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Author Topic: Arms Race: War of the Rune  (Read 6789 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Arms Race: War of the Rune
« Reply #45 on: April 27, 2019, 04:48:07 pm »

Quote from: Votebox
Single (0):
Double (2): TricMagic(Loji), Madman
Double Phase (0):
We shall make the highest quality of quality quantities of soldiers with quantities of quality.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Arms Race: War of the Rune
« Reply #46 on: April 27, 2019, 10:26:33 pm »

Quote from: Votebox
Single (0):
Double (3): TricMagic(Loji), Madman, Rockeater
Double Phase (0):
Damnit people, this is why I said to keep the truce. Because now everyone's ganging up on the cats.
Also, don't forget to contact your local Eldritch Being(s), so that they can help with our mission to destroy the universe.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Arms Race: War of the Rune
« Reply #47 on: April 28, 2019, 02:08:09 am »

Quote from: Votebox
Single (0):
Double (4): TricMagic(Loji), Madman, Rockeater, NUKE9.13
Double Phase (0):
Long Live United Forenia!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Arms Race: War of the Rune
« Reply #48 on: April 28, 2019, 02:27:21 am »

Am I weird in that I only want a double discovery phase?

Quote from: Votebox
Single (0):
Double (4): TricMagic(Loji), Madman, Rockeater, NUKE9.13
Double Phase(Discovery) (1): Jilladilla

Glory to United Forenia!

If you see a 'Nemonole' on the internet elsewhere, it's probably me


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Arms Race: War of the Rune
« Reply #49 on: April 28, 2019, 02:39:07 am »

Am I weird in that I only want a double discovery phase?

Quote from: Votebox
Single (0):
Double (4): TricMagic(Loji), Madman, Rockeater, NUKE9.13
Double Phase(Discovery) (1): Jilladilla
Not really, if I didn't know a couple of things I would have supported it myself.
Damnit people, this is why I said to keep the truce. Because now everyone's ganging up on the cats.
Also, don't forget to contact your local Eldritch Being(s), so that they can help with our mission to destroy the universe.

Atomic Chicken

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Arms Race: War of the Rune
« Reply #50 on: April 28, 2019, 03:35:41 am »

Quote from: Votebox
Single (0):
Double (5): TricMagic(Loji), Madman, Rockeater, NUKE9.13, AC
Double Phase(Discovery) (1): Jilladilla

As mentioned in the previous turn, the most exciting field of battle this year will be in the Arstotzkan capitol, with plenty of close-quarter fighting and siege warfare.  Arstotzka, accordingly, spent their design phase developing a high-altitude tactical bomber. 


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Arms Race: War of the Rune
« Reply #51 on: May 14, 2019, 11:23:33 am »

Turn 3 Battle Phase

Winter’s icy breath has fallen on the land, covering every battlefield in thick layers of snow. The Loji officers carry new Red Steel longswords and their Jarls have sought new training and equipment to contest against the Iqua Blademonks. On the Iqua side, every soldier carries a Scroll of Fear with which to wreak havoc on the enemy. Meanwhile, amongst the Xi Shan mysterious mobile black orbs the height of a man and shining with a red light have been spotted. Their troops meanwhile have taken up the use of a thin sword with a guard designed to fully protect the hand.

Arcanis is quiet this season, the Iqua retreat back to their mountain passes, leaving their section of the city to be reclaimed by the Xi Shan. The Loji for their part do not press forward into the darkness barring their path. Unbothered the Xi Shan spread out into the lost section of the city preparing to hold it against assault once again.

Two armies advance on the Loji foothold in the hills this season. From the west come the Xi Shan whose forces are covered in darkness even during the day. In the night, the shine of red light the only sign of their movements. To the south the army of Iqua marches, intent on forcing the Loji to a decisive battle. Where the Xi Shan scatter and raid in the night, the Iqua are as a single block marching inevitably forward.

To the Loji they are as slow as fat merchants to be hunted by their vessels. The sails pour forth to strike at the Loji in skirmish, to whittle their forces before the general advance. All the while using their speed to threaten the Xi Shan and keep them at bay. The snow makes some ground too treacherous for the carts, giving the Xi Shan a certain amount of respite. Still, the crossbowmen of Loji prove too well equipped for skirmish warfare and the pillars of flame that descend from the sky proves murderous.

