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Author Topic: Wizard Kingdom RTD [Turn 15: Items of Power]  (Read 46044 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Wizard Kingdom RTD [Turn 3: Reap the Whirlwind]
« Reply #180 on: October 02, 2018, 12:56:38 am »

((Gee, can't really cast a vote for House Wraith name change seeing as Ventaro fell down the Mesa last turn, but he would suggest Dominus, Ascendant, Sovereign, or Dragon. Was actually gonna suggest Arcana earlier (like right after the turn came out) so no other house could take it, but I forgot to hit post. Sheyra did it, though, so I was gonna wait to see if anyone threw out more options and nobody has.))
Ascendant is good. Dragon is also good, but probably better to have it as the House symbol rather than name.
Say, the House Ascendant Coat of Arms could have a background of blue, a golden circle at the top with rays coming from it (the sun, duh :P), and a black or purple dragon flying up towards it.

By the way Irony update when?
Quote from: FallacyOfUrist (on Discord, 11/15/21)
Glass is, as usual, correct.
Yep, as ever, I bestow upon Glass the expected +1
I'm gonna say we go with whatever Glass's idea is.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Wizard Kingdom RTD [Turn 3: Reap the Whirlwind]
« Reply #181 on: October 02, 2018, 01:26:34 am »

House Ascendant should really have an escalator as its symbol.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Wizard Kingdom RTD [Turn 3: Reap the Whirlwind]
« Reply #182 on: October 02, 2018, 02:06:24 am »

House Ascendant should really have an escalator as its symbol.
Nah, that's House Ascending.
Because everything is Megaman when you have an arm cannon.

Maximum Spin

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Wizard Kingdom RTD [Turn 3: Reap the Whirlwind]
« Reply #183 on: October 02, 2018, 09:32:56 am »

Erik silently notes to himself that the name Best House for 'House Abomination' is currently winning unanimously with 100% of 1 vote.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Wizard Kingdom RTD [Turn 3: Reap the Whirlwind]
« Reply #184 on: October 02, 2018, 06:09:35 pm »

((Less is more. There's no need for an overwrought symbol.))
"Hey steve." You speak into the air.
"Could you guys also make a hamburger out of this arm when they cut it off? I wanted to eat it just for the sake of tasting it."
>That is horrible and disgusting. It will no doubt set you apart and create fear in your team mates. So of course.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Wizard Kingdom RTD [Turn 3: Reap the Whirlwind]
« Reply #185 on: October 02, 2018, 06:31:31 pm »

Erik silently notes to himself that the name Best House for 'House Abomination' is currently winning unanimously with 100% of 1 vote.

I'm not voting because From is flipping off the guy who suggested noble houses and she thinks he's a big idiot.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Wizard Kingdom RTD [Turn 3: Reap the Whirlwind]
« Reply #186 on: October 03, 2018, 02:19:31 am »

Turn 4: Just All Kinds Of Weird

"A nobby?" Mordre pulls at his beard. "Ne'er been a nobby before. Well then, as tha HEAD of HOUSE DEEPSTONE I lay claim to EVERYTHING BELOW GROUND LEVEL!"

He points and laughs at the others triuphantly. "TAKE THAT YA SHITES! While you sorry lot fight over measley LAND, all I've go' tae do to expand is DIG!"

Then he frowns and looks over his fellow noble whats-his-face. "Speakin of- did ya ahave to go an shatter my cage ya daft twit? It was a work of art it were! Now, scurry on up some good pickaxes would ye? we're got TUNNELS to DIG!

Still laughing, modre shanghai's a few peasants to grab some pickaxes, then picks a decent spot against a hill or something and STONE MAGIC's open a stairwell. Time to EXPAND HIS REAL ESTATE!Might as well carve as he goes so it looks half decent.

The only pickaxes available are located in the blacksmith's shop, and he insists on monetary compensation to part with them. Well, that or being made a baron.

