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Author Topic: Dwarf Fortress: Endless Shores 1.72  (Read 22102 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Dwarf Fortress: Endless Shores 1.72
« on: October 20, 2018, 10:21:06 pm »

I remember when the sun was devoured. For years they watched that great thing swim out of the starry void, its many glowing lures like those of the very light it hungrily began to absorb. This was the death of the god we knew. Elves, dwarves, and men alike knew a great period of suffering was at hand when the benevolent light that had guided them for so long began to be snuffed out, replaced by a creature of primordial depredation. The continents were wracked with cataclysms that rendered them uninhabitable, and the oceans shrank down to a shadow of what once was. And between them, that was hope. The fertile shallow seabeds lay exposed for the taking, and all manner of life rushed down and up to get at it. Now we live in a strange world indeed. One of muck and mire, amphibious beasts and scattered refugees, carving out a new way of life as best we can in a new frontier so terribly hostile to such things. What was once weak and feeble has risen, and the old exemplars of civilization have fallen far indeed. This is a world if intrigue, decay, and cruel empires, where the bones of countless adventuring fools have sunken into the mud, stripped clean by what swims and crawls within it. Do you dare say you have the skills to brave the wastes beyond your home, and seek glory where so many others have failed? I can only pray to the lesser gods that they have mercy on you, for the denizens of the long shore will not.
What is The Long Shore?

This mod takes place in a recently unearthed shallow sea teaming with strange life after a divine cataclysm shrunk the oceans and devastated the land. Its sort of like a semiaquatic Conan with your typical high fantasy races, save that they have been warped and traumatized by the destruction of their once idyllic fantasy world. You can choose to try and drag those races back into the limelight or support the ones that are currently living in it, or just go around hunting lobsters for fun and profit. This one is pretty typical low-fantasy dwarf fortress gameplay besides the setting so it should be easy to get into, both in adventure and fortress mode.

Download Link:
Mod I borrowed the prehistoric sea monsters from:

Just download it, place the folder somewhere, and play it. This mod comes with its own .exe and everything, you do not need to copy and paste, drag and drop, or otherwise move any files around beyond the initial step. It works exactly like installing and playing the vanilla game.

Change Log:

1.72 Changes:
-Rolled back to 1.72 after finding out that worldgen does not know how to handle mono-temperatured climates ie if you try and make an only temperate/tropical world the game does not cooperate.

1.73 Changes:
-Made everything warmer because the Long Shore is supposed to be wet and humid not frozen over. Biomes are intact just shuffled a little bit. Let me know if you find anything weird.
-Music changed. Original was this which I know many people liked however it is also copyrighted and I don't want myself or any youtubers playing my mod to get in legal trouble due to it.
-Some more bugfixes and tweaks.

1.72 Changes:
-CTD fix

1.71 Changes:
-Updated to current version
-Changed the name to Endless Shores because it bugged me how similar the name was to The Long Night

1.7 Changes:
-Updated to current version

1.61 Changes:
-Fix to worldgen taking ages, should get less rejections now.
-Different crab folk groups changed to different crustacean types.

1.6 Changes:
-Prehistoric creatures taken from the Primal mod by Bay12's Enemy Post will be added to oceans and rivers, with his permission. While I could create the creatures from scratch it would be far more efficient to use what already exists, especially when there's a lot of it.
-Second cave layer fleshed out, the Rot. A cave system where all decaying matter trickles down eventually, this place is mostly filled with sedentary worms and slow-moving invertebrates. But be warned, not everything here is so harmless.
-Salt Plains reshuffled into Salt Mazes on account of the greater density of salt spires. This is because the desert environment has been turned into a normal sandy environment with conventional soil (currently rather barren too but this will change), and the tropical conifer regions are now small islands of salt-encrusted spires and terribly unpleasant water, populated primarily by large, predatory brine flies. Land reef biomes will now comprise just the "tropical rainforest" biome".
-New biome, the Barrens. A land of living stone found in colder regions. Perhaps some odd type of coral, or something more bizarre. Either way, it shelters its few inhabitants with towering, sprawling rock formations, allowing them to roam the dark, moist confines in their search for bamboo thickets to graze on, or prey to hunt. This biome will replace taigas, serving as a desolate buffer between civilization and the abyssal lands.
-Plated jacket/leggings altered to scale mail. Scale mail skirts and longcoats also added to a few civs, particularly those (like crabs and fish people) who would have trouble wearing pants.

