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Author Topic: (SG) Flight of the Dragon Lord  (Read 7823 times)

Tyrant Leviathan

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Re: (SG) Flight of the Dragon Lord
« Reply #60 on: December 04, 2018, 11:06:15 pm »

Kobolds being so tiny, cunning and loyal to dragons would have been nice, issue with them is their puny nature.

Though yeah Elemental Elf folk might have trigger a spite/ can of worms with other Elfs.

Though for now just gotta deal sadly.


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Re: (SG) Flight of the Dragon Lord
« Reply #61 on: December 04, 2018, 11:57:25 pm »

Kinda hoping that there's kobolds already living on the island that we can appropriate. They're kinda like smaller and lower tech dwarves, so very useful.

Might be worth considering that sites that DiXander found to be hostile might not be hostile to us, and vise versa. He might have marked a kobold camp as hostile where they would accept a chromatic dragon like us.


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Re: (SG) Flight of the Dragon Lord
« Reply #62 on: December 05, 2018, 02:13:14 am »

I mean the mutant tieflings want to enjoy our company as well so they seem like a good choice.

Tyrant Leviathan

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Re: (SG) Flight of the Dragon Lord
« Reply #63 on: December 05, 2018, 10:28:38 am »

The only issue with the Tieflings is

A: More than one group.

B: We do not know everyone’s motives ( this flaw applies to everyone.)

So yeah do not regret agreeing to add tieflinfs. The race is not the issue it’s just a few of them. No Fantasy racism here.

Would be nice to find native tribe if Kobolds because

1: Dragon Kin And so easy concert with knowledge we are a dragon.

2: Being natives, will know place better than us, who just got here.


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Re: (SG) Flight of the Dragon Lord
« Reply #64 on: December 05, 2018, 04:39:25 pm »

Heh, how did I miss this one? Right up my alley, this.

Better not confront Tol-Gurra about his suicide mission. That would involve tipping him off about the spies that Typhoon Coast have in the cult... Normally it would be concerning to learn that our minions are engaging in such intrigue already, but Typhoon are more willing to share information than Limbies are, so those spies are useful.
As such, it might be a good idea to request regular briefings with the moonbloods on what the heck Four Limbs is up to. Keep an eye on them.

More immediately, let's go on a cave adventure in them haunted woods! Can bring along extra minions, but only up to the size of an adventuring party.

Dragons love dungeon crawls, man.


Also some additional suggestions. I do not feel particularly good about sending Olkop along on the suicide mission. As we cannot backtrack now would it be possible to give them a little help getting home? Can we ask one of the High elf factions to cook him up a little scroll or magic item that he can use to either contact us with his location and any important information if he gets into trouble? If possible it would be nice for him to be able to teleport home if necessary, if it would be possible for one of the elves to cook up a one use item usable by an non-magic using individual in the time available.

As for the exact composition of the adventuring party.

+1 to bringing along a couple of the tieflings capable of digging, this should be useful in caves and might allow us to spend a little time prospecting the mountains for useful minerals/a stone big enough for us to get married, providing someone we bring knows anything about rocks.
Bring someone who knows anything about rocks.

Request a volunteer from Seville's elves, preferably one who doesn't have to be babysat. Their job will be to provide some insight regarding the biome we go into and take notes that might tempt more experienced academics to do something useful with the area.

Request Lux's expertise on this expedition if he will come, promise to be Tiefling shaped. We badly need an insight on how we can build a productive relationship with these Tieflings and if he'll let himself come on a week long expedition with us we might have a chance to find out how we can mutually benefit each other.

A handful of menial/meats shield eugenics Tieflings. For carrying and getting in the way of danger or adding a bit of minor magic.

This makes us slightly larger than an adventuring party (around 10 individuals) but it includes at least two magic users (the two elves) who can be boosted by us and is still small enough to make an escape while we dragon up and politely explain to anything that wants to mess with us why that's a bad idea. The plant elf should ideally be able to cast spells to make getting away easier too.

Some not relevant questions that I'd like to check  if we know without asking any minions.

What is the High Elf Royalty's view on polygamy. Will we be limited to half elves by this marriage?
Which of our minion species has the shortest time between conception and maturity? Does being half dragon effect this time interval?
Generally what are relations between Dragons and their half progeny like? How well do the half progeny play with each other? Do they have inheritance rights in dragon culture?


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Re: (SG) Flight of the Dragon Lord
« Reply #65 on: December 05, 2018, 04:54:56 pm »

I would actually like to know just what our shapeshifting can do, besides what we've already seen, shrinking down to humanoid size so that we can fit into tighter places, and... yeah pretty much just that~

How convincingly can we mimic humanoids? Can we take the form of someone specific just from knowing what they look like? We can do humanoids, but what about something larger? Could we turn into a hydra for the multi-biting and extra eyes? Or a giant if we want to toss large objects around? Can we go bigger than our true form?

