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Author Topic: Arms Race: War of the Rune  (Read 6781 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Arms Race: War of the Rune
« Reply #75 on: November 18, 2020, 03:40:21 pm »

Turn 6 Battle Phase

The cold blade of a weather front pierces through the middle of the island. In the mountains, it is simply unseasonably hot. The temperature, doing much to delay the formation of snow and ice on the peaks. In the jungle, it brings storms that work to bring back heat and humidity lost with the clearing of the trees. At the heart of the island, the hills harden with sudden frost and icy fog obscuring the marching armies, creating confusion and chaos.

The Xi Shan have opted to deploy their elite Earth Mage Battalions. Each Earth Mage is able to raise fortifications, empower their fellows to fight better as well as wield the earth as a weapon. They have also upgraded their Sword Gauntlets making them among other things slightly stronger, tougher and more flexible. Combined these improvements represent a wide-ranging increase in the gauntlet’s battlefield capability.

The Loji have developed a weapon for the glory of their warriors. The unstoppable greatswords known as Horizon’s Edge. In support of such mighty weapons, they have also developed the Targe of the Bloodthirsty to support the weighty advance of Loji’s chosen warriors. Long having used standardised armour, the Loji upgraded to the latest edition known as Doomscale Armour. A variant that sees the forces of the Loji more organised than ever, seeming to display uncanny amounts of teamwork built on acceptance of the outcomes for good or ill.

Like the Loji, the Iqua have also deployed a greatsword and a shield. The Living Bloodblade strikes with the viciousness of a snake, each blow in symbiosis between wielder and blade. The Midnight Shield improves upon the traditional shield of the Iqua with greater resilience to flame and heat. Healing Brew v2 delivers an alternative to the Marching Brew permitting rapid recovery from all manner of injury, provided one doesn’t mind the scars or the blood. Last but now least the Iqua bring the Earthmover’s Order to battle. Dressed in simple white robes, these earth controlling chanters raise mighty fortifications with which to master the battlefield.

The Mountains
The heat wave hitting this region leaves the Xi Shan feeling distinctly uncomfortable. Fearing the daylight hours. They hide in the darkness, seeking any escape from the oppressive heat. Travelling upon their Earth Runners to avoid over exerting themselves. With the direction of attack being largely downhill, their advance is mostly unhindered, though any retreat is likely to be slower.

The Loji defense forces sail out to meet them on their carts with eerie discipline as they spread out to deliver pincer attacks or set themselves to guard the siege equipment. Crossbow armed soldiers prepare to fire blind into dug-in positions as Jarls and officers alike raise Horizon Blades in preparation for the coming melee. The enemy advance would first be stymied and then gradually position after Xi Shan position would be swept from the field.

From the Xi Shan position the Earth Mage Battalions set to work raising walls of earth and stone with which to shelter the armies of Xi Shan from Loji aggression. Unwilling to advance in the face of the superior ranged mobility of Loji, the Loji advance becomes stilted and sporadic. They wait for openings and opportunities to lay down new barriers with which to corral their enemy.

On the Loji side the Dreki Fangs are blocked and often extinguished where they strike at the walls of their enemy. The attacks of the Hellbringers meanwhile force the Earth Mages to also consider roofing prolonging the time it takes to prepare each new fortification. Groups of Conflagration Ballista prove able to damage the walls but with the unflagging chanting of Earth Mages, the walls heal far quicker than the damage caused can add up.

Faced with an enemy able to shrug off their ranged attacks the Jarls embrace their role and step forward. Each a terrible unstoppable force for the rank and file of the Xi Shan, able to still the very air around them to immovability and force them to struggle for every step. Able to strike with speed that defies reaction and cleave cleanly through any defense they might offer. Occasionally a Xi Shan warrior might instead find themselves propelled violently away a great distance instead, but those are the only ones luck enough to survive the brutality of the first offensive. For walls of stone prove little barrier to the Horizon’s Edge.

It is not however the rout that Loji might hope for. For the Earth Mages give up on further advance and the raising of new fortification to prepare the Nightblades for battle. Drinking from a pot the re-energized chanter begins to chant. A fist rises from the earth with a needle clutched in its hand. The tip of the needle advances into the nightblade’s darkness. From within can be heard the grunts and screams of a tortured being that soon turn to laughing exaltation. The darkness remains at rest for only a moment before racing forward with speed comparable to a Jarl.