[6] In the meantime, you hike on over to another mesa and use stone magic to bury yourself alive. Pretty standard fortress groundbreaking, really.

+8 Sandstone (cannot carry yourself)
+1 Stone Magic
-5 HP
Buried Alive

Using my herbalism, search my landing area for an herb (+1 herbalism) with regenerative properties (+1 herbalism) and durability/toughness/defense (whatever helps one to get hurt less) enhancing properties (+1 herbalism) that is easy to refine (+1 alchemy), safe to handle (+2 alchemy because it could hopefully identify dangerous substances), and of high potency (+2 alchemy).

For my second action (or first if I can't do my above action), go see what drinks are available.

If I still need a second action by this point, fiddle with the mote and toothpick to see if I can learn anything else about them.

[2] You try to find some nice herbs, but just discover a slightly glowing cobra instead. It seems upset.

[6] While staring at an angry radioactive snake, you stick your tongue into your mote and discover that you can draw forth really long toothpicks. Whether this counts as "learning" anything is a topic for the sages.

[3] Incidentally, the snake takes this as an attempt at seduction. It plays coy by savaging your leg.

-1 HP
Now poisoned with weird glowy cobra venom, effects uncertain
1 Seduction Passion used: Seduction improves from +0 to +1!

Ow. Goddamnit.
Just heal. Healing is good.
Also request assistance.

What does "Maimed: Fallen Hero" actually mean?
You lie down and try not to hurt yourself. It seems to help, but you feel like an inn room or house of some kind would be better.

Your everything hurting everywhere resolves to a distinctly unheroic limp.

Half heal (+6 HP)

Tend to the maimed and gravely wounded, with vitamancy of course, two points to increase the potency of the healing and two to heal more people at the same time.

Also inspect my potion pack, do they come with labels?

[1] This goes how it usually goes. Archimedes' and Erin's skeletons try to rip out of their fleshy prisons.

[1] Eventually they regain their composure and just start trying to move around in their meaty armor suits. Neither outer fleshy shell seems pleased with your brilliance.

You browse casually through your potion pack as your two former patients scream about skeletons this and you imbecile that. They're labeled but the labels are sometimes-vague pictograms, in part because there's kind of a lot of variation and mixed effects and so on. Still, on sheer volume the value can't be beat!

Archimedes: -3 HP
Erin: -3 HP
+1 Necromancy
1 Necromancy Passion Used: Necromancy increases from +0 to +1!
Archimedes and Erin: Living Skeleton

"We're suddenly nobles, just like that? Sure, whatever you say." Anna would struggle a bit as she shifted her head a little from her position on the ground. "And yeah, I agree, House Wraith is a terrible name. We could go with something simple that represents who we are, like House Arcana, or maybe something impressive, like House Transcendent."

Regardless of what they went with, she still needed to fix her current situation. Anna will continue to focus and try to stabilize her life force with VITAMANCY before it crashes.

She'll also try to free herself from entanglement and the barrier so she can finally stand up and move around again. That'd be nice.
[2] You draw even more of your life force to pile on top of your heart-core like plaster. You dunno what that's gonna do but you doubt it's what you intended.

[4] You finally wrench yourself free of all that gunk.

It occurs to you that there's probably no further time to do anything BEFORE you experience the crash, but you can still potentially do something DURING it. This might be more helpful if you knew exactly what was going to happen, but such is layered failures regarding your own life essence.

Unentangled, life force layer cake applied

Then he frowns and looks over his fellow noble whats-his-face. "Speakin of- did ya ahave to go an shatter my cage ya daft twit? It was a work of art it were! Now, scurry on up some good pickaxes would ye? we're got TUNNELS to DIG!

Still laughing, modre shanghai's a few peasants to grab some pickaxes, then picks a decent spot against a hill or something and STONE MAGIC's open a stairwell. Time to EXPAND HIS REAL ESTATE!