The sails of Loji spread far and wide, forcing the gathered horde of Iqua to stand on chosen ground. A low and wide hill almost flat by the standards of the land. With the Iqua pinned in place, the Loji took the opportunity to unload their carts and assemble for battle. If another decisive battle was truly what Iqua wanted then another opportunity to fight is what the noble warriors of Loji would give them.

Songbow contests against crossbow and pillars of fire descend breaking up the Iqua pike formations. Yet with new found confidence the soldiers of Iqua advance anyway. The warriors of Loji bolstered by the Jarls spread thinly across their ranks advance to face another glorious battle. Until as one, the soldiers of Iqua pause their advance and begin to chant. As they speak a mysterious green flame alights at each of their feet and charges forwards towards the target of their words. As each flame advances, it blooms to entirely envelop a single Loji warrior. Those afflicted by the green flame are not physically harmed but are instead assailed by endless fears as the smell of death and rot surrounds them. Before this fear the Loji waver, the fury of their charge grinding to a halt.

Those Jarls struck by the flame simply laugh it off, for what is a little fear before their experiences? Before their bloodthirsty laughter and exhortations to battle, the warriors of Loji are reminded of their holy duty and no longer even think of retreat. Yet while they are able to fight this fear, they still face difficulty in advancing forwards into the teeth of death. In this, they cede the initiative to the Iqua who advance all the more confidently towards the newly unstable Loji position. The clash when it comes once again pressures the Loji for without the bravery to advance, it is impossible to take advantage in those holes created in the Iqua pike formations. Although the pikes are ragged, the opposition’s only response is to raise their shields and try to push the pikes back. Without a decisive blow, this contest of strength is destined to be lost by the Loji.

The Loji are not without their own tricks however. For now, it is the turn of the Jarls to speak a chant of their own. Unlike the flashy green fire of the Iqua, the words of the Jarls are more subtle bringing forth a change in the wind that can be felt while being no more visible than the wind. This feeling passes through the Iqua as though they were a boat on peaceful seas becalmed by empty winds. Movement itself is opposed by this magic, forcing every Iqua soldier in the vicinity to struggle for every step. Even as their motions slow the Jarls charge forward cutting down all in their path. Even Blademonks find their movements restricted as the faster the cut they try to make, the greater the opposition of the wind.

At first, the surprise and slaughter are completely one-sided. Yet this chant does not last forever. As it dissipates those Blademonks outside the range of the attacking Jarls leap forwards to chase them down. Forcing hasty retreats back to their lines or the use of another chant to reverse direction and return to safety. For even this divine slaughter is not enough to inspire the warriors of Loji to any more than hesitant forward movement. Nor are they as immune to the effects of the chant as their Jarls. Without the support of their warriors, the Jarls attacks are only good for inflicting casualties rather than correcting the gradual backward movement of their men. Though they are killed the soldiers of Iqua fight on, knowing that the Lady Adiva stands at their back.
The battle wears on, the Jarls growing increasingly exhausted as the Blademonks fight on. When it is finished both sides retreat without a conclusive victor having emerged.

Those Xi Shan who survived the Loji raids in the day strike back against the Loji encampments they can reach. The tribesmen howling for blood as they relentlessly attempt to cut their way east. By the day they have made impressive progress compounding the number of Loji killed the day before. Yet in daylight, they once again face Loji armed with crossbow and sailcart. A problem for which they have few answers. The black darkness of their advance contrasting the white ground and advertising their movements to the enemy.

No side gained a decisive advantage Stalemate

The Iqua continue to cut their way through the jungle this season, but this time the Loji have armed their officers with Red Steel longswords that prove effective in the battle to clear paths of advance. The depths of the jungle remain warm with many plants and trees continuing to wear their leaves even under the cold glare of the winter sun.

This season the Loji have replaced their commanders and the new leaders have refocused efforts on this battlefront. Warriors move out in groups to patrol catching attempts to infiltrate their lines by Iqua soldier and Blademonk alike. The Jarls prove effective in combating the later threat as the quiet between ambushes give them time to recover some of their energy. Fear is omnipresent among the Loji, but as the tactics used by the common soldiery of both sides are largely fire and retreat, it does not have as much impact here. Where it is used effectively is often in the hands of those who have access to the Symphony Quiver as they individually stalk entire squads of less capable warriors using the mix of fear and poison to gradually whittle away at their morale and effectiveness.

Yet in the end, the Jarls presence proved decisive as not even a Blademonk could hope to fight them one for one and whole squads could be wiped out with a single chant, the air itself opposing any attempt to chase them down when on the retreat. Loji Advances.

