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Author Topic: (SG) Flight of the Dragon Lord  (Read 7846 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: (SG) Flight of the Dragon Lord
« Reply #15 on: November 09, 2018, 12:42:49 am »

Let's get to know everybody first. Speak to each leader of our peoples, starting with Grom-Chul. Then the two elves, the princess, the twincestous tieflings, and the prophet tiefling. Get a better handle on their personalities, as well as their suggestions and agendas.
As we are not yet at the island, I believe this will do for now. +1.
When we do actually land, I suggest we form some scouting parties to search for suitable places to camp.

King Zultan

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Re: (SG) Flight of the Dragon Lord
« Reply #16 on: November 09, 2018, 06:14:05 am »

Let's get to know everybody first. Speak to each leader of our peoples, starting with Grom-Chul. Then the two elves, the princess, the twincestous tieflings, and the prophet tiefling. Get a better handle on their personalities, as well as their suggestions and agendas.
As we are not yet at the island, I believe this will do for now. +1.
When we do actually land, I suggest we form some scouting parties to search for suitable places to camp.
The Lawyer opens a briefcase. It's full of lemons, the justice fruit only lawyers may touch.
Make sure not to step on any errant blood stains before we find our LIFE EXTINGUSHER.
but anyway, if you'll excuse me, I need to commit sebbaku.
Quote from: Leodanny
Can I have the sword when you’re done?

Tyrant Leviathan

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: (SG) Flight of the Dragon Lord
« Reply #17 on: November 09, 2018, 12:45:53 pm »

+ 1. Always a good idea to see who your working with and defintivebscout st land fall from suitable camps.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: (SG) Flight of the Dragon Lord
« Reply #18 on: November 14, 2018, 12:09:32 am »

You decide to suck it up, go out of your way to interact with the lesser beings, and get to know their leaders a bit better. You have a week of travel, and six minions to study if you count the Tiefling twins as a single entity, so that means a day spent with each as well as a single day to yourself and your superior draconic thoughts.


Grom-Chul is forthcoming and willing to talk during the time you spend with him, and in a matter of hours you are confident you have him figured out; His ambition is driven by a desire to fit in and prove himself. As the nephew of a pirate lord, he would normally expect to be put in command of at least a small raiding fleet, but because Grom-Chul's mother was human, he was never even allowed to be captain of a single ship. Instead, he was made to take on the role of head slave driver at his uncle's mansion, a politically powerful position to be sure, but one usually held by Orcs of much lower birth. When he announced his intention to travel with you and help manage the Clownfin, he found that only the true outcasts and scum of orcish society were willing to serve under a half-breed. Of his 90 slave drivers, 15 are actually hardened and well armed mercenaries being paid a very generous wage, while the rest are prisoners and indentured servants who are barely more free than the slaves they will be working.

In terms of agenda Grom-Chul is clearly ambitious, but lacking in concrete plans. He knows the high elves will likely be the most powerful beings in Doomrus, aside from yourself, but also knows that they will likely depend on the slaves for survival, leaving him in a position over the noble people. When asked about the Tieflings, Grom-Chul admits that influence over them would be nice, but that because they will have less of a need for his services, he intends to focus most of his effort on working for and with the elves. On a slightly more personal note, the half orc mentions that he has his eyes on one of Dr. Seville's students, a young Geomancer named Meladora who appears to be at least a quarter human, if not half like Grom-Chul.


You pick a bad day to spend with Dr. Seville as the old elf had scheduled himself to lecture for eight hours straight, and the best you can do is sit in. You learn little about his personality, aside from the fact that he is stubborn enough not to let a dragon alter his plans, but you do learn a bit about the wildlife of your soon to be home. He spends the first half of the lecture talking about Death Hogs, porcine creatures from the haunted woods of Doomrus that can grow larger than a horse and breath miasmic gasses that melt flesh right off the bone. Their meat is toxic to most races, but they are still sought after for their bones and hide, which is extremely resistant to negative energy effects - such as the breath of a purple dragon. The second half of his lecture speaks of a creature called the Drakeclaw which inhabits the Doomrus deserts. Drakeclaws are dog sized creatures that possess the body setup of an arachnid, but the scales and fire breath of a red dragon. It is speculated that some ancient Dragon or Elemental elf created them by mixing dragon blood into the local scorpion population.

