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Author Topic: Arms Race: War of the Rune  (Read 6784 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Arms Race: War of the Rune
« Reply #30 on: October 25, 2018, 05:23:33 pm »

Turn 0 Battle Phase

Upon the rolling hills, the forces of Iqua and Loji once against meet in battle. This time, however, the first clash between armies occurs. Once again the army of Loji outmaneuvers the Iqua, for the wind blows ever in their favour. Iqua scouts are forced to retreat before the march of the Loji main force losing some of the favourable ground they had attained by driving away the Loji in the battle of the scouts. Lady Adiva makes her disapproval known to the commander when they finally turn up.

On the Loji side, the Jarls are a fearsome sight shouting encouragements to the soldiers as they raise their axes and shields in anticipation of the glorious battle ahead of them. The new medium crossbows wielded by their crossbowmen a fine display of Loji technical superiority.
For the Iqua, the Blademonks serenely prepare for what is coming by checking their seven blades and discarding now unneeded sheathes as they wield a sabre in each hand.

Both armies square up, seeming fairly evenly matched against each other. As the battle opens, the chanting of Loji Enkindlers is matched by the chanting of Iqua Blademonks. For the Enkindlers the impact of their chant is obvious as a wind filled with embers blows across the battlefield, threatening to light grass on fire and distracting those directly in its path. Unfortunately, the spring rains leave such attempts as disappointing and sporadic. As for the Blademonks, other than emanations of chanted mana, nothing seems to change.

As the archers enter range, this time the Loji are more confident. Their new medium crossbows match the range of the Songbow. Combined with their pavise shields and brigandine armour they are able to weather the worst of the Iqua archery fire, though they can not escape injury entirely and those arrows that hit which are poisoned inflict a toll. Meanwhile, the Iqua do not fare as well. The fire rate of the crossbows may be slower, but each volley has a devastating effect. Many archers are sent scrambling for cover, though the disciplined core led by Lady Adiva continue to harass and poison the crossbowmen as they are able.

Sensing danger, the pikes of Iqua begin to advance with small hardened shields at the ready. Though the crossbows of Loji are able to inflict some damage on the approach, they are ultimately forced to focus most of their efforts on suppressing the archers. Instead, it is the Loji rank and file that must step forward to tackle the pikemen. With their round reinforced shields, they bar the way forward. With their axes they try to pin down and hack away at the pikes. A stalemate develops as the northmen use their shields to turn the battle into a contest of strength. The stalemate does not last though. Occasionally a pike will flex around a shield and inflict a wound. Such wounds are scratches, but it is soon discovered that the blades of Iqua are venomous. Not as potent as their arrows perhaps, but every last pike is capable of inflicting poison and such scratches add up to weakened soldiers unable to continue to push against the pikes. Gradually the center of the line bulges as the pikemen press forward.

At the flanks the spearmen of Iqua have a much worse time of it. Lacking the absolute reach advantage of the pikes, they must face shield armed axemen out for blood. Nor can they afford to retreat to far lest the pikemen find themselves outflanked and their formation broken. It is here that the Blademonks step forward to relieve the pressure. Where they pass they leave behind a bloody trail of broken weapons, shields and limbs. There iron sabres cutting through everything in their path. Only the blue steel boss at the center of a Loji shield can stand up to the punishment inflicted and even then it is more often because an Iqua sabre is destroyed in the process of trying to cut through it. The Jarls of Loji charge gleefully to meet them to moment they see such a challenge. Yet while the Jarls may be a match for the Blademonks in terms of martial prowess, they have no true answer to the unstoppable cutting power of their attacks. At best they can only use their slowly disintegrating shields to buy time as a Blademonk is forced to back off while they draw a replacement blade.
No, it is the previously unnoticed wind carts, carrying their cargo crossbowmen to the flanks that ultimately threaten the Blademonks. These strange horseless carts have a tube pointing out the back that seems to slowly propel the carts at a walking pace. The Blademonks, unarmoured and lacking even a shield to defend themselves have no protection from the bolts sent their way. Sheltered by the cart from any return fire the Iqua can muster they are free to focus on slaying the otherwise unstoppable killing machine that a monk represents. Naturally, the spears of Iqua do not lack in bravery, rushing forwards to provide cover in the form of their shields. Even so, lacking the ability to move freely the Blademonks are forced to choose their engagements more carefully. Another stalemate develops, but it is enough to allow the spearmen to cover the pikemen.

