. There's also a nock volley gun, which fires a whole big kablooie but slams us on our ass with recoil from the audacity of firing such a device. I guess that's its "curse".

...and down in Subterfuge, there's a Ninja skill tree. First node on the tree allows us to use ninja footwear such as geta and tabi. Yes, those exist, you can buy them at the gun shop. They provide bonuses to dodging and are thus actually pretty beefy from a gameplay perspective.

We'll not be investing in the Ninja skill tree, because it is stupid and dumb.

Seeing as we've just unlocked Sweeping missions and will likely need to pump out a hell of a lot more lead than before, I opted to spend one of our points on grabbing the SMG and Shotgun skill that removes that horrifying +1.3 second reloading penalty. I get the feeling that we're gonna need to use Mr. Shotty a lot more in the coming days.

At some point we might switch out the high-risk high-reward shotty for a slightly more reliable SMG, but seeing as the cheapest such weapon costs more than $250, that's still quite a long ways into our future. The game also features machine pistols, which are apparently classed separately from SMGs... We'll probably want to upgrade our sidearm at some point, seeing as the completely-free nailgun has abysmally poor damage and is really only useful for opening up doors (don't ask me how firing more nails into a door will loosen it from its frame enough to open it, but that's Down Under for ya). Once we get some good money rolling in, we should be able to switch it out for a nice and blasty MP to help take down crawlies. With any luck we'll then be able to swap out that MP for a new MP, and then another MP after that, as is the Australian way.

Or was it PM? I forget...

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After grabbing the First Aid and Shotgun skills (leaving one free point for later), we head over to Guns and Baits to expand our loadout. I buy a pair of mountain boots, which is out first pair of footwear all game... Although there is a class that starts with a pair of shoes, we were not that class. Clearly, we've been clearing out all these haunted houses in just our fluffly little wombat-patterned socks.

With not much cash left after the $45 pair of Advanced Tacti-Uggs, the only real upgrade we can buy is a slight improvement over our starter flashlight. Flashlights also change the stats of your blacklight stick, although this is just a very slight increase in reliability. Certain missions impose penalties on the reliability of some tools, causing them to sputter and die occasionally. This happens a lot with the blacklight on even the easiest missions, so any buff to that is appreciated. Doesn't improve the range at all though, but I guess it's not wise to look a gift roo in the mouth...

Our pockets freshly emptied, we kit up and venture into our first Sweeping mission. Probably to die horribly.

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This worn-down house was apparently the site of a triple homicide, as opposed to all the massacres we've been investigating previously. We're to expect a fair infestation of nasty gubbins, and we're to clean the place up so that the real estate agent can flip it before it stagnates for too long.

Things progressed in fairly standard fashion, with us finding considerably more than the three bodies one would expect from a triple homicide. Perhaps it meant three independent cases of multiple homicide? That would make sense. A family of 6 rats skittered out from the webbing they'd spun inside the kitchen cabinets, and I ended up taking a few more hits than was strictly necessary... Previously they've only been showing up in groups of 2-3, getting 6 at a time had the furry bastards running every-which-way and nibbling us to bits. Ended up eschewing the nailgun entirely and just splatting them with the shotgun.

After patching up with a few bandages, I progressed through the house on the hunt for more ratty inva-ohgodwhatisthat

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So we're dead again. Bummer. Time for round 2!

I scrounged up a few spare clues I had lying around and pawned them off to Redback, which gave me enough scratch to grab a snub-nosed .357 and some rounds for it, to replace the nailgun. Clearly we needed an armory improvement.

With that, we picked up a new sweeping contract at an eerie house, the site of a triple homicide that may have attracted... You get the idea.

Opened the door, made a quick search of the entryway, checked a door on the right an-ohshithereitcomesagain!

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Damn, what the hell is this thing anyways? It's crazy fast and has a mean streak a mile wide. Lemme whip out my Cryptonomicon and see if it says anything about this.

Hmm, lessee... Large... Bipedal... Dark-grey coloring... Hairless... Arms ending in claws... I think I might know what this is.

Yep, definitely. No doubt about it.

This is an emu.

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As you can probably see, we did indeed end up using a bear trap on this thing. Nevermind the fact that it pranced right over the damn trap the first couple times before inexplicably getting caught by it, but whatever... I got the chance to unload a couple facefulls of tasty death pellets into it before it got free. Unfortunately I can never use that bear trap for anything ever again, and they cost $12 a pop, which is the equivalent of 50 12ga. shotgun shells, or 100 rounds of .357 FMJ. Still though, until I can get a bead on their erratic movements so I don't keep uselessly redecorating the walls instead of actually hitting them when they're charging, the traps may be useful to keep around. I've only got one left at the moment though.

After cleaning up a few more rats with our newfangled ratslayer revolver, I head into one of this house's three expansive living rooms. Shortly after entering through the archway, a body propped up against one of the walls starts lurching horribly, before its stomach finally ruptures with a sickening squelch and a barbed appendage slithers its way out! Taken aback by the whole affair, I promptly get stuck with one of the tentacle's hurled stingers and appropriately lose a third of my healthbar.

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Poor fucker must've had one of those kebabs from 5th street.

In the kitchen I found a couple more standard house centipedes, nothing too frightening, but they still managed to take a quick taste of my footwear before I blasted them away. With all my medical supplies exhausted and with only about half health left (not including the max health lost to popping my stim earlier), I figured it'd be better to forego the $12 completion bonus than to risk losing two thirds of what I'd already earned to the death tax. I found the nearest exit and hopped outside to grab my ute and skedaddle.

