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Author Topic: Fledgling Gods [9/9] - Round 3  (Read 5571 times)


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Re: Fledgling Gods [0/8]
« Reply #15 on: October 18, 2018, 05:46:11 pm »

Name: Prisma Prism
Domains: Magical Girl/Boy/Associated Power, Dimensions.
Mortal Connection: Sasutsune Miyu, a young 12 year old girl.

Still sticking with it, somewhat.. Eh.


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Re: Fledgling Gods [0/8]
« Reply #16 on: October 18, 2018, 06:14:59 pm »

Name: Ugunspukis
Domains: Flame, Forests
Mortal connection: Janice Namdar, a woodsman
Is this any good?
I tried to play chess but two of my opponents were playing competitive checkers as a third person walked in with Game of Thrones in hand confused cause they thought this was the book club.


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Re: Fledgling Gods [8/8] - Round 1
« Reply #17 on: October 18, 2018, 06:20:58 pm »

Round 1
Humble Beginnings

Name: Sadal
Domains: Revolution, The Working Class
Mortals: A lowly soiled dove, the lady Jara; a madame of a brothel
The city of Haford is a busy one. Brothels such as those of lady Jara's are a common sight. Customers come and go, often uncaring for those working the building. The brothel is run down, small, and dirty. The propietor just barely manages to keep it running despite the turnover of its workers.
Counting coins in her tiny "office", Jara sighs as she suppresses the sights of the day. A nagging feeling bothers the back of her mind. A feeling of unease. Of uncomplacency with the current order. She sees abuse too often, one would think her desensitized. But a part of her believes. A part of her tires of the daily abuse. Of the just barely managing to hang on. Of... everything. And that's what brings Sadal to her.

Sadal has the following abilities:
  • [1] Approach: Directly speak to a mortal (they must have some level of sympathy for you, but they can be Approached without having awareness of you already). Mortals have a strong chance to react negatively to being directly approached by a divine being, whether the consequence is insanity or just hostility.
  • [3] Drive: Encourage a Mortal to act out on an existing impulse. How succesful this is depends on how repressed aforementioned impulse is.
  • [6] New Perspective: Through some medium, show a mortal a brief glimpse of a seemingly possible reality (regardless of how possible it actually is). The mortal can interpret this glimpse however they please.

Spoiler: Sadal (click to show/hide)

Name: Fles
Domains: Conspiracies, Illusions
Mortal: Ed Nes
Ed Nes.
Son of the great Rodrick Nes. Famed for his victory at the Battle of the Crossing.
Well, second son. Andel Nes, Ed's older brother, is the golden child of the family. In his 20s, Andel is already set to inherit the entirety of Rodrick's estate and fame, leaving Ed with nothing.

Ed is looked down at by his father for his weakness in strength and lack of courage. Despite the family's best efforts, Ed remains the sore spot in their history. But Ed is plotting. In the basement of an abandoned family home, Ed begins his plans. He has no idea of what he'll do exactly, but he knows that he'll bring down the esteemed Andel Nes.
Maybe with the help of Fles, who watches as Ed walks down the stairs into his new lair for the first time.

Fles has the following abilities:
  • [1] Approach: Directly speak to a mortal (they must have some level of sympathy for you, but they can be Approached without having awareness of you already). Mortals have a strong chance to react negatively to being directly approached by a divine being, whether the consequence is insanity or just hostility.
  • [4] Induce Paranoia: Manipulate the inner shadow's in ones mind to induce paranoia of any given thing. Difficulty increases with increased willpower of the mortal, and the less reason they have for paranoia, the harder it is to induce paranoia.
  • [6] Hide Object Just a couple twists in reality and an object no longer appears to the ordinary eyes of mortals. Any small object can be completely hidden from sight with this, though if a mortal is aware of the object and its general location, they may be able to catch a glimpse of it.
Spoiler: Fles (click to show/hide)

Name: Kel
Domains: Order, craftsmanship
Mortal connection: A great dwarven crafter.

Navramli Blazbrand was a great dwarven crafter. That's what he thinks.

He last made a great work -- one that still adorns the halls of Templescale -- a year ago. None of his creations since then have inspired the same interest. Navramli has, at this point, largely given up. He wakes up, and works steel at the anvil for the mountainhall's soldiers. But he doesn't make anything great.
But today.
Today Navramli wakes up in a new mood. A mood of success. He's not quite sure what it is yet, but he knows. It's in the middle as he opens his personal immaculate workshop that Kel awakes, and immediately is brought to this dwarf. Whatever he makes could become an important item of Templescale history, and Kel now has a say.