"Mm..." Smith gives his spear a look over before planting it into the ground, pointy end first.

"Would of been fine if you didn't botch the internal structural integrity." Smith mutters underneath his breath.

Spoiler: Action 1 (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Action 2 (click to show/hide)
[6] The blacksmith's shop leaves afterimages in your vision and you generally regret your life choices. You do, however, notice a lot of glare from just about everywhere underground. Suspicious.

[2] The magic slides off, you guess as "impure" or somesuch. Just as well, you were not feeling that one, and your plan probably wouldn't have worked without more supporting skills anyway.

+1 Metal
Mildly Blinded

"Yeah, whatever. You're not even a good tailor. A lime green suit? What are we, hekkin leprechauns?"

Flip off the green guy.

All Corvid magic and Death magic to compel the Doom Bird to bugger off and drain the life essence of someone weaker and less important than I the Dagon worshiper.
All Fashion to make these pitiful peasants look slightly less pitiful and peasant-like, using the power of clothing! If I need to stick around this dump, may as well force the resident idiots to look tolerable.

Also evade anyone attempting to use Vitamantic healing on me. No thanks I'll heal with my natural body functions thank you.

"How dare- I said how dare you!" he sputters like an indignant chicken.

[6] You fill it with a ravenous impulse to kill. Oh no. How terrible. If only you had known.'s gonna stop having a ravenous impulse to kill once it's done with him, right?

You attempt to improve the peasants but discover they're already wearing well-made and color-coded attire, whereas you have no clothing to improve them with. You'll have to get some from... limeguy, of course he's the tailor. Why wouldn't a guy who makes his own clothes pick lime green by choice.

+1 Corvid
Doomcrow ravenously hungers for cultist guy

Action 1: Mingle with the partying townsfolk. Provide delicious tea and sage-like conversation, while squeezing my stress ball to get rid of the leftover chi and adrenaline from the fight.

Action 2: Use chi magic to summon at least one of those ancestor spirits again, and rub it in its face that we protected this town just fine without their help.

[6] You mingle a little too hard and end up haggling over someone's daughter. You didn't think you wanted someone's daughter but he's pretty insistent that you take her for a bride price of three units of cactus pie and you're unsure how to politely refuse or haggle much higher.

[1] A ragged black figure shambles up from the earth to shriek accusingly at you, then descend gibbering into the soil. It was less I-told-you-so than you were hoping.

Now under Terrible Omen
+1 Socialization
+1 Chi

Ow. Goddamnit.
Just heal. Healing is good.
Also request assistance.

What does "Maimed: Fallen Hero" actually mean?
Actions: Life/Protection
Life: Heal heal heal.
In all seriousness: Focus healing on those with critical conditions first that are actually PCs. If there's any further actions, transmit my glowy glowness into a healing aura.

Tend to the maimed and gravely wounded, with vitamancy of course, two points to increase the potency of the healing and two to heal more people at the same time.

Also inspect my potion pack, do they come with labels?

Respectfully healing before this person does it, please. :B
Engaging in casual talk that will surely introduce our intents and persons to each other in doing so--so meaning whoever can do it first.

Protection: Focus two actions into saving my shield for later or having it on passive until a threat emerges. The next 3 actions are for fortifying us all people's armor. Taking priority my own, then that dude I just healed, then one other probably important person that seems important to me.

Akari wondered why she was suddenly both a noble, and in a house she had zero idea about and little connection to. She had a better idea that the folks who fought with her were of possible importance to the letter she was given before her mentor's sudden disappearance, and decided that with the way things were flowing, it was best to work with them.

And then she was politely interrupted.

"I never noticed this by my person. I'd like to work with you in finding out what it does before any trade."
Quote from: My weird thing
Eye of Shadow: This shadowy black sphere has indistinct edges, and feels soft to the touch. A green light sometimes appears, shifts across the surface, and then disappears, but you can't tell what it is or does.
Quote from: Your thingy
Sandstone Charm: This palm-sized beige stone slate is dense with indecipherable heiroglyphics. You're certain it's an item of power, but your efforts to unleash it have so far proven futile.

