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Author Topic: Roll through Destiny - Turn 3: The Spider Queen  (Read 5867 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Roll through Destiny - Turn 3: The Spider Queen
« on: September 24, 2018, 09:37:15 pm »

Welcome to another RtD that will hopefully not be forgotten after 4 updates. What am I talking about, I have nothing better to do. I'll definitely get at least 8 updates! Let's get started.

Your life ended one day. You’re pretty sure you didn’t die. It just, you know, stopped. One second, everything’s normal, and then the next you’re standing in a completely white room being asked by some disembodied voice.

Would you like to save everyone?

And you said yes.

That was about a moment ago. Maybe. You wake up, lying on cold stone. Your ears are ringing, and your eyes aren’t adjusting well to this new lack of light, but as you slowly acclimate to your new surrounding, you notice that you’re surrounded by four other people, all in the process of picking themselves off the floor.

As the ringing in your ears subsides, you pick up the tail end of a tinny, electronic yet vaguely feminine voice, singing the words, “--bicycle built for two.” As you turn towards the source, you notice a face, cobbled together by illuminated ASCII characters, floating some ways off. It notices you and several symbols alter to create a smile.

W-welcome,” the face stammers. You instantly recognize it as the voice from the white room. “I-it’s nice to s-see you again. I h-hope we c--” And, for a moment, the face turns to a complete disarray of random letters and symbols, before it finally reforms, fully composed. “I am Daisy. Thank you for accepting the task to destroy the Dimensional Anchors. I’m afraid that this is as close as I could get you to the Anchor of Earth, as I appear to have suffered structural damage. I will need to go offline shortly.

Your memory is a little hazy, what with all that seems to have happened in a relatively short amount of time, but this is the first you've heard of these Anchors.

You look around the room. There is next to no light except that which Daisy is emanating, but there are a number of torches lined throughout the room. The wall, floor, and ceiling all seem to made of smoothed stone, and you can see a small hallway attached to the… let’s-call-it-south end of the room. In the now-deemed-northeast corner is a pile of rubble that appears to be smoking from some sort of incident you hadn't seen. The probably-northwest corner appears to have been completely covered in thick webbing, shading it from what little light is given off by Daisy. From within the web glow four eyes, staring in your direction.

What is your Destiny?

Sign ups are easy! All you need to do is submit a name and grab 3 different Arcanas for which your Destiny shall be judged in a single class--one of major importance, one of minor importance, and the last of diminished importance. Or don’t, and I’ll pick some for you!

Example: My character's name is Webley Alduous, and my Arcana are (The Wand, The Meteor, The Steppe). Webley might be Destined to become The Wandering Mage of Destruction or maybe The Starfallen Crafter. There are no guarantees in life. You may choose to live by your Destiny or not. That is for you to decide. Master or rebuke.

Additionally, you may want some sort of description or be something other than human, like some sort of catgirl or a robot or a robot catgirl. Heck, maybe you were doing something right before this whole fiasco, like enjoying a picnic with your wife and daughter when it suddenly ended. Feel free to let us know! In fact, you're more likely to be chosen if you do! I can also assign you something random, if that’s the cut of your jib. Just ask! I've got... like... I dunno, 4? But you can always change it.

Quote from: RTD Standard 1.0 ruleset, shamelessly stolen from Multiworld Madness
    The GM (Game Master) posts a situation the players are in. The players then post their actions, according to the conditions GM sets. The GM then rolls for the actions' results, and writes them out in his post. Then the players post actions again, ad infinitum.

    The action results are defined by a six-sided die roll:
    [1]: Epic Fail. Your efforts only worsened your situation.
    [2]: Fail. Your skills or luck were insufficient.
    [3]: Meager success: The situation didn't improve by as much as you have intended.
    [4]: Success: Your efforts were sufficient to achieve your goal.
    [5]: Epic Success: Your skills and luck have combined to ensure your success.
    [6]: Overshot: Your efforts were more than required for the goal's completion, and your luck is such that unfortunate side-effects are inevitable.

    If at any time something threatens a player, that player may make a roll to avoid the threat.
Quote from: RTD Advanced Rulings, also shamelessly stolen
    For each action, any number of rolls may be made, as determined by the GM.
    Primary causes for multiple rolls include, but are not limited to:

        * Actions explicitly composed of multiple actions
        * Actions that imply other actions that are not declared free

