I wonder if anyone have "taste" similar to mine for games (any kind, mostly videogame) where player build (power, citites, experience) and only if he made some huge mistakes can lose everything and without pvp inside (better if cooperative)!
What I'm looking for is a relaxing game where you can have an experience to build something in small/medium time, without the pressure to lose everything (because of another player, or luck, or a small decision can lead to a great disaster) and where killing is not main mechanics (like for example most of fps).
Because this could be a "strange" request, I will point out some games that may fit this category (if anyone has a definition for it, please let me know!):
- sim city series: I like how the game does not push you in any direction. Most of the time you can build a city, enjoy the view, solve problems and with after some runs, create a city with major big problems. And you can destroy everything using earthquakes
- civilization: I like the exploration phase, the pacing, on how you can build on little steps your civ, go to war, etc.. require a lot of time IMHO, lack of important decision every turn or so, so in constrast a turn is almost equal to any else
- settlers of catan: board game here, no luck, but first positioning is crucial. Besides a great experience to improve, build stuff, exchange resources with other player with no luck (besides a dice, but does not control everything)
- chess: every turn is a stress because you have to memorize patterns, strategies, tactics, found interesting and stimulating, but after a bit is boring (IHMO!!). Maybe I need someone explain why is great and where
- Arkam Horror: (boardgame) it's great, with too much luck, but great. Require a lot of time anyway and .. setup is killing us! With few friends we say: let's play to Arkam Horror.. noo.. takes too much time to setup (what a shame!)
some games that are not in this category:
- hearstone: pvp, competitive. I like it and hate it too, because you can win easily or lose ruinously one turn after almost winning. Also too much random affected. You draw cards from a deck, so.. lot of randomness!
- starcraft2: mainly pvp, competitive, fast paced. Less random, but you can lose everything with a wrong move.
- fps in general: I have played for years, even multiplayer. Now found them boring most of the time.. multiplayer is full of people that play for "fun" (let's say in that way..). Best "last experience" Far Cry 3: a goo mix of planning, fighting, driving, story. Found it great
- DF: yeah, I'm here. I love dwarf fortress in many way (simulation side) but I was not able (my bad I know) to run a fortress for two or three years. Yeah, losing is fun.. but after a bit is boring (IMHO)
- Rimworld: played a lot, seems to be in a perpetual "beta-phase". Now is released, but takes too much time to be rewarding. Build a colony, develop colonist, survive.. cool, good "pace", but lack of personality for me. Maybe is the setting?
- Minecraft (single player): played a lot, but in the end.. it's meaningless. You create a new world, explore, without a goal. Many times I've digged too much on the bottom, killed by lava (without warning) or by water (without warning).
Any thoughts, ideas or experience is really appreciated!