Known Equipment
Spoiler: Loji (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Iqua (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Xi Shan (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: May 15, 2019, 08:53:31 am by Talion »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Arms Race: War of the Rune
« Reply #52 on: September 20, 2019, 02:54:42 pm »

Turn 4 Battle Phase

It is spring, although you wouldn’t know it from the endless clouds covering the western side of the island. In the mountains winter still holds all in thrall keeping the passes frozen for another season. In the hills, endless lashing rain chills those who must endure them. Yet in the jungle summer reigns, a dry heat that saps water from the body and surroundings both. If any doubt remained about the unnatural nature of the weather, it has been thoroughly squelched.

This season the Iqua bring to battle a new elite unit in the Dreadmonks who wield fear as easily as a blade to fell all before them. Dressed in black they arrive at the battlefield both masked and unmasked as they spread out to join the rank and file. The archers of Iqua meanwhile have been seen bearing a new type of scroll known as the Scroll of Blooming Shadows. Large enough to form a mat to stand upon, these ‘scrolls’ summon up black flower petals to obscure the battlefield with darkness. By contrast, the officers and Blademonks have switched to a new white armour clearly an outgrowth of their Moonlight Sabre, this Moonlight Chainmail is likely the equal of the steel fielded by the Loji.

The Xi Shan only seem to be deploying one new design this season, the Earth Runner. A vehicle that can carry their armies at competitive speeds to the carts of Loji. Lacking any wheels it is not clear how they float above the ground, but the simple deployment of soldiers to push the runner forward while riding the sides is certainly a more obvious method of propulsion.

Rumors speak of a fortress risen in the lands of the Loji, that mighty crowned kings and queens stalk its halls, masters of weather magic known as the Stormcrown Tongues. That the weather has changed to favour the Loji cannot be denied, yet as they remain absent from the battlefield the truth remains murky. More straightforward is the addition of new chanters to their armies. Poorly trained and equipped these chanters are not of the elite but the rank and file all using a single chant to deploy a cold wind against their enemies.
The Jarls of the Maelstrom bear arms a notably paler shade of blue. This Stillborn steel strikes with an unnatural weight and momentum. Meanwhile, the crossbowmen of Loji receive another upgrade in the form of vicious-looking bolts with barbs along one side. When shot they begin to glow with what looks like a lot of heat.

The Mountains
With the freezing of the waters that would usually block the path into Loji lands, the Xi Shan have found the way left open for a test of their new Earth Runners. Floating over the snow they travel downhill with little to impede them. For the Loji here at least there are to be no more easy escapes by cart. Yet they are not out of options either choosing to gradually gather together in the face of the advancing earth runners crossbows at the ready.

On sighting the enemy the Earth Runners do not stop or even attempt to slow down. The Xi Shan warriors are intent on closing into melee in the fastest manner possible. Many of the Earth Runners are enveloped in darkness, red light blazing out the front to light the path forward. The Loji use their carts as makeshift barricades and firing platforms, waiting for the ideal distance to release their first volley of Dreki Fangs. Some nervously eyeing the oncoming darkness. Then the command shout is heard and the crossbows go to work. Fangs leap out in small mismatched groups as each individual crossbowman reacts to the call to fire. Halfway through their journey, the bolts blaze to life as the heat grows in each bolt. They seem to become less bolts and more packets of light dragging metal fins like an inverted shark swimming backward.

Where they land the screams of tribesmen and the smoke and flame of burning wood can be found. The Earth Runners are ill-protected against the fires of Loji and many are set to blazing long before they threaten to overrun the Loji position. Inevitably some Runners are burnt to the point that whatever magic keeps them floating above the ground runs out sending them dropping to a sudden halt and sending those still aboard sprawling. Others approach close enough for a Jarl to step forward and chant, their magic bringing the Runner to a halt in short order. One already on fire and largely empty strikes a cart set as a blockade with a crash of splintering wood that sets both vehicles aflame.

Loji successfully defends the mountains.

The Hills
At the heart of the island, the storm falls lopsidedly. The forces of Iqua are wet and miserable having slogged through increasingly muddy ground, their cloaks wrapped around them for what small protection from the weather is offered. Lady Adiva lends her crystal clear voice to lead her archers in song and one by one the soldiers straighten up and march on proudly through the thunder and the rain.