And wouldn't you know it, there was another one of those ropey fuckers hanging out right behind the rear tires! I'm not sure how I managed to miss it when I first arrived, or indeed how I avoided running the damn thing over, but there it was... It tried to make a compelling argument for me to remain, but I wasn't in the mood for gabbing with some poor fucker's tormented intestines.

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The fight was fairly annoying due to the fact that the delay between it firing its spikes was almost exactly the amount of time I needed to reload my revolver, and dodge-rolling out of the way of a flying death needle just so happens to interrupt reloading. Words were had. Stern words, of the disapproving sort.

Total earnings for the aborted contract ended up being $85, which isn't too bad... Although the expenses report noted that we'd used up about $6 worth of ammo, along with the $12 bear trap. So...

Regardless, we now have some of the meaty giblets that Mr. Unimportant at the bar had asked us to retrieve. Only three more to go...

With the cash from the job and a few of our earlier savings, I managed to scrounge up a couple more bear traps, a few surplus grenades (which I haven't tried yet, but could be worth a shot? Maybe?), and a new stim type that allows for two uses per mission instead of just one. I'll still have to be careful though, as each usage will inflict the max health reduction. I'd really like the next medkit up, but it costs $250 all on its own... And I simply don't have that kind of money just yet.

Checking our gear, we head across to the other side of the river for another sweeping job and a shot at some more sweet revenge against the feathery menace invading our fair township.

Arriving at the location, I make a horrifying discovery! There's a tear in the fabric of reality and we're all gonna die! Oh god oh no, it's horrible!

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Okay, yeah, no... The game just let me walk around the north side of the house, and I'm somehow able to shine my flashlight into the seam between two internal rooms, which ends up looking like bare ground because the outside and the inside are loaded separately. It's probably fine and most likely won't crash my game horribly.

Let's head on in, shall we?

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Right off the bat we get the welcoming committee bursting out from the floorboards and giving me a proper bingle in the cramped confines of the corridor, which they're more than welcome to just slither and skitter around freely with their wiggly, ephemeral fucking hitboxes. I'm two steps in the door and it's already time for bandages! Yay!

Two more steps and an impertinent emu hiding in the closest jumps out and we have a proper stoush running up and down the hallway, and I end up having to inject pure asthma medication into my thigh in order to stave off death. Eventually he goes down, and the blood splatter repeats itself in triplicate on the moulding while his avian remains slide just a teensy bit into the molecular structure of the floorboards.

The close encounter with yet another dumb death shows me the error of my ways, and I remember to actually set down a bear trap before moving forward.

A couple more centipedes meet their doom with two well-placed shotgun blasts, and the body count starts to rise. I haven't seen any rats yet, but I'm sure they're hidden away somewhere... Plotting... Scheming... Cleaning their ratty pedipalps in anticipation...

Suddenly, a blood-curdling cry! Another emu leaps at me from the bathroom ceiling, and I'm forced to make a hasty retreat back into the hall! The terrorist flapper charges after me, and...

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HAH! Couldn't fit THAT down your gizzard now could ya, birdbrain! Luring him into the bear trap I'd set earlier, I got a prime chance to unload four shells into him at point blank range. Luckily he was a bit too preoccupied with being stuck to notice that I was well within range of his emu evisceration claws, so I managed to add another oversized drumstick to my collection without taking too much of a bashing. We now have 3 of the 4 giblets needed, and we've leveled up again!

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Another bathroom, another stalking emu attempting to learn the secrets of indoor plumbing. Venturing into the kitchen spooked the local nest of rats, but between the shotgun and the revolver they ended up dying quite handily.

Things are actually going pretty smoothly!

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Yeah, so... Inspecting one of the other large rooms, I end up finding another kebab victim. But it's fine, I can do this... End up messing up the timing and getting hit once, losing me almost all my remaining health, but it's fine... I've got another stim, I can just roll to safety and-


Dodging in this game is, perhaps appropriately, a little dodgy. So I end up getting nailed again and our paycheck gets buggered righteously. Oh well... Our only real takeaway was the emu bits and XP, so we'll head down to the bar and gain our just desserts for providing the gravy ingredients.

Turning in the chunks, we make a handy $240 along with some bonus XP. This should let us grab some new swag down at the Guns and Baits.

Incidentally, we've apparently managed to progress the story further! So we have a quick chat with Zoe to find out what's what.

Zoe: "So you know how I said earlier that your trouble was probably caused by ghosts?"

Ken: "Yeah? Find out something new?"

Zoe: "It's ghosts."

Ken: "...right then. So what can I do about it?"

Zoe: "Don't know, I'm a scientist, not a paranormal researcher."

Ken: "But your specialty is cryptozoology!"

Zoe: "So? That's completely different. Now go get some ghost extracts for me, once you figure out how."

The idea here is to ask around the bar to see if anyone knows anything about summoning rituals, in order to call out the big ghostie at a haunting. Those are the big leagues though, and we still haven't had a 100% complete Sweeping contract yet.... I'm figuring on grinding our way up to some better gear end levels first.

At the moment we have two free skill points, and there are a lot of things we could use them on... There's a skill that reduces revolver reload times by 30% (and increases damage by 1%... Because that's really worth the point, isn't it?), and another that reduces it by 15%, so we could potentially get some quick gunning going. Seeing as our new revolver takes out spiders in a single shot and does a decent number against most other enemies, it might be worth considering improving our sidearm skills somewhat.