Kel has the following abilities:
  • [1] Approach: Directly speak to a mortal (they must have some level of sympathy for you, but they can be Approached without having awareness of you already). Mortals have a strong chance to react negatively to being directly approached by a divine being, whether the consequence is insanity or just hostility.
  • [3] Remove Imperfection: Remove a (small) imperfection on the face of the world and any object in it. The exact nature of removal may be decided upon at the moment of removal.
  • [4] Steady Hands Pouring a bit of yourself into the hands of a mortal, their hands become significantly more steady for the duration of one round (the one that this is cast in). Capable of almost supernatural precision and steadiness. Any aware mortal would likely quickly notice this change.
Spoiler: Kel (click to show/hide)

Name: Wafna
Domains: Tragedy, comedy
Mortal connection: An unbelievably hammy minstrel
Another performance at the Tavern in Haford, and nobody even seemed to care!

Horrific. Sarra kept herself from crying as she fled to the room that was provided as part of her payment. She had talent! Talent! But the world didn't want to see it! She could tell tales of tragedy, sorrow, comedy, happiness! But no one knew it yet! She gently put her lute down to the floor with as much anger as she could muster, and slunked to the floor against the wall, holding the coins she received tight in her right hand as she continued to weap and weap. Woe was her. The minstrel of unrecognized talent. No one would ever get to hear her shine!

But Wafna heard her.
And Wafna was entertained.

Wafna has the following abilities:
  • [1] Approach: Directly speak to a mortal (they must have some level of sympathy for you, but they can be Approached without having awareness of you already). Mortals have a strong chance to react negatively to being directly approached by a divine being, whether the consequence is insanity or just hostility.
  • [4] Create Emotion: Life is but a play, and with the right performance you can induce a desired emotion in any mortal. Wafna can make any mortal feel any emotion, though difficulty increases as the mortal has less theoretical reason to feel that emotion.
  • [7] Enhance Instrument With a bit of magic, an instrument (liberally defined) can become something greater. An enhanced instrument is much more likely to make those experiencing it feel whatever it is the wielder wnats them to feel.
Spoiler: Wafna (click to show/hide)

Name: Eekokarn
Domains: Technology, Ambition
Mortal: The second child of a royal family
Amed Ward is not content with not being the heir to the barony. He's not fine with having little connections, as he's been practically quarantined himself from the affairs of the royal family.
What he is not content with, is his lack of anything to do.

He's done some reading and that was okay, but there are only so many books and by the gods are books expensive. But he's just not content. At all. It's at night, with Amed staring at the ceiling awake in his bed, that his ambition peaks. And with that peak in ambition, comes Eekokarn.

Eekokarn has the following abilities:
  • [1] Approach: Directly speak to a mortal (they must have some level of sympathy for you, but they can be Approached without having awareness of you already). Mortals have a strong chance to react negatively to being directly approached by a divine being, whether the consequence is insanity or just hostility.
  • [3] Address Error: In order to improve, a mortal must come to accept their mistakes. Eekokarn can help them with this. The less obvious the mistake and/or the less willing the mortal is to accept mistakes, the harder this is.
  • [6] Unsatisfy Grant a mortal with an intense sense of... unsatisfaction. Have them feel unfit with their current situation. Difficulty scales with how accepting the mortal is of their current situation
Spoiler: Eekokarn (click to show/hide)

Name: X’arilyg
Domains: Mind, Corruption
Mortal: A conspiring yet whimsical and eccentric cultist leader.
Evan Reeves lowered his hands, the dirty robe accompanying them. The ritual failed. Again. Nothing. He's tried everything! Literally 5 forbidden books worth of rituals! But nothing! Do you have any idea how hard it is to keep stealing more sheep? So much blood! Why can't rituals use more regular fluids?
Reeves fruitlessly attempted to wipe his robes of the sheep blood, before sighing and looking down. He had big plans. He was going to do something to the local Baron! What it was exactly changed depending on the ritual. You can't get too picky after 5 books of failed attempts, after all.

But maybe his ritual wasn't in vain. After all, it was just enough to attract the attention of X'arilyg to him.