Back in the center, Loji calls forth their Shroudweavers, those Voiceguard dedicated to the arts of smoke. Rather than use it to hide an advance, they instead send spikes of smoke directly at the pikemen. Where they are struck, the spikes turn to spheres of smoke that force the men back in order to breathe fresh air. Slowly a wall of smoke forms pressing back the line, allowing the northerners to advance. Unable to see their enemies, the Iqua are forced to fall back further wary of axemen charging out of the smoke. Yet the Loji have the same problem, as smoke prevents their advance too. It is the Windsingers turn to step forward, using their winds to blow the smoke towards the enemy. The smoke so resilient against normal winds, soon dissipates entirely under the influence of mana.

Without the smoke, the pushing contest soon resumes. Like the last time, the pikes of Iqua soon reclaim the upper hand. The battle turns into a long and bloody stalemate, with spearmen, axemen and archers falling on both sides. In time it becomes clear that the chanters of Loji cannot keep up with the demands placed on their chanting. Nor the warriors withstand the gradual attrition inflicted by the poisonous pikes of Iqua. Using smoke to cover the withdrawal, the Loji choose to quit the field in good order.

Iqua advance by the narrowest of margins. The fight will take place in the forested hills next season.

The scouts of Loji and Iqua clash once again. Yet this time the Loji have a number of advantages. Their crossbows match the range of their opponents and deliver a more devastating strike, largely due to the deficiencies in the defense of the Iqua archers. The jungle does provide more cover, turning the skirmish into a slower paced affair of ambush and counter-ambush. This aids the crossbowmen who can afford to retreat and reload. The Shroudweavers are in attendance here as well and they only make it easier to respond to ambush with smoke to cover the retreat. The poison on both sides is dangerous here, for while the jungle may not have large predators, it has no shortage of small ones. Injuries not quickly treated can soon attract insects of all sorts.

The Loji scouts grow increasingly confident with each success, needing to be wary only of ambush in close quarters by a Blademonk. For once up close, even one is capable of slaughtering a squad of crossbowmen on his own. Constantly hounded and harassed by crossbow bolts, fighting foes who disappear into smoke at every turn. In the end, the scouts of Iqua quit the jungle in disgust at the cowardly tactics of Loji.

Loji wins, but the fight in the jungle will continue next turn.

Known Equipment
Spoiler: Loji (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Iqua (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: October 26, 2018, 08:23:44 am by Talion »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Arms Race: War of the Rune
« Reply #31 on: December 17, 2018, 06:18:44 pm »

Turn 1 Battle Phase

What were once light clashes between the vanguard of each force has developed into an outright war. All sides of the conflict have unleashed their hordes, striking at each other upon the hills. From the north the Loji have deployed a new addition to the order of the Voiceguard, the Hellbringers are well named for their ability to call down fire is dangerous enough to scare even the other orders.
The southern Iqua for their part continue to steadily improve their forces their officers and Blademonks now armed with Moonlight Sabres, sabres made of a white iron as hard as steel. Some of the Blademonks have even taken to carrying as few as three blades in order to wear chainmail for some level of protection from the bolts of Loji.
Finally, the Xi Shan Tribesmen have been sighted, carrying Composite Recurve Bows that bear some resemblance to the composite bows of the Iqua. Nor is it the only weapon they are armed with, for it seems they carry clay pots filled with poison. These Nightmare Pots can be thrown into enemy battle lines before a charge to weaken formations.

In the mountains, the Loji look on as the Iqua test the defenses of Arcanis. Witnessing golden-haired Lady Adiva organise her archers as messengers to organise the approach on the city. The pikemen draw up into formations warmed by the summer sun and march into the darkness. What goes on within is mysterious. The wall of darkness, once seemingly seamless shudders. First one dome of darkness separates from the wall and then several more follow. When the domes of darkness begin to move out of the city, the light reveals what was hidden within. A ruin of rubble and still standing walls. The forces of Iqua are victorious and in control of a part of the city.

Iqua Advances.

The war in the hills grows larger and more chaotic this turn. All sides are represented as Iqua and Loji face off while attempting to fend off the night raids by the Xi Shan. As once open grass-filled hills gradually give way to ever thicker forests, the advance of the Iqua is faced with an enemy determined to oppose their every advance. Before isolated trees turn into thicker forest the Loji are there, their crossbowmen using the wood line for cover.