Having spent his entire day speaking about creatures that may be of interest to you, you wonder if the old elf might have secretly differed to your presence in some small way after all.

After the lecture, you do get a brief period to talk with Dr. Seville about his agenda. In the short term, he wants to set up shop on a sandy beach or desert; He has come equipped with the supplies and casters to perform a ritual that will transmute sand into enough glass and marble to build a proper High Elf academic compound. He anticipates that Dean Mapleseat has similar plans, and suspects that there will be competition over the slaves to see which elf faction will get their home built first. He assumes that he can count on your support in this matter, as Mapleseat has ties to "those dwarves who would dare butcher such a fascinating creature as yourself."

Once his tower is complete, Dr. Seville plans to hire and equip Tiefling guides to protect and feed his students as he sends them out into the interior of the wild continent to study the plants and animals. He has also brought large stocks of both magical and mundane crop seeds, and once he gets a feel for the local climate to figure out what will grow, he hopes to gain long term control over a slave population to work his fields.


Dean Mayleen Mapleseat is an administrator first and a teacher second, so she has no issue clearing her schedule to meet with you. You find her to be upfront, to the point, and no less scary than your initial impression of her has lead you to believe. She is quick to address the elephant in the room: her past. She worked with the Xinut empire, helped them butcher many dragons, and enjoyed every second of it. If she wanted to, she has no doubt that she could kill you as well, but fortunately she feels she has learned everything there is to know about the magics held within a dragon's corpse, and as such sees more value in you alive.

"You may not like me for my past, but we are natural allies," She argues. Dragons like to stockpile magical treasures. Scholars of forgotten magic like to study magical treasures. Dean Mapleseat claims to have many leads as to the location of magical treasures in Doomrus, that both you and her would benefit from investigating. Beyond that, she keeps her agenda close to the chest, but when you mention Dr. Seville's assumption that she intends to turn sand into building supplies and compete for slave labor to build a tower, she nods. "Best that you help me get my tower built first. The quicker I have a base of operations, the quicker we can get to treasure hunting."


Like Dean Mapleseat, Princess Ni'gwent is very forward in some ways. As an elf princess of the highest possible birth, she is entitled to rule over all less beings. As an artist, she appreciates beauty above all things. She fawns over and flatters you at every given opportunity, making no secret of her desires and going so far as to show you several idealized elfish forms you might adopt when the time comes to take her physically.

You are happy to receive a straight answer when you inquire as to why she thinks herself worthy of being a dragon's lover. "I am of the highest breeding. Unless you can convince a dragoness to abandon her stash of treasure and run off to Doomrus, you will not find anybody more worthy than me." She goes on to suggest that she is one of the few who can understand that you are not arrogant, but merely superior to most others, and hopes that you can one day see her in the same light. She wishes to use your might to subjugate the land and peoples of Doomrus, and bring the continent in line with her ideals of beauty, and in turn she is willing to pull rank on the other high elves to aid whatever your agenda happens to be. She then suggests that a shared bed and shared offspring are the logical first steps in forging the long term alliance with you that she seeks. You fall silent for a few moments to contemplate her words. It would be a stretch to imagine yourself seeing her as anything close to an equal, but at the very least you do admire her moxie.

Having spoken earnestly about her agenda, Princess Ni'gwent quickly re-adopts the persona of a young lady fawning over an idealized lover. Even though you now know this personality to be a mask of sorts, her performance of innocence and nativity appeals to you draconic instincts, to the point where you must excuse yourself from the room before you make the rash decision to claim her as a meal or a plaything.


The Moonblood Twins agree to host you for dinner in their cabin, which you find they have decorated and furnished to be a cozy home for them and their four children. They serve you a hearty bowl of soup made with tuber vegetables and salted meats, which you find to be more than enough to fill the stomach of your small humanoid form. Aside from their odd blueish-gray skin, the pair appear to be normal mortal dwarves. Cori explains that their demonic appearance and powers only manifest in moonlight, and that they become more monstrous and magical the closer the moon is to being full.

