GM, the Civ Spoiler says Scavenging, while the Action Spoiler says Foraging. Is there a difference?
The civ spoiler for turn one is literally crickets on a tumbleweed. There's no action spoiler.
Turn 2God actions:
Clak Clonk rests.
Na creates a rainforest in the northeast with oversized trees, and got really oversized trees. At least she asked for the trees to be oversized.
Felius adds cat ears covered in catnip to the skull island. ((GM NOTE: Excuse my terrible attempts at adding cat ears to the skull.))
Sisslak fails to create a desert west of the mountains because there are no mountains.
Civilization actions:
The Arclings settle on the nose of Skull Island, and waste a turn having all their civilians researching how to do something all civilizations can do by default. I'm not sadistic, you start with foraging. They waste 5 food as a result.
The Pakii stagnate because they didn't designate a starting action.
Clak Clonk (Clockwork): 2FP
Na (Growth): 1FP
Felius (Cats): 1FP
Blarg (Wetlands): 1 FP
Sisslak (Drylands): 2 FP
The Arclings (Technology (50% chance to get an extra research point per researcher))
Location: Skull Island Nose
5 Civilians
5 Food (5 generic)
Food upkeep: 5/turn
The Pakii (Seafaring (Much better at fishing, making and using aquatic vehicles, and other sea necessities))
Location: North Pakii Island
5 Civilians
10 food (10 generic)
Food upkeep: 5/turn