X'arilyg has the following abilities:
  • [1] Approach: Directly speak to a mortal (they must have some level of sympathy for you, but they can be Approached without having awareness of you already). Mortals have a strong chance to react negatively to being directly approached by a divine being, whether the consequence is insanity or just hostility.
  • [6] Corrupt Memory: Memories are fickle and delicate. With just a nudge, a memory can become corrupted. Be just different enough than what it used to be. A memory of happiness turned to fear. Of sadness turned to greed. A memory of one's birthday turning happiness into mournful nostalgia. The stronger the memory is, the harder it is to corrupt.
  • [4] Brief Dream Dreams are often prophetic, and ones from X'arilyg can probably be said to not be different. Grant a mortal a short dream with contents of your choosing. The mortal won't be fully aware during the dream, and will not remember the full details of it after they wake up.
Spoiler: X'arilyg (click to show/hide)

Name: Mu
Domains: Strength and Magic
Mortal: Rykan, a fledgling mage
Sparks flew from Rykan's hands as he simultaneously tried to improve his skills in magic and not burn his house down.

The Mages' Guild was tutoring him, but Rykan had plans of his own. He wanted to be more than just a pawn of the guild. So he practiced in his own time. And boy, is magic hard. Rykan repeatedly wished for something to help him, and it seems like his wish may be granted as Mu observes the sparks coming from his hands.

Mu has the following abilities:
  • [1] Approach: Directly speak to a mortal (they must have some level of sympathy for you, but they can be Approached without having awareness of you already). Mortals have a strong chance to react negatively to being directly approached by a divine being, whether the consequence is insanity or just hostility.
  • [3] Push: Move a relatively small object in a single axis of movement. Fairly straightforward. Can move things up, but they tend to fall back down immediately afterwards.
  • [4+x] Grant Minor Ability Through some complicated manipulation in the transfer of mana between soul and Void/Gods, Mu can grant a Mortal with the ability to cast a single one of Mu's abilities, for the cost of this ability + the other ability's cost. The other ability cannot cost more than 10 mana.
Spoiler: Mu (click to show/hide)

Domains: Trade and foresight
Connection: the merchant Octavian Grey
Name: The Faceless Prince
Description: Appearing like a prince or rich merchant, with clothes seemingly exuding both wealth and good taste while still being practical, but with no face, or in fact any features at all where his face should be.

Or in other words: same guy I played as back in Chromatic Spirits (or at least, what he would have grown to be). If I can get a bonus for that, that's great. If not, oh well.
Octavian Grey curses under his breath as the news arrive.
The caravan -- his last hope -- didn't make it. And now, according to the messenger, Octavian is in hot waters with the Merchants' Guild of Haford. He should have seen this coming. He should have seen this coming. What a stupid route to take, he thought to himself. If only he had known beforehand.

He sat back down in his chair in the tavern, sulking. How was he going to get out of this one?
The Faceless Prince watched, invisible to the mortal eye.

The Faceless Prince has the following abilities:
  • [1] Approach: Directly speak to a mortal (they must have some level of sympathy for you, but they can be Approached without having awareness of you already). Mortals have a strong chance to react negatively to being directly approached by a divine being, whether the consequence is insanity or just hostility.
  • [4] Foresight: Grant a mortal with mildly uncanny wisdom, allowing them to predict things that could normally be only seen in hindsight. Difficulty scales with how hard it'd be to conventionally predict the given event.
  • [7] Make Amenable Trade is about bargaining, and the Prince can make bargaining a whole lot easier when one side is more amenable to the other's offers. Make a mortal more accepting to suggestions. Difficulty scales to how likely the mortal would be to accept any given suggestion in the first place.
Spoiler: The Faceless Prince (click to show/hide)

Name: Ugunspukis
Domains: Flame, Forests
Mortal connection: Janice Namdar, a woodsman
Janice Namdar watched the fires of the forest slowly subside.

The wildfire had been going on for a while now, but nature always takes its course. And the wildfire ends, just like everything else.
But it fascinated Namdar. The cycle. It'd hurt her productivity, sure, but in this moment she was fascinated like never before in the beautiful harmony between fire and forest.

And it was this fascination that drew Ugunsupkis to the site.