Spoiler: Sheet (click to show/hide)
[5] You mend the wounds of both Archimedes and Erin, though not before the other person does. They weren't polite enough to wait for you. :(

In particular, this influx of life energy keeps Archimedes from suffering another grisly maiming at the hands of his own skeleton trying to rip free.

You think about trying to protect people, but there are no threats to protect them from (beyond each other) so it'd be wasted.

+3 Healing to Erin and Archimedes
Archimedes saved from further maiming
+1 Life

"Gaaah! Blasted thing!"

Archimedes uses his Medicine passion(all of it that he has) to heal himself(or assist anyone who tries to heal him).

Once that's done, he gathers whatever reagents he can from the Abomination.
[4] You painstakingly piece all of your bones back together, make sure they fit perfectly, and even figure out how to let light movements aid their recovery rather than shake them loose. You'll need to avoid strenuous activities and could really do with some medicinal herbs, but you think you've got your shattered bone thing somewhat figured out!

[5] You gather up some sludge that you assume is from that returnamancy curse, along with... actually... you're not entirely sure what you want off the corpse. You don't have any handy tools for harvesting either.

+5 Containerless Mystery Sludge!
Sort of healed somewhat!
3 Medicine Passion spent: Medicine increases from +3 to +4!
+1 Butcher Passion

First of all, summon Deep Ones in front of the villagers and have the summoned help me build a chapel for the worship of the Idol of Father Dagon.

Then, between the villagers, attempt to recruit the youngest ones and teach them eldritch knowledge and the power of Dagon Magic inside the chapel.

[6] You summon something out of your own flesh. Summoning can't occur out of nothing, you see; that's a common misconception. It needs an existing material or energy to shape itself, usually dirt, sometimes air if the summon is unusually light or small. It's more powerful with more synergy, though, which is one reason earth elementals make such popular minions.

Anyway, the servants of Dagon writhe out of your flesh. That's the material you accidentally summon them out of, partially due to their... opinions on the matter. So now you're screaming as unshaped THINGS claw out of your very essence, which makes it hard to tell them to build you a chapel. Or find villagers to induct. Would it make it easier or harder to teach them about Dagon? You're not sure.

Oh, and a doomcrow swoops in cawing hungrily for your vital essence. Take a number, buddy! Hahahaha, that's a good one!

[1] Especially since it gets caught in the jaw-things of some of your possessed flesh. Haha, only good things can come of this!

Super Unavoidable Incident
+1 Dagon

First things first, wounded should be healed and this lady over here should be freed from under this thing's corpse. By Gods, what a disgusting thing!
And very dangerous, to boot. No way he willingly goes near anything like that when it's alive.
 Get some strong peasants to help me in getting Auntie Adams out of under abomination's corpse. Attempt to get Auntie Adams out of under abomination's corpse with their help, if it's a separate action? If it is not, meet would be attack by life-draining crow on me or my peasants with swordy vengeance. And no surprise attacks, it shouldn't work on me.  >:( If there are none and Auntie is still stuck, try again (ain't no rule :P).
After all things done, try to get some tea and rest, if reasonable (Probably not as an actual action.  :P).
repeating of dire mistakes
Try.  ::)
[1] One of the villagers accuses you of undemocratically attempting to seize control over labor and associated wealth and political influence. You're not entirely sure what that means, other than that he threw a tankard at you.

[2] You try to unearth Auntie on your won, but your feeble arms aren't up to the task. You just get oozing ichor on them. Ew.

It occurs to you that your ring is not precise enough to tell whether the doomcrow is swooping at this very moment. It's more of a glow-when-orcs-are-near affair, which as mentioned means it's pretty much constantly warning you of nearby danger.