There's also Paranormal Peripherals and Accessorize, which would require two points but would open up the world of accessories and charms to us (basically, three whole equipment slots for passive buffs), but they don't directly improve anything else that we do and there aren't any real uses for PP yet due to all affected equipment being unimplemented (except for night vision goggles which, while they cannot be purchased, you can start with a pair... If you pick Ninja as your class).

There are a few investigative perks as well that, while not hugely useful right now, will become quite potent in later stages. This includes the "double chance of a rarer clue" skill, which would let us earn more money doing the much safer scouting missions.

Or we could focus on our primary weapon, with the Marksman and Pump & Choke skills. Marksman lets us use weapon sight mods like a red dot , while P&C lets us use barrel mods on shotguns. I'm... I'm not entirely sure how you're supposed to fit a suppressor onto a sawed-off double barrel shotgun, but there you go. Suppressors improve accuracy by the way, they don't do anything to noise levels, because noise levels don't exist in any meaningful way ingame. P&C also reduces shotgun reload times by 25%, but considering it's already at 0.5 seconds... I mean... Sure?

SMG specialties go in the other direction, with Sharpshooter instead of P&C. Sharpshooter improves SMG accuracy by 10% and crit chance by 1%, as well as allowing barrel mods on SMGs. I haven't tried out an SMG yet, but I've been fairly impressed with my starting shotty so far, even if it does suffer from impotence when firing at objects beyond the 1m effective range. The next shotty up has three barrels instead of two, allowing for a 50% increase in shots before needing to reload, however that works...

Or we could go for Gambler and Irish Luck, giving us a tiny bonus to blackjack and a 2% chance to evade attacks. Yep. Irish luck gives 5% crit chance increase, 5% crit damage increase, and 2% evade. Considering how precious skill points are at this stage, I have my doubts about how worthy that increase actually happens to be.

There's also Heavy Armor and Armor Finesse, allowing us to dodge in heavy armor (with penalties) and reducing those penalties by 20%, respectively. We can actually afford the best heavy armor currently available, but even with the skill I'm not sure if -40% dodge speed/I-frames is worth the moderate increase in armor and stability. We can also just buy a leather jacket for slightly less money, which gives +80 armor and +10 stability with no penalties, with the armor vest being +140 armor and +14 stability with penalties.

Or we could put more points into our medical skill tree and get the skill that reduces the Stim maximum health penalty by 25%. So rather than losing 20% of our max health with every stim, we'd lose 15%.

For actual gear, I'm a little unsure where to go. There aren't any machine pistols currently available in the store, unfortunately, but there are a few SMGs, the better shotty, and a few different semi-auto pistols and revolvers. I'm fairly impressed with our revolver, despite it being the second-worst of the ones that are available for purchase. Impressed enough to specialize with them? Don't know... It's hard to say.

I checked out the better medkit, and it actually only has double the capacity of our $50 super band-aids. For $250. Sure, the healing rate is vastly improved, but you're going to be using it when out of combat anyways, so...

And that's it for now. I'm going to take a few more jobs and see if I can stock up some cash, maybe gain another level, and then next time we'll see what all this "summoning ritual" voodoo hoodoo is about!

Who knows, maybe we'll even have some epiphany about what skills and gear to snag, heh.


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  • Bay Watcher
    • View Profile
Re: HellSign Hunters: Australian Pest Control
« Reply #3 on: December 01, 2018, 12:33:34 pm »

Those bear traps are huge. They're more elephant traps!

This game seems pretty cool though. Hopefully early access does it well rather as it's concept is actually quite interesting.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Duggin was the hero we needed.
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Re: HellSign Hunters: Australian Pest Control
« Reply #4 on: December 01, 2018, 01:34:07 pm »

Mr. Kazooie is suspicious AF
FACT I: Post note art is best art.
FACT II: Dunamisdeos is a forum-certified wordsmith.
FACT III: "All life begins with Post-it notes and ends with Post-it notes. This is the truth! This is my belief!...At least for now."


  • Bay Watcher
  • Olive oil. Don't you?
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Re: HellSign Hunters: Australian Pest Control
« Reply #5 on: December 02, 2018, 01:36:38 pm »

Those bear traps are huge. They're more elephant traps!

This game seems pretty cool though. Hopefully early access does it well rather as it's concept is actually quite interesting.
They are indeed absolute units, I am in awe at the size of the lads. They also really don't have enough texture and model detail to blend in with the rest of the environment, but I suppose that makes it easier to pick them up afterwards if they haven't gone off... Thankfully you can indeed grab and repurpose untriggered bear traps, so you can always have one nearby that's ready to go in case of ghoulies without being forced to leave a trail of very expensive breadcrumbs.

The game does indeed have a very cool basic concept, which is what got me interested in the project way back when. Unfortunately, I'm a teensy bit apprehensive about future development, as there are signs ingame that would indicate a planned focus on certain aspects which... Aren't really what I'm looking for. Personally, I'm more interested in the finding of clues and piecing together what happened in a place and what specific type of haunt is really causing trouble. But looking at the unimplemented high-level skills, I see a lot of stuff for flamethrowers, grenade launchers, rockets... There's even a skill dedicated to allowing you to use nuclear grenades (and another unrelated skill in a completely different tree that lets you actually build said nuclear grenades). Which I interpret as meaning they plan to put a lot more focus on the raw combat side of things... Which, while the most "exciting", is also probably one of the game's weakest points.

I dunno... The game's fun enough as it is, albeit fairly rough around the edges. I suppose only time will tell what this game is destined to become.