Ugunsupkis has the following abilities:
  • [1] Approach: Directly speak to a mortal (they must have some level of sympathy for you, but they can be Approached without having awareness of you already). Mortals have a strong chance to react negatively to being directly approached by a divine being, whether the consequence is insanity or just hostility.
  • [3] Spark: Create a small spark of fire in any given location. The spark acts like any other spark, so it's unlikely to ignite that's not particularly flammable..
  • [7] Grow (Forest): Induce unnatural growth of any forest-related flora in a very small area (single digit meters). Plants can grow to heights that would normally take years, at rates visible to the mortal eye.
Spoiler: Ugunsupkis (click to show/hide)
Quote from: RAM
You should really look to the wilderness for your stealth ideas, it has been doing it much longer than you have after all. Take squids for example, that ink trick works pretty well, and in water too! So you just sneak into the dam upsteam, dump several megatons of distressed squid into it, then break the dam. Boom, you suddenly have enough water-proof stealth for a whole city!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Fledgling Gods [9/9] - Round 1
« Reply #18 on: October 18, 2018, 06:30:36 pm »

[3]Drive: Sadal encourages Jara's hope of better conditions for herself and her workers.
You win Nakeen
Marduk is my waifu
Inanna is my husbando


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Fledgling Gods [9/9] - Round 1
« Reply #19 on: October 18, 2018, 06:33:49 pm »

Remove Imperfection: Ensure that Navramli creates a perfect item by correcting his cuts and such.
« Last Edit: October 18, 2018, 06:43:08 pm by Iridium64 »
Quote from: AseaHeru (on Discord), Monday, June 20, 2022 10:41 PM
I still want the D. The D is love, the D is life. The D is bully.
Rewind, can't keep going
My mind keeps replaying
That night when we dove in
But now I'm sinking


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Re: Fledgling Gods [9/9] - Round 1
« Reply #20 on: October 18, 2018, 06:53:22 pm »

What do the colors mean?
I tried to play chess but two of my opponents were playing competitive checkers as a third person walked in with Game of Thrones in hand confused cause they thought this was the book club.


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Re: Fledgling Gods [9/9] - Round 1
« Reply #21 on: October 18, 2018, 06:56:38 pm »

[1] Approach

"Dear Rykan, I hear your inner strength and your desire to be stronger. Young wizard, I am the god Mu, deity of strength and magic. I have come to make you a champion of magic. Are you strong enough to bear this burden upon your shoulders? As you have learned, magic does not come easily, and my gift to you shant either. I desire followers, deliver them unto me, and I will grant you the power you desire. Will you rise to my challenge?"
« Last Edit: October 18, 2018, 08:05:39 pm by Roboson »


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Re: Fledgling Gods [9/9] - Round 1
« Reply #22 on: October 18, 2018, 07:02:06 pm »

Colors are just ways of differentiating the abilities and don't mean anything too rigid. Just there to make it prettier and less of a slog to read through, pretty much.

Green = Mentally influencing mortals
Blue = Subtly influencing the world, usually via more "magical" methods
Red = Physically/directly influencing world
Quote from: RAM
You should really look to the wilderness for your stealth ideas, it has been doing it much longer than you have after all. Take squids for example, that ink trick works pretty well, and in water too! So you just sneak into the dam upsteam, dump several megatons of distressed squid into it, then break the dam. Boom, you suddenly have enough water-proof stealth for a whole city!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Fledgling Gods [9/9] - Round 1
« Reply #23 on: October 18, 2018, 07:15:47 pm »

Not immediately finding any errors or a lack of ambition within Amed Ward, Eekokarn decides that it should introduce himself to him directly.

Eekokarn invokes Approach [1]

"You have the means to accomplish much, yet you lack direction. If I may make a suggestion... Progress begins with someone saying 'there has to be a better way to do this'. This world is filled with men who must work every day just to survive, performing the same mundane tasks over and over again.

If only someone was smart enough to find a way to make this endless toil more efficient. It would need to be someone with a proper education, far too many lack the gift of literacy. Someone with the luxury of time to spend working on things beyond their pitiable day to day struggle just to get by.

If someone like that could find a way to improve upon the tasks that society must perform in order to get by... Not only would the people of these lands live better lives, but whoever could bring forth such a change would stand to become quite wealthy indeed."
Logged is coming dangerously close to being able to run Gridhood. Maybe I'll live to see the day if I exercise, eat right, and somehow convince the world's governments not to nuke everyone.


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Re: Fledgling Gods [9/9] - Round 1
« Reply #24 on: October 18, 2018, 07:22:48 pm »

Grow (Forest): As the last embers fade, a small bit of forest seems to spring from the fertile ash. At the south edge a number of blueberry bushes grow, once picked they seem to regrow new berries in minutes. Surrounding it from the east, north and west are two dozen densely growing trees, though only saplings at the moment, the trees will be taller than a man by nightfall.
I tried to play chess but two of my opponents were playing competitive checkers as a third person walked in with Game of Thrones in hand confused cause they thought this was the book club.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Fledgling Gods [9/9] - Round 1
« Reply #25 on: October 18, 2018, 07:37:38 pm »

Fles looks upon the world and its people and found Ed Nes. He would be willing to listen. Fles and Ed were one in essence, after all.

