I'm just going to bump this. I let it slide a little* but kept with updates as suggested by the Store and over the last week or so I've actually been dipping back in during a free moment or three.
Daily and weekly tasks - took to them nicely, the daily ones. Good to get me going for terrains/mission-types I might have otherwise passed over. If I could match "desert (2 missions)" with the two divferent mission types also being asked it made things feel nice. Today was a request for a Mystery, but because of the specified 3xMountain (see footnote!) I took a Dungeon or Ruin version (whichever it was) that was the first up for offer on the list.
It was then that I discovered I would not have to
wait for the Weekly mission. It being in with the plot-mission giver (that I'd been avoiding 'til then, again as per footnote).
Skill points and 'buffs' - Good idea. I started with a whole bunch of them, so I spread them liberally around the available progressions. I
think this is part of the reason I'm getting back from missions with respource items and equipment of levels in the 50s, 60s and even a couple of ones at 70. I like to 'farm' the levels, as you know. Plus (for
some missions) there's the option to continue a map post win-condition, which has been let me stop worrying about putting off doing thongs, for fear of closing things too early!
Craft requirements - Well, it
was my loophole that I told you I found. Once I worked out why I wasn't getting my bought-materials onto the crafting table, took a bit of 'evening up' by adventuring for more goodies to sell before I could raise the crafting capability to use the things I'd bought. Obviously a new player (or one who hadn't dived headlong into the loophole!) is going to not be so disadvantaged as they play more evenly from the start.
All the extra mission-maps! - Well the Plateau had me confused for a brief moment, but it has something to it. Still to check I've tried out every locale and every mission-type (being mostly guided by the randomised Daily suggestions, yet to blitz a mission-vendor or go see if the "choose your own spec" guy is still down at his end-of-strand point), but quite a lot of development.
Real-time mode. - Not tried yet! Still sort of happy with ths sort-of-semi-turn-based play, TBH. Ironically, as 'turning' does
not advancing NPC-time (or reloading, as it shouldn't), unlike moving.
Also I suspect I might get lag if
forcing that mode, so best left to people with snazzier tablets, eh?
I see you revamped the uses/durability system. Also I've yet to update
all my equipment, but I think I'm getting more per-item use out of the ones I came this far through the updates with, already. I assume that's how you want it.
(Secondary to that, I got into an interesting situation where a sledgehammer I used (in a Dungeon-based Disruption mission, where item-containers were checkerboarded within alternating pillars, I'm sure you'll know the template layout) eventually got to "-20/5 durability", as in I used it 25 times to knock out the 25 pillars. I might PM you to tell you how I did it. Almost certainly not what you intended.
(Tertiary to that, on my last try of a Mountain mission (for Ore Mining, if it matters) it pestered me about not having a Quench item in my equipment. I
did have a bucket, though, there in my 'active inventory bar'. I'd used it in a prior Volcano mission. Went ahead with it anyway, after backing out first to check I'd not sold it or something, knowing that my high-spec Drake Leather boots were probably a good safeguard too! Unfortunately, being on a Mountain*, it plonked out as I was still adjusting my sight-level to glance upwards a little at the closest red dot noted from the initial check of the game-map. Still, the 'bucket check' may need checking, unless (because that was the only 'advisory') it wasn't a bucket that it needed, but something else I'd missed being added!)
So, yeah. Bump. Loads of new features, so readers of this new and old now know, even if they've not had the Play Store/whatever telling them about it.
* My elderly tablet running quite nicely
apparently, as discussed, but crashing out at times. Not exclusively, but overwhelmingly at random early points on a Mountain map. I've herded
cats merchants across forest and field and desert maps (wide area), I've pestered the bears-and-bees
simultaneously you-know-where (for sheer opponent-count) and I've admired the new Plateau location (a much more limited area, but has some topological similarities) with virtually no crash-out, but the Mountain seems to be doing something. I've also refrained from
trying to find the giant (in the plot-progression), as that's when it started misbehaving on me. Though you'll be relieved to hear that the recent "black bar" problem is totally gone!