On the other hand, the Loji have suffered no more than light drizzle as they have ridden to battle in their carts. The Loji are predominantly armed with their crossbows the few exceptions being chanters and those reserves required in the event necessity calls for them. The Jarls of the Maelstrom, of course, stand ready to protect the rank and file when Iqua fear and pike threatens.

As the Iqua advance, it is the Loji chanters that open proceedings. Chilling the air and numbing the senses. Clothes wet from the rain, freeze. Miserable soldiers trudge forward hoping to face the flames of their enemies.

The Jarls confident that they can weather the weak curses of Iqua stand ready to inspire. They have reckoned without the Dreadmonks. For through masked and chattering lips are spawned nightmares seemingly given flesh by the magic of the chant. Green fires displaying prophetic futures filled with dying Loji warriors. Fear enough to freeze the advance of even a Jarl and set them to rethinking facing the might of Iqua.

The Dreadmonks are not the only source of fear. For the army pikeman and archer alike marches forward with its dread words upon their lips. Silencing crossbowmen and fouling their shot. Still, the pikemen march in formation and even a missed shot can find an unintended mark. The screams of the suffering before the terrible heat of these wound lodged bolts soon blunts the chorus of fear. The unmasked Dreadmonks charge on heedless, some not even stopping in the face of being struck by a Dreki Fang. For what fear remains for a fiery death before the possibility of a return to their studies?

Before the Jarls they are too few and too maddened to be worthy opponents. The Jarl’s chant stopping even their monstrous fear born strength, though they seem less hindered than the rank and file. In the stillness, the Jarls do not step forward but slaughter with a certain inevitability all who stray within reach. Perhaps the pikemen might represent a greater threat were it not for the sniping of the crossbows, bolts passing unhindered to strike down those few organised and persistent enough to threaten.

Lady Shrivastava and her elite archer contingent used the assault to creep forward on the lee of a spur until they reached an uncontested ridge overlooking a weak point in the Loji position.

At her signal her subordinate unrolls the scroll of blooming shadows and prepares it for activation, standing in the centre. Channeling the mana of the scroll, the green flame blazes and extends beyond the scroll as in the centre a great flower blooms obscuring the caster in darkness. Adiva took a moment to admire its terrible beauty as she watched it grow above her and put everything else in the shade. The flower petals bloom and shed expanding the darkness outward. Her vision washing out of all colour as the world is reduced to shades of grey excepting only the green flame rapidly spreading inwards to devour the mat. Leaving only the runes behind in floating green flame.

Then it is the time of her archers hidden in darkness to put their bows to work. The terrible bolts of the enemy misled by the endless falling petals to fall short or pass overhead. Their dispersed formation protecting somewhat even from those few that threaten to fly more accurately. With chant of fear upon their lips that seamlessly draw their symphony arrows upon their songbows and deliver poisonous death to their enemies.

Against this volley the Jarls can only invoke a chant of their own, fighting their Dreadmonk induced fear to put up an empty wall before which every arrow must slow and die to fall lifeless to the ground. Although some few arrows dropped on target, she found herself vexed by the loss of surprise from her first volley. The maneuverability of her opponents would likely soon force her to abandon the position. Distracted, she lost her place within the chant, fear momentarily slipping its grip on the Hellbringer seeking to complete his chant through choking fear. Then a second blooming occurs as the great flower protecting her from the vision of her enemies is set alight. In an instant, shades of grey turn to shades of flame as all descends into a sea of fire.

The Lady Adiva’s shrill screams of suffering and pain maddened promises of vengeance as she is dragged away from the battle puncture the atmosphere. The general of the Iqua forces opts to pull back with the aid of the fear chant to quit the field before casualties escalate further.
Loji Advances.

The Jungle
Summer comes early to the jungle and with it endless mist, fog and smoke. The Loji are here to burn the Iqua out with burning bolt and chanter’s flame. Yet with the amount of water in the air it may yet be summer before the jungle is reduced to ash.

They face a new predator in the masked Dreadmonks who have chosen this field of battle. For the endless fog, smoke and trees merely serve to remind them of their training as they slip into the shadows and stalk their prey.

Visibility has dropped to the point of creating a labyrinth of mist, smoke and trees. The rank and file of both sides sent out on patrols blunder past each other unaware as often as they meet. Those times they do meet it is more by accident than design for both sides, simultaneous retreat the most common outcome. Yet the outcomes are not entirely equal.