As the Iqua march forward in their formations an eerie sound echoes across the battlefield. A red-robed figure stands in easy reach of his bodyguards and begins to chant enthusiastically. What follows is an eruption of flame arcing up into the sky, before descending as a pillar of destruction. Where it strikes the neat lines of pikes disintegrate as those at the edges of the flame are set alight, their clothes catching fire and forcing them to flee. Panic spreads as the tight formation reacts too slowly and those set alight find no easy path of escape. As the affected squads begin to retreat with increasing speed some number of the burning are trampled in the process of trying to put out the flame by rolling on the ground. Those at the centre were not so fortunate, their flesh left white and waxy and spotted with black marks. They do not long survive their injuries.

That is not the only pillar of flame to descend. With the pike formation thoroughly disrupted, the axemen of Loji, led by their Jarls are set to sweep into a close and chaotic melee. The pikes of Iqua provide little benefit at such close quarters and with the two sides thoroughly intermixed it proves impossible to restore order and return to formation. To stop the slaughter the Blademonks are forced to step forward, leading the spears from the flanks to try and relieve the pressure on the centre. The spears alone are a better weapon to oppose the axe than the pike removed from its formation and they would make some slow progress on their own by weight of number, but it is the white blades of the Blademonks who quickly charge ahead, sweeping through all resistance. For unlike in the previous battle, the fresh white blades do not break even when facing the blue steel of their enemies.

It is a charge that is cut short instead by the descent of fire and far more of it than was used against the pikemen. Burning friend and foe alike as the pillars of burning death relentlessly chase after the Blademonks. The Blademonks for their part attempt to cut through the flame as they cut through everything else, but fire is not so easily destroyed and what separation is caused lasts only briefly until the winds can draw the flames back together. For every Hellbringer there are five Blademonks, yet that is small comfort for those caught by the flames. Their clothes burn, their eyes are scorched and were it possible their lungs would likely burn as well. For it quickly becomes clear that the magic of chanting offers some protection from such a fate. It soon becomes apparent that no relief can be found for Iqua, that they have no warriors who can stand against bloody axe and murderous flame. The rout begins and the bloodthirsty Jarls lead their forces ever forwards to claim a terrible toll on the cowards of Iqua.

The conflict grows into an endless series of skirmishes as the forces of Iqua seek to stem the tide with a series of rearguard actions. Spending lives to keep the Loji at bay until night comes. In the darkness, it is not the Iqua or the Loji that reign supreme, but the Xi Shan. Striking with impunity at one foe exhausted by the flight of defeat and the other by the aggression of their chase. Soon both sides learn to fear the darkness of the mountains as they pivot east to avoid the unceasing ambushes on any who stray too far west.

Iqua fails to gain a foothold and instead Loji Advances. The battle will take place in the hills next season. The Xi Shan have a presence in the hills and might strike even further afield next season.

A quiet stalemate grows on this front, despite the best efforts of the Loji nation. With the Iqua not pushing into the jungle anymore the number of ambushes they fall into is sharply reduced. Comparatively, it is the Loji who face arrows around every turn, the constant ambushes keeping their troops jumping at shadows. Squads mysteriously slaughtered without raising an alarm by what can only be Blademonks, yet no sign of their arrival or departure to be found. Some particularly paranoid Loji speak of being hunted by a forest spirit. Hellraisers waste their voice burning trees at the slightest sign of movement, much to the Enkindlers’ annoyance. Jarls ritually cut themselves to attract the spirit and disappear into the jungle never to be seen again.

The thick vegetation, oppressive heat and humidity combine to bring out the worst in the northerners. Morale is low for the Loji and many are calling the jungle cursed. Their commanders are forced to call for a withdrawal to help reorganise the advance and rebuild spirits. Stalemate this season.

Known Equipment
Spoiler: Loji (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Iqua (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Xi Shan (click to show/hide)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Arms Race: War of the Rune
« Reply #32 on: January 14, 2019, 10:35:13 am »

Iqua, we the Loji ask of you. A Hint Token for the next round?

Quote from: Hint Token?
Yes (2) TricMagic, Madman198237
No (-)

Yes (-)
No (-)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Arms Race: War of the Rune
« Reply #33 on: January 14, 2019, 10:37:06 am »

Quote from: Hint Token?
Yes (1) TricMagic, Madman198237
No (-)

Yes (1): Rockeater
No (-)
Damnit people, this is why I said to keep the truce. Because now everyone's ganging up on the cats.
Also, don't forget to contact your local Eldritch Being(s), so that they can help with our mission to destroy the universe.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Arms Race: War of the Rune
« Reply #34 on: January 14, 2019, 10:42:14 am »

Pretty much always down for a hint token.