1.5 Changes:
-New race, Saurians. They are the cave-dwelling descendants of a primordial empire, now reduced to savagery. Basically kobolds, if kobolds were tyrannosauruses. Luckily they will only be found in swamp caves.
-New race, Halflings. Originally a prosperous and peaceful people, the cataclysm destroyed their quaint way of life and they have degenerated into savage kingdoms of dog-riding cannibals with a penchant for torture (On a totally unrelated note, go check out the Dark Sun TTRPG). The one point in favor of these fearsome folk is their hardline stance against slavery, but in a world where slavery is a way of life for most peoples, this is really just one more reason to exterminate them.
-Some new creatures added.
-Pelagian civs changed from dark fortress to tree city site type. They will still be an invader civ but I am hoping they will now spawn in greater numbers thanks to this change. Also having a demon lord didn't really fit the lore.
-Arrow size increased significantly. Crossbow bolts are the same size as before, but have two additional types, axehead bolts and bonecrusher bolts. The former hits like an axe, the latter like a hammer. Ideally crossbows will be versatile ranged weapons built for military use, while bows specialize in hunting large game and penetrating armor.

1.45 Changes:
-Mongrel elves now live in cities and have a couple of artificially bred creatures to utilize.
-Some new creatures added in general.
-Misc bug fixes.
-New type of magic user added, warlocks. Warlocks are magicians who have made a pact with a powerful spirit in exchange for immortality and some unique powers. In return, their personality is warped to suit the patron's sphere. The details of the contract will be on the slab associated with them, which I recommend you read very carefully. In addition, you can only be a patron of one spirit. However, you can still learn mundane sorceries like necromancy and pyromancy and such in combination with your warlock pact. Hopefully this allows for a diverse range of character builds depending on the spirit you make a contract with and the magical schools that are available.

1.4 Changes:
-Lots of little edits and bugfixes
-First cave layer overhauled into a fungal pool biome, more info below.
-Good biomes overhauled into ruined city biomes, more info below.
-Some new creatures and minor races added.

1.3 Changes:
-Goblins now have slave castes of orcs and ogres like how vanilla dwarf fortress goblins use trolls. Now, these guys SHOULD work in such a way that you buy them like pets, but they'll help you with stuff like hauling, and you can equip and clothe them and stuff, so they are more valuable than attack animals at the cost of needing to feed them like regular citizens. However, they might also get elected into positions of power. If that happens let me know because that shouldn't happen. This is a tricky thing to get working so feedback is super appreciated.
-Dwarves now have massive copper automatons from a bygone era protecting them. This was necessary because they tended to die off in worldgen a lot. To balance this, this automatons cannot breed so they'll slowly die out over a world's history, and they are very, very expensive.
-Some new creatures added, including playable monstrous subraces like red trolls and lantern gnomes.
-two new semi-megabeasts the Hydra-Moray (thank you Fire on the Velvet Horizon) and the Clawed Ape.
-Some new creatures added in general.
-A lot of new creatures added to mountain biomes. As one of the last holdouts of continental life, you'll find savage mountains to be full of ungodly primeval mammals sticking it out in an invertebrate's world.
-Two competing schools of necromancy, the Salt Sorcerers and the Red Tide Scions. The former use magical salt to mummify corpses into unnaturally tough revenants, and the latter used weaponized evil algae to make hyper-agile but very squishy zombie thralls. You can only become one or the other, so choose carefully.
-Two non-tower creating wizard types added, the pyromancers and the occultists. The former just shoot flames at you at the risk of burning themselves and everyone around them, at the latter make you unlucky, insane, or cause you to start bleeding and random. Direct vs indirect. Note that you can have both of these disciplines at once along with one of the necromancy schools. Note also that NPC necromancers tend to end up learning other secrets as well, so you might end up fighting a necromancer who shoots fireballs or something.