    For every dodge roll, any number of additional rolls may be made, as determined by the circumstances, and any skills or special effects applied to the player.
Remember these as well:
 - This world is a ridiculous but slightly serious place. Things may not be what you think, but you're assumptions may help shape them. People will care about what you do, actions will have consequences, and physics exists... for the most part.
 - I occasionally may have your character act without your input to fit the character's goal, in the interest of time and turn length. If one such action is unwanted, retconning is an option. If that doesn't suit your fancy, it may be best not to join.
 - I am the GM, but I'm not here to be God. If something seems unfair, you are free to point it out. Bad luck is just that, but bad GMing is bad skill.
 - When you die, you die for real! Avoid shenanigans and you should be mostly fine. The world isn't stupidly dangerous but carelessness kills.
 - Please don't purposefully harm or disrupt your fellow players. Unless they're cool with it, then go nuts. Destiny will favor those who are most willing to overcome internal and external strife.
 - There's no such thing as stats in this game. However, mastering or rebuking Destiny may grant you skills or bonuses.
 - The more creative, fun, or in-character you are, the more Destiny may favor you. Not that Destiny can be controlled. But maybe a point here or there makes a difference.
 - I will aim for this game to have a conclusive end. I do not wish to drag you through the mud forever. Your actions will help find it.
 - Post with haste, and I shall do likewise! Fail to post, and your character may have to leave.
 - And lastly, have fun. If you're not having fun, you can certainly let me know what you dislike or leave on your terms. I accept my Destiny of Game Master.

Get 5 people. Not necessarily first-come, first-serve, but I'll take whatever I can get! Create your character. Post your actions and maybe intentions. Talk to the anything and each other. Search your pockets or the room. Destiny will assign you a class from there during Turn 0. If more show up than five... Uh, I don't know, I never think far enough ahead. I'd be surprised if everyone was that eager. There may be room for more, if I'm not overwhelmed by five. We'll see. If you read this far, tell me about your favorite sandwich. You will gain some additional Destiny.

Sorry, there's over 100 Arcana. If you're looking for something special, you might be able to ask to have it added... (Though, it's best you have a backup if that won't work.)
« Last Edit: October 21, 2018, 10:10:44 am by webadict »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll through Destiny: An RTD about Destiny
« Reply #1 on: September 24, 2018, 10:06:12 pm »

Name: Umbrol Chandar
Arcana: (The Shadow, The Claw, The Hydra)
Description: Tall and lithe with an average BMI mesomorph, thankfully purely human. Has the deep-centered belief that furries deserve to be locked up, permanently.
Leading Event: I was in a physical job interview for a research firm for fusion power of course, the interviewer was clearly confused by clarifying my name and my harsh accent, than I had went into cardiac arrest and now I’m here.

Favorite Sandwich: Tuna white-wheat sandwich by far, I often put other meat from roast beef or turkey breast just so it doesn’t have one defining umami taste, and it’s based on my thinking that day if I add any mayo to it. Plenty of greens, of course and it’s to my preference to put as many black olives on the sandwich.
« Last Edit: September 24, 2018, 10:14:56 pm by Shadowclaw777 »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll through Destiny: An RTD about Destiny
« Reply #2 on: September 24, 2018, 10:17:40 pm »

Name: Percival Frye
Arcana: The Maze, The Abyss, The Harp

Percival liked to think of himself as an "Astronomer at large, musician at small." Whatever that meant.
A nervous man in an ill-fitting suit was a better description. A man who scribbled puzzles and theories and atonal stanzas on pads of post-its he fished out of his pockets was an even better one.

But the description that fit him best, the one that he never really let go of, was that of a man who would look up at the sky at 2:47PM on an overcast Wednesday afternoon, and suddenly be fully aware of his place. Aware, but knowing he had to do something with that place.

He spent his days cataloging the skies, the stars, the airplanes he sometimes mistook for stars but ultimately cataloged anyway in a special notebook labelled "You fell for it again dumbass.", and the people who, strangely, thought he was odd for doing such a thing.

He wrote songs for the heavens. He wrote a few songs for Heaven, his girlfriend for about 2 weeks. Then he went back to writing songs about the heavens.

Then one day, as he was making note of a passing Delta flight in the aforementioned Dumbass journal, it all stopped. It ceased. And here he was. The stone room.

He needed to take notes. And so he was given a noteworthy experience.

Favourite Sandwich: Egg Salad on Rye, although he more often left them sitting in the fridge after making them than actually eating them.
« Last Edit: September 25, 2018, 08:49:31 am by Greenstarfanatic »
Hey, don't forget about research boy sitting right here!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll through Destiny: An RTD about Destiny
« Reply #3 on: September 25, 2018, 08:45:10 am »

Name: Emerald "Emm"
Arcana: (The Beast, The Heart, The Wand)
Description: Emerald is a two-toned female cat with black and white fur and brilliant green eyes. Not a catgirl, a female cat. Her favorite activities include chasing small things that move and curling up on her mistress' lap while she watches TV or reads a book. She's a bit different than a normal cat (though she doesn't really know it), and can actually understand human speech, so it's fun to watch those shows when she's not napping. Emm just celebrated her first birthday a week ago and graduated from kittenhood, and now that she's a grown woman, she wants to set out on an adventure and save the world just like those cute girls in those shows her mistress likes to watch! Also, what self-respecting cat doesn't want to poke their nose in places they've never been?