Mr. Kazooie is suspicious AF

He really is... But then again, so is everybody else. Now that Banjo's fucked off and is no longer anywhere to be found, we're stuck with people like the gunstore owner who had the puzzle box and ate $200 from our savings in a "fantastic business venture" of what is clearly smuggling black market weapons into the city. We still haven't seen any return on that yet, and I'm beginning to wonder if it's tied to story progression or if it's just unimplemented...

There's also the bartender who's upset and confused by these newfangled hunters with their EMF readers and parabolic whatsits, when back in his day it was just a bunch of guns and machetes... And there's Redback, of course, who is an incredibly sketchy paranormal pawnbroker who somehow manages to always wear shades even though he's sans one ear and is always sitting indoors. The bouncer we sold the ghoul emu meat to is the strong, silent type who apparently really just wanted some fresh necrophage fillets because they'd "look great in the gift shop", because the bar definitely has a gift shop and he's not just some crazy ritualistic metacannibal... Plus, his face tattoos look Maori in origin, and we all know you can't trust a Kiwi.

Zoe is just the ditsy blonde and the ditsy scientist nerd, so she's a bit too busy dealing with her crippling Ditsy2 personality type to be doing any plotting.

I'm actually leaving out one other character we can interact with, but he's going to get the chance to introduce himself quite soon.

Chapter Three: Bustin' Makes Me Feel Good

Alright, let's try out this whole "Sweeping" thing again, shall we?

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Blasting the lock off with a shotgun blast, I kick the door in and stealthily enter the house. Not detecting any immediate response, I quickly set up an emu trap and prepare to investigate the adjoining rooms...

But as I do so, two centipedes rocket out of the flooboards and one of them promptly hurls itself into the trap, dying instantly and wasting the trap. Bugger.

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I set another trap next to the body of a man who knew better than to indulge in 5th Street's gourmet kebabs (no, a food safety rating of "E" does not mean "Excellent"). Heading into the corridor I find that the rats are in full force, but as of yet there are no avian adversaries lurking in the dark recesses of man's mistakes.

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Unfortunately, my days of regular bowels reach an end as I enter into a cramped storage room and find another corpse, this one with the same kind of dreadful hell-spawned kebabtacle reaching out of its guts. Thanks to the unfortunate dimensions of the room, I can't actually dodge the projectiles and end up taking several spikes to the face... And although I can safely retreat outside the room to reload and heal, the game informs me that I cannot use a medkit during combat... So I end up burning a needle of free drugs that I'd been saving for the weekend, and losing 20% of my maximum health thanks to some abstract buggery.

I find the first of presumably many emus lurking in the bedroom closet, and although I trap it quite masterfully, it survives long enough to free itself and slash me a couple times because I somehow managed to holster my gun while shooting at the damn thing. Disapproving words were had.

Two traps, a stim and most of my bandages down, I set a new trap just outside an unexplored room and open the door... Lo and behold, two more centipedes pop out of the ground and I instinctively back away into a more open area where I can defend myself better. Unfortunately, this means that they now have nowhere to go but directly into my trap, and I mutter a quick eulogy for my wallet as another $12 trap goes *clunk*.

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...on the plus side, I somehow managed to get both of them with the same trap, and unlike their birdy relatives the centipedes die instantly upon contact with a bear trap. The coolness of getting an unexpected double kill helps soothe the financial pain of losing another trap.

The mission didn't end though, so I went back and double-checked the rooms I'd already explored. Somehow I managed to miss another case of fatal indigestion, and found a tentacle in a room I thought had already been cleared. This fight went much more smoothly, although I still suffered an unnecessary strike due to the cursor thinking I was aiming at the invisible wall next to me, rather than the enemy on the ground in front of me, and I unloaded a point-blank blast of buckshot into the wainscoting. The tentacle pecked me for ruining the feng shui.

After the tentacle shot its final spike and collapsed into a heap of prickly offal, the mission still wasn't finished. I poked around a bit more, trying to find where the last beastie might be, hoping I wouldn't have to do a tour of the grounds... And then I saw it. Inside one of the bedrooms. A solitary door. A private bathroom.

I already knew what awaited me inside.

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I still don't quite understand the emu fascination with indoor dunnies, but there you have it... As the oversized chook cawed out its last breath, I got the mission complete notification and headed back to the van to count my winnings.

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Mission complete in just over 36 minutes (it seems to count time spent paused, such as when I alt-tab out to write something down here), $131... Not too terrible, at least until you factor in the expenses of about $8 for ammunition and a new pair of knickers, as well as $48 spent on bear traps! Net profit comes out to just around $75, which is comparable to the $65 I get for completing the easier scouting missions... Except the scouting missions can be done in under 7 minutes if I'm doing bonzer, and will regularly give me over $100 worth of trinkets and evidence that I can pawn off to Redback. Potentially much more than that, all depending on how rare the clues I dig up are.

In any case, that's our 100% complete sweeping mission, so now I don't need to bother thinking about that any more. We head back to the safehouse for a kip, and to count our hard-earned rewards.

As mentioned, the scouting missions can be done in fairly short time and provide a comparable, if not indeed superior, payoff to the sweeping missions, so I've ended up doing a fair number of scouting missions in the interim. As such, we've got a couple more skill points, and just over $1200 in cash.

I decide to grab Marksman, since it allows for the mounting of sight mods on both shotguns and SMGs, and as such we're always going to have a use for it. I also grab Paranormal Peripherals as a requisite to grab Accessorize just below it.

...however, only upon unlocking PP do I discover that Accessorize apparently requires two skill points to acquire! This means that grabbing those two useful skills (Accessorize and Marksman), which are also only as useful as the expensive gear you buy to use them, end up requiring our entire pool of 4 free skill points. Slight downer, that.