Fles invokes Approach [1]

"Ed Nes. I have been expecting you."

"Oh, do not be afraid. I am no mortal who would strike your brilliance for your plans. I am a young god, and I admit I'm very interested in your situation. I believe we can be of mutual aid to one another."

"You seek to claim your brother's place, do you not? I will help you if you help me. There is more than once kind of power, you see, and might can in the right circumstances be counted by cunning and magic. If you grant me your allegiance, I will grant you my aid."

"Perhaps you are worried that your allegiance to me will compromise your independence. Unless you betray yourself, you will not betray me. For you see, we are one in essence. What you want, I want as well. My commands will be to do things you would be quite willing to do yourself if you had thought of them or were capable."

"Now... will you accept my offer, Ed Nes? Will you become my first Weaver? Will you hear my name?"
A Thousand Treasures (And You).

Would you like to play a game of Mafia? The subforum is always open to new players.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Fledgling Gods [9/9] - Round 1
« Reply #26 on: October 18, 2018, 07:41:21 pm »

X’arilyg the god of the eye, saw promise well only a tiny bit in that the entity can invoke to the desired person to expand their influence, but with his current status it will assuredly take a great deal of time to be rivaling in terms of influence.

Approach (1) Evan Reaves

”Why fellow Evan your failing to meet standard cult expectation because you forget advertisement. Why the best way to make your cult or let’s call it an “association”, is that you need more followers and with my instructions here’s how, you simply advertise during a village in the outskirts of the city, that you found this amazing new thing, to the villagers and common folk, that if you have met with the God of Prophecy and Luck, where in joining this association, providing only a meager amount of their income (5%) and dedicating themselves towards the rituals to this entity, than you can be provided dreams of your future and how to capitalize on those for economic success. Now you just need to go to the outskirt village and convince people, the more desperate the better!, to join you in on your meetings in the outskirt cave you were sacrificing goats in, and the association will start its growth. Seems simple, but can you follow the instructions?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Fledgling Gods [9/9] - Round 1
« Reply #27 on: October 18, 2018, 09:10:53 pm »

The Faceless Prince will grant Octavian Foresight (4) to guide him through these trying times. Perhaps it will lead him to a seemingly-risky venture that will grant him great success; mayhaps it will aid him to avoid a disaster.
He will wait to approach until such time that such activity may be better received.
Quote from: FallacyOfUrist (on Discord, 11/15/21)
Glass is, as usual, correct.
Yep, as ever, I bestow upon Glass the expected +1
I'm gonna say we go with whatever Glass's idea is.

Kilojoule Proton

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Re: Fledgling Gods [8/8] - Round 1
« Reply #28 on: October 19, 2018, 03:16:21 am »

O Tragedy! O Comedy! Now Wafna hears
The pain and grief and anguish Sarra, brave, endures.
What worth has life when art is mocked, drawing the tears
Of bard and muse in compact old, by mobs of boors?
No artist cries in vain to Wafna, Patron Prime.
For now, deadly though acts may be, does Wafna bless
Her voice to ring out clear as breezes striking chime,
Her lute to find its way to hearts; Muse, grant success!

Well aware of the high cost of doing so, Wafna tries to enhance first Sarra's voice and second Sarra's lute (7) so as to make them better at eliciting emotional responses from listeners and observers.

((Sorry for the bad scansion and diction :P ))

b28b 84f2 b6e5 6f86 b10b c99b 8d9a 8530 54dc 2c8c d3b2 0e8e 36d4 9949 d87e d12b


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Fledgling Gods [9/9] - Round 2
« Reply #29 on: October 19, 2018, 05:06:24 am »

    Round 2
    Slightly Less Humble Beginnings

    ((Note: Due to your unique connection and their state, your first follower is the easiest to convert. But most mortals already worship a deity, and converting them will be a greater challenge. Furthermore, to clarify in case it wasn't implied well-enough, you can use multiple abilities in one turn -- as many as your mana allows for.))

    The fledgling gods make their first moves in this new world. But as they do, they realize that they can create abilities. Any god may expend a specified amount of Mana in the attempt to form it into the template for a new ability. Mana is volatile and hard to shape, so success varies and the result may not be exactly what was wanted.
    Success in ability creation depends on the amount of mana allotted to the creation of it, how related it is to current domains, how related it is to the most relevant ability to "base" off of (though new abilities without a base are very possible), how related it is to past experiences, and how ambitious in general it is compared to the god's current power.