Now Known Tyrant, Ichory Hands
+1 Diplomacy

"Alright then, I'll get to work. Go, house Arcana! Wooooo..."

Jeff gathers a small expeditionary force of maybe around 10-12 able bodied villagers, has them gather enough food for a day or two of foot travel, then sets off to the bottom of the plateau. When there, they will search for resources in the immediate vicinity of Sundrop. Any other mages that desire to join may do so.

In his free time, he fiddles with his icy shard.
[3] You gather up half the village's population and most of their food, then set out to find resources. The populace is understandably skeptical that you're not plunging the whole village into starvation, especially now that they have double the mouths to feed, but it's too late to back out now. Also you jokingly told them if worst came to worst they could just eat you, which seemed to resonate with them.

[1] They are immediately set upon by ravenous jackals. Your reputation isn't looking great at this point.


"Other punchy guy, remind me not to piss you off. And to make you a power armor."

BB commands the dort fort golort to help dig for Auntie Adams

"This is all the contribution I need to give and it won't go evil and attack you guys I'm sure bye,"

She goes out looking for any reclaimable stones and rubbles to make her actual castle.
[6] Your dort fort golort rises with a thunderous moan, shambling all the way over to the abomination.

[5] Despite it's awkward and excessive motions, it peels the corpse up enough to pluck Auntie from her unsightly nook.

[6] You find a nice boulder well outside of town, but quickly realize you can't carry it back.

Auntie freed!
+1 Animation
+1 Prospecting

((Not enough time to put thought into this so:))

1 Necromancy: Try to draw some evil spirit essence from the environment that might have been left behind by the destroyed monsters.
+1: Refine it into a more pliable state.
Enchantment: Imbue the reinforced scepter's head with the nightmare essence.

Leadership: Try to get the peasants neatly organized and catalogued so I can easily find the ones with specific skillsets (I want an architect or engineer at the moment).

[1] You swallow some disjointed essence from the abomination. Wheezing and hacking, you consider that you've had better ideas.

[2] A gaggle of peasants angrily insists that they're more than marks on some bean counter's tally sheet. You try to explain that at the moment they're not even that, but they don't seem very persuaded.

Now Disjointed, Peasant Mistrust
+1 Necromancy

A point of ninjaturgy to find some peasants willing to become ninja disciples so I can start a ninja circle here.

More points of ninjaturgy (as needed) to stealthily avoid whatever shitstorm the other players start.
[6] On pointing out that ninja don't have to work, they just do ninja things, everyone agrees that's the life for them. You're not sure how to handle this, both because you don't think you can handle that many ninja disciples and because you think somebody needs to be growing food or something.

Explore the wildlife of the surrounding region.
Edit - unless I’m still trapped, in which case, keep keeping myself alive

[1] You notice jackals eating peasants so you go over and are immediately set upon by jackals. Overall your judgement's been a little suspect so far.

[6] That's okay though, because you immediately begin beating the jackals around you to death with some jackal-flails made out of flailing jackals. You are now the alpha jackal queen. Your judgement is impeccable.

-6 HP
+1 Animal Handling
Wrestling improves from +0 to +1!
Now Jackal Queen

With the party over and everyone being eaten by jackals, the lime man decides it's time to formalize your schedule. Specifically, you can't all run around at once; that'd be anarchy! Some of you will have to snooze in the village while the rest run around having fun. Sad, but necessary.

The lime man explains that by default, each House will take turns sallying forth and remaining behind. He points out that there's nothing stopping you from taking a different approach, but that the groups must remain small or there's little point. He's also willing to manage more complex systems, if so desired.

Those venturing out will continue to operate as normal until returning, save that they'll consume 1 Food per turn. If they have no food, they'll begin to starve. Food generally comes from peasants growing or harvesting it.