It might be a good idea to go on a brief trip to "explore the land" and sneak around our little settlement in disguise. Gives us a better view of the ground level of things, and how people talk to each other when not under the gaze of a big old dragon.
Plus if we catch someone making a big enough mistake, we can jump into our true form and give the poor fool a heart attack~

Tyrant Leviathan

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Re: (SG) Flight of the Dragon Lord
« Reply #66 on: December 05, 2018, 04:56:12 pm »

I would actually like to know just what our shapeshifting can do, besides what we've already seen, shrinking down to humanoid size so that we can fit into tighter places, and... yeah pretty much just that~

How convincingly can we mimic humanoids? Can we take the form of someone specific just from knowing what they look like? We can do humanoids, but what about something larger? Could we turn into a hydra for the multi-biting and extra eyes? Or a giant if we want to toss large objects around? Can we go bigger than our true form?

It might be a good idea to go on a brief trip to "explore the land" and sneak around our little settlement in disguise. Gives us a better view of the ground level of things, and how people talk to each other when not under the gaze of a big old dragon.
Plus if we catch someone making a big enough mistake, we can jump into our true form and give the poor fool a heart attack~

I like the way you think in these matters.


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Re: (SG) Flight of the Dragon Lord
« Reply #67 on: December 05, 2018, 05:00:19 pm »

Shapeshifting is a powerful ability. I noticed that we might be underutilizing it.

Though the halfdragons alone would be nearly as good as the dragoness boon. The others seem a bit underwhelming, glad we picked this one. Double glad that we didn't pick the one that would be pretty trivial to replicate with simple necromancy magic.


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Re: (SG) Flight of the Dragon Lord
« Reply #68 on: December 05, 2018, 11:05:35 pm »

Also some additional suggestions. I do not feel particularly good about sending Olkop along on the suicide mission. As we cannot backtrack now would it be possible to give them a little help getting home? Can we ask one of the High elf factions to cook him up a little scroll or magic item that he can use to either contact us with his location and any important information if he gets into trouble? If possible it would be nice for him to be able to teleport home if necessary, if it would be possible for one of the elves to cook up a one use item usable by an non-magic using individual in the time available.
I disagree; there's plenty of time to back out and take Olkop with us instead. While I suspect it'll be survivable for him, I'd kind of rather just leave the apostle to his madness and focus on more productive pursuits.

As for why I think it'll be survivable:
-I'm an optimist, so I choose to assume he didn't just try to assassinate us
-He told us to bring friends; surely he doesn't think a royal elven bodyguard contingent plus a dragon is going to die to something his zealots are "highly unlikely" to survive
-Olkop is considerably tougher than anything in that party and has no zero compulsion to give his life for the glory of a tortured god (though perhaps some to fly into a berserk rampage)

Despite all that, like I said, I'd rather just snort disdainfully at the whole thing and get the report on their nonsense later.

Request a volunteer from Seville's elves, preferably one who doesn't have to be babysat. Their job will be to provide some insight regarding the biome we go into and take notes that might tempt more experienced academics to do something useful with the area.

Request Lux's expertise on this expedition if he will come, promise to be Tiefling shaped. We badly need an insight on how we can build a productive relationship with these Tieflings and if he'll let himself come on a week long expedition with us we might have a chance to find out how we can mutually benefit each other.
+1 to these, but I'm less fond of bringing along mooks. We're a dragon, we really don't need that much extra muscle; and we're just exploring a nearby cave, there's no need for a full on caravan. Better to cozy up to an elite selection of followers than bring along a gaggle of mooks for every possibility.
Quote from: Radio Controlled (Discord)
A hand, a hand, my kingdom for a hot hand!
The kitchenette mold free, you move on to the pantry. it's nasty in there. The bacon is grazing on the lettuce. The ham is having an illicit affair with the prime rib, The potatoes see all, know all. A rat in boxer shorts smoking a foul smelling cigar is banging on a cabinet shouting about rent money.


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Re: (SG) Flight of the Dragon Lord
« Reply #69 on: December 06, 2018, 12:04:13 am »

Yeah, it would be preferable to bring along something like an adventuring party, as I said before. Where we know the names of everyone we drag with us. :P
Partially because if they're named, they're more powerful and less likely to lolrandom die to something. :P


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Re: (SG) Flight of the Dragon Lord
« Reply #70 on: December 06, 2018, 12:48:40 am »

To tired to update. So have quick post answering questions.