    [3]Drive: Sadal encourages Jara's hope of better conditions for herself and her workers.
    [-3]: Drive
    Lady Jara looks up from her desk.
    This isn't right.

    She has to help herself and her people. She can't just leave them like this. Working in the last-chance brothel in town. She has to do something. But she has no money, and is in such a state that money is hard to come by.
    But that doesn't stop Jara. She won't stop now.

    She locates a lender about as reputable as her own brothel -- Robern Prince -- and gets the greatest lump sum of money that she can stake her own reputation on. She pays for treatments for her own workers, and overhauls the parts of the brothel that used to bring depression to those inside.
    Her improvements don't really help business, but they uplift the spirits of the ladies inside as well as Jara herself. For the first time in what feels like ages, Jara feels hope. And she has a sense that there's someone out there that shares her sense of hope.

    Important Follower gained: Lady Jara
    Lady Jara is strong of spirit, and generates [+3]/round.

    Spoiler: Sadal (click to show/hide)

    Fles looks upon the world and its people and found Ed Nes. He would be willing to listen. Fles and Ed were one in essence, after all.

    Fles invokes Approach [1]

    "Ed Nes. I have been expecting you."

    "Oh, do not be afraid. I am no mortal who would strike your brilliance for your plans. I am a young god, and I admit I'm very interested in your situation. I believe we can be of mutual aid to one another."

    "You seek to claim your brother's place, do you not? I will help you if you help me. There is more than once kind of power, you see, and might can in the right circumstances be counted by cunning and magic. If you grant me your allegiance, I will grant you my aid."

    "Perhaps you are worried that your allegiance to me will compromise your independence. Unless you betray yourself, you will not betray me. For you see, we are one in essence. What you want, I want as well. My commands will be to do things you would be quite willing to do yourself if you had thought of them or were capable."

    "Now... will you accept my offer, Ed Nes? Will you become my first Weaver? Will you hear my name?"
    [-1]: Approach

    Ed Nes is surprised by the sudden voice in his head. He stumbles backwards, his head darting around.
    "WHO IS THIS?!" He screams. "ANDEL! Andel! Why trouble yourself with me?!"

    Shortly after, Fles finished his approach and rised up above the mortal realm for the time being, leaving Nes alone with his thoughts.

    Ed is impacted by suddenly being the subject of a divine voice. All his life, he was looked down upon. The third son of a noble family, and hated by nearly everyone in it for his lack of strength or courage. In fact, the lack of courage comes into play here. Ed is temporarily reduced to a babbling mess as he tries to piece together his now-shattered world view. He leaves the abandoned house and doesn't return for days.

    But eventually he returns. But with a newfound sense of paranoia. If gods can just do that, and he's of interest to them, what stops other entities from them? Maybe this isn't even a god, but rather Andel returning to his childhood ways and playing a trick on him?
    Despite this, Ed tries to believe. He enters the basement, untouched from when he was last inside.
    With a heavy sense of hesitation, he finally utters "I... am willing to help you, whoever you are."

    Important Follower gained: Ed Nes
    Ed Nes is devious, yet overly paranoid. [+2]/round.

    Spoiler: Fles (click to show/hide)

    Remove Imperfection: Ensure that Navramli creates a perfect item by correcting his cuts and such.
    [-3]: Remove Imperfection

    Navramli doesn't make mistakes.
    Or, at least in general.
    Smithing a masterwork takes days and days to do. On one of those days, Navramli mistrikes, creating a blemish on his otherwise perfect creation.

    Yet before his very eyes, he sees the blemish close up, forming something even more beautiful than it was before. The masterwork still isn't done, but Navramli is inspired. He's no stranger with gods. But this. This. What could he make if a divine entity were to help him?
    Navramli falls to his knees, praying. Kel immediately feels a tiny surge of [+1] mana rise up to him from the newfound devotion. He's gained a new follower.

    Important Follower gained: Navramli Blazbrand
    Navramli is an expert smith. [+2]/round.

    Spoiler: Kel (click to show/hide)

    O Tragedy! O Comedy! Now Wafna hears
    The pain and grief and anguish Sarra, brave, endures.
    What worth has life when art is mocked, drawing the tears
    Of bard and muse in compact old, by mobs of boors?
    No artist cries in vain to Wafna, Patron Prime.
    For now, deadly though acts may be, does Wafna bless
    Her voice to ring out clear as breezes striking chime,
    Her lute to find its way to hearts; Muse, grant success!

