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Author Topic: Making Exoskeletons Stronger  (Read 582 times)


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Making Exoskeletons Stronger
« on: September 09, 2018, 10:44:01 am »

Recently, I have tried to mod in a couple of chitinous monsters inspired by the fantasy world of Roshar, and have found them to be severely underwhelming. For example, I tried to include a sort of crustacean dog called an axehound, and my indicator of success was that the axehound would easily kill a regular dog in arena mode, every time. Without modding their chitin material, the dog won every time, because the slightest hit would crack the axehound's chitin, knocking it over. Even the dragon-sized crab monster I created is taken down by a lucky punch to the head.

As of right now, I've modded all my monster's chitin to have these attributes:
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But even with this, an attack that doesn't break their shells will still break tendons. Is there a better way to make my monsters less fragile? I just want a fearsome dog-crab puppy, man.
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Re: Making Exoskeletons Stronger
« Reply #1 on: September 09, 2018, 01:08:31 pm »

I've solved the problem by removing tendons and ligaments from the creatures, and changing their chitin to share the properties of bone. I did, however, let them keep the extra MAX_EDGE, to make them a little more lethal.
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Re: Making Exoskeletons Stronger
« Reply #2 on: September 09, 2018, 01:15:50 pm »

Yeah TENDONS and LIGAMENTS are found in tissues that have [CONNECTIVE_TISSUE_ANCHOR] aka bones and chitin.

"The creature has tendons in its bones. Cutting the bone tissue severs them, disabling motor function if the target is a limb." - Tendons
"Creature has ligaments in its bones. Cutting the bone tissue severs them, disabling motor function if the target is a limb." - Ligaments

Interesting enough they are much like other materials like PUS, BLOOD, SWEAT, TEARS, SPIT, TALLOW, PAPER, LEATHER, and in the case of Tendons and Ligaments SINEW are not actually ON the creature (can't get it from butchering)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Making Exoskeletons Stronger
« Reply #3 on: September 09, 2018, 01:40:35 pm »

You can strengthen the properties of tendons too, in the SINEW_TEMPLATE.

I personally use these values:
Code: [Select]
But you can try something a bit lower for a start.
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