With that painful procedure out of the way, we skip on over to Guns and Baits in order to suit up with some goodies for our newly-unlocked equipment slots.

We go on a shopping spree and snag some gel in-soles for our boots, a warding heptagram charm for our armor (which in fact does not ward anything at all, it provides a 6% XP gain increase), and a pair of polycarbonate safety glasses. Remember kids, safety first!

Then we trade out our revolver for the next level up, which deals just over double the damage of the old one. We also grab a red dot sight for improved accuracy, and the best SMG currently on the market. The shotty has been serving us well enough, but I figured we might as well try out the SMG and see what it's like. Safety first, guns second.

Everything said and done, we're back to having just a little over $200 in our pocket. Welp. Time to get into some more trouble, yeah?

And where better to find trouble than the Shaggy Jackal Bar (and let's be honest, probably Grill)?

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Ken: "Well, maybe just the one hand of blackjack... Hey, you wouldn't happen to know about evocation rituals for summoning a poltergeist into the material realm, would ya?"

Kenny: "Do I! Mate, there's a reason they call me 'Lucky Kenny' around here, and it ain't just 'cause of my pretty face, heh heh!"

Kenny: "So, evocation rituals, yeah?  ...listen, I've got some business down the road need's taking care of, and I could always use an extra pair of hands to help out. Why don't you tag along, and I'll show you how the pros do it."

And with that, our hapless creationist friend hits the cue for the second strip of the Comic...

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The ritual finished, the two head back to the Shaggy Jackal... Where everybody knows your name, so long as your name's Bruce.

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Ken: "Have you gone troppo, mate?! What the fuck was that all about?"

Kenny: "Easy now, don't carry on like a pork chop... That was an Echrii spirit, nasty business... They feed on the soul like a mozzie sucking blood. Usually you can banish 'em, but this one was too far gone."

Ken: "An Echrii?"

Kenny: "Yeah. Angry little buggers... They're pretty rare nowadays, but every now and then one comes through the triple-6 with a powerful poltergeist and latch onto the first human in sight."

Ken: "The what?"

Kenny: "You want to be a hunter and you don't know what the triple-6 is? You might want to hit the books before heading out on your own...

Ken: "I've got the only book I need already, but what's this have to do with maths?"

Kenny: "...right. Anyways, the triple-6 are what hunters call the dimensional gates, as it's believed there are 666 of them; though only 137 have so far been mapped. I'm sure you'll have the pleasure of entering some on your hunts..."

Ken: *Getting distracted* "...hang on, why exactly do they call you 'Lucky Kenny'? We've only played blackjack three times, and you already owe me $80"

Kenny: "Well, y'see, it was only about 50/50 we had the right guy out there on the docks. Heh, you can imagine my relief when the Echrii started poking out o' his armhole!"

Ken: "Jesus Kenny, you're a real cunt... Mad as a cut snake."

Kenny: "A lucky cunt! Hahaha!"

Leaving Kenny to laugh at himself and accrue a steadily increasing gambling debt, we head back out into the city, having unlocked the next two mission types!

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While we've unlocked the endgame "summon and banish" missions, I can guarantee you that we're not ready for those... Even if they do dangle a rather tempting reward of $33500 for successfully defeating the spook.

Instead, we're going to be looking into the next difficulty class of scouting missions. These claim to have a higher threat rating than the earlier sweeping missions, so we're probably going to die an extremely horrible death in fairly short order... But, I mean, it's not like we haven't done it before!

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I head inside, set an emu trap, and start checking my instruments. There appears to be a low-level audio interference, so my parabolic EVP gear is going to be a teensy bit unreliable and make it more difficult to home in on actual clues, but the EMF reader seems to be working fine. I check out one room, make a note to double check the dead body for residual smears, and...

Wait, what's happening to the lights? Why are they pulsing like that? What's-

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A couple SMG clips and a pair of soiled pants later, the creatures vanish without a trace... What were they? We may never know...

...because again, our Cryptonomicon doesn't actually contain entries on anything except rats and we need to buy all the extra chapters from Redback. How can a book have DLC?

We find a couple clues, fill a stray emu with lead stuffing, and keep the investigation going. However, if the earlier ghostie fight wasn't clue enough, we're soon made very aware of this house's "inactive" poltergeist presence by all the furnishings jumping up and flinging themselves at us.

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We manfight an emu and take only a moderate pecking despite not using up a bear trap, and then make our way into the oppressively open space in the main living area. A few clues are found, but while investigating the television a couple of the lights start going dodgy again, and, well...

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These ghosts, being ghosts, are uninterested in stepping into bear traps. Somehow shooting them to re-death still works, remarkably, but they won't let themselves get caught in the act. Curiously, on death they also display an internal skeleton momentarily before dissolving back into the ether. Hmm.

Exploring the house, we come across something else we haven't discovered before. A locked door!

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You can tell it's locked because there are MASSIVE FUCKING CHAINS on it. Funnily, we've encountered jammed doors before, and while the solution to dislodging a stuck door is to disintegrate the lock's structural integrity with magnum gunfire, an actually locked door is impervious to such silly attempts. We need to find the key.

Luckily, we found the key.

So, what horrible horrors and terrifying terrors are hidden behind DOOR NUMBER CHAIN???

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...some dirty washing. That's it. Nothing else is getting picked up on any of my tools. I suppose you could call it a... DEAD-END, muahahahaha!