What is the High Elf Royalty's view on polygamy. Will we be limited to half elves by this marriage?
Which of our minion species has the shortest time between conception and maturity? Does being half dragon effect this time interval?
Generally what are relations between Dragons and their half progeny like? How well do the half progeny play with each other? Do they have inheritance rights in dragon culture?

1: Marriage is uncommon among high elves; by tradition, a high elf wedding feast is so elaborate that a pair from the upper middle class looking to wed would have to each save most of their earnings for several centuries to afford the occasion. When they do wed, high Elves take a single spouse for life, and divorce is unheard of in their culture. That said, most marriages are arranged for political or eugenics reasons, so marital fidelity is rarely important. concubines, consorts, and bastards are a common and even accepted occurrence; children with one married parent are of higher status than children with no married parents, so unwed high-elves will often shack up with married friends (or even family if deemed safe by a proper bloodline study) when they wish to reproduce.

2: Elves grow slow. No two Tieflings are the same, so you'd have to ask about the growth rate of whichever one you wish to shack up with. Orcs grow up fast, reaching sexual maturity at age 6-8, and although you know little of the clownfin, you have to assume that Orcs would pick a quick breeding slave race. Dragons age differently than mortals, but most half dragons take after their mortal parent in terms of growth rate.

3: Chromatic Dragons do not practice the concept of parenthood and succession in the same way mortals do. A dragoness does not think of her brood as anything other than a particular interesting and valuable treasure. Young stay with their mother, who would often rather kill them than allow them to leave the nest, until they escape or are kidnapped by older dragons looking for minions. Because of this, young dragons (and half dragons) instinctively get along with one another and consider mom a natural enemy.

Male chromatic dragons with half dragon offspring, on the other hand, treat their children fairly well, in hopes of installing them as loyal puppet leaders over various mortal populations. In your case, the gift of shape changing runs in the blood, so it may be possible for your halfbreed kids to assume proper dragon form with decades of practice.

I would actually like to know just what our shapeshifting can do, besides what we've already seen, shrinking down to humanoid size so that we can fit into tighter places, and... yeah pretty much just that~

How convincingly can we mimic humanoids? Can we take the form of someone specific just from knowing what they look like? We can do humanoids, but what about something larger? Could we turn into a hydra for the multi-biting and extra eyes? Or a giant if we want to toss large objects around? Can we go bigger than our true form?

You can impersonate humanoids without much difficulty in terms of appearance, but your thick draconic accent would stick out like a sore thumb among the homogeneous groups of minions you have brought with you the instant you open your mouth.

You can take pretty much any form you wish, so long as you have seen a similar creature before and it is not too big or small

That said, you are only trained to fight in four forms:

True form - teeth, claws, and breath weapons
Feline - Teeth, claws, maneuverability and stealth
Alligator - Teeth, stealth, aquatic movement
Humanoid - Weapon and tool use


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Re: (SG) Flight of the Dragon Lord
« Reply #71 on: December 06, 2018, 10:45:23 am »

Lovely to hear re the clownfish, potential quick way to get a slavedriving/underwater defence class going fairly quickly if given the time.

Re the mooks, fair enough, just thinking of getting started on adding long term economic value to our settlement really, oh and carrying stuff if we strike it lucky somehow.

On shapeshifting, is a dog or bird reasonable? That could potentially prove adequate for internal espionage purposes depending on how these animals are treated by the various minions.


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Re: (SG) Flight of the Dragon Lord
« Reply #72 on: December 06, 2018, 05:22:08 pm »

+1 to bringing at least one digging tiefling and one of Seville's elves


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Re: (SG) Flight of the Dragon Lord
« Reply #73 on: December 06, 2018, 07:15:30 pm »

You can take pretty much any form you wish, so long as you have seen a similar creature before and it is not too big or small

What are the limits on "too big or small", though? Could we turn into an even larger version of our true form? Could we turn into something the size of a mountain?
Is a rat too small? What about a housecat? A tarantula?

Can we mimic inherently magical creatures? If not, would a pegasus work or require magic to fly? Could we turn into a fire elemental and toss fireballs around without having to learn magic? Could we take the form of a ghost and be incoporial? Could we turn into a full sized adult black dragon and fly at supersonic speeds?

How fast can we transform, and how immobile are we during it? Could we be dueling someone while in human form, then surprise whip out an octopus arm to trip them? Can we transform into chimeras of multiple animals, such as a dwarf with bear claws or a lion with a scorpion's sting?

Tyrant Leviathan

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Re: (SG) Flight of the Dragon Lord
« Reply #74 on: December 06, 2018, 07:38:07 pm »


Yes one digging Tiefling is handy for finding useful minerals, and maybe burrow shelter should something happen.

And definitively two name brand magic users for our magic amp aura deal.
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