Leading Event: Emerald was enjoying some pets from her mistress while they watched the newest episode of a magical girl anime when everything stopped. When Emm was asked if she wanted to save the world, well... of course she did! Hopefully she'd make it back in time for bed... mistress always got lonely if Emm wasn't around to curl up with.

Favorite Sandwich: Emm is rather partial to that delicious wet food that her mistress buys for her, especially the salmon one! Sometimes she puts a little extra juice on it from the can, which makes it taste even better... Emm doesn't know what a sandwich is, but if it's made out of tuna or salmon, it's probably great.
« Last Edit: September 25, 2018, 09:13:12 am by Sheyra »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll through Destiny: An RTD about Destiny
« Reply #4 on: September 25, 2018, 02:08:41 pm »

I'm very interested and really want to make a sheet for this, but I don't have enough time so I'm reserving if that's possible.

Is The Brush a hair brush or a paintbrush?
The dog behind the man behind the beard.
Immortality like that would be even more game breaking than four Aaron's in one place.
You're both so obviously scum that this is a surprisingly difficult decision.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll through Destiny: An RTD about Destiny
« Reply #5 on: September 25, 2018, 02:12:35 pm »

I'm very interested and really want to make a sheet for this, but I don't have enough time so I'm reserving if that's possible.

Is The Brush a hair brush or a paintbrush?
It was intended as a paintbrush. And you can add more at any time, but I need a name and some Arcana.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll through Destiny: An RTD about Destiny
« Reply #6 on: September 25, 2018, 08:55:52 pm »

I don't know about the name yet, but my Arcana will be The Brush, The Canvas and The Soul.
The dog behind the man behind the beard.
Immortality like that would be even more game breaking than four Aaron's in one place.
You're both so obviously scum that this is a surprisingly difficult decision.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll through Destiny: An RTD about Destiny
« Reply #7 on: September 25, 2018, 10:30:03 pm »

I don't know about the name yet, but my Arcana will be The Brush, The Canvas and The Soul.
Cool. But, it's best to finish it when you get the time.

Looks like if we took who we have now, we'd have room for one more. I'm liking what I see (Is that a full-fledged cat?!? Sure, I can make that work.)


  • Bay Watcher
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I'll post Turn 0 in about 8 hours. Anyone that wishes to join until that point will pretty much be allowed in, because I'm doubting we'll see some last minute joiners.

If anyone wishes to join after that point, well, we'll see what we can do.


  • Bay Watcher
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Please note, that this is likely the format I will post in. If you have any suggestions, please let me know.

Destiny has already begun. Let your actions move you.

Turn 0 - Let Us Revisit The Recent Past

You find yourselves in a stone room. To the south is a hallway that hasn't been explored. In the northeast corner, there is a smoking pile of rubble. In the northwest corner, there are four glowing eyes peering out of a large mass of webs. In the middle of the room is Daisy. On the ground is the body of a person that did not wake with the rest of you.

This is how all Destinies start.

Umbrol Chandar, Shadowclaw777

In a room of impossibly white light, some time in the past five minutes if you had to guess, you had just agreed to something you didn’t fully comprehend. That voice told you a great many things. It told you you’re a rogue. It told you you’re aggressive. It told you you were a threat. It even compared you to the hydra.

It told you that many people have always wanted the power to do something with their lives. That as it spoke, many of those lives disappeared and many were currently doing so. It told you that you can use what you have to stop it.

You had said yes.

There was something that had moved when you said that, like a specter in the corner of your eye. You had slowly begun to look down. You saw your shadow, draping itself over your body, shielding you from the light of the room. Its hands looked like talons, and you would swear you had seen jagged teeth.

And then the voice named you the Armed Silhouette.

You Gained a Skill - Did It Just Move?: Your shadow can move on its own. It can even pick up small items.

Percival Frye, Greenstarfanatic

You found yourself in a room of white. You couldn’t see, couldn’t hear, anything for what seemed like hours. But then you heard it, the voice and, almost on instinct, you began to notes its characteristics. Digital, synthesized, vaguely feminine, balanced, and monotonous.

“Interesting. A Maze and an Abyss? You’ll likely be confused by your power, possibly even corrupted, but perhaps your Harp will save you in the end.”

You felt you could hear her smile.

“Would you like to save everyone?”

But, when you said yes, it wasn’t just your voice that escaped. It was thousands of them in all directions. A choir of yous, and when you finished, they followed suit.

And then the voice named you the Warden of Sound and Silence.