Anyways, see that glowy plume in front of our head? Not the flashlight, the other thing... That's because any time we're close to this end of the house, our breath fogs up in the air due to the supernatural chill! It's probably, like, 20 degrees in there! Should've worn a coat...

With all the rooms explored and seemingly every monster snuffed, I went through the house again with a fine-toothed listening comb to see if I could find anything that might've been hidden by the static interference. No luck. We also had enough clues to deduct the spook's identity to a second degree of detail, but unfortunately we lack the required skill to unlock that ability.

With nothing left to do, we hopped back in the van and left to see how close we'd managed to come to the truth.

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Fairly close, as it turns out. I'm not sure where or what that last clue might've been, but we did at least get the snazzy bonus for correctly deducing the haunting's basic identity.

You can also see just how much money can be made off of selling signs/clues... Apparently, clues increase in value not only with their "rank" (useless through rare), but also with the difficulty of the mission they were collected from. Ripper! This was definitely worth the trip, we didn't even use any free drugs!

Dumping the signs off with Redback, we head over to Guns n' Baits to spend our hard-earned dollars.

...since we're not killing people, it's not exactly blood money... Ectoplasm money? Doesn't quite roll off the tongue now, does it?

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Ken: "Noah, I always knew your boat would save us..."

So now the store has opened up a massive selection of new gear, including the final clue-finding tool (and horrifically expensive upgrades for all categories of tool)! We've also got loads more attachments, accessories, new armor, lots of big guns, and some... Uh... *Sigh*...

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...I feel so sad inside. Anyways! We've got a massive amount of new loot to grind for, and nowhere near enough money to grab it all! I noticed that Redback also had some new Cryptonomicon entries available, so I suppose we'll have to go and buy new chapters for our book... Now, where did I leave the bookbinding glue?

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With our minds expanded by knowledge, our guns expanded by tacticool mods, and our undies expanded by fear itself, we get ready to embark upon the next great adventure in household pest extermination! Money and swag awaits us!


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King Zultan

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Re: HellSign Hunters: Australian Pest Control
« Reply #6 on: December 03, 2018, 07:25:32 am »

The Lawyer opens a briefcase. It's full of lemons, the justice fruit only lawyers may touch.
Make sure not to step on any errant blood stains before we find our LIFE EXTINGUSHER.
but anyway, if you'll excuse me, I need to commit sebbaku.
Quote from: Leodanny
Can I have the sword when you’re done?


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Re: HellSign Hunters: Australian Pest Control
« Reply #7 on: December 03, 2018, 08:04:42 am »

Damnit people, this is why I said to keep the truce. Because now everyone's ganging up on the cats.
Also, don't forget to contact your local Eldritch Being(s), so that they can help with our mission to destroy the universe.

Khan Boyzitbig

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Re: HellSign Hunters: Australian Pest Control
« Reply #8 on: December 03, 2018, 11:51:22 am »

////;::;\\\\ Scuttle Scuttle...

Milk for the Khorneflakes!

Luminous Bolt of Bacon
"Excuse me sir, You are on Fire."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: HellSign Hunters: Australian Pest Control
« Reply #9 on: December 03, 2018, 01:41:32 pm »


Also, I intend to read all posts now and in the future in the voice of this guy.
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« Last Edit: December 03, 2018, 01:47:23 pm by Dunamisdeos »
FACT I: Post note art is best art.
FACT II: Dunamisdeos is a forum-certified wordsmith.
FACT III: "All life begins with Post-it notes and ends with Post-it notes. This is the truth! This is my belief!...At least for now."


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Re: HellSign Hunters: Australian Pest Control
« Reply #10 on: December 03, 2018, 05:30:42 pm »

Chapter Four: Freaky Ghost Babies

Thanks to some more illegal fruit trade and a couple experiences that were definitely not completely avoidable deaths, we managed to scrape together enough funds for a new flashlight and (more importantly) the next size up of medkit. Seeing as we were juuust going over the bandaging limit on most runs and the fact that this new medkit has slightly more than twice as much healing power as the previous one, we should be able to kick our game up a couple notches.

Should be.

While we're at Guns n' Baits, we drool over the newly-unlocked weaponry that's currently three to four times unaffordable. There are even a couple entirely new classes of weapon that have opened up at the top tier, and not only are they all in the $50-60k range, but they also require even more skills in order to use effectively... Skills which haven't been implemented yet.

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Also take note of the pump-action shotgun that's available, which is very obviously a lever-action shotgun. Heh, it's almost like these people don't even really understand how guns work or someth-

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Let's just get out of here, okay?

Anyways, we rev our engines and set course for another danger-flavored house linked to some mysterious disappearances. Who knew that Adelaide lost several hundred people to haunted houses every week? Honestly, it's a wonder it's still a populated area at all... But then again, housing is probably cheap, and millenials can't be choosers now can they?

We arrive on the scene and, judging from the debris, manage to crash into the sole survivor who was trying to flee the area by car.

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Stepping out of the car, I noticed that our breath was fogging up the air again. And while the night is a reasonably chilly 31 degrees centigrade, that shouldn't normally be enough for our wheezing to turn into a columni-, a colunumb-, colimbulo-... Cloud. A fucking cloud.

However, we just so happen to have a new paranormal investigative gadget in our arsenal! We've now got a Thermal Scanner, which will let us suss out any  supernatural temperature phenomena and find even more clues!

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This chair, for example, seems to be lighting up like a crackhead's imaginary Christmas tree! The way this works is that whenever we notice our breath doing that poofy thing, it means we're close to a thermal clue. Then we pull out the thermal scanner and carefully drag the imaging window over things that might be clues, until we see something that gives an anomalous reading on the display.