1.2 Changes:
-Fixed mongrel elves so they won't bleed plants. I thought I could get away with being lazy with this race since no one had any facial hair, but apparently I still needed to make standard tissues universal instead of by gender if I wanted to make blood have magical effects. On that note, drinking the blood of any mongrel elf except a flesh mill will restore missing limbs, because of how mutagenic their bodies are.
-Deserts now have swarms of giant killer brine flies.
-New megabeasts like armored megalodons and mountain crabs.
-More crabs in general.
-Chain armor changed to padded armor.
-You can now excavate ancient fossilized chitin of 5 different drab colors along with skeletal remains, and craft them into specially hardened armor and weapons about on par with iron. Might change this later so you can only get it from certain animals.
-New title music finally implemented. May be changed.
-Some new large amphibious monsters added to the oceans, they'll be on the beaches ready to murder you.

1.1 Changes:
-New race, Pelagians. A loose collective of abyssal nightmare creatures that dwell in the cold spots caused by the sun's devouring. They dwell in trenches and fortresses, and are the only race besides the rare northern elf nation to tame the abyssal fauna of the cold lands. They are an invader race that fills the same role as vanilla DF's goblins, but are less numerous. They make up for this by being much larger.
-In savage deserts, those that die on the endless salt flats will likely rise again as mummified salt zombies.
-Some fixes and adjustments.
-Goblins should all have a high ambition stat, which should increase warfare in the current version and cause a ton of scheming and intrigue in the villains update.

1.0 Changes:

-Long Shore Released. Feedback very appreciated.
« Last Edit: January 12, 2022, 07:25:20 pm by squamous »
I make huge and comprehensive overhaul mods, consider supporting me on Patreon so I can do this full-time:
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: [44.12] Dwarf Fortress: The Low Shore 1.0
« Reply #1 on: October 20, 2018, 10:22:34 pm »

Races of the Long Shore:


In the mire and muck of the Long Shore, goblin-kind found a new home. Invigorated by a climate that was so suited to their biology, a place where disease and decay allowed only the quickest-breeding and most inured to plague to survive, the goblin simply outcompeted the other races that struggled to survive the new world. And with dominance came progress and civilization, catapulting the goblin race to new heights. What was once a race of cave-dwelling savages, fit only for dying on the end of a knight’s sword, became the primary hub of culture and refinement, led by powerful sultans and peerless, steel-clad armies. Few places in the Long Shore can say that it is not a goblin who wields the most power in their local sphere.

Goblin empires come in three types; Traditionalist, Hedonist, and Militant. The traditionalist empires abide by cautious conservative values and seek to preserve goblin culture, with a middling view of the other races but a general consensus that they should know their place. Hedonist empires have lapsed into decadence and seek only new knowledge, sensation, and pleasure while forgoing the ways that brought them to power in the first place. They’ll fight as much as any other goblin nation but are typically more welcoming to outsiders. The last type of empire is militant, which as you can imagine has a strong martial culture and a distaste for weakness. They constantly wage wars of conquest and seek to subjugate all other nations under the goblinoid bootheel.

Just as the empires are divided, the groups under them are equally so. Goblinoid culture tends to express itself in the formation of martial orders, loose confederations of adventurers and heroes who compete for prestige and glory by racing to slay enemies of the empire and wild beasts of renown. These competitions are usually friendly, but a particularly successful student meeting a suspicious end is not unheard of. There are typically five martial orders in each goblin civilization, headed by one master who has twenty pupils. Masters of the same order will typically seek to settle in different civilizations. And of course, the martial orders one has access to will differ according to the type of goblin empire and its values.

It should also be noted that goblins are a slave-owning society, and this is exemplified in their most prized products, the orc and ogre. Once brutes that ruled over the meek goblin masses, these powerful beings have been brought low and reduced to mere chattel and war-fodder, the intellect bred out of them and replaced with brawn and servitude. Orcs make for great front-line infantry, while ogres will smash through all but the toughest defences.


   The loss of the glorious kingdoms of the surface caused great despair, and upheaval amongst the races of man, and in the discord that followed a great many of this species were extinguished or made feral, becoming the wretched once-men who dwell in the algae swamps and mud plains. But those who held on and surpassed their peers were those who founded the new world’s nations, and these nations are terrible indeed. Humanity has evolved, or perhaps devolved, into brutish warmongers of great strength and cunning, always wielding massive weapons and fighting like savage berserkers. Humans are some of the most prized mercenaries in the long shore and are practically a byword for violence and mayhem.