    Well aware of the high cost of doing so, Wafna tries to enhance first Sarra's voice and second Sarra's lute (7) so as to make them better at eliciting emotional responses from listeners and observers.
    [-7]: Enhance Instrument

    Unfortunately, only one instrument can be enhanced with the ability employed by Wafna. But that's enough for her.

    The next day, after Sarra awakes, she finds that people are much more pliable. They seem to like her? The tavern owner eyed her with mild spite, yet as soon as she opened her mouth his tune changed. He seemed to, at least for a few moments, share her sadness. Another performance, please! She graciously accepts. Perhaps people are coming to realization of her talent?
    Later that day, a handsome man seems almost enchanted by her voice. He introduces himself Edmund, a traveling bard, and the two immediately hit it off. They tell stories to each other, and eventually to the gathering crowd.

    Sarra's enchanted voice doesn't improve her talent, but her listeners feel her. When the hero of the tale is trapped, awaiting his doom, the entire audience feels that desperation. They're enthralled. It's in the middle of this tale that Sarra realizes: she has a muse! What all the legendary artists of her time had! She was chosen by the gods themselves! She truly is of divine talent!

    Sarra wakes the following morning in bed next to Edmund. And she smiled. The performance was in a few days, Edmund was here, she was chosen by the gods...
    Things are finally going her way.

    Important Follower gained: Sarra
    Sarra is a relatively untalented minstrel of immense potential. [+2]/round.

    Spoiler: Wafna (click to show/hide)

    Not immediately finding any errors or a lack of ambition within Amed Ward, Eekokarn decides that it should introduce himself to him directly.

    Eekokarn invokes Approach [1]

    "You have the means to accomplish much, yet you lack direction. If I may make a suggestion... Progress begins with someone saying 'there has to be a better way to do this'. This world is filled with men who must work every day just to survive, performing the same mundane tasks over and over again.

    If only someone was smart enough to find a way to make this endless toil more efficient. It would need to be someone with a proper education, far too many lack the gift of literacy. Someone with the luxury of time to spend working on things beyond their pitiable day to day struggle just to get by.

    If someone like that could find a way to improve upon the tasks that society must perform in order to get by... Not only would the people of these lands live better lives, but whoever could bring forth such a change would stand to become quite wealthy indeed."

    [-1]: Approach

    Most mortals would react with fear or shock upon hearing a god speak to them.
    But Amed was different.

    He had read about this. He was hoping for this. Upon hearing the divine words of Eekokarn, he immediately makes a resolution inside his mind to become this god's follower.

    The nearby town of Haford would be his future. He would use his money to purchase a place to stay, and find ideas and helpers there. The trip is short, and he quickly finds a local tavern with some interesting talent inside. Two bards. One with such a compelling voice that every time she spoke, Amed couldn't help but feel exactly what she was describing.

    But eventually the performance ended, and he went into his room. He didn't know what he was going to do, but he would change the world.

    Important Follower gained: Amed
    Amed is rather intelligent and ambitious. [+2]/round.

    Spoiler: Eekokarn (click to show/hide)

    X’arilyg the god of the eye, saw promise well only a tiny bit in that the entity can invoke to the desired person to expand their influence, but with his current status it will assuredly take a great deal of time to be rivaling in terms of influence.

    Approach (1) Evan Reaves

    ”Why fellow Evan your failing to meet standard cult expectation because you forget advertisement. Why the best way to make your cult or let’s call it an “association”, is that you need more followers and with my instructions here’s how, you simply advertise during a village in the outskirts of the city, that you found this amazing new thing, to the villagers and common folk, that if you have met with the God of Prophecy and Luck, where in joining this association, providing only a meager amount of their income (5%) and dedicating themselves towards the rituals to this entity, than you can be provided dreams of your future and how to capitalize on those for economic success. Now you just need to go to the outskirt village and convince people, the more desperate the better!, to join you in on your meetings in the outskirt cave you were sacrificing goats in, and the association will start its growth. Seems simple, but can you follow the instructions?
    [-1]: Approach

    Evan collapsed to his knees and began bowing fervently, yet with little purpose, upon hearing the words of his new god.
    Of course he would do all that was asked of him! Of course!

    Evan quickly began recruiting. The city and its outlying villages were full of people, but Reeves encountered two problems:
    1.) Finding people right for the cult is hard.
    2.) Reeves isn't that good at this.