After dinner, Cori produces a harp and begins to play, while Cameron produces a deck of cards and invites you to join him in a bridge like game against two of his adult sons. Thanks to your draconic competitiveness and intelligence, the team of you and Cameron dominates the game, and as you play, you learn more about the Tieflings. The Moonbloods lead the Typhoon Coast Enclave because they, out of all the enclave's powerful bloodlines, are least driven to evil by their heritage, and as such can be trusted to make decisions that benefit the group rather than their own interests. As the night progresses you begin to develop a hunch that their nice and caring personas are genuine, but they may not be the soft-hearted chumps you take them for; You doubt they could have survived this long as leaders of a Tiefling compound if they were.

You press the Moonbloods on their agenda, and learn little of interest. They have brought some crops and livestock along, but have no clue what will or wont grow in Doomrus, and admit that they may have to depend on either your generosity or the slave labor of the Clownfins until they are established. They have few desires, seeking only to live in peace and continue their eugenics projects, but are willing to devote some of their time and energy to your service in exchange for protection. On the matter of eugenics, you ask if they envision dragon blood in the future of the compound's breeding projects. Cori puts down the harp to answer the question: "We had hoped so, but were not going to press the issue unless you brought it up. Our eldest daughter will come of age in a year or two, but we could match you with a female from another bloodline at any time you wish."


Your meeting with the Mute Prophet Diabold dosn't go as well as the others. You have to rely on his 13 apostles to translate his writings in Demon Rune, and going off the look on Diabold's face you suspect that said acolytes are editing his words to flatter you. According to his servants, the Prophet feels that although his faith typically shuns those without demon blood, his people will serve your interests for as long as he lives, as payment for safe passage to Doomrus. The lifespan of a Tiefling can vary greatly based on both its mortal and demonic heritage, so you have no clue how long Diabold, a tall and slim figure covered in black chitin and resembling no mortal race you have ever seen, might last or what his people might do after he dies. You also begin to wonder if he is really the one who holds power over the Cult of the Four Limbs; Perhaps you should be keeping a close eye on his apostles.


Land is spotted. Rocky cliffs, reaching 1000 ft up in some place stand before you, and you can see the purple and black leaves of Doomrus' dread haunted forests growing all the way up to the edge.

Most of the minions wish to keep sailing and find a better spot to make landfall, but Grom-Chul and the Moonbloods have other ideas. The Half Orc quickly spots a natural harbor that would be a perfect place for the Clownfin to establish homes and underwater ranches. Between the efforts of the slaves, and the remaining food stores, Grom-Chul reckons that the travelers can continue to live on the ships, protected from storms and waves by high cliffs on all sides, until they find away to clear the woods and settle the land above.

The Moonbloods claim that their enclave possess a bloodline of Tiefling capable of digging into the stone cliffs and making subterranean homes, and some of the crops they have brought with them should grow very well in a haunted biome.

The Elfish scholars, of course, desire a sandy beach so that they may build proper marble towers. Dean Mapleseat in particular claims to have some maps that lead to a ruined elfish colony on the beach that can serve as a solid foundation, but since she dosn't know her exact location on the coastline of Doomrus, cannot tell you how far away said spot is.

Princess Ni'gwent is a bit more ambivalent toward the group's landing point, claiming that she can design a beautiful colony anywhere she chooses, but admitting that doing so would be much easier if the scholars had their sand.

The Cult of the Four Limbs is most opposed to stopping here. Prophet Diabold has no desire to subject his people to the horrors of the haunted wood nor the indignity of living underground with a bunch of 'inbred freaks'.

You suppose you have a choice to make now. You are a dragon, not a king. Your instinct is to fly off, explore the continent, claim a den, and start rebuilding your treasure hoard. You can lord over your minions from a distance, offering aid when they are doing poorly, and demanding tribute when they are doing well.