   If the cataclysm shook the core of humanity, it was even worse for their stout brothers in arms. The destruction of their ancestral homeland and the wealth of history, culture, and artifacts contained with in caused what could only be described as a species-wide period of mourning and mania. When it was over, the government had been reformed significantly so as to preserve what was left of dwarfdom and ensure it would never lose anything further. Dwarven nations have grown to become draconian and callous, focused on law and order above all else and punishing slight infractions with swift executions. Many have fled to other nations, but many more remain, unsure where else is safe. Like goblins, dwarves have steel. But unlike goblins, they are far less numerous, and take longer to replenish their numbers. They compensate for this, however, with the power of ancient copper automatons built during their heyday. While no longer capable of being created by modern dwarfdom, they remain powerful exemplars of dwarven strength, and in the desperate times they are used can wreak havoc on enemy forces.

Shelled Folk:

More than one race has grown mighty in the wake of the cataclysm. The shelled folk, crustacean people of the old coasts, now have a broad and sweeping land that seems as though it was made for them, and indeed many of their more religious sorts believe this to be so. Crustacean-kind has spread far and wide, but even so it can be divided into three basic species:

Lobster folk are the most numerous and also the most stupid of the shelled ones, living a nomadic and animalistic existence save for the few communities that have been integrated into civilization as second-class citizens. Standing much taller than a goblin and far dumber, they make excellent laborers and expendable shock troops.

Crab folk are the most prominent of the shelled folk, their great size, near twice that of a goblin, making them powerful warriors indeed. They have carved out their own kingdoms across the long shores, and primitive though they may be the crab folk still have mastery of crude metal and as such can hold their own against invasions, and even wage their own.

Shrimp folk are the smallest at slightly below a goblin’s size, but also the most cunning (which in shelled folk terms means only slightly stupider than average). They are masters of trapmaking and can dance across the floor in such a way as to avoid springing any sort of lethal contraption.


Another of the races to come up from below rather than down from above, the barracudans are a race of hunters rather than warriors, and are, by the estimations of many, to be crab-shit crazy. They seem to have no self-preservation instinct and will gleefully fling themselves into even the most monstrous of foes. At the same time they cannot be said to have the same strength and brutality as humans, which coupled with their strong anti-slavery stance means the other races, who almost ubiquitously rely on slaves, will come to blows with these blood-drunk fishmen, the constant warfare typically leaving them as little more than a footnote on the world stage.

True Elves:

As with all surface dwellers, the move to the long shore was not without terrible suffering. The loss of their sacred trees was a terrible pain for the nature-loving elves, and their connection with the earth suffered greatly because of it. But they were determined to hold onto that bond, and through a race-wide ritual strengthened their connection to the earth so as to keep it, at a great cost. Their immortality was no more, leaving them little more than a century or so of life, though they’d be hale and healthy right up to the end. Furthermore, the flesh of plants and animals no longer sustained them, and they could survive off of mere water alone. Many found this an acceptable exchange. Some did not. Regardless, the elves are what they are, though somewhat strengthened in a surprising way. Apparently the spirits of the trees care not for the perverse forests of the long shore, and kelp and coral now go to the elven smithing furnaces by the crate-full.

Mongrel Elves:

Many disagreed with the true elves and their sacrifice, and many left the communes to seek their own way. Most of them died, unprepared as they were for the cruel new world. But one branch did not. Prideful and uncompromising, the elvish clan of a forgotten name cut all ties with the spirits of the earth in a ritual of their own, freeing them from nature’s obligations and allowing them to establish their own way of life. But without the connection to nature their people had, they now had to contend with predatory incursions and a dwindling population necessitated drastic measures. Experiments into other schools of sorcery bore fruit, and what would become known as the mongrel elves developed peerless mastery of the fleshwarping arts, mixing the bloodlines of the civilized species to create monsters and slaves for their own enjoyment. Mongrel elves are divided into three distinct castes, but all are distinguished by the peculiar shade of dark green that colors their irises.