    But still, Reeves persevered. He kept on asking and recruiting until he found two followers. They would convene every other day at the cave on the outskirts of town. Unfortunately for X'arilyg, the worship-mana from these followers is sent to the Void as it isn't being consciously directed towards X'arilyg himself. But that didn't mean these followers were useless.

    The income from the two followers, while paltry, is noticeable for Reeves. He was a bonafide cult leader now! Sure, no one was getting any boons from the gods and everyone but him was worshipping a fake god, but still. A cult. That's what he wanted.

    Important Follower gained: Reeves
    Evan is somewhat foolish, but extremely dedicated. [+2]/round.

    Spoiler: X'arilyg (click to show/hide)

    [1] Approach

    "Dear Rykan, I hear your inner strength and your desire to be stronger. Young wizard, I am the god Mu, deity of strength and magic. I have come to make you a champion of magic. Are you strong enough to bear this burden upon your shoulders? As you have learned, magic does not come easily, and my gift to you shant either. I desire followers, deliver them unto me, and I will grant you the power you desire. Will you rise to my challenge?"
    [-1]: Approach

    Rykan is surprised when he hears the divine words in his head. Spoken in no language, yet understandable by all. The fledgling mage is so distracted in his interest that he fails to truly realize the horror and awe of speaking directly to a god, however minor that god may be. Perhaps this was for the better.

    "Of course!'" exclaims Rykan, still fascinated. "I... but how? I'm just a nobody mage! Why would anyone in their right mind listen to me? I beg your advice!"

    Important Follower gained: Rykan
    Rykan is curious and eager to improve his knowledge of magic and the world. [+2]/round.

    Spoiler: Mu (click to show/hide)

    The Faceless Prince will grant Octavian Foresight (4) to guide him through these trying times. Perhaps it will lead him to a seemingly-risky venture that will grant him great success; mayhaps it will aid him to avoid a disaster.
    He will wait to approach until such time that such activity may be better received.

    [-4]: Foresight

    Octavian Grey plays with some of his remaining coins in his hand, when an otherworldly realization hits him.

    The silver market! Grey admonishes himself as he realizes this; he was such a fool! How did he not realize?! The signs should have been obvious when he was organizing the caravan in the first place. If he can buy enough silver before the mine inevitably collapses, Grey knows that he'll be able to make a fortune.

    He spends his last few remaining coins on -- wait. Octavian stops before even enacting his plans. He doesn't have enough money. He can't afford the guards, the shipment arrangements, the silver, and to hold it until the mine collapses. He'd need something short of divine aid to do that!
    It's at this moment that Grey's hindsight kicks in. He has divine aid. He thinks back to his conclusion regarding the mine collapse. It's so... fitting, yet how could he predict it this easily? It's no doubt nothing short of divine intervention.

    The following night, Grey prays for help. He only has a few gold coins to his name now. If you truly helped him, he humbly requests your help again.

    Important Follower gained: Octavian Grey
    Grey is a natural smooth-talker and quite charismatic, but despite his efforts he's not the best at commerce. [+2]/round.

    Spoiler: The Faceless Prince (click to show/hide)

    Grow (Forest): As the last embers fade, a small bit of forest seems to spring from the fertile ash. At the south edge a number of blueberry bushes grow, once picked they seem to regrow new berries in minutes. Surrounding it from the east, north and west are two dozen densely growing trees, though only saplings at the moment, the trees will be taller than a man by nightfall.
    [-7]: Grow
    Just as Janice Namdar's gaze was being distracted, she noticed something. A patch of burnt forest. The last ember falls to the ground, and instantly a flower sprouts where it lands. Soon, saplings start rising out of the ground. Grass starts spreading across the scarred land. Namdar can't help but spend all day in amazement watching more.
    Eventually, the trees are as tall as any other full-grown tree.

    It was a sign. Namdar knew it. Fire, life, forests. It was all connected. Sure, it was enough wood to partially offset the loss by the wildfire. But there was a higher being that wanted her to facilitate this connection.
    She knew this god would be her salvation. She offered herself to Ugunsupkis as the new god's faithful servant.

    Important Follower gained: Octavian Grey
    Janice is already extremely devout, and is "in sync" with the nature around her. [+3]/round.

    Spoiler: Ugunsupkis (click to show/hide)
    Quote from: RAM
    You should really look to the wilderness for your stealth ideas, it has been doing it much longer than you have after all. Take squids for example, that ink trick works pretty well, and in water too! So you just sneak into the dam upsteam, dump several megatons of distressed squid into it, then break the dam. Boom, you suddenly have enough water-proof stealth for a whole city!
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