They are not truly as fast, but it is a closer contest than any other warrior of Xi Shan can offer. Thin flexible blades advance out of the darkness seeking to spear a Jarl only to flex and fail to penetrate the tough Doomscale Armour protecting him. The Jarl responds with a humming chant that stills the air and an implacable swing of an unstoppable greatsword. Before this the Nightblade movements barely slow, strained but filled with energy as they attempt to parry with both gauntlets crossed. The Horizon’s Edge blows through such a defense unswayed, but the energy with which it deflects the gauntlets allows the talented physical prowess of the Nightblade to turn a slaughter into retreat.

Alone a single Nightblade even bolstered by an Earth Mage would be no match for the Jarls, forced into desperate assaults on the eyes to stop their advance. Yet the Nightblades do not need to act alone, for with every passing moment more of their number are bolstered and when the Nightblades have all been boosted the seemingly limitless magical stamina of the Earth Mages turn their attention on the rank and file. Soon a nightmare horde of warriors seeks to surround every Jarl forcing them back lest numbers begin to tell. Before the increasing might of the Xi Shan warriors the Loji are forced to rely on mobility and lucky crossbow strikes to retreat safely.

Xi Shan Advances.

The Hills
On icy ground Iqua marches, line on line of hot breath making little clouds in the air. Mile after mile, hour after hour they endure. They march past crops that ought to have withered were it not for the light and mystical growth of the second sun. Heavy armour and body heat combine to build up sweat that in turn freezes. The Earthmover’s Order is called upon to build shelters at stopping points to provide relief from the cold.

Like on the Xi Shan front, what was once a mobile war has turned into a much more static affair. With the Iqua relying on fortifications to control the battlefield. Walls and bunkers raised to fend off ranged attacks while allowing their archers to return fire. A ranged battle even enough to force a more decisive melee assault.

The Loji advance into the face of fear. They spite their instinctive revulsion with each well prepared assault. Lead by Jarl to who cleave through walls with the superior weight and quality of their Horizon’s Edge. Just as easily they cleave through armour and weapons. Those fighting them forced to draw back outside their reach before advancing to strike in the short time it takes them to recover. Facing them are the viper fast Living Bloodblades of the Iqua elite and the tough Moonlight Sabres now produced in enough quantity to equip the rank and file.

The Living Bloodblades prove the lesser in this battle of the greatswords. Before the speed and armour of the Jarls, the vicious strikes of the Bloodblades find few targets. Only in their death do they prove effective as each shattering of the blade is accompanied by the hissing chorus of a horde of snakes. Each blade shattering into nine pieces many of which serve unerringly towards vital points such as the eyes or existing chinks in their foe’s armour.

Without Lady Adiva the battle would have devolved into a bloody stalemate. As it is her white robed figure can be seen at the heart of the fighting, raising mighty spikes of earth that splay out into umbrellas of earth and rock. Spearing the unfortunate as they impede even the Jarls. Assaulting with waves of rock spears rising from beneath the feet of the Loji. Knocking foes off their feet to be buried in quickly sealing tombs of earth.

Iqua Advances.

The Jungle
The conditions in the regrowing Jungle are kinder, but the slowly disappearing craters do not much change the nature of the warfare from the other fronts as Iqua seeks to use fortifications to hold back the assaulting Loji.

On this front things go decidedly poorly of the Loji. Well planned offensives meet cunning generals who seem to have anticipated each move. Jarls at the linchpin of the assault finding themselves the victim of mass coordinated waves of arrow fire. Others succumbing to the mystical mud of the Mire Monks used as part of the defensive barrier only to be tipped over on top of them as they cut through the defenses.

The more successful assaults leave many injured severely only for the application of Healing Brew to aid a swift recovery. Single-armed Iqua soldiers charging relentlessly into battle without caring for danger, spraying the blood of fresh injuries into the eyes of their attackers even as the wounds heal once more. It quickly becomes apparent that any injury not serious enough to lop off a wound will end up as little more than a war scar.

With the failure of their plans the fear of Dreadmonks reasserts itself, breaking advancing warriors and causing them to rout from the field. Positions occupied by Conflagration Ballista are swiftly overrun forcing Hellbringers to destroy them rather than allow the Iqua to turn them against retreating Loji forces.

Iqua Advances

Known Equipment
Spoiler: Loji (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Iqua (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Xi Shan (click to show/hide)


  • Bay Watcher
    • View Profile
Re: Arms Race: War of the Rune
« Reply #76 on: December 07, 2020, 04:21:28 pm »

Going to go ahead and ask. Hint Tokens, Yay or Nay this turn?

Quote from: Hint Token Vote
Nay: (0)
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