Those remaining behind will be limited to one action per turn. This may be a "normal" action, like maiming yourself and others with arcane power, or a more basic action like harvesting resources or crafting plates. Those in town also require 1 Food per turn.

With that in mind, the lime man also points out that the village doesn't have a fully developed economic system yet, so the question of how the nobility is going to acquire food and such is up in the air. Those who remain behind are likely going to have to hash this out with the various inhabitants of town.

The current makeup of the town is as follows:
-10 Farmers, +2 Food each (+1 Skill, +1 Irrigated Fields)
-5 Silk Gatherers, +1 Amber Silk each (+1 Skill)
-2 Couriers
-1 Blacksmith, 3 Metal->3 Tools (+3 Skill)
-1 General Shop Owner
-1 Inkeeper/Brewer
-1 Tailor

The lime man (also known as the tailor) points out that all the farmers are currently being torn apart by ravening jackals, which may affect this calculation somewhat. The village gets caravans sometimes to trade for their precious amber silk- a local but highly sought-after oddity- which allows them to buy more food and other valuables.

With that out of the way, current available missions are as follows:

Save the Villagers
Someone (*cough* Elen *cough*) led unarmed villagers into a pack of wild jackals, and they're now being eaten. Stop them from being eaten.
Known Dangers: Lots of jackals, your allies
Reward: Elen not (necessarily) enshrined as a local reviled villain, House Best not (as) disgraced, village probably doesn't starve as quickly from food producers being eaten in a fit of irony, possible villager gratitude

Resource Survey
It's well known that the areas south of the village have some oddly colored rocks. Maybe there's something valuable there?
Known Dangers: None, but how safe could it be?
Reward: Area confirmed or denied as a valid resource gathering spot

There's Cloth In Them Hills!
The village of Sundrop is surrounded by trees bearing silkworms. A particular cluster is booming to the northwest; harvesting it would be dangerous, but provide bonus yields over the trees near the village.
Known Dangers: Blooms are well associated with deranged mutants. No one's sure why.
Reward: More amber silk per turn than you could harvest here

Someone asks if it's really wise to harvest cloth while half the town's being eaten. The lime man shrugs and says that's your department, not his.

Spoiler: House Best (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: House Deepstone (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: House Arcana (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: House Nightmare (click to show/hide)
Quote from: Radio Controlled (Discord)
A hand, a hand, my kingdom for a hot hand!
The kitchenette mold free, you move on to the pantry. it's nasty in there. The bacon is grazing on the lettuce. The ham is having an illicit affair with the prime rib, The potatoes see all, know all. A rat in boxer shorts smoking a foul smelling cigar is banging on a cabinet shouting about rent money.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Wizard Kingdom RTD [Turn 4: Just All Kinds Of Weird]
« Reply #187 on: October 03, 2018, 03:30:28 am »

Jeffery was not sure how Elen was being blamed for leading the villagers into a pack of jackals. He had led them into the jackals. But hey, ya know what? He wasn't arguing. At least people would hate Elen, and House Best, instead of himself, Jeffery Kentwood, and House Arcana. This was just a "Happy little accident", as his father and mentor would describe it.
"You are a shameful gaggle of cowards who has made a mockery of the challenge, but you have avoided death. Sit and eat."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Wizard Kingdom RTD [Turn 4: Just All Kinds Of Weird]
« Reply #188 on: October 03, 2018, 03:40:48 am »

"GaaAAAAAH! Argh! After I just finished mending my skeleton... let's see how YOU like it!"

Archimedes uses Returnamancy to mirror his animated skeleton curse onto the stupid Vitamancer that tried to heal someone without their consent. All points.

((Probably would do something else too but he's going to have to remain behind while his skeleton recovers. And that means only one action. ... does the hashing out of food take an action?))
« Last Edit: October 03, 2018, 03:43:28 am by FallacyofUrist »
A Thousand Treasures (And You).