Pureblood elves are the rulers of mongrel kingdoms, above all others. Natural surgeons thanks to their fleshwarping studies, they pursue knowledge and pleasure with equal gusto as their lessers handle other affairs. They have a preoccupation with beauty and their closest servants reflect this behavior. Monarchs and nobles are restricted to this caste.

Thralls are what could hesitantly be termed the middle class, slaves though they are. Like their creators, they are immortal (good help is hard to find, why let it die?) and also tend towards the elvish ideal, with comely faces and slender frames. Unlike purebloods, however, they also have more monstrous attachments like chitinous carapaces or scaled appendages, designed for more pragmatic reasons. They can hold most military positions except general, with one particular thrall breed monopolizing administrative work, and are generally treated with some level of affection and respect by their masters, though they will always be the pureblood’s inferiors.

Freaks are the lowest of the low, all pretenses of beauty abandoned in the quest to create expendable laborers and monstrous killing machines. These brutes and wretches have short lifespans and poverty-stricken lives, prevented from most forms of social mobility save as champions or commanders of conscript hordes. They are also often too unintelligent to realize this, most of them having the brainpower of a pure-blooded shelled folk, which suits the purebloods just fine.

Finally, there is a secret fourth caste, though it is less of a caste and more a breed. The Flesh Mills are a singular type of creature designed solely to produce new citizens, be they pureblood, thrall, or freak. Reproduction in any other manner is forbidden, with freaks being gelded at birth and the upper castes pursuing romance of a more abnormal sort. If one could capture a pregnant flesh mill, they could spawn their own colony of mongrel elves to integrate into their own civilization. This is something the purebloods seek to prevent at all costs.


Once a proud race of a mighty empire (so they say) the saurians have been a race of cave-dwelling barbarians for as long as the other races could remember, despite their proud and haughty mannerisms. These large reptilians, evoking primeval memories of a bygone age, spend most of their time lazing about save for when it is time to raid their neighbors for food and treasure. Their sheer bulk makes them dangerous foes indeed, but in the end they are but a nuisance for the greater powers, lacking the numbers for proper war as they do. That said, they are a significantly larger problem for those poor villages within striking distance, as even a handful of saurians can easily overpower a sleepy village in the early hours of the morning.


A stout and hearty race prone to pacifism and indolence, one from the old times would say. Those times, of course, are long gone. The halfling people descended into barbarism long ago, forming savage kingdoms in the tropics and breeding great dogs of war to serve as hounds and companions. Further still, they resort to torture and cannibalism, perhaps in an attempt to strike fear into the larger races and deter them from seeking to enslave or exterminate these savage peoples.  The one point in favor of these fearsome folk is their hardline stance against slavery, but in a world where slavery is a way of life for most societies, this is really just one more reason to have them wiped out.


From the dark and deep, they came. Unlike the Barracudans, proud remainders of a time when the seas were bountiful and clear, colorful and beautiful, these creatures are wholly of the new bleak oceans, or were. Pelagians can be found in the cold and desolate wastes created by the death of the sun, and are of great size and terrible disposition. Furthermore, they are universally capable of bringing to heel the abominable monstrosities that dwell in the blasted ice, and are greatly feared for it. Only the sultans of goblin-kind can reliably stand a chance against these foes due to their steel and discipline.
« Last Edit: February 25, 2020, 06:34:08 pm by squamous »
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: [44.12] Dwarf Fortress: The Low Shore 1.0
« Reply #2 on: October 20, 2018, 10:23:11 pm »

The Mud Plains:

The most common terrain in the long shore, characterized by sparse, dull vegetation and a constant surface layer of thick mud. It crawls with vermin and much worse, like the titanic bristleworms or flying mud mantas, massive predators feared by many. Herds of giant sea lice and isopod swarms are also a frequent sight. In the north the vegetation tends toward things like sponges and stray seaweed spires, and towards the south some adventurous breeds of coral have colonized it. Overall this place is mostly home to scavengers and predators, a place one goes through to more interesting locales. Mostly.

The Kelp Forests:

Temperate regions are often host to massive forests of giant kelp and seaweed stalks, adapted to life on land. Sturdy and strong, they can be used as building materials and burnt for fuel. By day the kelp forests resemble a more densely vegetated version of the mud plains, but that changes when night falls. Everyone knows you never want to be alone in the kelp forests at night.