The Loji must content with a new predator stalking the jungle. A terror that drives crossbowmen to firing desperately into the mists and Hellbringers to reducing patches of jungle to ash. They strike at shadows and madness. Isolated incidents build-up, sapping morale on this front as even the Jarls succumb to fear, cowering in the mud and hoping the Dreadmonks do not find them.

As the smoke clears, a new jungle is revealed. A ragged jungle filled with patches of burned ground and dead trees. The jungle will likely be much easier to navigate next season.
Iqua Advances.

Known Equipment
Spoiler: Loji (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Iqua (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Xi Shan (click to show/hide)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Arms Race: War of the Rune
« Reply #53 on: September 21, 2019, 09:18:49 am »

Quote from: Hint tocken?
Damnit people, this is why I said to keep the truce. Because now everyone's ganging up on the cats.
Also, don't forget to contact your local Eldritch Being(s), so that they can help with our mission to destroy the universe.

Atomic Chicken

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Arms Race: War of the Rune
« Reply #54 on: September 21, 2019, 09:22:28 am »

Quote from: Hint token?
Yes:(1) Rockeater

Yes: (1) AC
As mentioned in the previous turn, the most exciting field of battle this year will be in the Arstotzkan capitol, with plenty of close-quarter fighting and siege warfare.  Arstotzka, accordingly, spent their design phase developing a high-altitude tactical bomber. 


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Arms Race: War of the Rune
« Reply #55 on: September 21, 2019, 12:06:40 pm »

You can never have too many Hint Tokens. Well, no, you could- at a certain point, having too many would just eliminate the whole 'actual experimentation' aspect that makes this game unique. But one per turn is always good, I think.

Quote from: Hint token?
Yes:(2) Rockeater, NUKE9.13

Yes: (1) AC
Long Live United Forenia!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Arms Race: War of the Rune
« Reply #56 on: September 21, 2019, 03:06:15 pm »

Quote from: Hint token?
Yes:(3) Rockeater, NUKE9.13, Happerry

Yes: (1) AC
Forenia Forever!
GENERATION 11: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Arms Race: War of the Rune
« Reply #57 on: September 24, 2019, 06:07:36 pm »

Quote from: Hint token?
Yes:(3) Rockeater, NUKE9.13, Happerry

Yes: (2) AC, Madman
We shall make the highest quality of quality quantities of soldiers with quantities of quality.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Arms Race: War of the Rune
« Reply #58 on: September 24, 2019, 07:53:20 pm »

This hint vote has passed.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Arms Race: War of the Rune
« Reply #59 on: September 25, 2019, 05:43:43 pm »

Digger's tent, arcanis.
"You found an intact container?"
The tribesman nodded.
"Yes high shaman, it appears to be a sealed scroll, and was found in a vault filled with broken scrolls."
Excellent digger thought Perhaps this is something I could use to give me an edge over those loji idiots.
"Hand it over and let's see if I can get it open" Digger stated
As soon as he had the scroll he attempted to open it by twisting a nob on one end. "Stupid thing! Open up, reveal your secrets!"
"Allow me to try, high shaman." The tribesman tried as well, straining with all his might. "I don't believe the ancients wanted us to be able to open this, high shaman."
Digger scoffed "The ancients are dead, and we need every advantage of we wish to survive. Bring me a broken scroll container, or an open one, we can use it to divine a method of opening this one."
Several hours later.
"Oh, so you push it in, do a quarter turn this way, let it spring up a layer, do a 3/7ths turn that way, pull it up one, then just unscrew it normally" As he said that he performed the actions, causing one side of the sealed scroll to pop open.
Digger carefully extracted the piece of paper within. "It seems to be blueprints for some piece of handheld equipment the ancients used. It looks simple enough for us to make a simple, inferior version."
The tool revealed itself to be excellent at digging holes, while being quite small, easy to manufacture, and lightweight.
"This can't be all this can do, while still miraculous, there must be some other secret, something magical about it!" Digger exclaims "It was sealed in a scroll that took 5 hours to open, it must be valuable! But for now, it needs a name."
One of the tribesmen who tested the tool steps up "How about, Spade. Combination of our words for tool, and of the ancients"
Digger nodded "That will do."
He raises a spade to the sky.
"I hereby dub this most holy tool, The Spade!
Quote from: evicted Saint on discord
Weaponizing Jesus isn't something you do turn 4
Quote from: Alice on a different discord, to iridium, kind of.
hold on, let me keep blowing kisses at him until he stops
My Power armor arms race
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