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Re: Wizard Kingdom RTD [Turn 4: Just All Kinds Of Weird]
« Reply #189 on: October 03, 2018, 04:47:00 am »

You think about trying to protect people, but there are no threats to protect them from (beyond each other) so it'd be wasted.
((NO it isn't! ;_; That skill is non-combat applicable too, it said so in the rules D: I was going to prepare making a shield for future use, meaning expanding the 3 or so turns I [kinda wasted??] on making it >_<
Retroactively reroll please? :-\ Don't like feeling useless .-.))

Akari twitched as her intuitive senses were hitting her. Someone was in trouble! And it was jackals! She disliked a lack of organization, but there was also the means to save face!

"I'm going out! I'll be back very soon because it seems there has been a sudden ambush of animal frenzy."

She hoped nobody knew that this was intentional of an errant mage's action.

Glow magic to pew pew or scare away them jackals, meaning focused light and heat from close range.

Protection magic to continue that shield thing I've discussed ;_; I mean it's like a magical aura that could--depending on how you want to style it--manifest as seemingly physical armor and all.
Shove some duplicates to the villagers who are being attacked! Hopefully extra actions can go to 'preserving their life' or defending against more attacks.

« Last Edit: October 03, 2018, 04:49:05 am by Tiruin »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Wizard Kingdom RTD [Turn 4: Just All Kinds Of Weird]
« Reply #190 on: October 03, 2018, 07:24:10 am »

Try to use Dagon and Summoning Magic on the crow to make a deem creature out of it then.

Try to recruit some villagers into my Dagon cult again to teach them Dagon magic.
The dog behind the man behind the beard.
Immortality like that would be even more game breaking than four Aaron's in one place.
You're both so obviously scum that this is a surprisingly difficult decision.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Wizard Kingdom RTD [Turn 4: Just All Kinds Of Weird]
« Reply #191 on: October 03, 2018, 08:01:45 am »

Politely request that my skeleton calm the fuck down. Nevermind, seems it already did. But still, try to work out a way for us to communicate with each other so that we're not working at cross purposes.
Continue healing. Try to get my skeleton to bring me to a comfortable place to do this.
« Last Edit: October 03, 2018, 12:29:54 pm by Glass »
Quote from: FallacyOfUrist (on Discord, 11/15/21)
Glass is, as usual, correct.
Yep, as ever, I bestow upon Glass the expected +1
I'm gonna say we go with whatever Glass's idea is.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Wizard Kingdom RTD [Turn 4: Just All Kinds Of Weird]
« Reply #192 on: October 03, 2018, 08:31:34 am »

"Hmm... I'm going to need a wagon or something..." BB quickly realizes, and makes her way back to the village, wondering why some villagers and mages seem to be missing.

She decides to put the weird metal jelly on the Golort to see if it can assimilate the thing.
she/her. (Pronouns vary over time.) The artist formerly known as Objective/Cinder.

One True Polycule with flame99 <3

Avatar by makowka


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Wizard Kingdom RTD [Turn 4: Just All Kinds Of Weird]
« Reply #193 on: October 03, 2018, 09:06:21 am »


Stone magic to move the stone around me out of here. Masonry to make the area excavated to look REAL GOOD.
I can do anything I want, as long as I accept the consequences.
"Y'know, my favorite thing about being a hero is that it gives you all kinds of narrative justification to just slay any ol' jerk who gets in the way - Black Mage.
"The bulk of [Derm]'s atrocities seem to stem from him doing things that [Magic] doesn't actually do." - TvTropes
"Dammit Derm!" - You, if I'm doing it right.
Moved to SufficientVelocity / Spacebattles.


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Re: Wizard Kingdom RTD [Turn 4: Just All Kinds Of Weird]
« Reply #194 on: October 03, 2018, 09:08:37 am »

"Why am I being blamed for the jackals? I'm innocent!"

Affirm my innocence and that I've done nothing wrong.

Heal myself with vitamancy.
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