On the other hand, you know the Xinut Empire is only going to grow stronger, and eventually (hopefully no time soon) they will come for Doomrus. These peons need to grow strong to stand a chance at repelling them, and perhaps you need to fight your instincts and live among them, ruling them directly with your vast power and intelligence. You are not sure, after all, that such inferior beings can be both entrusted with freedom and expected to become mighty.

How do you proceed?
« Last Edit: November 14, 2018, 03:23:14 am by Weirdsound »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: (SG) Flight of the Dragon Lord
« Reply #19 on: November 14, 2018, 02:07:03 am »

Ooh, lotsa good stuff here.

The princess is definitely the crown jewel of our pawns, and we should indulge her romantic interests. While it's true she's just an elf, she's the best elf, in breeding, attractiveness, and appreciation of our grand superiority. Since as she notes, finding a dragoness will be difficult, children with her will certainly be the fanciest offspring we can reliably expect, especially prior to the Xinut Empire finding us and being defeated by our magnificence.

Also, she's a fantastic barrier to any of our minions, elven or otherwise, trying to harvest us for parts.

Naturally, we're going to have to stick around and micromanage our pawns. If mortals could become powerful and strong on their own, they wouldn't need to sign up with us. Much like any other livestock, they're useful but unambitious and petty. They require a strong hand to guide them.

I say we keep looking for sandy beaches, ruined colony or not. I badly want that harbor, and cliffside warrens sound pretty fantastic. But trying to settle our entire herd- including scatterbrained scholar elves- in a haunted forest is going to result in casualties. The beaches and deserts will be... perhaps not "safer," but "less thickly contested."

Once we hit a good elf-spot, I'm afraid we'll have to give Dr. Seville priority in constructing his compound. His work cataloguing and collecting local flora and fauna- and therefore making use of them- will be of more broadly applicable benefit than Mapleleaf's lust for magical treasure. I'm willing to give Mapleseat priority over our princess' dream castle, though. In any case, our aura will hopefully assist in the rituals.

Beyond that, getting the basics set up and our environment understood is of the utmost priority. We need the clownfin safe and productive so that the elves and tieflings can be fed, which will in turn allow them to be safe and productive.

As an aside- we have enough ships that we could leave some of the clownfin and tieflings to set up a harbor ranching outpost. I don't think I'm personally a fan of splitting our forces like that; they'll be less productive without us goading them to ever greater heights, both settlements will be weaker for lack of members, and we'll be out of range should they run into trouble. But it's an option, and certainly something to consider in the future.
Quote from: Radio Controlled (Discord)
A hand, a hand, my kingdom for a hot hand!
The kitchenette mold free, you move on to the pantry. it's nasty in there. The bacon is grazing on the lettuce. The ham is having an illicit affair with the prime rib, The potatoes see all, know all. A rat in boxer shorts smoking a foul smelling cigar is banging on a cabinet shouting about rent money.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: (SG) Flight of the Dragon Lord
« Reply #20 on: November 14, 2018, 02:13:54 am »

Doing my best to summarise IronyOwl's post:

1. Flirt with elf princess, get her to like us more.
2. Look for sandy beaches, with harbours and cliffside warrens. Let's not go for the haunted forest.
3. Give Dr. Seville the go ahead for building his compound. Give Mapleseat authority over the construction of elf princess' castle. Use dragon aura to assist if possible
4. Use majority of resources and workers to have basic shelters set up, and our environment scouted. Ensure worker base is safe & productive, same with tieflings and elves.

If that makes sense IronyOwl, and I didn't just bastardise some of your ideas, i'ma +1 that plan.
NRDL will roll a die and decide how sadistic and insane he's feeling well you do.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: (SG) Flight of the Dragon Lord
« Reply #21 on: November 14, 2018, 02:53:57 am »

Doing my best to summarise IronyOwl's post:

1. Flirt with elf princess, get her to like us more.
2. Look for sandy beaches, with harbours and cliffside warrens. Let's not go for the haunted forest.
3. Give Dr. Seville the go ahead for building his compound. Give Mapleseat authority over the construction of elf princess' castle. Use dragon aura to assist if possible
4. Use majority of resources and workers to have basic shelters set up, and our environment scouted. Ensure worker base is safe & productive, same with tieflings and elves.