The Mangrove Blooms:

One of the most successful remaining trees is the mangrove, which has formed a symbiotic relationship with the algae blooms that infest the mud where they sprout. Combined, this region is surprisingly rich in animal life, particularly of the vertebrate variety. Reptiles and amphibians of all types can be found in the blooms, particularly the huge and vicious swamp crocodiles.

The Coral Fields:

Compared to the drab surroundings of the other lands, the coral fields of tropical climates are a shocking sight. Massive coral trees of all colors dot the skyline, and the very ground pulses with semi-sedentary life like ground polyps and filter worms. In this riot of movement and color dwell some of the most dangerous species of arthropod, such as the deadly mantis shrimp and its cousins, along with the titanic ogre lobster.

The Salt Mazes:

Almost completely devoid of life, the salt mazes compass the places where salt granules have completely covered the earth forming towering pillars of the stuff to create a claustrophobic biosphere. While relatively safe, the region is home to numerous swarms of giant, predatory brine flies, which viciously hunt anything that enters this barren domain.

The Seaways:

There is no fresh water in the long shore, not really. Brackish is the best you're getting. Because of this, life has either evolved to get better at filtering salt water, or does it manually. Goblins find purified water to be almost sweet, for example. Regardless, what this means for the ecosystem is that rivers and lakes now host all manner of oceanic life. Everything from giant octopi to great whites can lurk in any "fresh water" biomes, so take care where you swim.

The Sunken Seas:

As the oceans receded, they grew denser, more packed with life of all manner as the shallow-water ecosystems died and the abyssal things finally saw the light. To say this overcrowding was unpleasant was an understatement. A massive orgy of death and predation began as all breeds of aquatic life fought viciously to survive in a much smaller environment, and to this day the ocean still smells of old corpses, faint in most places but terribly overpowering in others. And as for the results, well, the only things left were the most adapt at surviving. The most tenacious, crafty, strong, or cruel that out-competed their rivals. And it is for this reason that the role of a fisherman is nigh-synonymous with warrior, for the art of fishing has become far less of a one-sided battle.

The Remnant Mountains:

These wide, towering spires were once islands, but the reduction of sea levels the world over have turned them into the mountains of the new world. It is here that the vast majority of continental life remains, a surprising contrast to the world below. The grim and dark blackpine forests, a black silhouette of a forest ecology, dominate the lower to middle regions while snow and ice cling to the tops. As for animals, what dwell here are things that most find foreign and alien, but what we would know as primeval mammals of great strength and size. To the denizens of the long shore, accustomed to invertebrates as they are, these creatures are nigh mystical.

The Fungal Pools:

Just below the surface of the world, the ground is covered with eaters of the dead. The cave system nearest to the surface is one of constant decay and digestion, where massive mushrooms and fungal stalks grow tall as trees and in some cases coat the ground with their spores. Everything that washes down into the pools is devoured eventually, so long as its dead. Despite this grim description, the pools are actually quite peaceful and of a pleasant temperature, the only real threats being the odd giant fungal crabs as they rove across the underground.

The Deep Rot:

The place where all decaying matter ends up, sifting past the fungal pools to settle at this massive graveyard too hostile for fungi and all but the most persistent of scavenging flora and fauna. The realm of beings strange and squishy, few would delve here save for the maddest, or those looking for the most desolate place to hide from pursuers. But while they may escape the attention of civilization, those who explore this cavern of drifting corpse-flakes will find that not all beasts of this realm are mere scavengers.

The Ancient Ruins:

After oceans shrank, the dried up seabeds revealed not just mere mud or reefs, but ancient ruins hewn of a most peculiar stone. These ruins vary in density and glamor, some being comprised of sparse and scattered spires and nothing else, while others retain the stone flooring of a bygone era. All, however, are home to the ruin dwellers and their kindred, feral fishlike humanoids theorized to be the degraded and inbred descendants of the city's original inhabitants. And yet it is these degenerated fiends that make these lands so valuable, as slavers are enamoured with the tendency of their larger cousins to fight without pause or fear, making them incredibly valuable in the markets.
« Last Edit: October 29, 2021, 03:31:20 pm by squamous »
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: [44.12] Dwarf Fortress: The Low Shore 1.0
« Reply #3 on: October 20, 2018, 10:26:31 pm »

Sorceries and other strangeness:

Salt Sorcery:

It is known that through careful research, one can learn to use desiccating salt to preserve the dead and revive them into monstrous mummies under your command. These revenants are incredibly tough, but slow and clumsy. Salt Sorcerers have a rivalry with Red Tide Scions, who they view as inferior upstart practitioners of the necromantic arts. Dwarves tend to become salt sorcerers because the element's connection to the earth makes it easier for them.

