Rosa: Yes. The majority of girl readers in poll with our company is the Goo format. Which is cartoony, I swear it’s pretty much like Disney comics, only difference is story content and characters.
Val: Also for the prequel, we could have like the darkness showing up in other points in time, in the past and truly the ultimate would be the first time these dark Gods enter humanity at that first encounter. It does not even have to be known history.”
Dona: We could just call the Barfields. We got their number and we all help each other.”
: Cue phone call.:
Brian: Girl Book? Hmm. Andrea loves romance stuff, maybe she will send a prototype of something? Jotun? Well the main series is supposed to be over, if done again. Would have to be a hook, like stories of another pilot or even a sequel series. Though I love trying my hand at different things. Money, is a better thing at times.
Andrea: Do not tell me you have gone commercial : play punch in arm.:
Brian: Well given success, would be a lie to say it did not affect me that way. And I wrote Goo for everyone to enjoy. Could see why girls love it.. as Mink the cat, who is a girl has cartoonish super strength. So maybe it’s the Wonder Woman Thing.
Oh and Call of Darkness? Given the format has been our guy being detective at horror sights, the brief but house and Mo stew hunting. Which is driving him crazy, a prequel would be smart. Also we need to name the said Dark Gods and given them a vague scary form. To be legit Lovecraft.
I will bring notes and sketches next week. Hope you do not mind our baby boy because me and mrs are coming there next week to talk shop.
Dona: I just had a idea! Why don’t we get prints of all the Call of Darkness stories and make a single giant book out of it? Would cost more, but a way for die hard fans to read whole series up until now, without needing to cycle through multiple issues.
Val: We could call it The Book of Darkness edition.
What to do:
Instead of writing and printing something, make rough drafts. Also the book store research, to see if the world of 1950 is really that different from 1947.
Library to learn new genre(s)
Go into book pile for more stuff to mass print ( and getting 15k cause of the school deal.)
And that’s that, unless want to hire more people for more ideas and books to be done. ( because there is a sanely high max limit of books at one time. Only limits are budget andvthe build of said book.)