If that makes sense IronyOwl, and I didn't just bastardise some of your ideas, i'ma +1 that plan.
1. Yes
2. I would love to but I feel like sandy beaches that are also cliffside harbors is asking for the moon. Just the sandy beaches would be fine, harbors for the clownfin would be a fantastic bonus.
3. Nono, we let Seville build his compound, then Mapleseat builds her compound, then the princess builds her castle. Insofar as those three are depending on the same limited resources. Yes on dragon aura.
4. Yes, though also ranches/farms for food, and quarries/etc if we need more materials to build the shelters.
Quote from: Radio Controlled (Discord)
A hand, a hand, my kingdom for a hot hand!
The kitchenette mold free, you move on to the pantry. it's nasty in there. The bacon is grazing on the lettuce. The ham is having an illicit affair with the prime rib, The potatoes see all, know all. A rat in boxer shorts smoking a foul smelling cigar is banging on a cabinet shouting about rent money.


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Re: (SG) Flight of the Dragon Lord
« Reply #22 on: November 14, 2018, 04:56:16 am »

Do we have a way to do long distance messaging. If we do, it may maje sense to send a sciuting vessel out in either direction, while we personally explore inland.

Tyrant Leviathan

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Re: (SG) Flight of the Dragon Lord
« Reply #23 on: November 14, 2018, 03:53:21 pm »

Well besides lacking that sweet princess I feel should have a scouting ship. Half tempted to join in, dragon mode after princess deal for support. Once Coast is clear everyone set up camp on the beach. Nongoing To evil woods just yet.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: (SG) Flight of the Dragon Lord
« Reply #24 on: November 16, 2018, 04:05:23 am »

You declare that the fleet will continue sailing up the coast, in search of a sandy beach, a place where the haunted wood does not grow right up to the shore, or ideally both.


For several days, the steep cliffs show no sign of relenting. You spend much of your travel time in the cabin Princess Ni'gwent, as you have decided to humor her and reciprocate her flirting.

Once you make it clear to the high elf that she has your interest, it quickly becomes apparent that she is well studdied in the ways of the Chromatic Dragons. She plays the innocent, young, niave girl long enough to fire up your instincts, but quickly changes to discussing plans that appeal to your ambition and greed just before you reach the point where you fear you may give in and take her. When you inquire as to why Ni'gwent seems to be keeping you from going all in on her physically, she informs you that she has no desire to fall pregnant quite yet; The first born child of beings as great as you and her deserves to be born and raised in a proper high elf tower at the very least, if not a proper palace or a fully stocked dragon's treasure cave.

Although her future plans are nebulous at best, you do manage to pry more pieces of information regarding the princess' general ambition out of her. Although she would not object to simply being your consort, she would very much prefer to marry you in a traditional high elfish wedding so that her children could be legitimate lords and ladies of the Startower States. "Sadly, the laws of my people are blind to the superior nature of your kind, so they could never be princes or princesses like myself as you are not an elf from one of the highest houses," she explains, "but they would still outrank every elf on this wild continent by birthright."

You also learn that she fully intends to bully the first scholar to finish his or her tower into giving her personal retainer of mages control of the spell labs within, so that they may work on the highly complicated rituals required to produce gold, silver, gems, and other valuable minerals. Once she has these treasures, she will either use them as material to make furnishings for an eventual palace, or perhaps give them to you so that you might re-establish a proper draconic treasure hoard. You can't help but feel an affinity for the young elf's love of wealth, but at the same time you are reminded of the helpless scatterbrained nature of her kind. Who sets off for a wild and untamed land, and has their mages prioritize and prepare for the creation of gold rather than more practical survival magic?


You spend some time as you travel considering the possibility of a scout ship, and determine that you have several options, none of which are great.

Physically speaking, The best ships for the job would be the five Elfish Starskaters that carry Princess Ni'gwent and her personal crew. These light warships are fast, well armed, and enchanted against rough winds and seas. You somehow doubt, however, that sending a bunch of pampered unescorted high elves on a scouting mission would end well.