Quote from: Hint Token?
Yes (2) TricMagic, Madman198237
No (-)

Yes (2): Rockeater, NUKE9.13
No (-)
Long Live United Forenia!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Arms Race: War of the Rune
« Reply #35 on: April 08, 2019, 05:19:50 pm »

Turn 2 Battle Phase

All sides have made some attempt to improve the protection of their soldiers. The Xi Shan have added crude metal plates to their furs, protecting vital areas. The Iqua now wear dull black cloaks on top of their traditional uniform. The Loji on the other hand have found a way to produce enough of their scale mail to outfit their entire army. The Loji have also updated their wind carts this season. The new cart mounts a sail instead of protecting its passengers, allowing the Loji army to be transported much more quickly.

The forces of both Loji and Iqua advance toward the city on foot. The Loji sail carts making little appearance due to the rough terrain that must be traversed. At the margins skirmish forces exchange arrows and bolt, but for the most part both forces are more concerned with the black mark on the landscape where a city once stood.

On the Loji side little is to be seen, the occasional scream of the dying in the darkness the only sign of conflict before the Loji pull back to reassess the situation. Sporadic scouting parties are still regularly sent out, but for the most part the forces of Loji seem frustrated by the complete darkness of the city which no light of torch or chant seems to penetrate.

On the Iqua side the success of the previous season’s advance is not repeated. Tribesmen can be seen to appear out of both the external and internal edges of the darkness to raid the Iqua lines, throwing pots that send their pikemen into disorder before forcing their way forward. These are not entirely successful engagements for the Xi-Shan, for while the timing and unpredictability of their raids throw the Loji into disarray, where ever a Blademonk appears any gains are quickly extinguished. Some attempts are made to strike at the Lady Adiva herself, but neither arrow nor spear can close on her elusive figure before a Blademonk is there to cut down any tribeman foolish enough to face them.

This season the battle is largely a Stalemate, as no side achieves a decisive advantage.

The forces of Iqua prepared for another season of skirmish warfare, hoping to avoid direct conflict wherever possible. It is often the case that such plans do not survive contact with the enemy. Wrapped in their black cloaks against the rain, the archers of Iqua are the first to witness sails on the horizon. First a single sail followed by a few dozen more and then beyond that hundreds of sails advance forwards carrying their payload of soldiers to the front. For the most part they advance as fast as a man running harrying the Iqua together or running down those few who flee. The sail carts are of lesser value in a direct battle, but serve well in pinning the Iqua in place and forcing a fight.

The fight itself is perhaps less lethal for the Iqua than previously as their new cloaks serve to protect against the falling pillars of fire. Those hit directly are still killed of course, but the effective blast radius has fallen noticeably. Pikemen continue to suffer in the face of the burns, but the Hellbringers are forced to focus a greater amount of attention on breaking formations. In melee the Blademonks are the only forces that fare well against the oncoming Loji. The spears find their efforts hindered by the superior armour of their adversaries. With few advantages the Iqua are forced backwards, losing men and knowing that no easy retreat was left open to them. The battle continues until exhaustion, the Loji pulling back largely to rest rather than any fear of the enemy. The Iqua stumble away, hoping to put some distance between themselves and the Loji before the next day. Yet they are forced to battle again by midday. On the third day they break contact the remnants of the army disappearing in the folds of land.

With no further enemy forces to found the Loji set about consolidating their gains. Loji Advances.

The depths of the jungle remain hot and humid this season, perhaps helped along by the work of the Enkindlers. They and the Shroudweavers do their best to choke the place with smoke as they try to keep the Iqua advance in check. The pike elements of the Iqua force are repurposed as firefighters beating smoldering fires out with their cloaks tied around their pikes. This does little to help deal with the more magical smoke deployed by the retreating Loji to cover their escape. It is a war of ambushes and quiet patience where both sides battle against the jungle for new paths through it. Blademonks lead the way for the Iqua carving easily through all obstacles.

Despite all this the jungle sustains little lasting damage as the persistent rains and wet foliage keep any fires under control. Nor does a few more paths cut into the jungle do overmuch to change the large variety of trees and plants that choke progress the moment someone attempts to depart the beaten paths. Bird and insect calls continue to add their voices to the wind and the rain despite the localised disturbance caused by combat. In the end both sides are bloodied, but it is the Loji who fare the worst.