You Gained a Skill - Reverberation: You pick up sounds from much further away. You may also emit noises from a distance.

Emerald “Emm”, Sheyra

It was empty in that white room. Lonely. You could tell that the voice was all by itself.

“This is odd. I thought I had only filtered by intelligent--Oh.”

You looked for your mistress. You looked for the voice to cheer her up. Nobody should ever have to be alone. But, you couldn’t find it.

It told you about what it means to be a Beast, but you weren’t brutish. It told you about what it means to be a Heart, but it was the lonely one. It told you what it means to be a Wand, but that’s just magic. Like what a magical girl has.

You began to notice a spiral of hearts surrounding you. Glistening hearts, rainbowed and shiny. You reached one paw out, and it latched onto you like a magnet. You scratched at it futilely without leaving a single mark.

You felt a primal instinct within you. One… to protect the ones you love and care about.

And then the voice named you the Adorned Shaman of Generation.

You Gained a Skill - Scales: Your body is able to manifest scales. You may activate these scales to grant minor protections against attacks for a short while.

???, randomgenericusername

White. It is all you knew and all you currently know. An empty canvas. Without a name and nothing to judge, who could say what you are.

“Something’s wrong. Brain damage? Perhaps you’re already missing part of your soul--” The voice continued, but it hadn’t matter. You could feel the tips of your fingers want to fill the empty canvas in front of you, and you began to will it filled.

And, indeed, it began to drown out the emptiness with all that you imagined and more. Painted characters roamed the streets of a town you couldn’t recognize and hummed and buzzed about events and people you had never known.

At some point, the voice had stopped. And only a short time later did the painting vanish with it, like puddles of water drying up.

“Would you like to save everyone?”


And then the voice named you the Fleeting Creator.

You Gained a Skill -  Willed Creation: You can create a temporary image of something. It might even work as it should.


Daisy begins to flicker, creating a strobe effect of slowly dying light. "It appears that the damages are far greater than I expected." Half of her face disappears and then reappears.

The eyes in the webbed area move between all of you standing in the room before finally they land on {1} Umbrol.




  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll through Destiny - Turn 0: Let Us Revisit the Recent Past
« Reply #10 on: September 27, 2018, 07:20:45 am »

((Do I still have a chance to finish my character physically? I like the idea of an amnesiac though, like a true blank canvas.))
The dog behind the man behind the beard.
Immortality like that would be even more game breaking than four Aaron's in one place.
You're both so obviously scum that this is a surprisingly difficult decision.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll through Destiny - Turn 0: Let Us Revisit the Recent Past
« Reply #11 on: September 27, 2018, 08:31:13 am »

((Do I still have a chance to finish my character physically? I like the idea of an amnesiac though, like a true blank canvas.))
((Lol, yeah. Honestly, I wrote that up for a bit of fun. You can take it or leave it. I'll rewrite what I got if you'd like.))


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll through Destiny - Turn 0: Let Us Revisit the Recent Past
« Reply #12 on: September 27, 2018, 09:44:56 am »

((Do I still have a chance to finish my character physically? I like the idea of an amnesiac though, like a true blank canvas.))
((Lol, yeah. Honestly, I wrote that up for a bit of fun. You can take it or leave it. I'll rewrite what I got if you'd like.))

((I'll take it, it's just that it could be difficult to interact with others while lacking physical form.))

((Idea: I could be a literal blank canvas. Something like a featureless white silhouette of a human kid and just "paint" on myself the things I'm missing, filling the blanks. Like an incomplete living portrait, slowly gaining color.))
The dog behind the man behind the beard.
Immortality like that would be even more game breaking than four Aaron's in one place.
You're both so obviously scum that this is a surprisingly difficult decision.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll through Destiny - Turn 0: Let Us Revisit the Recent Past
« Reply #13 on: September 27, 2018, 09:50:02 am »

" should really go."

Percival looks around the room, briefly notices the eyes, and bolts away, down the south corridor.
Hey, don't forget about research boy sitting right here!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll through Destiny - Turn 0: Let Us Revisit the Recent Past
« Reply #14 on: September 27, 2018, 10:01:08 am »

((Do I still have a chance to finish my character physically? I like the idea of an amnesiac though, like a true blank canvas.))
((Lol, yeah. Honestly, I wrote that up for a bit of fun. You can take it or leave it. I'll rewrite what I got if you'd like.))

((I'll take it, it's just that it could be difficult to interact with others while lacking physical form.))

((Idea: I could be a literal blank canvas. Something like a featureless white silhouette of a human kid and just "paint" on myself the things I'm missing, filling the blanks. Like an incomplete living portrait, slowly gaining color.))
((Oh, I intentioned it more to be that you couldn't remember anything. You aren't formless in any sense... unless you want to be.))
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