Red Tide Magic:

Scions of the Red Tide are necromancers who have pledged themselves to an evil oceanic plague of malevolent intent. Scions can animate the bodies of the dead with the microorganisms of the Red Tide and cause the corpses to grow slippery and nimble, increasing agility at the cost of durability. They have a rivalry with the Salt Sorcerors, who they see as old-fashioned gatekeepers to forbidden knowledge. Barracudans are most likely to become Scions, having an affinity to the ocean and the strange entities within.


Those who bind themselves to fire elementals gain the power to summon flame themselves, becoming powerful and dangerous foes. However, fire still burns them as much as it does enemies, and so they must cast with care lest they bring about their own demise. Humans are apt to become pyromancers due to their burning will and veneration of flame.


A strange lot, the occult practitioners use mysterious arts to inflict strange maladies such as poor luck, bleeding sickness, and inexplicable pain. None of their tricks deal direct damage however, necessitating either steath or skill with mundane weapons should open conflict occur. But in the right place, an occultist can deal untold damage to the unwary. The freak caste of the mongrel elves tend toward this school while the thralls and pureborn shun it as an ugly but useful discipline. Freaks who master this art can find themselves rising surprisingly high in their societies.

Warlock Pacts:

It is known that there are ways to gain power with the help of strange and terrible spirits. More like forces of nature than true gods, a bargain with these things will grant the aspiring mage immortality and great power, but their personality will be warped to suit the sphere of the spirit's domain. Only one spirit can be pledged to, so choose wisely. However, a warlock can learn other mundane schools of magic, like one of the twin necromantic arts, pyromancy, or occultism. Slabs of arcane knowledge related to a pact-maker will mention their name, so read carefully. Here are the patrons you may contact:

Vercigox, the Dragon King:
His pact grants the form of a wyvern, the power to bestow great strength, and the power to increase the speed of healing. His influence will cause one to gain a great lust for violence and high levels of pride. His warlocks are charged with proving themselves in glorious battle, to attain the status of a true ruler. His sphere is war.

Dentersalis, the Watching Wings:
His pact grants the form of a great bat, the power to bestow hastened speed, and the power to bestow unparalleled awareness. His influence will cause one to gain a hunger for knowledge and a consuming desire for perfection. His warlocks are charged with learning new secrets and spreading knowledge, be it harmful or helpful. His sphere is wisdom.

Chodner, the Glutton Toad:
His pact grants the form of a great toad, the power to dizzy one's foes, and the power to temporarily survive on nothing but willpower alone. His influence will cause one to gain a great ambition and peerless vanity. His warlocks are charged with gaining power and fame above all else. His sphere is lies.

Zistali, the Crawling Queen:
Her pact grants the form of a brine fly queen, the power to summon shards of lethal chitin, and the power to bestow fearlessness on allies. Her influence will cause one to burn with the urge to act and a stubborn desire to persevere. Her warlocks are charged with the creation of lasting works, preferably cities and villages. Her sphere is order.

Corshani, the Squirming Storm:
Her pact grants the form of a land octopus, the power to agonize foes with a touch, and the power to enhance focus to inhuman levels. Her influence will cause one to become easily obsessed with passions and gain a desire to seek excitement. Her warlocks are charged with fighting stagnation and keeping life interesting, for good or ill. Her sphere is chaos.