Iqua narrowly Advances.

Known Equipment
Spoiler: Loji (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Iqua (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Xi Shan (click to show/hide)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Arms Race: War of the Rune
« Reply #36 on: April 09, 2019, 09:57:49 am »

Is it that day already? I believe it is! It's time for the annual Hint Token Vote! (Please note: Madman has classes and requested his vote to be added, Atomic Chicken had obligations of similar importance. Talion strike me down if I be placing their names down against or without their blessing.)

Quote from: Hintbox
Yes: Jilladilla, Madman, Atomic Chicken


Glory to United Forenia!

If you see a 'Nemonole' on the internet elsewhere, it's probably me


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Arms Race: War of the Rune
« Reply #37 on: April 09, 2019, 10:04:45 am »

Is it that day already? I believe it is! It's time for the annual Hint Token Vote! (Please note: Madman has classes and requested his vote to be added, Atomic Chicken had obligations of similar importance. Talion strike me down if I be placing their names down against or without their blessing.)

Quote from: Hintbox
Yes: Jilladilla, Madman, Atomic Chicken, TricMagic


Forgot me~


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Arms Race: War of the Rune
« Reply #38 on: April 09, 2019, 11:11:21 am »

Quote from: Hintbox
Yes: Jilladilla, Madman, Atomic Chicken, TricMagic

Yes: NUKE9.13
I mean, yeah. I'd be fine with it if we just got a hint token every turn.
Long Live United Forenia!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Arms Race: War of the Rune
« Reply #39 on: April 09, 2019, 12:01:07 pm »

It would accelerate the pace of the game as well as making it easier to actually progress in the magic system. Right now it'll take a REALLY long time to make serious magical projects given all the prerequisites (gain experience, make enough magical things to understand the processes, then make what you want to make and fix it when you find out you did something wrong, etc.)

So if we can just blanket ask for 1 per turn, that'd be pretty nifty.
We shall make the highest quality of quality quantities of soldiers with quantities of quality.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Arms Race: War of the Rune
« Reply #40 on: April 09, 2019, 12:33:34 pm »

Quote from: Hintbox
Yes: Jilladilla, Madman, Atomic Chicken, TricMagic

Yes: NUKE9.13, Rockeater
Damnit people, this is why I said to keep the truce. Because now everyone's ganging up on the cats.
Also, don't forget to contact your local Eldritch Being(s), so that they can help with our mission to destroy the universe.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Arms Race: War of the Rune
« Reply #41 on: April 13, 2019, 09:06:43 am »

This hint vote has passed.

Incidentally, I'm thinking of reinstating double turns (ie. 2 actions per phase) from next turn onwards. Feel free to let me know your thoughts, I might put it to a vote after the battle phase.
« Last Edit: April 13, 2019, 09:08:18 am by Talion »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Arms Race: War of the Rune
« Reply #42 on: April 13, 2019, 12:04:03 pm »

Double turns would definitely speed up our R&D rate, and would generally make tech/magic development go a lot quicker. It'd also probably increase the amount of advanced magical stuff people were willing to develop, since they have an extra set of actions they can use to still upgrade their equipment while they are researching new runes and stuff.
Quote from: evicted Saint on discord
Weaponizing Jesus isn't something you do turn 4
Quote from: Alice on a different discord, to iridium, kind of.
hold on, let me keep blowing kisses at him until he stops
My Power armor arms race


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Arms Race: War of the Rune
« Reply #43 on: April 27, 2019, 04:01:47 pm »

Future Turn Structure Vote

This may largely be a formality, but this is your opportunity to vote for your preferred number of actions per turn. The options are:
Single - One action per phase + Hint Tokens.
Double - Two actions per phase + Hint Tokens.
Double Phase - Select a phase that gets two actions, the other phases provide one action.

Quote from: Votebox
Single (0):
Double (0):
Double Phase (0):


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Arms Race: War of the Rune
« Reply #44 on: April 27, 2019, 04:10:07 pm »

Future Turn Structure Vote

This may largely be a formality, but this is your opportunity to vote for your preferred number of actions per turn. The options are:
Single - One action per phase + Hint Tokens.
Double - Two actions per phase + Hint Tokens.
Double Phase - Select a phase that gets two actions, the other phases provide one action.

Quote from: Votebox
Single (0):
Double (1): TricMagic(Loji)
Double Phase (0):
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