If you looked at that and thought "The picture quality on that imager's a bit dodgy", you're absolutely right! If you also thought "That thermal imaging screen's smaller than a wallaby's vagina", you're right, right, you're bloody well right! And you've got a bloody right to know that this hi-tech scanner has an effective range of 0.75 meters, at which point the image devolves into static. Also, moving the scanner too suddenly will similarly fuzz up the display, forcing you to inspect each and every item in a room at a relaxed walking pace.

Oh yes, and our breath also registers on the screen, so we're apparently venting boiling-hot steam out of our face holes and can't risk standing too close to what we're looking at or else we'll fog up the display. But we can't stand too far away either, because 0.75 meters.

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Someone apparently left their framed family photo outside under this folding chair. What was the family framed for? Illegal possession of hallucinogenic substances, clearly.

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Entering the house, everything seems to be fairly quiet so far, just the standard background interference on our parabolic microphone and some-

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*cough* *cough* *cough* ANYWAYS, after dealing with the homecoming party and a stray emu hiding in the fridge, we picked up a fair number of clues in quick succession, including a key to an inevitably very locked door somewhere on the property. Inspecting another room, I found-

What's that noise? Oh god no, not-... Where did they come from? WHY ARE THERE SO MANY OF THEM?!

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Now, normally, when I enter a room I'll kick around a bit and then either shine a light on the emu in the corner or disturb the rat nest under the bed, but I've never had it happen where they'll come from every room in the house except the one I'm in. For a few moments there was this flood of rat bastardry zooming through the halls and forming themselves into little warbands that would launch surprise attacks on my shins from all angles.

I may have panicked a little bit and thrown an impact grenade into the wall I was standing next to, but that's besides the point. We're now down most of our bandages and all but one grenade, and there's still half the house to inspect.

The next few rooms were mercifully uneventful, with only a couple kebab victims attempting to puncture me with vicious darts of congealed garlic sauce. One of them actually hit me, thanks to it popping up in a storage cupboard and evading my shots by cunningly hiding itself behind a nearby wall which I suddenly felt extremely compelled to shoot at thanks to the isometric viewpoint. Wait, I mean... What?

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That took our medkit down to the last 17 healing points from our original 260, but at least we're not dead. Moving down the corridor there were a couple more conspicuously harmless rooms, and then a locked bedroom door. Opening the door, I let in a draft that rustled the former occupant's stash of pornographic magazines underneath the bed.

Wait a moment, those aren't magazine pages rustling, those are-...

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...and there goes our last grenade. However I'd like to think that, if God had made grenades capable of intelligent thought, ours would have liked to know that he shredded a whole 9 rats in one good splat. Good on ye, rat-splatter.

The two that escaped the blast were quickly hunted down and given a good lead spanking in the hallway. I had some miraculously poor aim though, and one of them chastised me for being less useful than a left-handed boomerang.

Inside the room we found a copy of Fifty Shades of G'day, the steamy outback romance novella that's guaranteed hotter than a Christmas dinner. Someone had been using a haunted china doll as a bookmark, and this clue rounded out our collection at a nice even 6.

However, seeing as these runs tend to have between 7 and 9 clues, that meant we were missing a few. Still one room of the house left unexplored... What final horror could await us there?


Aaand it's just an emu that'd gotten itself locked in the drawing room. We lure the dumb bird out and give it some fully-automatic birdseed.

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With a careful investigation of a screaming lamp in the drawing room, we round out our raid with a good 7 clues. It's close enough to probably be all of them, and I can't be bothered to go back through and see if I've missed any audio clues due to the interference. We correctly identify a suspicious blood pattern as coming from a clean slice (rather than being indicative of blunt force, sharp cut, or "jaggered"), which absolutely confirms beyond any trace of doubt that the property is haunted by a banshee.

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Turns out we were right, both about the number of clues and about the haunting. We bag a nice $195 bonus on top of the $732 the signs are worth. Looting has its benefits!

Dumping our stockpile of ghostly ropes and haunted fruit off with Redback, we rake in enough cash to upgrade some of our detecting equipment to better levels, improving both their range and their resistance to interference. The EMF upgrade costs a respectable $600, while the next level up of parabolic mic cost a whopping $1550, which is why we weren't able to easily afford it before now.

But in any case, with these new gadgets we should be ready to tackle even the spookiest spooking with ease! Well... At least the whole "finding clues" part. We're gonna need a little more divine intervention with the "not dying to wombat ambushes in the foyer" part. Or maybe just a good carbine... Yeah... Carbine intervention...

And that's all for now. This run got started fairly late, and as we all know ghosts have a bedtime too... No sense disturbing them when they're sleeping and getting them unnecessarily upset. Next time we'll flesh out our armory a little bit, worry over where to put our precious skill point, and hopefully make even more money by stealing random bits and bobs!


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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: HellSign Hunters: Australian Pest Control
« Reply #11 on: December 03, 2018, 11:34:56 pm »

*The emu war intensifies.*
In any case it would be a battle of critical thinking and I refuse to fight an unarmed individual.
One mustn't stare into the pathos, lest one become Pathos.


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Re: HellSign Hunters: Australian Pest Control
« Reply #12 on: December 04, 2018, 03:11:45 pm »

Please be advised that if a stronger breed of emu emerges, it should be designated "Bloody Emu"
FACT I: Post note art is best art.
FACT II: Dunamisdeos is a forum-certified wordsmith.
FACT III: "All life begins with Post-it notes and ends with Post-it notes. This is the truth! This is my belief!...At least for now."