Wulvner, the Ever-Seeking Fang:
His pact grants the form of a giant weasel, the power to increase their agility, and the power to heighten one's senses. His influence will cause one to become both inhumanly brave and terrifyingly vindictive. His warlocks are charged with avenging slights and slaying monsters. His sphere is revenge.
« Last Edit: January 13, 2019, 03:52:57 pm by squamous »
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: [44.12] Dwarf Fortress: The Low Shore 1.0
« Reply #4 on: October 20, 2018, 10:27:27 pm »

I make huge and comprehensive overhaul mods, consider supporting me on Patreon so I can do this full-time:
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  • Bay Watcher
  • A short and sturdy creature fond of modding.
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Re: [44.12] Dwarf Fortress: The Low Shore 1.0
« Reply #5 on: October 21, 2018, 01:31:24 pm »

PTW. May download later.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: [44.12] Dwarf Fortress: The Long Shore 1.3
« Reply #7 on: October 25, 2018, 01:37:39 pm »

Hey, just to say that the Boxer Shrimp uses 2SCYTHE, although judging by the description it would use the 2CLUB body part. Might be wrong, but just noticed it as I was browsing and thought I would put it here. Loved the mod so far, finally able to make a Mermaid fortress with appropriate aquatic fun.
« Last Edit: October 25, 2018, 01:44:47 pm by Mundus »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: [44.12] Dwarf Fortress: The Long Shore 1.3
« Reply #8 on: October 25, 2018, 07:11:47 pm »

Hey, just to say that the Boxer Shrimp uses 2SCYTHE, although judging by the description it would use the 2CLUB body part. Might be wrong, but just noticed it as I was browsing and thought I would put it here. Loved the mod so far, finally able to make a Mermaid fortress with appropriate aquatic fun.

Oh yeah, thanks for catching that. It'll be fixed come next update.
I make huge and comprehensive overhaul mods, consider supporting me on Patreon so I can do this full-time:
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: [44.12] Dwarf Fortress: The Long Shore 1.5
« Reply #9 on: December 23, 2018, 12:06:19 am »

self-bump because updates. As usual feedback is appreciated.
I make huge and comprehensive overhaul mods, consider supporting me on Patreon so I can do this full-time:
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: [44.12] Dwarf Fortress: The Long Shore 1.5
« Reply #10 on: December 28, 2018, 05:28:45 am »


They pointed me at your mod, and I like it!
I haven't played much yet, but to me your goblins work,  without the fears you had in 1.3 update notes: it works as designed, I cannot promote orcs to positions.
I thought I would have ended up suggesting using allowed classes (like you do for your Mongrel Elves) but it doesn't seem needed right now.

Thanks for your work!
I don't do much modding, but when I do you can use anything I did for Dwarf Fortress in any non-commercial project. Let me know if you did, you'll make me happy!

Rhenaya's Drow mod forum page


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: [44.12] Dwarf Fortress: The Long Shore 1.5
« Reply #11 on: December 28, 2018, 03:18:40 pm »


They pointed me at your mod, and I like it!
I haven't played much yet, but to me your goblins work,  without the fears you had in 1.3 update notes: it works as designed, I cannot promote orcs to positions.
I thought I would have ended up suggesting using allowed classes (like you do for your Mongrel Elves) but it doesn't seem needed right now.

Thanks for your work!

No problem, and good to hear its working.
I make huge and comprehensive overhaul mods, consider supporting me on Patreon so I can do this full-time:
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: [44.12] Dwarf Fortress: The Long Shore 1.6
« Reply #12 on: January 13, 2019, 11:39:58 pm »

I hope you guys like sea monsters because oh boy you just got a lot of those.
I make huge and comprehensive overhaul mods, consider supporting me on Patreon so I can do this full-time:
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: [44.12] Dwarf Fortress: The Long Shore 1.61
« Reply #13 on: May 13, 2019, 02:38:44 pm »

Hello! I think your mod is really great. It's a cool and interesting setting that truly feels unique. The races are interesting. I particularly enjoy the new flora and fauna and biomes in particular. They make it seem like a completely new world! Thanks for your hard work!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: [44.12] Dwarf Fortress: The Long Shore 1.61
« Reply #14 on: May 13, 2019, 02:53:32 pm »

Hello! I think your mod is really great. It's a cool and interesting setting that truly feels unique. The races are interesting. I particularly enjoy the new flora and fauna and biomes in particular. They make it seem like a completely new world! Thanks for your hard work!

Thanks, glad you like it!
I make huge and comprehensive overhaul mods, consider supporting me on Patreon so I can do this full-time:
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