The next best option is your own Flagship the Blood River. Until the the recent construction of the four Xinut Empire Dragonclads, an Orcish Kraken-Hunter like Blood River would have been the most feared sight on the seas. It is not nearly as fast as the Starskaters, and not magically protected against the elements, but it far out classes them in terms of sturdiness and firepower.

The rest of the fleet consists of a mix of Orcish Orcas and Dwarven Mauls, both of which are known to be slow but sturdy. These ships, although built to be suitable for battle, have forgone weapons to carry extra passengers and supplies. You had boasted before departure that your might was the only protection the fleet would need against pirates and Xinut patrols, and you guess that the peons have taken this to heart.


Eventually the cliffs begin to get steadily lower, and the fleet encounters a valley that opens up to the sea. A river or goopy orange liquid cuts through this valley, along which several dozen huts are spotted.

Almost everybody is in favor of avoiding the valley and continuing down the coast. Dean Mapleseat suggests that because the people live in simple huts, it is unlikely that they have much worth taking, and that because they can survive in the haunted woods without stone walls, it is likely that they are very proficient at defending themselves.

Grom-Chul suggests returning to raid the huts for slaves, once he trains a suitable number of elves and Tieflings to be proper slavers. "We are not equipped to enslave members of any race more assertive than the Clownfin at this time," he concedes.

Dr. Seville would very much like to get his hands on a sample of the 'water' found in the orange river, but warns that liquids from haunted biomes are unpredictable and can be potent enough to harm even dragons, and that even the mist that might come off such a river must be considered dangerous until proven otherwise.

This testimony serves to damper your own instinct to explore, raid, and conquer. As fun as it would be to swoop down on the huts in your true form, it seems as though doing so would be a risky operation with little promise of reward.

Only the apostles of Diabold seem genuinely interested in exploring the valley at this time. They are confident that their god will protect them from both the locals and the environment, and argue that they could call upon Bahammed to perform powerful magics if they had captives to sacrifice to him.

How do you proceed?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: (SG) Flight of the Dragon Lord
« Reply #25 on: November 16, 2018, 03:27:34 pm »

I think everywhere is gonna be deadly on the continent of doom.

Proceed to the elfin ruins I guess.

Really should consider splitting up.  If most of our forces stay in one place, like the elven nobles, one of the scholars, the half demons and the fish slaves then we can travel with the other two groups and protect them personally.

If we have the half demons and the merfolk go back and set up their cliffs and cove city in the haunted land with support from the scholars and elf princess, then gather then elven treasure hunters and cultists to find the elven ruins with us we would be able to hedge our bets while keeping the two elf and two demonkin populations that hate each other separated.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: (SG) Flight of the Dragon Lord
« Reply #26 on: November 16, 2018, 08:42:55 pm »

I think everywhere is gonna be deadly on the continent of doom.
Yes, but think of the VARIETY!

Really should consider splitting up.  If most of our forces stay in one place, like the elven nobles, one of the scholars, the half demons and the fish slaves then we can travel with the other two groups and protect them personally.

If we have the half demons and the merfolk go back and set up their cliffs and cove city in the haunted land with support from the scholars and elf princess, then gather then elven treasure hunters and cultists to find the elven ruins with us we would be able to hedge our bets while keeping the two elf and two demonkin populations that hate each other separated.
An option, but since everyone's lightly armed and depending on us for protection, I'm wary of letting them run off on their own. We really don't want the harbor colony being mauled by dire orcas or something while we're off babysitting elves. Or the elves being mauled by draconic scorpions while we're off checking on our ranching outpost.

Proceed to the elfin ruins I guess.
+1, I suppose. I'm certainly not opposed to picking our own spot, but if we're prioritizing the elven academies anyway we might not find better than whatever the scatterbrained elves chose the first time.

Though obviously we should ask why it's a former colony, if the spot was so great.

On the way there, we should gently dissuade the princess from hijacking our labs until we have a better grasp on the area's flora and fauna. Maybe we could even (eventually) build her and her retainers their own smaller compound for this vital but higher-end service.