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Re: HellSign Hunters: Australian Pest Control
« Reply #13 on: December 04, 2018, 05:31:48 pm »

As it happens, we're actually making quite a fair amount of money right now, well enough to buy anything we need as long as we don't need any of the weapons priced over $50k. And considering nearly all the weapons over $50k are in fact completely hamstrung thanks to massive reload times due to not having their associated skills (seeing as the skills are as of yet unimplemented), we really won't be needing any of them. There's one SMG priced at a little over $50k that we can use, but the only benefit it provides over our current SMG (which has been upgraded to the $4200 variant) is +2 magazine size and a firerate of 18 rounds per second rather than 17. That's what you get for paying more than ten times the pricetag of the next-best version.

If you look at the stats, the $4200 version has a damage value of 7.92 versus the pricer one's 8.21... But the problem is, the game doesn't actually calculate "7.92 points of damage", it just rounds off to the nearest whole number... Meaning that both versions deal exactly 8 damage. The fact that the game rounds off its numbers is actually quite significant on certain weapons, especially considering that +damage% mods and skills will do absolutely nothing except on the specific weapons where it will hit the rounding cutoff (in which case it will increase damage by considerably more than what's described in the mod/skill's tooltip info), but it's never explained to you ingame. You just have to notice and pay attention to it yourself.

We currently don't have any barrel mods, on account of the fact that we haven't dedicated ourselves to either SMGs or shotguns yet. The SMG has been serving us very well so far, and is capable of putting down some of the nastier foes in a single mag (as well as allowing for a fair amount of my abysmally shaky aim... I have an Australian-made mouse, you see), but shotguns are shotguns. Ammo seems to be a fair sight cheaper for the SMG, as $6 will buy 250 SMG rounds or one tenth as many shotgun shells. Ideally we should pick up one of the specializations sooner rather than later, so that we can take advantage of barrel mods as well as the passive bonus (+10% accuracy, +1% critrate for SMGs, -25% reload time for shotguns).

The revolver has been swapped out with a semi-automatic pistol, as these generally perform better without needing the associated perks. The pistol makes a nice fallback weapon due to having a 0.7 second reload time and an 18-round clip, whereas revolvers have only 6 shots and need 1.6 seconds to reload. With the perks in place, the revolver's reload time gets reduced by 45%, making them much more viable than before and letting you take advantage of their crazy damage.

Funnily, the revolver-related perks also provide damage buffs... But they're so tiny (0.5% and 1%) that they mean absolutely nothing on any gun except the top-tier revolver, which increases from 24 to 25 damage (noticeably more than +1.5%). Because rounding is a good idea.

For as stylish as revolvers are, we simply don't have the skill points available to really make use of them... At least not without seriously hampering our build in other areas.

We've upgraded to the best medkit available (a whopping 390 points of healing), but haven't upgraded our stimpacks. This is because we've already got the version that gives two uses, and once you've taken two separate -20% hits to your max health, you're not going to be surviving long enough to use it a third time anyways... There's a skill that reduces the health penalty you take when using stims, but the reduction is so small that in practice we'd only be saving about 6 hitpoints... Which is less than the damage a single spiderling rat bite deals after reductions from all of our armor. Not worth a skillpoint.

There are trinkets and accessories that provide passive health regen, however! The most powerful of these effects is 0.025 hitpoints per seconds. In order for this to heal up the damage from, say, a rat biting us for 6 health, we'd need to stay out of trouble for 4 minutes. There's a craftable version that provides a considerably more powerful +6 hitpoints per second, but it requires a skill to craft and it also makes you take 3x as much damage from every attack.

The least powerful is 0.005 hitpoints per second. I'm not sure why they even implemented that. Actually, I'm not even sure it is implemented...

We still have the throwing skill from our starting class, but out of the 5 different items that can be thrown in this game, only one of them has an actual use. The baits are meaningless and don't actually distract anything, the UV flare is an amazingly overpriced paperweight (except a paperweight can actually be thrown at something to deal damage, which is beyond the flare's capabilities), and only one of the two grenades actually works. It also deals such low damage that it can only be used against one enemy type, and those are rats. It's fairly decent at cleaning out swarms of rats, if the rats are willing to cooperate. You can burn a skillpoint to increase its damage by 50%, but this means absolutely nothing in practical terms and is therefore useless.

The other grenade is a "Cluster grenade, with the initial explosion delivering multiple proximity-activated mines. The explosives can be tuned to trigger only on specific enemies". Sound great, right? It only works on one enemy type: The dirt kebab. The dirt kebab is a pushover and only appears outdoors anyways. There hasn't been a single dirt kebab encountered in any of the LP posts. You know why? Because even beyond just being weak and outdoors-only, they're also fairly rare. The game neglects to mention that it only works on this one enemy.

We've got a stock of grenades for unexpected rat swarms, because we might as well make the most of this half-useless skill so long as we have it.

So yeah, just a quick technical update on the challenges we're currently facing... I need to make a decision as far as gun specialization is concerned, so that we can make the most out of our equipment. There are also a couple investigator perks I want to grab since we're in the endgame, and there are ways of turning found clues into passive buffs for the remainder of a level. We're also going to be squaring up against one of the game's bosses sooner or later, and Investigation has an entire tree dedicated to making them easier to fight.

Things are crook in Tallarook, but so long as we keep our wits about us and don't chuck a wobbly, she'll be right.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: HellSign Hunters: Australian Pest Control
« Reply #14 on: December 05, 2018, 01:34:47 pm »

Posting to watch!
Love, scriver~
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