Let's meet with that clownfin mage while we're at it, to get her opinion on the aquatic end of our settling decisions. We probably don't know much about coastline productivity, so knowing if we're settling in the aquatic equivalent of a mountain or a river valley might be handy. We should avoid directly mentioning we know she's an elder, but let the fact that we summoned her directly by name to ask about clownfin affairs speak for our omniscience and graciousness.
Quote from: Radio Controlled (Discord)
A hand, a hand, my kingdom for a hot hand!
The kitchenette mold free, you move on to the pantry. it's nasty in there. The bacon is grazing on the lettuce. The ham is having an illicit affair with the prime rib, The potatoes see all, know all. A rat in boxer shorts smoking a foul smelling cigar is banging on a cabinet shouting about rent money.

King Zultan

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Re: (SG) Flight of the Dragon Lord
« Reply #27 on: November 17, 2018, 04:50:00 am »

Proceed to the elfin ruins I guess.
+1, I suppose. I'm certainly not opposed to picking our own spot, but if we're prioritizing the elven academies anyway we might not find better than whatever the scatterbrained elves chose the first time.

Though obviously we should ask why it's a former colony, if the spot was so great.

On the way there, we should gently dissuade the princess from hijacking our labs until we have a better grasp on the area's flora and fauna. Maybe we could even (eventually) build her and her retainers their own smaller compound for this vital but higher-end service.

Let's meet with that clownfin mage while we're at it, to get her opinion on the aquatic end of our settling decisions. We probably don't know much about coastline productivity, so knowing if we're settling in the aquatic equivalent of a mountain or a river valley might be handy. We should avoid directly mentioning we know she's an elder, but let the fact that we summoned her directly by name to ask about clownfin affairs speak for our omniscience and graciousness.
The Lawyer opens a briefcase. It's full of lemons, the justice fruit only lawyers may touch.
Make sure not to step on any errant blood stains before we find our LIFE EXTINGUSHER.
but anyway, if you'll excuse me, I need to commit sebbaku.
Quote from: Leodanny
Can I have the sword when you’re done?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: (SG) Flight of the Dragon Lord
« Reply #28 on: November 17, 2018, 05:50:28 am »

Proceed to the elfin ruins I guess.
+1, I suppose. I'm certainly not opposed to picking our own spot, but if we're prioritizing the elven academies anyway we might not find better than whatever the scatterbrained elves chose the first time.

Though obviously we should ask why it's a former colony, if the spot was so great.

On the way there, we should gently dissuade the princess from hijacking our labs until we have a better grasp on the area's flora and fauna. Maybe we could even (eventually) build her and her retainers their own smaller compound for this vital but higher-end service.

Let's meet with that clownfin mage while we're at it, to get her opinion on the aquatic end of our settling decisions. We probably don't know much about coastline productivity, so knowing if we're settling in the aquatic equivalent of a mountain or a river valley might be handy. We should avoid directly mentioning we know she's an elder, but let the fact that we summoned her directly by name to ask about clownfin affairs speak for our omniscience and graciousness.

NRDL will roll a die and decide how sadistic and insane he's feeling well you do.
Re: (SG) Flight of the Dragon Lord
« Reply #29 on: November 17, 2018, 11:11:51 am »

Proceed to the elfin ruins I guess.
+1, I suppose. I'm certainly not opposed to picking our own spot, but if we're prioritizing the elven academies anyway we might not find better than whatever the scatterbrained elves chose the first time.

Though obviously we should ask why it's a former colony, if the spot was so great.

On the way there, we should gently dissuade the princess from hijacking our labs until we have a better grasp on the area's flora and fauna. Maybe we could even (eventually) build her and her retainers their own smaller compound for this vital but higher-end service.

Let's meet with that clownfin mage while we're at it, to get her opinion on the aquatic end of our settling decisions. We probably don't know much about coastline productivity, so knowing if we're settling in the aquatic equivalent of a mountain or a river valley might be handy. We should avoid directly mentioning we know she's an elder, but let the fact that we summoned her directly by name to ask about clownfin affairs speak for our omniscience and graciousness.

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